Robot Girlyman has returned

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts


Not a huge fan of the Ultramarines, but they've been much less Mary sue-ish the last couple of years, and I've always thought Guilliman was alright. It's cool he's coming back.

Not a huge fan of the model, though. He looks like Joffrey and the proportions are off.
Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 04:21:50 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
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7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
FUCK the Ultrasmurfs.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
FUCK the Ultrasmurfs.
Ordinarily I would say the same, but since Matt Ward left a lot of the bullshit has ceased.

Plus, among the Primarchs, Guilliman had the most impact on the Imperium's administration and structure. I think his return, besides the Lion, makes the most sense and would be the most impactful.

I would have preferred Daddy Dorn though.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
[Spiritual Liege Intensifies]

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
[Spiritual Liege Intensifies]

To be fair the Ultramarines themselves aren't really going to get anything. A Primarch is a big deal for all the Imperium, and if the Fall of Cadia characters are any indication Guilliman will usable by any Imperium army.

Plus, the Eldar are getting some very important plot advancement; they aren't completely fucked and have a chance against Slaanesh.

Stroud | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: commodore_talon
ID: Stroud
IP: Logged

1,875 posts

Да ли је то истина или се само шалиш?
Yay plot advancement

XSEAN | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

4,033 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either   

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either

You know most Space Marine chapters don't worship the Emperor right? The Black Templars, my faction, are one of the few exceptions.

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Casper
IP: Logged

10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Yo I saw this on facebook from a youtuber.  I need a really neat Primarch for a custom I have in mind.  This might be it, but it'll prolly run for like, $80

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either
Disgusting heretic.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either

You know most Space Marine chapters don't worship the Emperor right? The Black Templars, my faction, are one of the few exceptions.
They do, just in different ways.

Any chapter that spawned from the smurfs certainly will, following the holy bogroll and having Chaplains installed everywhere.

The templars are just more religious about it than say, the wolves, who view him as the Allfather (Odin).

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts

I'm pretty worried about this gathering storm shit tbh

If the absolute travesty of what they did to Warhammer is anything to go by, I'm (ironically) wishing for them to just leave 40k in it's miserable stasis.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

I think they've learned from the hate they garnered during the Matt Ward era. Rowboat, in my mind, would have among the most impact. He's the one who was all about administration, which has completely gone down the shitter since his coma.
I myself have never had a problem with Robot, he was bad during the Ward era, like everything else, but since then he's gotten better. They've toned down the MarySuishness of the Ultramarines a lot.

And other Primarchs are definitely coming back. Vulcan for certain, Big Daddy Dorn hopefully, Lion El'Autistic probably, Jaghatai "Gotta Go Fast" Khan maybe. Corvus "it's not a stage dad" Corax maybe. GW has definitely seen how well HH has done and they'll seek to replicate that in 40k: they'll be bringing back all the Primarchs that make sense.

GW has also repeatedly denied that they're doing the End Times for 40k. Eighth edition is streamlining the rules (although nowhere near as much as AoS). Now, you should always take what they say with a grain of salt but AoS only did well when they came out with the generals handbook, which made things more complicated again.

Honestly, 40k is in a really good spot right now. Some armies that really needed an update have received one, and GW themselves have improved 100x since the new CEO came on board.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely see where you're coming from and share your concerns. I'm just trying to stay positive, as the constant negativity surrounding any hobby ever on the internet really gets me down
Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 09:26:36 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
Yo I saw this on facebook from a youtuber.  I need a really neat Primarch for a custom I have in mind.  This might be it, but it'll prolly run for like, $80

What do you have in mind?

NotKiyo | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: JebBush
IP: Logged

533 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

LegendOnyxCarti | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: I forgot
PSN: I forgot again
ID: LegendOnyxCarti
IP: Logged

282 posts
All my friends are dead
Wish you guys could study the superiority of the pure humans like you do Warhammer

NotKiyo | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: JebBush
IP: Logged

533 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

LegendOnyxCarti | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: I forgot
PSN: I forgot again
ID: LegendOnyxCarti
IP: Logged

282 posts
All my friends are dead
Wish you guys could study the superiority of the pure humans like you do Warhammer
Trump got elected, the SJW's are on the run, why bother?
It's funny how anything non Eurocentric is sjws and politically correct. I will always enjoy raping white women because of you people

NotKiyo | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: JebBush
IP: Logged

533 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

LegendOnyxCarti | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: I forgot
PSN: I forgot again
ID: LegendOnyxCarti
IP: Logged

282 posts
All my friends are dead
Wish you guys could study the superiority of the pure humans like you do Warhammer
Trump got elected, the SJW's are on the run, why bother?
It's funny how anything non Eurocentric is sjws and politically correct. I will always enjoy raping white women because of you people
As long as it's not my asshole getting a monky dick IDGAF
Hahaha white people are the real monkeys. Neanderthal subhumans is what they really are.

