Just got back from seeing Rogue One

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
Verb should
Why should I waste my time doing anything when
1. I have already, numerous times
2. Nothing will change?

It's almost like you're incapable of intellectual thought, or you're just trolling. You can make your argument any time you like, fam.
"You're incapable of intellectual thought because you don't like Star Wars the way I want you to, and you taunt people about it."

Star Wars prequels are objectively better. Fact. Get triggered.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts
Why should I waste my time doing anything when
1. I have already, numerous times
2. Nothing will change?

Star Wars prequels are objectively better. Fact. Get triggered.
this has to be a joke

I'm certainly not aware of you doing so. Care to copy/paste it?

"You're incapable of intellectual thought because you don't like Star Wars the way I want you to, and you taunt people about it."
pot/kettle if I've ever seen it
Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 09:36:46 AM by Kupo & the Two G-strings

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
I'm certainly not aware of you doing so. Care to copy/paste it?
No, because my thoughts on each and very film have been intermittently spread out over the course of my two year posting history. There's no one large post where I have all of my thoughts on each and every film collected for people's convenience, and I can't be expected to gather them all up for you.

You're asking me to give a critical analysis of seven 3-hour films for you. I'm calling that unreasonable and entitled. If I ever want to do that, I'll do it on my own volition. What I can do is give you my in-brief opinion of each movie.

A New Hope - 4/10
Boring. Shitty. Luke Skywalker is whiny and annoying. Though I appreciate Lucas's decision to film in a real desert and his overall use of practical effects, I have no respect for his dull, hackneyed characterizations of people like Han Solo and Princess Leia. The whole premise of the movie is childish and stupid, and Alec Guinness agrees with me, calling it "fairytale rubbish." Alec Guinness is incidentally my favorite performance in the film, making the whole experience tolerable just with his acting alone. I love how he refers to his old friend Darth Vader as "Darth;" am I the only one who finds that slightly funny? Anyway, the rest of the movie is far too inept to hold my attention for longer than five minutes, because it everything feels so slow, stilted, and catered to children. Favorite scene: The Mos Eisley Cantina. Those puppets are amazing. Fun fact: Guinness hated Star Wars so much, he even made a little boy cry after telling him to stop watching it during an autograph session. I think he talks about it in his memoir.

Empire Strikes Back - 2/10
While I appreciate the darker direction the series is going in, that's about all I have to say for this absolutely loathsome piece of shit. This movie is a hemorrhoid in my asshole. This movie is the worst science fiction adventure flick I've ever seen in my life. And yet, it's the most celebrated science fiction adventure movie of all time. Oh boy, what a contrarian I am. I guess that just invalidates my opinion, huh? The reason I hate it is because it's, in two words that can only hope to express my complete and utter contempt for it, boring and stupid. Nothing puts me to sleep more than extended action scenes with little-to-no scenery or anything terribly important happening. The AT-ATs and the walkers and the whatever else are cool, but the scene still puts me to sleep because the entire sequence didn't have to be 45 fucking minutes long. And of course it takes place on a snow planet, where the scenery is nothing but sheet-white all around. Now we don't have to worry about having an interesting planet to look at, huh, Irvin Kershner? What a brilliant fucking plan. Anyway, I'm convinced that the only people like this movie is because of the shitty twist that they pulled out of their ass at the last minute. Having Darth Vader be Luke's father makes about as much sense as Jabba the Hutt being in Phantom Menace. It's fucking laughable. That said, it's still probably my favorite scene, just because I love Mark Hamill's acting during that whole sequence. He was whiny in the first movie, so it's good to see him mature a little bit--either as a character or an actor, I'm not sure. But the plot of these movies is so dumb--it's amazing to me how invested people get in the plot of these films. It's all nonsense.

Return of the Jedi - 6/10
Best of the OT, bar none. Ewoks are stupid and everyone knows it, but the third act of this film is so good and so rewarding. Ian McDiarmid is FUCKING AWESOME as the Emperor. I like how Luke's new lighsaber is green. That's really all I have to say at this point--I've talked about and defended RotJ to death and I'm frankly tired as fuck of talking about it.

