Just wanted to share some of my writing

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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If You Are A False Don't Entry
I don’t understand how a human being could be judged on the validity of the things they say, when people are very subjective in their understanding of things that are said. It would be nice if every person was simply understood, because they said the thing and people understand where it is that they’re coming from. It seems so incredibly illogical, and it is without purpose that human beings try to impose their points of view on other human beings. The only people who can know absolute truth, is a scientist who has the tools to measure the entire universe. Such a scientist doesn’t exist, yet people don’t even respect that science is the only method in which that we can understand the world. It’s this sort of subjectivity which frustrates me with other people, because not only are people incapable of experiencing an objective understanding, human beings try to pretend their logic is absolute, and use it as a standard above all others. How foolish and arrogant and self righteous people are.

I come from an extremely individualistic point of view, and everyone who doesn’t share the individualistic point of view is invariably an utter moron. I was watching an interview with Salvador Dali today, with Mike Wallace. I was so inspired by the man, who rejected the group think mentality, was outspokenly himself. In our world, where religion and conformity and group think are seen as the norm for many people, for me, a creative minded person I see this as the utter destruction of human dignity. What other dignity do we have, if we’ve surrendered ourselves to the will of the ignorant, stupid conformists? Not only loss of dignity, the loss of rights, the loss of will, the loss of enjoyment in life, the loss of so many immeasurable things. For a creative and individual person, not a stupid sheep, creativity is everything. It’s the enjoyment of life, to be able to express yourself, it’s the will of a creative mind to think differently, when that’s lost what is there to enjoy, when the core of your being has been denied and contradicted by ignorant fascists?

You think I’m joking, you think this whole writing is dumb, you think that I’m making a point which doesn’t even need to be made. I’ll tell you though, discrimination against creative, individualistic people is alive and well today and it lives in the fears of the minds of all the hive mind mentality of conformists. It goes back to my very first point. A person who is not understood simply for who they are, are misunderstood by ignorant idiots. When you don’t understand something and it threatens you and makes you afraid, you make it “wrong” and “immoral” and sometimes even “creepy”. When you are simply you, and people don’t understand you, and they reject you the individualist, they’re anti-individuality. People are judged only on how well they fit the standard norms, by the conformist. If you have ever been discriminated against because someone doesn’t like you because of what you have to say, then you’ve become a victim of conformity. It’s a fate that all people will have to deal with when living in this stupid shit hole of a planet.

So, perhaps you think that it’s reverse discrimination, to discriminate against someone who is discriminating against you by disliking their discrimination. The argument is a false paradigm. You were discriminated against, and the people who discriminated against you did so because they were hating individualists, and because they are conformists. An individualist who has been discriminated against by a conformist feels a sense of injustice, which is different than discrimination. Everyone who feels they’re being treated unfairly feels a sense of injustice, by definition. This all goes back to one of the very first points I made, which is that science is the only true way of understanding the universe completely and not even science has a complete understanding of the universe. It’s that fear of blind spots which also exists in the conservative mentality, and fear and hate mongering conservatives infect the mainstream populous opinion, because they’re an ignorant and stupid people. I, however, am intelligent, because as I believe it was Thomas Sowell who said that it takes considerable knowledge to realize your own ignorance. I don’t assume to know everything, but if you have been paying attention, you’ll realize that is exactly the point. I don’t expect any of the simple minded to understand this though.

I was just reminiscing on a world that I imagined a while ago. That world where everyone simply understands each other because they are what they are. A world where you could walk down the street with no clothes, dancing and waving around your arms, and people wouldn’t think anything of it. What I propose, is a world of complete subjectivity and meaninglessness. In that world, we would really reach new depths of understanding, because in a perverse way, when you think about a person who is trying to subvert norms and standards is really trying to bring back the world to it’s natural order. It’s really the conformists who’s world is absurd, they believe in the absurd. An “absurd” person, a non comformist, is actually fighting back against a truly absurd person, because that is the natural order of the world, is total meaninglessness, subjectivity, and absurdity. This isn’t to say that 2+2 doesn’t equal 5, but I think you’ll see that even the laws of time and space are flexable, they take considerable knowledge to understand, but even then we realize our own ignorance.
Last Edit: August 07, 2016, 02:36:31 PM by Loaf

DAS B00T x2
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Yeah, but like, you see, spooks.

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ID: Gatsby
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You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
It's shit, die.

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
IP: Logged

3,716 posts
If You Are A False Don't Entry
Yeah, but like, you see, spooks.
You've read Max Stirner? I haven't read his work yet.

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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did not read a single word

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Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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3,716 posts
If You Are A False Don't Entry

Hi again lol.