RP Thread Story

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
*the pod's interior is bathed in a red light. The exit hatch is jammed.*

That was.........not the landing I had in mind. Ugh.

*adjusts energy sword hilt and picks up the plasma rifle, which had been displaced during the crash*

The only weapon left on that ship, and it's the one that had a low battery.
Looks like I'll have to save my ammo then.

*attempts to open hatch door, but it's jammed and frozen*

*pulls out energy sword and slashes the door open. Walks out into a snowy area*

I better try to link up with the Fleet, and see what is going on up there.

*radios to The Fleet of Retribution*

Fleet of Retribution, come in. This is Rtas 'Vadum. Shipmaster of the "Shadow of Intent". I've crash landed my escape pod into a small mining town on this planet called "Earth". The crash site of my ship is unknown. We identified a forerunner artifact somewhere on the planet's surface, and were planing to retrieve it. Come in.

*hears static*

Signal is too weak, must be the weather.

*sees several buildings to the left, and two pairs of footprints in the snow heading into the mine*

One of these I don't recognize, but the other is clearly one of my troops.
I need to find out what happened to them, and maybe this other creature will have the answers I seek

*checks weapons and gear, discovers the Active Camouflage is malfunctioning from the crash. Radar and HUD  is functioning normally*

Very well then. I'll have to be careful in there.

*draws plasma rifle and heads into the mine*

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,017 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
Hampton's Story -- Day One in Las Vegas

Hampton walks into the meeting room, wearing a grey business suit and tinted sunglasses, and puts down a large briefcase next to the doorframe. He has a broad smile on his face as he walks forward and greets the nine men there. One of them, a young Native American in a much more expensive suit, steps forward and shakes Hampton's hand.

"Glad to finally meet ya," he says.

"As well, Nicholas," Hampton replies. "You have quite the organization out here."

Nicholas nods and both of them sit down on a silk couch. It's right in front of a large bay window that overlooks the massive city, which disturbs Hampton a bit. Heights had never been his thing.

"But I don't know what you're doing here," Nicholas says. "I don't have any business with DeSanto. He doesn't even have a presence in Nevada."

"He doesn't want territory," Hampton says, the serene smile still on his face. "He wants allies. There's a war coming, and we need all the help we can get. You know that our Family is a wealthy one, and we treat our friends well."

Nicholas tilts his head. "I don't like smart talk. Be straight with me. What can I expect in return?"

Hampton puts his hand on Nicholas' shoulder. "Whatever you want. The limit of the Family's influence is nearly nonexistent. Name a favor, and we'll make it happen."

Nicholas smiles and nods slowly. "All right, then. You have a deal. The Wa-shae Clan will be there when you need us." He stands up and puts his hand to his chest, and the other eight men follow suit.

Hampton also stands up and bows to Nicholas slightly, then speaks to him. "I figured you'd say yes, so I brought this with me." He walks back to the doorframe and picks up the briefcase. He then returns to Nicholas and opens it, revealing a large amount of silver bars.

"These are hot pieces of silver," Hampton says. "We need a place to store them until the theft blows over in a few days, and we'd like that place to be this very office. Consider it a test of your loyalty to the Family."

Nicholas nods tentatively. "If that's what's required to show our dedication, then we'll accept." He picks up the briefcase and sets it down in front of couch. "Is there anything else you require?"

"Not at all," Hampton says with a smile. "I'm just so glad that I finally got to come out here and see you. I've heard rumors about your clan's dominance of the area. It's admirable."

Nicholas gives a small smile. "You flatter me, Mr. Keller. I'm glad to be working together."

Hampton shakes Nicholas' hand again and waves goodbye as he exits the office. He takes the elevator to the ground floor and exists the Lazarus Building. He walks across the parking lot, toward a white El Camino in the corner of the lot. The busy city blares and moves around him.

Hampton reaches his car and stops before he enters it. He looks up at the 16th floor of the building, Nicholas' office. His face bare of expression, Hampton pulls out a small remote with a 9 number keypad. He enters "883" into the keypad, and two beeps sound from the device. Hampton then enters his car and drives onto the interstate, back toward Arizona. He turns on his car's CD player immedietly, missing an urgent news story about an alien collective making contact with Earth. The soft sounds of Air Supply fill the El Camino as Hampton pulls out a flip phone and makes a call.