The franchise as a whole up to this point - 4/10

Star Wars is a bad franchise of films made for children. It has a childish story, childish characters, and does very little to keep adults (who aren't totally blinded by nostalgia) very interested. It offers nothing from any deep philosophical standpoint beyond the simple, banal "dark vs. light" dichotomy that was a tired cliche fucking centuries ago. Seriously, this movie's black-and-white sense of morality pisses me off to no end. The Empire is evil because it's evil, and the rebels are good because they're good and they're trying to destroy the Empire. There is no nuance to any of this--nothing that might make you think, "Oh, okay, this makes sense" from the Dark Side's perspective. It makes otherwise sympathetic villains liked Darth Vader decidedly unsympathetic when you start thinking, "Wait, why did he join the Dark Side to begin with when it's so obviously evil and against everything a Jedi would stand for?" The franchise is a joke as a whole with one moderately entertaining movie to save it.

I've already typed far more than I intended, but these are still not my full thoughts. It would take me weeks to write a full review for each film and polish it to a point where I'm satisfied, which is why I find it so FUCKING ANNOYING when I'm constantly badgered for my thoughts on these fucking movies--or my thoughts on anything, when my opinions have been on the record for years and years.

On the prequels, all I have to say is this--just because I consider the prequels overall superior films (in every single goddamn way), I don't necessarily consider any of them good movies. They're ALL bad. The prequels are just better. TFA is my favorite because it took ANH and it made it tolerable.
Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 10:16:14 AM by Verbatim

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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9,148 posts
I love you, son.
kotor 2 is the best star wars

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,737 posts
Alright, well I just saw it and fucking loved every second of it. While I'll need to seeit again to be sure, this could possibly be my favourite SW film. I loved that it was more a military/ war film in the Star Wars universe than a jedi/ sith film.

I loved a lot of the fanservice elements like the Royal Guard, Red/ Gold Leaders, Red-5, Saw, the Rebels references and the Clone Juggernaught Tank (the thing Jyn is being transported in at the beginning). 3PO and R2 made me cringe a bit, and I think all the characters bar Jyn, Capn' and K2 could have had a bit more fleshing out before their demises, and I wish some of them survived so we could see them again in future media.

Overall, I'd say:

RO>ROTS>Empire>ANH>Phantom Menace/ ROTJ>Clones (Honestly, I like AOTC and it would be further up but anakin/padme stuff just brought it down).

Edit: oh yeah TFA existed. Put that about phantom menace/ ROTJ.
Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 11:16:41 AM by BaconShelf

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
I think someone triggered verb.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
I think someone triggered verb.
That's my secret; I'm always triggered.

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
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11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
I think someone triggered verb.
That's my secret; I'm always triggered.

It's OK buddy, words can't hurt you.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
It's OK buddy, words can't hurt you.
That's the problem.

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
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11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
It's OK buddy, words can't hurt you.
That's the problem.

Construct a sword consisting only of the word triggered and now words can kill.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,232 posts
Arguing what the best Star Wars is and why, is like arguing what your favorite music is and why. You always run into the same shit with the same people saying the same things and in the end it just leaves me rolling my eyes simply because people are treating the most subjective things as objective.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
Arguing what the best Star Wars is and why, is like arguing what your favorite music is and why. You always run into the same shit with the same people saying the same things and in the end it just leaves me rolling my eyes simply because people are treating the most subjective things as objective.
it gets so fucking dumb

and it's always ME who has to explain myself because i'm the one with the unpopular opinion

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Alpha | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: alpha2224
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Steam: Alpha_2224
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443 posts
Be a bit more detailed? I want to piss off people with spoilers.
Forrest Whitaker's character basically got the Captain Phasma treatment and is only in like 15 minutes of the movie. But he also dies, and his particular group of rebels are basically space ISIS.

