So Kinder made an alt and tried to post a link to my Facebook page *again*

TheOneTrueDesticle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: TOTDesticle
ID: TheOneTrueDesticle
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The Pancakes List:

-True Velox
-Rinev Jeqkogo
Nice meme, bucko. You should have gotten your alt approved first. It's not like I give two shits though. What the hell are these guys gonna do with it? Half the people here already know my name and I have a good portion of them friended on Facebook already.

I don't understand why you're so salty, Kinder. And specifically towards me. Kinda crazy.

Such is the life of someone who has no life.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Numb Digger
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I'm sorry. I made him rage really hard earlier, and that set him off on a rampage.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Haven't you posted your FB in like 10 different pictures?

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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Almost always, with moderation
This doesn't need a thread.