In the beginning there was The Flood, and on The Flood was the beginning.
There were many posters posting, and many battles fought. Days of dark and days of light.
Many spirits survive from these early days. They are known as the oldfomans, keepers of ancient tongues and old customs.
This period of Flooding, now mostly lost to memory, came to a head in the year 2009, on the Porch Day.
The chaos brought on by the Porch Day, was immense, though what kind we do not know.
After, there was a brief era of happiness, before darkness fell.
A great darkness poured across the flood for many days and many nights nights, a cloud of shadow. Energy fought energy inside the cloud, Eventually, the conflicting energies melded with the could itself, and the cloud was shorn in two by the friction and tension.
The First half of the cloud, carrying the forces of Faggotry and Pretension, became the dark spirit Le Dustin, speaker of the black tongue.
The next half of the could drifted high up and into the star called Atuvenyu. The cloud became light solidified, and became the Great Spirit TrussingDoor, the crusher, destroyer of evil, poster of shit.
The two spirits are now locked in an eternal struggle for the soul of the Flood. Websites fall and people leave, but the Flood remains always, and the Great Spirits fight on, sometimes with allies, sometimes alone, but always in conflict.