Monkey features = straight fur, no lips, pale skin, get lice, and many more
White people features = all of those
Black people features = king like wool hair, full lips, no lice, melanin enrichment
Who's the monkey now cracker

XSEAN | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

4,033 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either

You know most Space Marine chapters don't worship the Emperor right? The Black Templars, my faction, are one of the few exceptions.
Oh really I did not know that

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either

You know most Space Marine chapters don't worship the Emperor right? The Black Templars, my faction, are one of the few exceptions.
Oh really I did not know that
Well, Mr. psychologist put it better than me. Basically, most chapters worship the Emperor, but the Templars are one of the few that believe he is a god, like the common man of the imperium.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
I made up my own fanction of Space marines.  They didn't believe in the emperors BS powers.  They weren't chaos either

You know most Space Marine chapters don't worship the Emperor right? The Black Templars, my faction, are one of the few exceptions.
Oh really I did not know that
Well, Mr. psychologist put it better than me. Basically, most chapters worship the Emperor, but the Templars are one of the few that believe he is a god, like the common man of the imperium.
They all do though, in the 41st anyway.

It was a bit late when I was memeposting away last night but I'll put it a bit more eloquently today.

The fundamental belief in the Imperium is that the God-Emperor is a God and should be revered as such. This takes on many forms across cultures and systems, with weirder expressions of faith being found the further you go from terra.
These different expressions trickle through to the astartes, because whilst they might be post-human they are still the emperor's chosen (indirect grandchildren).

As a part of the faith that sprung up post-heresy, a lot of the local traditions were permitted to remain (think romans, christianity, pagans etc) to make compliance easier.

So you have planets that worship the sun, but under the guidance of the local ministorum that is shaped into faith in the emperor as the lightbringer (to avoid feeding the wrong deity with faith, but your local pastor doesn't know this much).

As for the astartes, those who don't believe the emperor is divine tend to get themselves purged by the ordos (See: penitent crusades). The well-fluffed out chapters/legions have their own original sources that they are inspired by, so you can see the links between their faith and their fluff.

The templars being formed from the particularly zealous fists (iirc) after their loss of Dorn, they wanted to just go crusading around killing anything that smelled remotely heretical. So their faith is their existence.

Then you have the wolves, where the Emperor is the Allfather (pretty sure they called him that pre-heresy too), and they are waiting for his resurrection to lead them to the wolftime (Ragnarok).

You can look at any of the flavour-fluff from any chapter to see how they all venerate him, even if it's just down to the codex litanies and the like.

tldr being, all faithful citizens of the imperium worship the emperor as a god, astartes included. It's their expression or devotion to the creed that varies from chapter to chapter.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

I think they've learned from the hate they garnered during the Matt Ward era. Rowboat, in my mind, would have among the most impact. He's the one who was all about administration, which has completely gone down the shitter since his coma.
I myself have never had a problem with Robot, he was bad during the Ward era, like everything else, but since then he's gotten better. They've toned down the MarySuishness of the Ultramarines a lot.

And other Primarchs are definitely coming back. Vulcan for certain, Big Daddy Dorn hopefully, Lion El'Autistic probably, Jaghatai "Gotta Go Fast" Khan maybe. Corvus "it's not a stage dad" Corax maybe. GW has definitely seen how well HH has done and they'll seek to replicate that in 40k: they'll be bringing back all the Primarchs that make sense.

GW has also repeatedly denied that they're doing the End Times for 40k. Eighth edition is streamlining the rules (although nowhere near as much as AoS). Now, you should always take what they say with a grain of salt but AoS only did well when they came out with the generals handbook, which made things more complicated again.

Honestly, 40k is in a really good spot right now. Some armies that really needed an update have received one, and GW themselves have improved 100x since the new CEO came on board.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely see where you're coming from and share your concerns. I'm just trying to stay positive, as the constant negativity surrounding any hobby ever on the internet really gets me down
The trouble is, it's no longer post-ward. The bastard came back last year.