"It's done. You can move in with the muscle any time you want."

Hampton ends the call and snaps the phone in half. Then he wipes it down and throws it into the Nevada night.

Two minutes later, a giant explosion erupts from the 16th floor of the Lazarus Building. Police arrive at the scene in four minutes, finding eleven dead bodies. None in the office survived, and the lives of two late shift janitors were also taken.
A white El Camino pulled onto the luxurious roundabout that served as the estate's driveway. Roughly thirty other cars were also parked there. Hampton stepped out of his car, and looking up at the elaborate mansion before him, would be in awe if he hadn't seen it so many times before. He approached the building, passing many other sharply dressed man. Most greeted Hampton in some way as he made his way toward the dark oak doors of the DeSanto estate.

The entrance room was tall, wide, and expensive-looking, as all good entrance rooms should be. Hampton didn't care to make conversation with the dozens of men filling it up today, and so he darted into the eastern hallway instead. There were a few unfriendly looking members here, but they all still stopped what they were doing to greet Hampton as he passed. He eventually came to a mundane door at the end of the hall. A muscular man in a dirty suit was standing guard beside it.

"Well," he said with a scowl. "If it aint the great Hampton Keller. Haven't sucked off the bosses enough this week?"

"I'd watch your tongue, Mark," Hampton said with a half smile. "By the time this meeting's over, you're going to be the one sucking up to me.

"I don't even care if they make you the underboss," Mark said. "I'd slit my own throat before I said a good word about you."

Hampton chuckled as he opened the door. "We'll see about that, capo."

There were four men in the room: a very elderly Latino man behind a mahogany desk, a spectacled, straight-backed man standing to his left, and two more caporegimes silently standing guard on either side of the room.

"Ah, Hampton," the old man said in a gravelly voice. "I'm glad the job was a success. I knew I could count on you for this delicate matter."

"Of course, Don DeSanto," Hampton said. "But surely you didn't call me here just to offer your congratulations."

"Always to the point," DeSanto said with a wrinkled smile. "That's what I like about you, Hampton."

Hampton smiled. He knew what was coming. No more treading water among the other capos. He'd played the game for years, made the right connections. He knew who the Don was going to choose to replace the late underboss, and he couldn't be happier about it.

DeSanto nodded to the spectacled man beside him. "Samuel, fill him in."

DeSanto's consigliere cleared his throat and spoke: "Our men have already taken over Wa-shae's operation in Vegas, but we've got problems."

Hampton's smile faded. He knew then that this meeting wasn't about a promotion.

"Apparently, Wa-shae was under the LHG's protection," Samuel continued. "And now they want blood. Logan's soldiers are on their way to the Strip as we speak. It's imperative that we hold Vegas, Keller. But the LHG has grown large since we dealt with them eight years ago. Most of Nevada is under their control, and word is that their muscle rivals our own."

DeSanto lit a cigar. "We made a mistake last time. Logan begged me for mercy, and I foolishly believed that their continued existence could help us." He looked up. "Hampton, you're to ensure that mistake doesn't happen twice. Go back to Vegas and deal with whoever he sends. Remind him who he's dealing with."

Hampton nodded. Though he was furious that DeSanto didn't give him the promotion he deserved, he knew better than to show it. "Of course, Don DeSanto," Hampton said. "I'll leave right away."

DeSanto smiled. "I don't need to tell you how grateful I am. Show me your best work when you arrive. Logan may be brash, but he's not an idiot."

"And Keller," Samuel said, "you, of course, have full command of the muscle there when you arrive. Use them as you see fit."

Hampton gave a fake smile. "I'll wield the Family's name with honor. Don't lose any sleep over this, I'll personally see to its success. Consigliere, Don DeSanto." He gave a small bow as he exited the room and shut the door.

Mark chuckled as Hampton walked out of the office. "So, how'd it go, 'Boss Keller'?"

