To: Cheat From: Comms

Lemy the Lizerd | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Lemy the Lizerd
IP: Logged

2,006 posts
I will fucking pin you down and rape your ass hard without lube and I make sure it is dry and as well beat you up!

Then I will brutally rape your fucking stomach by pulling out my knife and cutting a hole to jam my dick into that cut hole while shouting out
"You filthy slut" then I would pull out my handheld propane torch and cauterize your filthy fucking hole you slut!

And if you have a son or daughter or both I would simply break your arms and legs and your spine and I will promptly go after your child and start raping them and beat the fuck out of them with my fists while you watch your offsprings being beaten and raped you whore!

I will then pull out my knife and cut their eyes out and I will force those eyes right up your nasty filthy pathetic ass of yours and I will jam my dick into their empty eye sockets now and skull fuck your children you fucking pathetic cunt!

And after the children that are born from your filthy body dies from my brutality you fucking slut I will cut open their stomach and force you to eat your own child's organs while I watch you with my knife out laughing and pissing on your head you bitch!

After that is done you better be lucky you do not have a baby because the baby will be next to be raped and fucking tortured to the point of pure agony and I will force you to watch your own baby being tortured and raped but I will make sure it is alive.

Then we will play a mental game. I will torture you more than the baby and make you beg for me to kill the baby for yourself to be spared and if you don't then I will beat the pathetic thing you call your own little shit a baby you filthy cunt!

However if you do ask me to kill it I will cut off the baby's tongue and fingers and toes and I will cut open the stomach open and pull out the insides out and cram it down in your mouth and force you to eat the insides of your dead baby you slut!

I will then walk away laughing and leave you to your now dead children you disgusting slut.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts
I sense a severe lack of :^)s and MEMES in this. It's a fake!

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,792 posts
ayy lmao
door is comms confirbed

Statefarm | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Sapid Statefarm
Steam: Statefarm
ID: Statefarm
IP: Logged

3,728 posts
Moms spaghetti
I feel happy in this thread

Nexus | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Nexus
IP: Logged

9,417 posts
Someone seems upset a little.