You know, sure thing, I could take this up to the mods in quiet. It'd be easy. Simple and clean. But the fact is, I don't care. And I know that this little bundle of joy up above doesn't either.
So that's why this is here.
Because BL doesn't care. And you know why he doesn't care? Because he's here. He comes around to this little site and does his thing and makes it known that he doesn't care. Quite a bit of effort to let the world know that he doesn't care right?
A lot actually.
So the simple fact is, BL likes attention. Attention is drawn to him that way. He gets wonderful attention from people all over the place here, attention, that I am giving him right now.
So why do I give him attention?
Because, if BL was a normal, functioning human being, if he wanted attention, all he'd have to do is simply talk. Talk with people, do his thing, But he doesn't.
And do you know why?
I'll tell you why.
Because he's a coward. And he knows it too. He puts his happy mask on here. And instead of simply being a normal decent person, he starts trouble.
Because you can start trouble on the internet so very easily, and remain hidden oh so very well.
BL self loathes himself. He's disgusted in fact. And he wanders over here and puts his mask on because here, he can be what he wants to be. He can hide as much as he wants. He can run from his reality around him and release all his stress here.
He does so by not caring, soaking up all that nice attention. And he does it very willingly.
Which means he's a coward. Spineless, in fact. He doesn't have the guts to take a look at his life, and even more so, he doesn't have the guts to open up to the world.
He doesn't have the guts to open up to strangers on the internet, people who can't touch him or hurt him in any way because
he doesn't care.So.
To you BL, cheers. You'll always be spineless and you'll know it. It'll always be there in you, every day, until you die.
Speaking of dying, if you folks looked at the nice conversation up there, it certainly was illuminating. BL is under the assumption that he won't wake up one day, and run the risk of tripping down the stairs or cracking his head in the shower when he randomly slips.
Which means, that one day, he's going to die, and he won't be ready for it. And he'll die knowing that he was a coward and his life really never did amount to anything special.
So, to you Mr. BL.
I can see how you work. I can see through that little mask of yours. You're just a sad little shell of a person who's too afraid to stand up and fight your sad life. And not only that, but rather than seek help or assistance or comfort, you seek attention to the mask you put over your face in the morning, because you're too much of a spineless person to take it off.
And to you I say.
Merry Christmas.
Feel free to lock mods. Things are done and gone now.