"I know that they say not to talk about controversial shit in your profile, but I am really sick and tired of all the christians and stuff who think it's cool to like my profile and stuff. I fucking hate christianity, I hate the stupid superstitious god bullshit, I think the bible is a load of crap even as a philosophical tool. I think all that superstitious pseudo moral bullshit is annoying, including astrology. It blows my mind how fucking dumb someone could be to believe in this baseless thing that is measures fucking nothing, just gets people caught up in stupid delusions. I fucking hate it.
To be honest I am only attracted to intelligent people. If someone starts acting like they don't have a clue, then to me that is a major fucking turn off. I don't mean just in a sexual way, I don't mean that I am getting a big boner or some shit for someone who speaks to me intelligently. Most of the time if someone is trying to come off as intelligent then it's just being a smarmy pretentious douche bag who thinks they're smarter than everyone. I hate when people act like they're smarter than everyone. It hasn't happened yet but I want someone who likes me, who isn't annoying and stupid like someone I would hate talking to, and who isn't a fucking insane and manipulative douche bag. Are you qualified?
If you have a problem with my profile, then woopty fucking do, don't date me or talk to me. I am not looking to offend people. Sure, I like offending people, but I don't like offending people unduly. It is my hope that people will read what I say and become enlightened, maybe start a mutually enjoyable friendship with me. I will think you're a complete moron is if you come up with some smartass bullshit that I don't care about. I am not saying that I am a complete genius, because I'm not. I say things sometimes without thought sometimes, but when I do I usually know it and figure it out sooner or later. Nothing I have ever said that was wrong negates the things I have said that are right."