"Fuck off, knuckle-dragger," Hampton said with a scowl, showing his middle finger to the large man.

Hampton could hear Mark making fun of his insult as he returned to the El Camino. It only bothered him a little. Soon enough, assholes like that would be history.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Chris' Story:
Chris Redfield, currently on a recon mission in Saskatchewan, Canada. Sent here to investigate an anonymous call about several strange looking objects supposedly appearing after a large explosion from a nearby farm house.

He begins walking towards the house while remembers the mansion incident and how it had kick started his career in the BSAA. Taking in his surroundings he notices how few and far between signs of civilization there are and the dilapidated look of the farm house. (No doubt from the explosion)

Armed with his pistol and several grenades he opens the front door and finds several strange looking mechanical devices in the foyer. Each of them in a crater suggesting they had come at a high velocity which would both explain the holes on the ceiling and the explosion that was seen.

He moves towards the objects with his gun at the ready. Looking closer at the objects he notices that they are burnt but still have a smooth texture. Only one at the front seems to still be functional as it blinks a green light every couple seconds. Realizing that it likely isn't a good thing for it to still be on he shoots the light and it stops blinking.

Radioing in to the rest of his team to take these devices out with extreme caution he nonchalantly picks up one of the smaller devices and stores it in his jacket pocket.

"Let's get this back to base for testing." He announces to his crew.

to be continued...

Not exactly sure how to start this so I'm just gonna go with this and have more interesting parts coming up :P
Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 07:31:12 PM by TBlocks

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Jill was now deep inside the coal mine, it was cold and dark but at least it was better than being inside a blizzard. Jill could see the abandoned mining equipment and carts still full of coal, rocks and pickaxes. The workers here left in a hurry that's for sure, still there seemed to be a mobile power supply connected to the flood lights throughout the tunnels.

Jill went to see if the battery still worked, and it didn't. Big surprise. It needed fuel to work, and if there was any gas tanks around they would probably be frozen solid. She would have to flashlight her way down the tunnels. Even deeper she could see the massive footprints going down to shut down area of the tunnel, where there was a metal door that had been ripped open.

"Huh?" Jill approached the broken metal door, she placed her hand on top the cold metallic door and moved the frost off it. "Umbrella." She said watching the logo printed on the steel door. "O'Brian, do you read?"

Static, she was too deep down in the mine for radio contact. "Damn." She mumbled to herself, Jill slowly moved inside the blocked off area of the mine. It looked like an entrance to a laboratory, "This just got from bad to worse." Jill said, the sound of something moving through the shadows made Jill quickly sweep the area with her gun. The small entrance to the abandoned facility was just ahead and Jill knew that there most likely will be some messed up things inside.

But before she felt something approach her from behind, she quickly turned and fired her pistol. The bullet hit a camouflage being, its energy shields blinkered. It raised its arm and tried to slam Jill into the ground, she dodged the attack and notice that a single strike from the monster was able to completely dent metal like it was cardboard.

"BLARG!" It yelled as Jill emptied her pistol's magazine on it, it didn't bring it down. She switched to her submachine gun and went to town against the monster. But the monster then took out what seemed to be a energy sword and lunged towards Jill. Again she barely dodged, the energy sword sliced through the security desks and the like as Jill ran away from the monster.

She ran towards the hallway leading out of the entrance of the facility that lead towards the facility proper, the ground shook as the monster ran following her trail. Jill hid inside one of the adjacent rooms, reloading her weapons. She regained her breath, her warm breath hitting the frigid air of the room. Jill noticed a green light coming from testing tubes inside the room, she checked them out. She was quiet as she approached the testing tubes, there was a deformed B.O.W inside of it. Oddly different from the T-virus infected people she has encountered in the past, this one had some sort of fungus growing out of its chest.

There were some documents next to the computer terminal next to the tube. She took them, the footsteps neared and Jill went back to cover. There were now two footsteps instead of one, there must be another one out there. Jill was trapped and had no back-up.

Coomer | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,553 posts
We're almost there!

