A-10C Warthog in a Border Patrol support role

Kernel Kraut | Ascended Posting Riot
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Steam: the_spartan
ID: Kernel Kraut
IP: Logged

654 posts
I can't use an image in my signature? That blows, you all blow.
Why not?

The A-10C has access to the LITENING pod. This serves as an advance targeting pod. It integrates with the cockpit Multifunctional displays and acts as a TV camera as well as a FLIR. You can get a target location on your map. This could be relayed by a Border patrol agent on the ground acting as a Joint Terminal Air Controller or JTAC. Once the location is marked on your Map (TAD) your LITENING pod can be slaved to that location.

With the information about the target present you can then slave that data over to your AGM-114 Hellfire Missile seeker. But rather than an HE warhead, it would have a smoke warhead. Once fired the missile will track where the LITENING is looking, impact the ground and deploy smoke to mark the location.

Once the location is marked the pilot could swap over to an NBU. It's built off the CBU-97 Cluster bomb. But rather than bombetts being deployed it deploys a net. All the pilot would have to do is get his CCRP (Continuously Calculated Release Point ) pipper on the smoked target, and release the bomb. The bomb would fall, detonate, and the net would deploy on the target detaining any illegal crossers for ground agents to take into custody.

The gun could be used to fire water bottles or something. Water bottles at 2400 bottles per minute.

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
I think border patrol  should use CH47's. Fly over the immigrants, pick up the herd, and then drop them over the ocean from a 5,000 ft. cruise.