UN Game Star Wars

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱

Transport convoy arrives at the Tion Cluster. Awaiting payment.

Platoon of Vulture Droids dispatched as precaution. Fire withheld.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
Bastila finds that this temple is an ancient Sith temple that holds the records of numerous ancient Siths. The cause of the dark force on the planet is actually the Sith Holocron deep within the temple. But what the Holocron has awoken is terror for the Jedi there. Several re-animated corpses come out of their tombs and surround the Jedi Knights. The Jedi manage to fight their way into the temple, avoiding being bitten.

Bastila finds the Holocron, knowing that she alone cannot destroy it and with her Jedi squadron being pre-occupied with the re-animated Sith mummies, Bastila seals the entire tomb holding the Holocron. She and her Jedi escape the collapsing temple and quickly retreat back to Endor to report their findings to the Council.

200 Venators - 15%

3,000 X-Wings - 20%
Darth Revan senses a disturbance in the force. He sends 2 Dark Jedi messengers with an inquiry to speak to the Grandmaster of the Jedi.
Fearful of the Sith, the Grand Master agrees but instead of going himself he contacts Bastila Shan to re-route her vessel towards the meeting point on Bespin, near the Hoth System. The Grand Master tells the Dark Lord to send someone that has competence of speaking civilly.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Malak explains the need for security for the Dark Lord.
Malak inquires of this proposition. The Sith Empire would always enjoy new recruits. If need be, a team will be sent to train the force sensitives in the ways of the dark side.

The Assumed Queen finalises the terms of the agreement with Lord Malak. Word is sent back to Mandalore of the success of the mission.
Darth Revan is pleased and immediately sends a Sith Training Squad to Mandalore along with a light Sith Security Squad to protect the newly built Sith Temple.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
more |
ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Chancellor Abin orders three starships to the nearby system of Anaxes, Brentaal and Pantolomin, in hopes of bringing the planets into the Republic. Monetary and luxury gifts are onboad as a sign of good will, and the three shifts should arrive by Page 12.

Military scientists begin extended research into bacta, with the hopes of increasing strength. Research expected by Page 13.

General Ku orders the creation of a second Haven-class medical ship, codenamed Orion. Expected completion by Page 16.

Construction of 4,000 additional V-Wing fighters commences. Completed by Page 14

A small shuttle is sent towards Galactic Republic space from Endor in order to establish a diplomatic alliance between the Jedi and the Republic. Aboard the shuttle is Jedi Master Kit Fisto. Should be arriving to Coruscant by page 14 since the vessel must avoid Sith controlled space.

Chancellor Abin receives word of the shuttle and instructs military to aid in the Jedi's defense, if necessary.
Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 11:42:42 PM by Icy

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!

Transport convoy arrives at the Tion Cluster. Awaiting payment.

Platoon of Vulture Droids dispatched as precaution. Fire withheld.

Convoy Admiral explains the nature of the journey. Precious Mandalorian resources are offered in exchange for monetary compensation at a reasonable price.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Bastila finds that this temple is an ancient Sith temple that holds the records of numerous ancient Siths. The cause of the dark force on the planet is actually the Sith Holocron deep within the temple. But what the Holocron has awoken is terror for the Jedi there. Several re-animated corpses come out of their tombs and surround the Jedi Knights. The Jedi manage to fight their way into the temple, avoiding being bitten.

Bastila finds the Holocron, knowing that she alone cannot destroy it and with her Jedi squadron being pre-occupied with the re-animated Sith mummies, Bastila seals the entire tomb holding the Holocron. She and her Jedi escape the collapsing temple and quickly retreat back to Endor to report their findings to the Council.

200 Venators - 15%

3,000 X-Wings - 20%
Darth Revan senses a disturbance in the force. He sends 2 Dark Jedi messengers with an inquiry to speak to the Grandmaster of the Jedi.
Fearful of the Sith, the Grand Master agrees but instead of going himself he contacts Bastila Shan to re-route her vessel towards the meeting point on Bespin, near the Hoth System. The Grand Master tells the Dark Lord to send someone that has competence of speaking civilly.
The Cataclysm is en route to Bespin along with the Sith Honor Guard. A Sith Death Squad waits in tow in case of an issue.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
50 new Imperial 2's created at Kuat Shipyards, then sent to Sluis Van. THey will arrive on page eleven.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
1,000 New Knights 70%
Prakith Annexation 30%
Project Shadow Fall: 20%
10,000 New Sith Troopers 40%
Darth Malak and 2 Death Squads are sent to Tython. Will arrive Page 12
Sith Report
The Sith Empire

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Darth Revan Dark Lord of the Sith

Government: Sith Council

Organization Type: Magocratic & Theocratic Empire

Leader of Ground Forces & Apprentice: Darth Malak

Capital: Byss

Main Hyperroute: Byss Run

Currency: Galactic Credit Standard

Language: Sith

Initial Territory: Byss


80,000 Sith Troopers

20,000 Sith Warriors (Massassi armed with war swords)