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie

Epsira | Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: interiminitiator
ID: Epsira
IP: Logged

4,019 posts
Starlight shimmered across the spherical supercomputer held aloft magnetically, meandering over the encircling screens suddenly lighting. It illuminated the black counter facing inward towards a large, cloud-like seat and settled on two figures, a human clutched by sleep, and a white, wolfish canine surveying the darkness. Above, a falling star made its perilous and beautiful descent to earth.

Obnoxious lights roused the boy from slumber. He smiled to himself and grasped for the Husky's fur. Zeus always slept near and kept watch, it was part of their unspoken contract.

The boy squinted in the umber glow of his screens. An alert class of eight magnitude... Groggy, he rose and laid his hands lazily on the obsidian surface, watching the familiar touch screen stretching far to either side and coiling around the circular base, respond with the customary morning scan. He was authorized as "Epsira Eridani."

Rubbing  sleep from weary eyes, he stretched and looked to the heavens, stars glinting from the dome in observatory mode, the preferred atmosphere for resting his scant sleep cycles. A customary breath moved his body, mind instantly darting from immediate tasks and plans for future endeavors. These recurred in flashes, lightning thoughts precipitating his actions. Tranquil hands initiated deft maneuvers, opening strange circular windows with concentric circles of rune-like characters, the system Epsira conceptualized as Jeran, the final form of information consolidation in a long series from re-purposed alphabetical characters. Categorizing information relevancy from the outside in, pensive eyes surveyed the unprecedented alerts with skeptical brows.

He opened myriad windows, the seat moving along magnetic tracks when space dictated expansion. Privy information to military agencies, satellite footage, anything he or his programs could find on this strange situation played across his screens, a situation directly from fiction. He ran diagnostics on the make of the objects that broke their atmosphere hours ago, finding no matches of human manufacture legal or otherwise. The reality presented itself shocking and insistent, drawing his full attention to the inevitable conclusion. First contact with an alien species was imminent.

Zeus jumped at the sudden outburst from his companion, who customarily made nary a noise throughout the course of a week, and never exulted.

Epsira Eridani laughed, half between exasperation and mania, boyishly remarking,
"This should be interesting for us"
Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 03:43:26 AM by Epsira

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,017 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
A white El Camino pulled onto the luxurious roundabout that served as the estate's driveway. Roughly thirty other cars were also parked there. Hampton stepped out of his car, and looking up at the elaborate mansion before him, would be in awe if he hadn't seen it so many times before. He approached the building, passing many other sharply dressed man. Most greeted Hampton in some way as he made his way toward the dark oak doors of the DeSanto estate.

The entrance room was tall, wide, and expensive-looking, as all good entrance rooms should be. Hampton didn't care to make conversation with the dozens of men filling it up today, and so he darted into the eastern hallway instead. There were a few unfriendly looking members here, but they all still stopped what they were doing to greet Hampton as he passed. He eventually came to a mundane door at the end of the hall. A muscular man in a dirty suit was standing guard beside it.

"Well," he said with a scowl. "If it aint the great Hampton Keller. Haven't sucked off the bosses enough this week?"

"I'd watch your tongue, Mark," Hampton said with a half smile. "By the time this meeting's over, you're going to be the one sucking up to me.

"I don't even care if they make you the underboss," Mark said. "I'd slit my own throat before I said a good word about you."

Hampton chuckled as he opened the door. "We'll see about that, capo."

There were four men in the room: a very elderly Latino man behind a mahogany desk, a spectacled, straight-backed man standing to his left, and two more caporegimes silently standing guard on either side of the room.

"Ah, Hampton," the old man said in a gravelly voice. "I'm glad the job was a success. I knew I could count on you for this delicate matter."

"Of course, Don DeSanto," Hampton said. "But surely you didn't call me here just to offer your congratulations."

"Always to the point," DeSanto said with a wrinkled smile. "That's what I like about you, Hampton."

Hampton smiled. He knew what was coming. No more treading water among the other capos. He'd played the game for years, made the right connections. He knew who the Don was going to choose to replace the late underboss, and he couldn't be happier about it.

DeSanto nodded to the spectacled man beside him. "Samuel, fill him in."

