I don't care. The people in the government who live hundreds, if not thousands of miles away from me sit in their congress meetings and argue like children. They call the shots and make the rules. But they aren't the ones who wake up every morning with a life to build. They aren't the ones who wake up, go outside, and do physical work every day. I am.
The point is, they can say and shout and scream all these things, make all these rules and regulations, and it doesn't matter. It doesn't help me complete my jobs. It doesn't help me in my life. They are as useless to me as my opinion on the world is to them. No, I don't have their political power. But in most regards, neither do they. But out here they have no real power.
So, I will continue to do what I always do. Do my thing, and observe the world. Some things should be different about the world. But I can't change that. And the politicians won't anyway. Unless a politician shows up to help me haul firewood, then they're useless and pointless to me, not worth my time or my thoughts. And in some way, I have more power than they do to shape my own little corner of the world.