8,000 Dark Jedi Apprentices

16,000 Dark Jedi Knights

4,000 Dark Jedi Masters

3,000 Derriphan-class battleships

1,000 Interdictor-class cruiser

30,000 Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters

Sith Death Squad
10,000 Sith troopers
3,000 Sith Warriors
50 Dark Jedi Apprentices
50 Dark Jedi Knights
10 Dark Jedi Masters
300 Battleships
100 Cruisers
3,000 Starfighters

Sith Honor Guard Breakdown
(Protection for the Dark Lord and his Apprentice):
6 Members of the Shadows of Revan (Elite guardsmen)
10 Dark Jedi Masters
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors

Flagship: Interdictor-class cruiser The Cataclysm

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱

Transport convoy arrives at the Tion Cluster. Awaiting payment.

Platoon of Vulture Droids dispatched as precaution. Fire withheld.

Convoy Admiral explains the nature of the journey. Precious Mandalorian resources are offered in exchange for monetary compensation at a reasonable price.
Chief Aid Cat Miin will be escorted by Gossom Commandos do discuss negotiations.

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Construction of the Sith temple is sanctioned by the Holy King, should be complete in 2 pages. 10,000 force-sensitive Mandalorians are prepared for training. Kalus Ahan is sought after to begin specialised training but cannot be found. A task force of 1000 Mandalorians (1000 Cabur-class starfighters, 2 Kryamud-type battleships) are sent off in search of him, and a gracious bounty is placed on Ahan to be returned alive.
Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 11:47:47 PM by Kalusta

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
200 Venators - 25%

3,000 X-Wings - 39%

The Jedi ships arrive on the systems of Chalcedon and Cerea. 30,000 Force-sensitives are recruited into the Order. They are to become Padawans by Page. 15 and the standing Padawans are to graduate to Jedi Knighthood by Page 16.

Chalcedon and Cerea are now under Jedi protection.

The Old Jedi Order

Capital: Endor (Forest Moon)

Population: 3 Million

Species: Humans, Anzat, Iktochi, Togruta, and Ewok (native)

Government: Theocracy

Founding Document: The Jedi Code

Head of Government: Grand Master Zym

Government: Jedi Council

Leader of Ground Forces: Jedi Knight Bastila Shan

Currency: Galactic Credit Standard

Language: Old Galactic Standard


10,000 Younglings

30,000 Padawans

60,000 Jedi Knights

20,000 Jedi Masters

500 Venator-class Star Destroyers

100 MC80 Star Cruisers

10,000 Civilian Transport

Initial Territory:

Endor System
Chalcedon System
Cerea System
Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 11:49:42 PM by Bastila

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
Warmaster Thrawnvong the Fearsome One commits suicide becasue he does not wish to be part of a culture thats primary purpose is not to engage in infinite warfare

there is now a power vacuum in the military

current statistics
Capital: Lwhekk

Government: Theocratic Caste-Based Dictatorship

Head of Government: Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong

Head of Church: Most High Priest Vongvong

Leader of the Navy and Armies: Warmaster Thrawnvong the Fearsome One deceased

Currency: Blood

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     1 God
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     10,000,000,000 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     20,000 Warriors
     100,000 Chazrach Slaves (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Workers (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Drifts-Among-Human-Corpses

     Planet Lewhekk

Current Projects:
Cultural Upheaval: Page 12
Construction of Zonama Sekot: Page 15
Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 11:48:58 PM by Dr Torso Vong Boy

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Techno Union begins research and construction of new device to be completed by page 14

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Bastila finds that this temple is an ancient Sith temple that holds the records of numerous ancient Siths. The cause of the dark force on the planet is actually the Sith Holocron deep within the temple. But what the Holocron has awoken is terror for the Jedi there. Several re-animated corpses come out of their tombs and surround the Jedi Knights. The Jedi manage to fight their way into the temple, avoiding being bitten.

Bastila finds the Holocron, knowing that she alone cannot destroy it and with her Jedi squadron being pre-occupied with the re-animated Sith mummies, Bastila seals the entire tomb holding the Holocron. She and her Jedi escape the collapsing temple and quickly retreat back to Endor to report their findings to the Council.

200 Venators - 15%

3,000 X-Wings - 20%
Darth Revan senses a disturbance in the force. He sends 2 Dark Jedi messengers with an inquiry to speak to the Grandmaster of the Jedi.
Fearful of the Sith, the Grand Master agrees but instead of going himself he contacts Bastila Shan to re-route her vessel towards the meeting point on Bespin, near the Hoth System. The Grand Master tells the Dark Lord to send someone that has competence of speaking civilly.
The Cataclysm is en route to Bespin along with the Sith Honor Guard. A Sith Death Squad waits in tow in case of an issue.
The Sith have arrived on Bespin and their hooded representative awaits a meeting.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
more |
ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Wary of Sith expansion through the Deep Core, General Ku orders a fleet of 50 ships, including the Iron Fist, be sent to the southern side of the planet.