DeSanto's consigliere cleared his throat and spoke: "Our men have already taken over Wa-shae's operation in Vegas, but we've got problems."

Hampton's smile faded. He knew then that this meeting wasn't about a promotion.

"Apparently, Wa-shae was under the LHG's protection," Samuel continued. "And now they want blood. Logan's soldiers are on their way to the Strip as we speak. It's imperative that we hold Vegas, Keller. But the LHG has grown large since we dealt with them eight years ago. Most of Nevada is under their control, and word is that their muscle rivals our own."

DeSanto lit a cigar. "We made a mistake last time. Logan begged me for mercy, and I foolishly believed that their continued existence could help us." He looked up. "Hampton, you're to ensure that mistake doesn't happen twice. Go back to Vegas and deal with whoever he sends. Remind him who he's dealing with."

Hampton nodded. Though he was furious that DeSanto didn't give him the promotion he deserved, he knew better than to show it. "Of course, Don DeSanto," Hampton said. "I'll leave right away."

DeSanto smiled. "I don't need to tell you how grateful I am. Show me your best work when you arrive. Logan may be brash, but he's not an idiot."

"And Keller," Samuel said, "you, of course, have full command of the muscle there when you arrive. Use them as you see fit."

Hampton gave a fake smile. "I'll wield the Family's name with honor. Don't lose any sleep over this, I'll personally see to its success. Consigliere, Don DeSanto." He gave a small bow as he exited the room and shut the door.

Mark chuckled as Hampton walked out of the office. "So, how'd it go, 'Boss Keller'?"

"Fuck off, knuckle-dragger," Hampton said with a scowl, showing his middle finger to the large man.

Hampton could hear Mark making fun of his insult as he returned to the El Camino. It only bothered him a little. Soon enough, assholes like that would be history.
Jeez, these just keep getting longer and longer. I'm going to be banned for spam if someone doesn't stop me, lol.

Hampton's Story -- The Message

Two hours had passed since Hampton arrived in Las Vegas. He followed the address he was given, which led to a huge warehouse on Valley View Boulevard. As Hampton entered the building, he saw twelve soldiers and one capo. Many, many large shipping crates were littered across the warehouse floor. When the men saw Hampton, they all turned to him immediately.

"Your reputation...precedes you, Mr. Keller," the capo said, moving toward Hampton. "The name's Holton Sullivan, and I've been told that I must relinquish my men to you. I don't see why the Don believes you can do my own job better than me - it's a crime, really - but an order's an order, I suppose." He extended his hand toward Hampton.

Hampton stepped forward and gave a curt laugh, knocking his hand to the side. "Do you ever stop talking, buddy? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be here. Now tell me, do you have any word on Logan Heights? Any of their soldiers in the area?"

Holton shook his head. "No, no, but we haven't been looking for them. We just got here, and we barely have an establishment. We have no word from Flagstaff, no word from the consigliere, and we don't know what to do. No one outside the Strip even knows who we are, and our grasp on the area is hypothetical at best. Our secret hideout isn't even a goddamn secret! Two thugs came in here the other day and tried to rob us! Us! And when we attacked them in response, they got away! There's no luck in this city at all, I don't even know why we're here! Why? We have enough land in Arizona as it is! We have no connections in Nevada! To take a populated city by force without any friends or support in the entire state!? Now that's just-"

"Again," Hampton said, "with the babbling. It's annoying. You're annoying."

Holton scoffed. "Well, if I've ever met such a-"

A gunshot erupted through the warehouse, and Holton's forehead became a red, bloody crater. Hampton immediately dove left behind a shipping crate as a loud, steady stream of bullets tore through the building. He crawled to the other side of the crate and peeked toward the warehouse's entrance. He saw six men with automatic assault rifles stepping into the building, and a bloody, ashy cloud on the other side of their carnage, before quickly snapping his head back into cover.

"Get behind the crates!" Hampton yelled to the soldiers as he stood up and fired two precise shots at the attackers. Two of the men fell, but Hampton had crouched back down before the rest could aim and fire at him. He noticed that one of the attackers - the blond one - had an insignia woven into his suit's shoulders. He must be the leader, Hampton figured.

