Exceeded Expectations

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
IP: Logged

2,952 posts

Why have i never given Bruno Mars much of a shot?
I mean he has a great voice and could be the next MJ and honestly i still do not know why when i was younger i wrote him off as a pop cliche.

Also Mark Ronson, is quite a great writer and music maker.

Anyway let us talk about what has exceeded your expectations.
Has there been an artist a movie a game or a friend, who exceeded your expectations when you wrote them off before hand. It could be anything but has anything exceeded your expectations?

Statefarm | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Sapid Statefarm
Steam: Statefarm
ID: Statefarm
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3,728 posts
Moms spaghetti
Pleasantly surprised about the interview. Thought it would be ass but turned out decent. Still not amazing though.

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
Thing rarely exceed my expectations. I either have no expectations, or I got carried away and hype it to the point that there is no earthly possibility of it exceed them.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
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13,543 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Ive paid no attention to the house genre for lacking depth.
Then along comes my friend and shows me deep/future house. Its still 'simple' but goddamn these handful of songs ive found are killers. I just want to get wasted and dance >__>


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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Does it count if your expectations were exceeded only in that it was far WORSE than you had planned? Reverse exceeded? Is there a word for that?

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
Ive paid no attention to the house genre for lacking depth.
Then along comes my friend and shows me deep/future house. Its still 'simple' but goddamn these handful of songs ive found are killers. I just want to get wasted and dance >__>


That's some good beats you got right there.

Personally, Dark Souls exceeded my expectations.

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
IP: Logged

2,952 posts
Does it count if your expectations were exceeded only in that it was far WORSE than you had planned? Reverse exceeded? Is there a word for that?
Yeah if you want to.

Usually i would expect something on a pleasant or a good side.
But give it a shot and tell what it was.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Does it count if your expectations were exceeded only in that it was far WORSE than you had planned? Reverse exceeded? Is there a word for that?
Yeah if you want to.

Usually i would expect something on a pleasant or a good side.
But give it a shot and tell what it was.
Well, nothing in particular, but I mean, that's typically how things go for me. <_<

Unless we're talking about video games or something like that, where I taught myself to never get hyped for anything (so that my expectations are always exceeded).

Umm. Yeah, nothing's coming to me right now. I guess, sort of, the first time I listened to a rap group called Death Grips. I found out about them on /mu/, and anything associated with 4chan, I have an intense, burning prejudice for. I assumed it was just hipster garbage. Then I listened to Exmilitary, and what I got instead was hipster gold. I listen to Death Grips as often as I listen to NIN--which, if I'm honest, I'm growing a little bored of. I need more music.

...but it has to be good...

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
IP: Logged

2,952 posts
Ive paid no attention to the house genre for lacking depth.
Then along comes my friend and shows me deep/future house. Its still 'simple' but goddamn these handful of songs ive found are killers. I just want to get wasted and dance >__>

The first one is great. Man i just want to go and dance as well. Man electronic music is what has really astounded me. I remember when i used to only listen to Classic Rock and think that was what was only thing that was good but damn electronic music is a whole other genre of fun.

I need to go to another rave sometime after the new year.