Scouting Mission Due Page 12
Bacta Research Due Page 13
4,000 V-Wing Construction Due Page 14
Orion Construction due Page 16

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Initial Territory: Coruscant

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

65,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters

20,000 Naval Personal

10,000 Military Scientists

1 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony Station
1 Venator-Class Destroyer: Iron Fist
50 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
5,000 V-Wing Fighters

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
1,000 New Knights 100%
Prakith Annexation 60%
Project Shadow Fall: 30%
10,000 New Sith Troopers 60%
Tython Journey 50%
Sith Report
The Sith Empire

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Darth Revan Dark Lord of the Sith

Government: Sith Council

Organization Type: Magocratic & Theocratic Empire

Leader of Ground Forces & Apprentice: Darth Malak

Capital: Byss

Main Hyperroute: Byss Run

Currency: Galactic Credit Standard

Language: Sith

Initial Territory: Byss


80,000 Sith Troopers

20,000 Sith Warriors (Massassi armed with war swords)

8,000 Dark Jedi Apprentices

17,000 Dark Jedi Knights

4,000 Dark Jedi Masters

3,000 Derriphan-class battleships

1,000 Interdictor-class cruiser

30,000 Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters

Sith Death Squad
10,000 Sith troopers
3,000 Sith Warriors
50 Dark Jedi Apprentices
50 Dark Jedi Knights
10 Dark Jedi Masters
300 Battleships
100 Cruisers
3,000 Starfighters

Sith Honor Guard Breakdown
(Protection for the Dark Lord and his Apprentice):
6 Members of the Shadows of Revan (Elite guardsmen)
10 Dark Jedi Masters
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors

Flagship: Interdictor-class cruiser The Cataclysm

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
Bastila finds that this temple is an ancient Sith temple that holds the records of numerous ancient Siths. The cause of the dark force on the planet is actually the Sith Holocron deep within the temple. But what the Holocron has awoken is terror for the Jedi there. Several re-animated corpses come out of their tombs and surround the Jedi Knights. The Jedi manage to fight their way into the temple, avoiding being bitten.

Bastila finds the Holocron, knowing that she alone cannot destroy it and with her Jedi squadron being pre-occupied with the re-animated Sith mummies, Bastila seals the entire tomb holding the Holocron. She and her Jedi escape the collapsing temple and quickly retreat back to Endor to report their findings to the Council.

200 Venators - 15%

3,000 X-Wings - 20%
Darth Revan senses a disturbance in the force. He sends 2 Dark Jedi messengers with an inquiry to speak to the Grandmaster of the Jedi.
Fearful of the Sith, the Grand Master agrees but instead of going himself he contacts Bastila Shan to re-route her vessel towards the meeting point on Bespin, near the Hoth System. The Grand Master tells the Dark Lord to send someone that has competence of speaking civilly.
The Cataclysm is en route to Bespin along with the Sith Honor Guard. A Sith Death Squad waits in tow in case of an issue.
The Sith have arrived on Bespin and their hooded representative awaits a meeting.
Bastila Shan and her squad of 10 Jedi Knights arrive in a small shuttle. Even though she is strong in the Force, the young Jedi Knight is a bit hesitant in dealing with the Sith, she keeps her lightsaber ready. She awaits response from the Sith representative.

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
A Section of 3 Munificent-class star frigates move out to Iego to begin development of Iego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
more |
ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Additional ships are sent out to Alsakan, Skako, and Empress Teta.

Alsakan Envoy due Page 12, Skako and Teta due Page 13
Scouting Mission to Anaxes, Brentaal, Pantolomin Due Page 12
Bacta Research Due Page 13
4,000 V-Wing Construction Due Page 14
Orion Construction due Page 16

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Initial Territory: Coruscant

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

65,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters

20,000 Naval Personal

10,000 Military Scientists

1 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony Station
1 Venator-Class Destroyer: Iron Fist
50 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
5,000 V-Wing Fighters
Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 11:55:05 PM by Icy

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Bastila finds that this temple is an ancient Sith temple that holds the records of numerous ancient Siths. The cause of the dark force on the planet is actually the Sith Holocron deep within the temple. But what the Holocron has awoken is terror for the Jedi there. Several re-animated corpses come out of their tombs and surround the Jedi Knights. The Jedi manage to fight their way into the temple, avoiding being bitten.

Bastila finds the Holocron, knowing that she alone cannot destroy it and with her Jedi squadron being pre-occupied with the re-animated Sith mummies, Bastila seals the entire tomb holding the Holocron. She and her Jedi escape the collapsing temple and quickly retreat back to Endor to report their findings to the Council.