"Shit," Hampton said to himself, knowing that the attackers would now just storm the crate he was behind. It was four against one. Hampton's mind raced for solutions as his eyes darted around the warehouse, hoping to see at least a few soldiers still alive.

He only saw two, huddling together behind a crate, hugging each other.

Hampton didn't have time to reprimand the men, and blindly leaped to the next crate over, trying to catch a glimpse of the attackers' location in the process. He saw them, just reaching the crate he was previously at. He pulled out his pistol and fired twice again, bringing one of the remaining men down. The other three quickly looked up at them. In a second that seemed to last forever, the blond attacker and Hampton locked eyes, and both realized that Hampton had nowhere to go.

Hampton and the attackers both raised their guns at the same time, but a shot rang out before either party could fire. One of the attackers slumped down, and the rest looked toward the dying man, startled. Hampton took advantage of this pause and fired two more shots; one in an attacker's head, and the other in the blond attacker's kneecap. He gave an earspittling scream and fell to the ground. Hampton lept forward and grabbed his gun without effort. He saw the source of the shot that saved his life - the two lovebirds had finally decided to contribute.

"Thanks," Hampton said uneasily as he turned his attention to the blond attacker and smiled.

"Y-y-you-" the attacker stammered, still in intense pain.

"Yeah, I'm amazing. Believe me, I know. In order for me to spare you, I'm going to need something I don't know." Hampton leaned down. "What's your name?"

The blond man spit in Hampton's face.

Hampton wiped his face calmy, then pulled out his gun and shot out the thug's other kneecap.

More screaming and yelping filled the room. "Now, what's your fucking name?"

"D-Devin," he whined, gripping his kneecap. Tears were all over his face.

"God, the people Logan appoints as capos...this is pathetic. I'd be doing the world a favor by ending your worthless, tiny life right here. And I think I will." Hampton cocked his pistol again and aimed it at Devin.

"No! Please! I'm an enforcer, you know! I can tell you things - a lot of things! Y-yeah, that's what you're after, right?"

"Yeah," Hampton said. "What 'things' can you tell me?"

"L-Logan doesn't even want Vegas," Devin said. "He just wants to kill DeSanto...some personal grudge!"

"Why the fuck would I care about that?" Hampton said. "Give me things I can use. Where is Logan sending his muscle from? Give me the location of every goddamn base in Nevada, and so help me God, if you lie to me, I won't be so pleasant the next time we meet."

Devin immediately gave Hampton roughly a dozen sets of coordinates.

"And in which one does Logan operate from?"

"Carson City," Devin said. "T-that's it."

"Thank you...so much. I really appreciate it!" Hampton said with a smile. He turned to his two surviving soldiers. "You two - go to my hotel room, that's the Value Inn, room 124. Grab the giant duffel bag that's on my bed. I wouldn't look inside if I were you. Bring it here. Oh, and stop by Raley's and grab a carrot peeler. Need one of those for the duffel bag anyway."

Devin threw up, then began shivering.

"Don't die on me yet," Hampton said as he tossed his hotel key to one of his soldiers. "There's still one more thing to do."

Devin looked up, still shaking a bit. "W-what's that?"

Hampton looked back at Devin with an unearthly smile, his eyes glazed over and cold. "To prepare the message."

I'm just going to keep writing these big things until it's arranged for us to meet up somehow.
Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 02:04:21 AM by SecondClass

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
"O'Brian we found some strange looking devices inside the house. It almost looks alien. In any case they're being transported to base as we speak."
"Good. This discovery could change history forever so uh... Don't tell anyone!"
"Alright. Where am I headed now?"
"Chris you're going to meet up with Jill. She's currently investigating an incident that has similarities with what you just completed. We've booked you a flight to the Yukon.... Details will be given soon."

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
IP: Logged

2,952 posts
Okay, i may be a bit confused on where the story is but i was wondering if you could place in the OP what is going on so far.

Anyway i will start with an intro.

