What happened to Norway in a nutshell

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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
What happened to Sweden in a nutshell:

Funny how that's completely irrelevant to Sweden, and untrue.

Swedes are like white kids that don't understand why all black people commit crimes. There's a shit ton of generalization, and you've been brainwashed by the media if you honestly believe in that crap.

You should know that these are all gross generalizations and exaggerations. Humor? Right?
Nope, you're wrong. Do you know what happens to the youth who are exposed to these kinds of jokes? I saw a kid on a debate article on a Swedish site talking about how fucked up Sweden is because of immigrants. He said that people from other countries are laughing at us, and that he had 4chan as a source.

He took it seriously, and so shall I because of his mistake.

That's your own fucking problem, not mine, mate.
It's actually not a problem. I enjoy being serious on things that aren't serious. It's what I do most of the time. Don't assume that I'm not aware, but it's just that I am too aware most of the time.

Repeat a lie too much, and it'll replace a small truth, and you will end up knowing it's a lie, but will forget about the small truth.

>taking jokes seriously

Okay, then. Maybe look at some other European countries and see the state they're in. Bongland in fucking particular.
I consider GBR in a bad situation. The muslims there for some reason aren't comfortable, and thus do things that are bad. Why this is I can only speculate. None of my problem, nor will it ever be, and thus I will not do what you ask of me.

Well maybe you should compare it to your fucking country before getting all bitchy about it.
Dude, what the fuck do you want from me? I'm not a politician, nor will I ever attempt to be one. Tell Meta to think about stuff like that.

I just can't see why you'd go on a political rant about Sweden's situation, then.
There's no politics in my first reply, but it is brought in after you forced it. I am talking more about the individual mind.

Ohhh how about you just fuck right off then. I couldn't give a toss for people who take themselves too seriously.
Fucking off is what I've wanted from the third reply.

Why did you even bother at all, then?

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ID: DigitalIZesty
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5,269 posts
What happened to Sweden in a nutshell:

Funny how that's completely irrelevant to Sweden, and untrue.

Swedes are like white kids that don't understand why all black people commit crimes. There's a shit ton of generalization, and you've been brainwashed by the media if you honestly believe in that crap.

You should know that these are all gross generalizations and exaggerations. Humor? Right?
Nope, you're wrong. Do you know what happens to the youth who are exposed to these kinds of jokes? I saw a kid on a debate article on a Swedish site talking about how fucked up Sweden is because of immigrants. He said that people from other countries are laughing at us, and that he had 4chan as a source.

He took it seriously, and so shall I because of his mistake.

That's your own fucking problem, not mine, mate.
It's actually not a problem. I enjoy being serious on things that aren't serious. It's what I do most of the time. Don't assume that I'm not aware, but it's just that I am too aware most of the time.

Repeat a lie too much, and it'll replace a small truth, and you will end up knowing it's a lie, but will forget about the small truth.

>taking jokes seriously

Okay, then. Maybe look at some other European countries and see the state they're in. Bongland in fucking particular.
I consider GBR in a bad situation. The muslims there for some reason aren't comfortable, and thus do things that are bad. Why this is I can only speculate. None of my problem, nor will it ever be, and thus I will not do what you ask of me.

Well maybe you should compare it to your fucking country before getting all bitchy about it.
Dude, what the fuck do you want from me? I'm not a politician, nor will I ever attempt to be one. Tell Meta to think about stuff like that.

I just can't see why you'd go on a political rant about Sweden's situation, then.
There's no politics in my first reply, but it is brought in after you forced it. I am talking more about the individual mind.

Ohhh how about you just fuck right off then. I couldn't give a toss for people who take themselves too seriously.
Fucking off is what I've wanted from the third reply.

Why did you even bother at all, then?