
| Marty Forum Ninja
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| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
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I feel awkward when I watch comedians recycling jokes in different performances

V | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Vien Quitonm
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Just message me.
Vien 'Quitonm#1598 is my discord
Especially when working on research with documentation, bringing up any previous work that pertains to the topic should be cited.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
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ID: Verbatim
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The only issue I have with it is that the student would essentially be receiving double credit for one paper, which is bad. That's not "plagiarism"--that's academic dishonesty. Plagiarism involves at least two parties--you cannot plagiarize yourself, and the very idea kinda makes me chuckle. So too does the notion of giving yourself "due credit." C'mon now.
Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 04:27:25 AM by Verbatim

More Than Mortal
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This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
It's dishonest, sure. But hardly theft.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 04:54:31 AM by Flee

Kitsune 狐 | Mythic Invincible!
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I guess you could site yourself, but it wouldn't make much sense to the professor unless it was a previous paper submitted to that them specifically, or if you were a published writer then it would make sense... but as far as college academics it's something you could avoid.

True Turquoise
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fuck you
You need two sides for plagiarism, no?

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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i did it last semester for my medieval popular religion term paper. i took an old high school paper about christian musical traditions copy-edited it and expanded it into a paper contrasting sacred music with the musical traditions of the laity.

i see nothing wrong with it.
Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 12:14:51 PM by Azumarill

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
You were arguing with people who for about a month threw a collective fit over the Navy Seal coppypasta and threatened to report people to the FBI citing an unconstitutional law that has been defunct for years.

TL;DR: ignore them

Coomer | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
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14,552 posts
The point of a paper is for you to make your own argument on the subject

If the wuestion is close enough to where you can use your old essay,  you still came up with the argument the first time around so I don't see the problem

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Plagiarism is just bad.

Citing yourself is a bit iffy, unless it's some high-level peer-reviewed serious publication. It's a gamble though, as if your cited work is fundamentally flawed with inconclusive results, the current work will be also flawed, possibly even more incorrect if interpretations were based on the previous ones.

In uni-level work it's just unnecessary. I am no expert on the topic I'm still learning the basics of, so my earlier report on the subject based on others' work can't be my source for the new one. The old sources can be, but not my work, which is basically a restatement of what's already been said and could hardly be called original.

Dapper Droid | Posting Spree
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XBL: Dapper Droid
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It would depend on the content they're making.

Zizzy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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They say you are what you eat, but I don't remember eating mYsELF
How strange, I got into this exact conversion last week as well..
And it seems kinda silly. I don't think you should be able to submit the exact same thing twice and receive double marks but I also don't think it counts as "plagiarism"

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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If I was writing up a paper at the start of the year about a subject and then another paper at the end of the year asked for a segment that was exactly the same as something I'd already done, I don't see the problem in using it.

Poorly chosen term aside.
You've already done the work, it's to your benefit to use what you already have, especially if the course asks you to do the same thing twice,

Word Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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It's hard for me to look past the term.  It would kinda be like arguing against masturbation with the word "self-rape".  There are legitimate reasons against masturbation, but you can't rape yourself.

We need to come up with a new term that prevents any unnecessary confusion, like academic recycling or something.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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