The light shone from the window, and woke Grey up, tired he gets up and goes through the same routine of getting ready. While eating breakfast he noticed the news another couple little chaos in the outer rims with a couple bombs here and there.

Noticing the bombing of a school from his homeplanet he felt a bit annoyed, stupid Insurectionist bringing chaos to this fragile world. Slowly he packed up and went on his way to class, a five minute walk from the dorms. Money was short with only $500 left to use this last week.

Entering the class he finally understood he started his usual routine saying hi to his friends. A couple chat about life, and the class starts. As the time passed he started to stray away from his studies into other thoughts for a brief moment looking up videos then endiing up reading articles. Final Exam was next week and well it was time to get ready.

Suddenly he was approached by a friend" Hey hear about the sudden landing of some escape pods of a covenant cruiser that just entered the orbit."

"What?, where did you hear that?" Grey replied.

"Check this video out, it was caught some time ago, shitty quality but still you can see the trail of the escape pod. Still that is quite cool." replied Nam.

"Cool. Anyway want to share answers to the final assignment? Also want to review some work this weekend?".

"Will do my friend, also still going on the trip down to BC for Shambhala?" inquired Nam.

"You know i have been waiting all year for the festival. Looks like i got work so i will see you."

"Yeah, Oh yeah wait, i am expecting you to be at my place tonight, remember we are having movie night today, you, me, Ji, Jack, Lisa, Ji, Cole, and a couple more peeps are going to be over. You better not miss it."

"I already gave you my word". Slowly Grey stood up and made his way out.
Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 11:09:10 AM by Risay117

Blazed Iron
| Heroic Pro
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ID: Blazed Iron
IP: Logged

1,610 posts
Deacon's story Part 2:

"Dragon-1 to Command, do you read me?" He said, trying to stay calm as the three approaching aircraft neared him.

But again, there was nothing coming from the other end of the radio. He figured the massive ship was somehow jamming his comms, or the volcano eruption had caused some sort of interference. He didn't change course, as he was still heading south and the aircraft were on his right side still advancing. He decided to continue heading at the same speed, but he was careful not to make any sudden movements to be cautious. It was risky, but he didn't want to appear hostile.

They were about half of a mile apart now, if anything was going to happen then it was going to be now. Right on queue, streaks of blue started coming from the aircraft. Without hesitation, he hit the throttle and started to climb. His patrol had just turned into a dogfight, and the aliens had just committed an act of war. They were still trying to intercept him, but they certainly weren't gaining on him. He pulled back on the stick and started to do a dive straight towards them. They started firing at him again, but they were lousy shots, and he was moving too fast for them. He passed between them and pulled up to level out. He looked back and realized he had the advantage, despite there being 3 of them, these things were slow, really slow. And he wasn't even half throttle. After putting some distance between himself and the aircraft he made a 180 degree turn towards them.

His Raptor was carrying a full payload of 6 AIM- 120C air to air missiles. He switched over to his guidance system, and almost immediately achieved radar lock on one of the targets. He fired and after a mere second the missile had hit it's target. It exploded into a purple fireball, and the other two aircraft began firing towards me, but there shots were all over the place. They were panicking now, because they knew they were outmatched. He dropped below them as they passed. Repeating the same maneuver he did earlier, he was again flying straight at them. Locking onto another of the targets, he fired another radar locked missile. The aircraft tried to avoid it, but it was just way too slow. One more to go now, he decided to finish the fight then and there and started firing his guns since he didn't have enough time for another missile. It didn't take but a quick squeeze of the trigger and the target was down.

He started to pull up but that's when he realized one of the blue streaks had actually hit him and he started to stall. Slowly, his jet started to lurch forward and go into an uncontrollable dive. He was high enough in the air that he had maybe forty seconds of freefall before he hit the water, or so he thought. Instead of water, he was heading straight for the still erupting volcano. If he could start one of the engines, then he had a chance to save it. But it wasn't budging, whatever had hit him had done significant damage to the whole system. He was out of time, it was time to eject.

