The incident in question

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
The incident in question appeared for all intents and purposes as without justifiable grounds. If they were needling you that's one thing, but that crossed the line. You then repeated the thing outside of anarchy, which earned you the well deserved slap for it. Apologies for it to the person in question are fine, but it was still the second time I've ever actually lost my temper with someone online <_<

If the incident appeared without justifiable grounds, then that's on you, not me. Perhaps you should have looked at the situation properly. That seems to be an on-going problem among the staff here. I think that my character speaks for itself, that's if you've paid attention to it in the long time that we've had some proximity. I wouldn't do something like that without substantial duress. If the second time that you've lost your temper online was with me, of all people, then I don't feel that you're properly connected with what goes on around here. And in general I find the implied gravity of the statement more than a little ridiculous. That villainous Elegiac, heh? Especially since I was the victim in that situation. People have said worse than that, in reference to suicide or otherwise, on a continuous basis around here. Perhaps the whole thing works on chance. You chanced to be paying attention at that time, and that made the occasion prominent. And that's just my bad luck. I don't know. But you won't make me out to be a villain, here, publicly, because I simply am not.

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
>needless drama

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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Get over yourself and stop attention whoring, no one gives a fuck about what you have to say to Psy, use PMs, or is that feature too complicated for you to get your head around?

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✡ 🔥🔥🔥 🌈ðŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,062 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Shut the fuck up already you stupid, attention-seeking cunt.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
omg just stop.

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Nick McIntyre92
PSN: NicholasMcIntyre
Steam: Nick McIntyre
ID: Nick McIntyre
IP: Logged

3,143 posts
You're such a drama slut.

Solonoid | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Jx493
PSN: Jx493
Steam: Jx493
ID: Solonoid
IP: Logged

13,453 posts
This is another thread that needed to be a PM.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts
I said PM for a reason, this is just attention seeking.

I'm not unreasonable and I will always try to look for the good in people, but my patience over this nonsense is wearing thin.

The first time I lost my temper on here was with another former user who was also using mental illness/disorders as ammunition to take shots at someone else. See a pattern there? It's not acceptable in the slightest, which includes the morons who wind you up for reactions like this.

Get over the bloody victim complex already, I have been hearing you out and doing my best to clean up this shitathon but if you want to lump me in with those taunting you then enjoy the absolute bare minimum of moderation work from myself regarding anything involving you for the forseeable future.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts
Oh and just so it's clear, the next reply better be in a PM otherwise I'm booting it into HQ to rot.