Vegan argument simulator

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
     I'm surprised that nobody brought this up yet, but veganism is not a perfect solution. Veganism saves animals at the cost of killing plants. Well, so what is the problem with this? The problem is that we showing preference for animals over plants. Reason why it`s acceptable is that plants are harder to extinquish than animals and we extinquished quite a lot of animals in the past, but that doesn`t mean that plants are impossible to extinquish and world is not set in stone. There might come time when we have to kill animals in order to save plants, which brings me to second point:

 Being vegan or not being vegan is fine as long as you don`t extinquish either animals or plants.

 We just happen to live in time when animals are closer to dying than plants.
I don't think we'll ever have to worry about fruit and vegetable-bearing plants going extinct. They're incredibly easy to regrow, and I think we've been doing a pretty good job overall with that. You're right in saying it's not perfect, but I just don't foresee it becoming a serious issue, even in the distant future.

It's good that you're thinking about these things, and being an environmentalist is a good idea in general, but when it comes to saving plants, I think environmentalists are more concerned with things like deforestation and hydraulic fracturing and stuff, not edible plants (and fungi).

I'm more concerned about animals because they suffer, whereas plants don't. That's all I really care about right now.
Well, right now we don`t have problems with plans being extincted, but imagine that there will be more animals than plants and we consuption of plants will be bigger than their growth. That won`t happen right now, but that might happen overall in future and we should be aware of that.

Also we don`t know if plants don`t suffer, plants might as well have their own thoughts and dreams, it just beyond our capability to comprehend existense of plants as such and our lack of knowledge. We can`t even fully describe how our human mind works.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
I see another logic inconsistency - you are proposing us veganism, main purpose of which is to save animals and the next thing you say is that it`s better to kill everything. Well, then I really don`t see any other reason for this thread to exist outside of "the sake of argument", "simulation purposes", where you try to attain higher moral ground over people who aren`t vegans and thats basically a hypocrisy.
I don't see how it's a hypocrisy, if you could explain that for me.

While I do believe that life is better off not existing, I still have to come to terms with the fact it does exist.

The best thing about life is that it is possible to change it for the better. So, while I'd prefer life not to exist at all, it can't be helped—the next best thing for me to try to do, then, is to do my part in spreading the word about all the things I believe will make the world a better place to live in.

It's not hypocrisy, it's pragmatism. I realize I'm not going to get what I want out of this life, so I work with what I have.
Ah, fair enough, I misunderstood you, so sorry for that.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
     I'm surprised that nobody brought this up yet, but veganism is not a perfect solution. Veganism saves animals at the cost of killing plants. Well, so what is the problem with this? The problem is that we showing preference for animals over plants. Reason why it`s acceptable is that plants are harder to extinquish than animals and we extinquished quite a lot of animals in the past, but that doesn`t mean that plants are impossible to extinquish and world is not set in stone. There might come time when we have to kill animals in order to save plants, which brings me to second point:

 Being vegan or not being vegan is fine as long as you don`t extinquish either animals or plants.

 We just happen to live in time when animals are closer to dying than plants.
How the hell are we gonna extinguish plants we literally grow them. Cows, pigs, and chickens are also nowhere near extinction.
Oh, thats not that hard if there will be much much more animals. In fact, some forests on our planet are already gone due to people cutting them to gain money for example and build there some stuff on it`s place.
Deforestation doesn't have have much to do with growing fruits and vegetables. In fact a lot of it is hydroponic these days.
Yes, true, but consumption of fruits and vegetables can exceed their growth as more people and animals are born. Plants and vegetables are also vulnerable to diseases and parasites, which might kill them pretty easily or at very least make them be partially or entirely unsuitable for consumption.

Also I told you already you're using ` instead of '. It's two different symbols with different meanings. I won't knock on the fact that you have trouble constructing a sentence in English but it's like you don't give a fuck that you're doing it wrong.
Yeah, sorry about that, it's more of a habit replacing ' with ` and it won't go away overnight. It tends to go away when I frequently write in English, but last month I was very busy and I didn't have the opportunity to practice in it. Also can you describe what kind of mistakes I keep making while constructing a sentence in English?

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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It depends on what you define as killing off everything. If by that we mean to kill of every single person, animal or plant, we can just continuosly nuke same place over and over again until our nukes reach magnetic core of Earth and disrupt it, which cause magnetic field of Earth to dissapear and everything to die from radiation sooner or later, well almost everything. Some things will survive and adapt to new conditions. It`s however, a temporary solution, it probably be enough to put our planet down long enough until Sun explode or whatever happens to it.

Well, we might create a black hole, but it`s unreliable solution either, because no one knows how it works. I can only say that living or being in it, if it`s possible, will be different from your or any other human definition of word "living" or "being" so that accomplishes goal of destroying everything living.

continuosly nuke same place over and over again until our nukes reach magnetic core of Earth and disrupt it, which cause magnetic field of Earth to dissapear and everything to die from radiation sooner or later

until our nukes reach magnetic core of Earth and disrupt it

Well, we might create a black hole, but it`s unreliable solution either, because no one knows how it works

we might create a black hole

take a long hard look at what you just wrote and think about what you actually just said

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts
It depends on what you define as killing off everything. If by that we mean to kill of every single person, animal or plant, we can just continuosly nuke same place over and over again until our nukes reach magnetic core of Earth and disrupt it, which cause magnetic field of Earth to dissapear and everything to die from radiation sooner or later, well almost everything. Some things will survive and adapt to new conditions. It`s however, a temporary solution, it probably be enough to put our planet down long enough until Sun explode or whatever happens to it.

Well, we might create a black hole, but it`s unreliable solution either, because no one knows how it works. I can only say that living or being in it, if it`s possible, will be different from your or any other human definition of word "living" or "being" so that accomplishes goal of destroying everything living.

continuosly nuke same place over and over again until our nukes reach magnetic core of Earth and disrupt it, which cause magnetic field of Earth to dissapear and everything to die from radiation sooner or later

until our nukes reach magnetic core of Earth and disrupt it

Well, we might create a black hole, but it`s unreliable solution either, because no one knows how it works

we might create a black hole

take a long hard look at what you just wrote and think about what you actually just said
Yeah, mindblowing, isn`t it? Also did you know that NASA invented thuderstorms to cover the sounds of space battles?

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
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