He pulled the latch in between his legs and shot from the cockpit. Still falling towards the volcano, he had to pull his chute immediately. But of course, it didn't open. He was in a deep panic now, and only about 2000 feet from the volcano. It still wasn't opening no matter how many times he yanked on the release handle. 1000 feet now and the volcano was approaching fast, his last option was the reserve chute. He pulled the reserve handle and it started to open, fortunately. Now only one more problem, he didn't have enough time to steer clear of the volcano. Death seemed all too real now...

Blazed Iron
| Heroic Pro
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ID: Blazed Iron
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1,610 posts
bu bump

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
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19,118 posts

- korrie
le ebin bump

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
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22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
The sound of gunfire and the clash of an energy sword echo through the mine...

*draws plasma rifle and sprints towards the sound of combat. The noise stops and the faint thud of footsteps can be heard in the distance*

*runs through a laboratory and takes cover at the end of the hallway, where the footsteps are coming from*

*sees a slight distortion in the hallway, and fires several rounds and the familiar flash of energy shields appear*

STAND DOWN SOLDIER! I don't want to kill you.

*the camouflaged creature reveals itself to be a Sangheili Minor, but visibly afflicted with a disease of some kind.
It lets out a roar of defiance and takes a combat stance, sword raised*

You leave me no choice then. This is the end for you!

*holsters Plasma Rifle, draws sword and parries an incoming slash*

*delivers a kick to the Minor's ribs and locks swords*

What happened to the crew?! Where is our ship?!

"YOU ARE NOTHING!" it growled.

*breaks the sword lock, delivers a strong over hand swing that knocks the opponent's sword away*

*swipes horizontally and mortally wounds the Minor, it falls back and lets out a shriek of pain*

I'll ask you one more time. *raises sword to the soldier's throat*



The ship?

*it responds only with a sickened roar of laughter*

*slits the Minor's throat, then paces back and forth*

What did this?
There were no warning signs, no mistakes.
............there was nothing.

*hears the sound of footsteps and a weapon being loaded*

*lowers sword and sees a young woman emerge from the hallway, gun raised*

You fought this........abomination, and you managed to survive.
I mean you no harm.

*deactivates sword and gives a puzzled glance*

Your people have a saying, "the enemy of my enemy, is my friend".
Well human, do you believe that can be true?

Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 04:53:32 PM by Rocketman287

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
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22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
bump for justice

nΝ«iΝ€cΝ«eΝ€ | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: my Xbox broke
PSN: PM for Request
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ID: Ryle
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the dj spins and cuts me
           hardcore will never die
: ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ )               https://youtu.be/uDF4cwAghAc
: ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ )
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) : ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ ) : ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ )
: ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ ) : ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ ) : ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ )
: ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡: ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ ) : ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ ) : ΰΈͺΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡ΰΉ‡

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
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17,217 posts

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
>Korra tells me to hurry up and post my story, I'm holding her up :/

>she hasn't posted hers all day

Wut......I MEAN bump

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: DarkestSeptagon
PSN: Fallfav
ID: Septy
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12,028 posts
See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
What the fuck is this

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
What the fuck is this
Read the OP and you'll know

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
>Korra tells me to hurry up and post my story, I'm holding her up :/

>she hasn't posted hers all day

Wut......I MEAN bump
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
>Korra tells me to hurry up and post my story, I'm holding her up :/

>she hasn't posted hers all day

Wut......I MEAN bump
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

better get crackin'

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
>Korra tells me to hurry up and post my story, I'm holding her up :/

>she hasn't posted hers all day

Wut......I MEAN bump
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

better get crackin'

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
>Korra tells me to hurry up and post my story, I'm holding her up :/

>she hasn't posted hers all day

Wut......I MEAN bump
Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

better get crackin'

is wrong, I agree.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Jill pointed her pistol at the alien life form in front of her, in all of her years fighting monsters and what anyone would describe as demons, the fact of looking and aiming at an alien was something that was baffling her at the moment. The alien seemed to have killed the other one, and was capable to speak in English perfectly.

Jill slowly backed away towards the exit, even in the dark hallway she could see the gigantic figure of the alien. "I don't know who or what you are, but I'm not taking any chances with an unidentified alien life-form." Jill said.