200 Venators - 15%

3,000 X-Wings - 20%
Darth Revan senses a disturbance in the force. He sends 2 Dark Jedi messengers with an inquiry to speak to the Grandmaster of the Jedi.
Fearful of the Sith, the Grand Master agrees but instead of going himself he contacts Bastila Shan to re-route her vessel towards the meeting point on Bespin, near the Hoth System. The Grand Master tells the Dark Lord to send someone that has competence of speaking civilly.
The Cataclysm is en route to Bespin along with the Sith Honor Guard. A Sith Death Squad waits in tow in case of an issue.
The Sith have arrived on Bespin and their hooded representative awaits a meeting.
Bastila Shan and her squad of 10 Jedi Knights arrive in a small shuttle. Even though she is strong in the Force, the young Jedi Knight is a bit hesitant in dealing with the Sith, she keeps her lightsaber ready. She awaits response from the Sith representative.
Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan pulls back the hood of his cloak and enters the meeting room with 3 memebrs of the Shadow of Revan.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
A Section of 3 Munificent-class star frigates move out to Iego to begin development of Iego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Darth Malak sends a Dark Jedi Apprentice to pre-order the game. For a friend of course.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
Bastila finds that this temple is an ancient Sith temple that holds the records of numerous ancient Siths. The cause of the dark force on the planet is actually the Sith Holocron deep within the temple. But what the Holocron has awoken is terror for the Jedi there. Several re-animated corpses come out of their tombs and surround the Jedi Knights. The Jedi manage to fight their way into the temple, avoiding being bitten.

Bastila finds the Holocron, knowing that she alone cannot destroy it and with her Jedi squadron being pre-occupied with the re-animated Sith mummies, Bastila seals the entire tomb holding the Holocron. She and her Jedi escape the collapsing temple and quickly retreat back to Endor to report their findings to the Council.

200 Venators - 15%

3,000 X-Wings - 20%
Darth Revan senses a disturbance in the force. He sends 2 Dark Jedi messengers with an inquiry to speak to the Grandmaster of the Jedi.
Fearful of the Sith, the Grand Master agrees but instead of going himself he contacts Bastila Shan to re-route her vessel towards the meeting point on Bespin, near the Hoth System. The Grand Master tells the Dark Lord to send someone that has competence of speaking civilly.
The Cataclysm is en route to Bespin along with the Sith Honor Guard. A Sith Death Squad waits in tow in case of an issue.
The Sith have arrived on Bespin and their hooded representative awaits a meeting.
Bastila Shan and her squad of 10 Jedi Knights arrive in a small shuttle. Even though she is strong in the Force, the young Jedi Knight is a bit hesitant in dealing with the Sith, she keeps her lightsaber ready. She awaits response from the Sith representative.
Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan pulls back the hood of his cloak and enters the meeting room with 3 memebrs of the Shadow of Revan.
Bastila is immensely scared once the Sith representative is revealed to be the Dark Lord himself, Darth Revan. The other Jedis feel the intensity that Revan creates on the Force, Bastial steps forward to speak with the Dark Lord alone.

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Kalus Ahan arrives at the Mechis system to refuel.

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
A Section of 3 Munificent-class star frigates move out to Iego to begin development of Iego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Darth Malak sends a Dark Jedi Apprentice to pre-order the game. For a friend of course.
Representatives would like to know if want to sign up for a free PowerUps Rewards Card and save 5% on your next purchase.

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
a power void still exists in the military

 tamborvong is also immensely scared and also stimulated by the news that darth revan has been exposed

he says "yum" and has orgasms

current statistics

     Theocratic Caste-Based Dictatorship

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong orgasming

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     1 God
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     10,000,000,000 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     20,000 Warriors
     100,000 Chazrach Slaves (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Workers (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Drifts-Among-Human-Corpses

     Planet Lewhekk

Current Projects:
     Cultural Upheaval: Page 12
     Construction of Zonama Sekot: Page 15

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Kalus Caadmon begins experimenting with aged Blood of Kalus. Experimental data will be refined by page 10.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
A Section of 3 Munificent-class star frigates move out to Iego to begin development of Iego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Darth Malak sends a Dark Jedi Apprentice to pre-order the game. For a friend of course.
Representatives would like to know if want to sign up for a free PowerUps Rewards Card and save 5% on your next purchase.
... Yes. He includes a scribbly note that reads "Don't tell Revan"

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
I guess when Revan took off his hood he revealed more than his helmet to illicit such a reaction from Tamborvong and the Jedi representatives.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
Beginning enhanced infantry unit project supervised by General Mohc. Will be completed page 14.

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Flight of Fantail destroyers headed by two Recusant-class light destroyers en route by page 11 to Mon Calamari for possible alliance