I'm not really sure what Krennic's job is, he seems to think the Death Star is his project and doesn't want cgi resurrected Tarkin to take over it, but he didn't design it, he just seems to walk around with black armouerd storm troopers.

Vader only has 2 scenes and he says a pun about choking in one of them, "Be careful not to choke on your ambitions, Lieutenant"

The Rebels want to kill the main character's father for designing the Death Star, even though it is already complete by the time of the film, so they should really be capturing him to figure out a weakness. Which luckily he already designed into the station anyway, and is then killed by rebel X Wings in a bombing run regardless.

AT-AT's get trivialized and are defeated by just shooting at them and they explode, making them even more absurd of a design because they can't even tank hits to make up for slow movement.

Basically all the main characters die Actually I change my mind on this, all main characters die

The Death Star can destroy cities on a lower power setting, but in actuality this creates an explosion big enough to explode a small continent. But they cover it up by saying the "city" exploded in a mining accident.

Every third character says may the force be with you or something a long those lines despite it not really being that common of a phrase. I know a few people say it from time to time regardless of force affinity but it's a bit ridiculous this time.

A blind guy with a stick takes out probably like 30 - 40 storm troopers throughout the film. His stick is also a gun that he can shoot people with despite being blind. He is supposed to be like semi force sensitive I think, but in one scene he literally just walks straight at a squad of Storm Troopers while chanting, so they miss every shot because muh force.

The intro shows main character lady as a child and how she gets separated from Mads "Scientist Man" Mikkelsen, and then it flashbacks those exact same scenes later for some reason.

Barristan Selmy from GoT plays white bearded Death Star strategist from Episode 4 and has one line.

Calamri fleet Captain is not Ackbar

No Bothan Spies at all -That's the second death star, bruh

Vader comes like 15 seconds too late to capture Leia's ship initially before it escapes into episode 4, so now it makes no sense that she tries to lie and say she is a diplomatic ship.

The Imperial Droid character is basically an attempt at a rip off of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. He says "whatever comes into his circuits"(mind), fell completely flat for me and was just annoying.

Mads "Master Plan" Mikkelsen confesses that he was the one to help an Imperial Pilot defect, when his team of engineers are being interrogated about said defector. Despite playing the part of a lap dog for years to secretly make the Death Star have a weakness.

The "My friend doesn't like you. I don't like you Either!" guys make a cameo which was kinda amusing.

Oh yeah cgi Princess Leia as well as Tarkin

The rebels initially don't come to an agreement to stop the Death Star for some reason, despite it basically being all powerful as far as they know at the time. But then when a group of them + the main characters go anyway they then show up after instead of just all going at the start.

I kinda just posted these as I thought of them so probably not in an efficient order.
Those weren't AT-ATs. They were AT-ACTs. And it was Krennic's project for most of the Death Star's development. The book Catalyst goes into that more.

Alpha | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: alpha2224
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443 posts
Be a bit more detailed? I want to piss off people with spoilers.
Forrest Whitaker's character basically got the Captain Phasma treatment and is only in like 15 minutes of the movie. But he also dies, and his particular group of rebels are basically space ISIS.

I'm not really sure what Krennic's job is, he seems to think the Death Star is his project and doesn't want cgi resurrected Tarkin to take over it, but he didn't design it, he just seems to walk around with black armouerd storm troopers.

Vader only has 2 scenes and he says a pun about choking in one of them, "Be careful not to choke on your ambitions, Lieutenant"

The Rebels want to kill the main character's father for designing the Death Star, even though it is already complete by the time of the film, so they should really be capturing him to figure out a weakness. Which luckily he already designed into the station anyway, and is then killed by rebel X Wings in a bombing run regardless.

AT-AT's get trivialized and are defeated by just shooting at them and they explode, making them even more absurd of a design because they can't even tank hits to make up for slow movement.

Basically all the main characters die Actually I change my mind on this, all main characters die

The Death Star can destroy cities on a lower power setting, but in actuality this creates an explosion big enough to explode a small continent. But they cover it up by saying the "city" exploded in a mining accident.