If they are bringing them back, those that live that is, that's good.
I doubt Dorn will return, as he died-died after the heresy. The others should be fine to turn up though.

They've said it a lot, but I still trust them with their own IP less than I'd trust an 8 year old in an antiques shop.

Yeah, I do get ya. It's a lot easier for me to complain about the stuff that I don't like from GW.
I'm just dreading them letting that pillock have a go at 40K again and Age of the Emperor'ing the whole thing.

NotKiyo | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: JebBush
IP: Logged

533 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
more |
ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

I think they've learned from the hate they garnered during the Matt Ward era. Rowboat, in my mind, would have among the most impact. He's the one who was all about administration, which has completely gone down the shitter since his coma.
I myself have never had a problem with Robot, he was bad during the Ward era, like everything else, but since then he's gotten better. They've toned down the MarySuishness of the Ultramarines a lot.

And other Primarchs are definitely coming back. Vulcan for certain, Big Daddy Dorn hopefully, Lion El'Autistic probably, Jaghatai "Gotta Go Fast" Khan maybe. Corvus "it's not a stage dad" Corax maybe. GW has definitely seen how well HH has done and they'll seek to replicate that in 40k: they'll be bringing back all the Primarchs that make sense.

GW has also repeatedly denied that they're doing the End Times for 40k. Eighth edition is streamlining the rules (although nowhere near as much as AoS). Now, you should always take what they say with a grain of salt but AoS only did well when they came out with the generals handbook, which made things more complicated again.

Honestly, 40k is in a really good spot right now. Some armies that really needed an update have received one, and GW themselves have improved 100x since the new CEO came on board.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely see where you're coming from and share your concerns. I'm just trying to stay positive, as the constant negativity surrounding any hobby ever on the internet really gets me down
The trouble is, it's no longer post-ward. The bastard came back last year.

If they are bringing them back, those that live that is, that's good.
I doubt Dorn will return, as he died-died after the heresy. The others should be fine to turn up though.

They've said it a lot, but I still trust them with their own IP less than I'd trust an 8 year old in an antiques shop.

Yeah, I do get ya. It's a lot easier for me to complain about the stuff that I don't like from GW.
I'm just dreading them letting that pillock have a go at 40K again and Age of the Emperor'ing the whole thing.
Age of Sigmar is actually a good thing. And they are AoSing 8th edition rules but keeping the 6/7th edition rules for Horus Heresy era gaming.

Mortarion is the next demon primarch
Dorn will be back to face off against Purturabo
Lorgar will be the new big bad of chaos after Abby's death
Alphy, Sang, Horus and Manus wont be returning
Curze returns and gets redeemed (despite dying)
Some of this is fine, some of this is not.

Mortarion and Lorgar, that's all good.

Dorn is dead, bleeding demised, gone to join the choir invisible. So him coming back to 1v1 the siege lord (whilst cool) is a bit farfetched.

Curze's fate was and is, one of the better stories, they should leave it with him accepting his fate.
'Death is nothing compared to vindication' stops having the same ring to it when you get deus ex'd back into existence.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

I think they've learned from the hate they garnered during the Matt Ward era. Rowboat, in my mind, would have among the most impact. He's the one who was all about administration, which has completely gone down the shitter since his coma.
I myself have never had a problem with Robot, he was bad during the Ward era, like everything else, but since then he's gotten better. They've toned down the MarySuishness of the Ultramarines a lot.

And other Primarchs are definitely coming back. Vulcan for certain, Big Daddy Dorn hopefully, Lion El'Autistic probably, Jaghatai "Gotta Go Fast" Khan maybe. Corvus "it's not a stage dad" Corax maybe. GW has definitely seen how well HH has done and they'll seek to replicate that in 40k: they'll be bringing back all the Primarchs that make sense.

GW has also repeatedly denied that they're doing the End Times for 40k. Eighth edition is streamlining the rules (although nowhere near as much as AoS). Now, you should always take what they say with a grain of salt but AoS only did well when they came out with the generals handbook, which made things more complicated again.

Honestly, 40k is in a really good spot right now. Some armies that really needed an update have received one, and GW themselves have improved 100x since the new CEO came on board.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely see where you're coming from and share your concerns. I'm just trying to stay positive, as the constant negativity surrounding any hobby ever on the internet really gets me down
The trouble is, it's no longer post-ward. The bastard came back last year.

