This is more for our established or respectable members than for anyone else. Guys, look at now, that's an ugly forum. Every time I use it I feel like I'm trying to put a lego man together with one hand. So, is dead, and this is now the Flood. If you're going to leave the Flood because of 'drama' then I feel as though you have a mixed up or simply outdated view of what the Flood is.
It's been a long time since 2006.. or whatever year.. 'laserwars' and all that oldschool Flood dorkiness has been dead for a while. We still have forum games, I guess, but my point is that the Flood hasn't been the halo-fan equivalent of a cross between club penguin and the original Community forum for a while now.
Don't leave, just... adapt
we even have a muting option for christs sake. I would love to see more of here, but they need to approach this place with the same 'suck it up' attitude that they brought to the old forums. Floodin' aint easy, yo.