If they are bringing them back, those that live that is, that's good.
I doubt Dorn will return, as he died-died after the heresy. The others should be fine to turn up though.

They've said it a lot, but I still trust them with their own IP less than I'd trust an 8 year old in an antiques shop.

Yeah, I do get ya. It's a lot easier for me to complain about the stuff that I don't like from GW.
I'm just dreading them letting that pillock have a go at 40K again and Age of the Emperor'ing the whole thing.
Age of Sigmar is actually a good thing. And they are AoSing 8th edition rules but keeping the 6/7th edition rules for Horus Heresy era gaming.

Mortarion is the next demon primarch
Dorn will be back to face off against Purturabo
Lorgar will be the new big bad of chaos after Abby's death
Alphy, Sang, Horus and Manus wont be returning
Curze returns and gets redeemed (despite dying)
Some of this is fine, some of this is not.

Mortarion and Lorgar, that's all good.

Dorn is dead, bleeding demised, gone to join the choir invisible. So him coming back to 1v1 the siege lord (whilst cool) is a bit farfetched.

Curze's fate was and is, one of the better stories, they should leave it with him accepting his fate.
'Death is nothing compared to vindication' stops having the same ring to it when you get deus ex'd back into existence.
They only ever found Dorn's hand, so I don't see his return as super far fetched myself.

Also Abaddon's rumored death sounds hilarious. Apparently he might just be killed by Cypher with a bolt pistol shot to the head in the Emperor's throne room.
Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 12:15:09 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
more |
ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

I think they've learned from the hate they garnered during the Matt Ward era. Rowboat, in my mind, would have among the most impact. He's the one who was all about administration, which has completely gone down the shitter since his coma.
I myself have never had a problem with Robot, he was bad during the Ward era, like everything else, but since then he's gotten better. They've toned down the MarySuishness of the Ultramarines a lot.

And other Primarchs are definitely coming back. Vulcan for certain, Big Daddy Dorn hopefully, Lion El'Autistic probably, Jaghatai "Gotta Go Fast" Khan maybe. Corvus "it's not a stage dad" Corax maybe. GW has definitely seen how well HH has done and they'll seek to replicate that in 40k: they'll be bringing back all the Primarchs that make sense.

GW has also repeatedly denied that they're doing the End Times for 40k. Eighth edition is streamlining the rules (although nowhere near as much as AoS). Now, you should always take what they say with a grain of salt but AoS only did well when they came out with the generals handbook, which made things more complicated again.

Honestly, 40k is in a really good spot right now. Some armies that really needed an update have received one, and GW themselves have improved 100x since the new CEO came on board.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely see where you're coming from and share your concerns. I'm just trying to stay positive, as the constant negativity surrounding any hobby ever on the internet really gets me down
The trouble is, it's no longer post-ward. The bastard came back last year.

If they are bringing them back, those that live that is, that's good.
I doubt Dorn will return, as he died-died after the heresy. The others should be fine to turn up though.

They've said it a lot, but I still trust them with their own IP less than I'd trust an 8 year old in an antiques shop.

Yeah, I do get ya. It's a lot easier for me to complain about the stuff that I don't like from GW.
I'm just dreading them letting that pillock have a go at 40K again and Age of the Emperor'ing the whole thing.
Age of Sigmar is actually a good thing. And they are AoSing 8th edition rules but keeping the 6/7th edition rules for Horus Heresy era gaming.

Mortarion is the next demon primarch
Dorn will be back to face off against Purturabo
Lorgar will be the new big bad of chaos after Abby's death
Alphy, Sang, Horus and Manus wont be returning
Curze returns and gets redeemed (despite dying)
Some of this is fine, some of this is not.

Mortarion and Lorgar, that's all good.

Dorn is dead, bleeding demised, gone to join the choir invisible. So him coming back to 1v1 the siege lord (whilst cool) is a bit farfetched.

Curze's fate was and is, one of the better stories, they should leave it with him accepting his fate.
'Death is nothing compared to vindication' stops having the same ring to it when you get deus ex'd back into existence.
They only ever found Dorn's hand, so I don't see his return as super far fetched myself.

Also Abaddon's rumored death sounds hilarious. Apparently he might just be killed by Cypher with a bolt pistol shot to the head in the Emperor's throne room.
I'd find it hard to see failbaddon making it to the throneroom with his arms still intact.

The idea that he actually beats cadia is laughable too, but I read something about CREEEEEED getting gibbed by Trazyn so I suppose when your baneblades stop hiding behind lampposts it gets a bit harder to cheese a victory.

I did read something about the pylons though, that was always one of the more interesting things about cadia to me. Especially the idea of closing the eye with the completed geomancy.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
This triggers me greatly.

It could have been Vulkan, the perpetual.
It could have been Russ, the wanderer.
It could have been Jaghatai, the hunter.
It could have been Corax, speedyboi extraordinaire.
It could have been The Lion, although thankfully not.

but no

it has to be rowboat


The most bland nonce of all 20 brothers, come to lead the imperium to victory once more.
I mean, yeah it's probably the best option pragmatically speaking but it's bland as fucking hell.

Instead of the long-awaited Wolftime, we get Ultramar 2.0.
Lah dee fuckin da

I think they've learned from the hate they garnered during the Matt Ward era. Rowboat, in my mind, would have among the most impact. He's the one who was all about administration, which has completely gone down the shitter since his coma.
I myself have never had a problem with Robot, he was bad during the Ward era, like everything else, but since then he's gotten better. They've toned down the MarySuishness of the Ultramarines a lot.

And other Primarchs are definitely coming back. Vulcan for certain, Big Daddy Dorn hopefully, Lion El'Autistic probably, Jaghatai "Gotta Go Fast" Khan maybe. Corvus "it's not a stage dad" Corax maybe. GW has definitely seen how well HH has done and they'll seek to replicate that in 40k: they'll be bringing back all the Primarchs that make sense.

GW has also repeatedly denied that they're doing the End Times for 40k. Eighth edition is streamlining the rules (although nowhere near as much as AoS). Now, you should always take what they say with a grain of salt but AoS only did well when they came out with the generals handbook, which made things more complicated again.

Honestly, 40k is in a really good spot right now. Some armies that really needed an update have received one, and GW themselves have improved 100x since the new CEO came on board.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely see where you're coming from and share your concerns. I'm just trying to stay positive, as the constant negativity surrounding any hobby ever on the internet really gets me down
The trouble is, it's no longer post-ward. The bastard came back last year.

If they are bringing them back, those that live that is, that's good.
I doubt Dorn will return, as he died-died after the heresy. The others should be fine to turn up though.

They've said it a lot, but I still trust them with their own IP less than I'd trust an 8 year old in an antiques shop.

Yeah, I do get ya. It's a lot easier for me to complain about the stuff that I don't like from GW.
I'm just dreading them letting that pillock have a go at 40K again and Age of the Emperor'ing the whole thing.
Age of Sigmar is actually a good thing. And they are AoSing 8th edition rules but keeping the 6/7th edition rules for Horus Heresy era gaming.

Mortarion is the next demon primarch
Dorn will be back to face off against Purturabo
Lorgar will be the new big bad of chaos after Abby's death
Alphy, Sang, Horus and Manus wont be returning
Curze returns and gets redeemed (despite dying)
Some of this is fine, some of this is not.

Mortarion and Lorgar, that's all good.

Dorn is dead, bleeding demised, gone to join the choir invisible. So him coming back to 1v1 the siege lord (whilst cool) is a bit farfetched.

Curze's fate was and is, one of the better stories, they should leave it with him accepting his fate.
'Death is nothing compared to vindication' stops having the same ring to it when you get deus ex'd back into existence.
They only ever found Dorn's hand, so I don't see his return as super far fetched myself.

Also Abaddon's rumored death sounds hilarious. Apparently he might just be killed by Cypher with a bolt pistol shot to the head in the Emperor's throne room.
I'd find it hard to see failbaddon making it to the throneroom with his arms still intact.

The idea that he actually beats cadia is laughable too, but I read something about CREEEEEED getting gibbed by Trazyn so I suppose when your baneblades stop hiding behind lampposts it gets a bit harder to cheese a victory.

I did read something about the pylons though, that was always one of the more interesting things about cadia to me. Especially the idea of closing the eye with the completed geomancy.
Creed only gets caught in a Pokéball after the battle is over. Trazyn actually helps the Imperium, tells them how to activate the pylons, and deploys a portion of his armies of the imperium collection like Pokemon to aid the Cadian forces.

Why? Because he was bored. Not kidding. It was awesome.