Every third character says may the force be with you or something a long those lines despite it not really being that common of a phrase. I know a few people say it from time to time regardless of force affinity but it's a bit ridiculous this time.

A blind guy with a stick takes out probably like 30 - 40 storm troopers throughout the film. His stick is also a gun that he can shoot people with despite being blind. He is supposed to be like semi force sensitive I think, but in one scene he literally just walks straight at a squad of Storm Troopers while chanting, so they miss every shot because muh force.

The intro shows main character lady as a child and how she gets separated from Mads "Scientist Man" Mikkelsen, and then it flashbacks those exact same scenes later for some reason.

Barristan Selmy from GoT plays white bearded Death Star strategist from Episode 4 and has one line.

Calamri fleet Captain is not Ackbar

No Bothan Spies at all -That's the second death star, bruh

Vader comes like 15 seconds too late to capture Leia's ship initially before it escapes into episode 4, so now it makes no sense that she tries to lie and say she is a diplomatic ship.

The Imperial Droid character is basically an attempt at a rip off of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. He says "whatever comes into his circuits"(mind), fell completely flat for me and was just annoying.

Mads "Master Plan" Mikkelsen confesses that he was the one to help an Imperial Pilot defect, when his team of engineers are being interrogated about said defector. Despite playing the part of a lap dog for years to secretly make the Death Star have a weakness.

The "My friend doesn't like you. I don't like you Either!" guys make a cameo which was kinda amusing.

Oh yeah cgi Princess Leia as well as Tarkin

The rebels initially don't come to an agreement to stop the Death Star for some reason, despite it basically being all powerful as far as they know at the time. But then when a group of them + the main characters go anyway they then show up after instead of just all going at the start.

I kinda just posted these as I thought of them so probably not in an efficient order.
Wait, I thought the Geonosians designed the Death Star, or did they just have the plans for it?
I honestly don't know how that works either. They specifically say Mads designed it, so I dunno. Geonosian hologram was a prototype? Proof of Concept? ha
More like proof of they don't know what they hell they're doing
Galen Erso designed the mechanism to get the laser to work.

Alpha | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: alpha2224
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443 posts
gonna check this movie out sometime today

reminder 7>3>1>6>4>2>5

expected placement: ...>3>R>1...
What makes TPM so high on your list, ESB so low?

Alpha | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: alpha2224
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443 posts
Something I liked was that the film explained the lack of ships at the Battle of Yavin; a lot of what they had was destroyed.

Did the Ghost make it out okay?
I didn't see it jump to hyperspace.

Dapper Droid | Posting Spree
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XBL: Dapper Droid
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155 posts

It's almost like you're incapable of intellectual thought, or you're just trolling. You can make your argument any time you like, fam.

I mean, I find Verb as annoying as the next guy, but if your whole argument is "lol your disagreeing with the popular opinion so your trolling, stop trolling", then you need to take a break from the internet.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
gonna check this movie out sometime today

reminder 7>3>1>6>4>2>5

expected placement: ...>3>R>1...
What makes TPM so high on your list, ESB so low?
Phantom managed to take the Star Wars universe and place it under a more grounded setting. Watching it as a kid, the politics and government created a sense of ominous wonder--I didn't fully understand the implications of the Trade Federation or any of that nonsense, but it still worked to create this intense, monolithic presence throughout the film that created a cool, more "mature" atmosphere. That's the sort of thing I was looking for yet wasn't present in the OT. As with all children's movies, though, there are still some good lighthearted moments. Jar Jar is a reasonably funny character who brings a lot of humor to an otherwise comedically sterile franchise. When's the last time you laughed during the original trilogy? Was there any humor whatsoever? When Han Solo said "I know" to Leia, was that supposed to be funny or romantic? I can't fucking tell.

Anyway, the other characters in Phantom are great as well. Ewan McGregor, as always, was top notch for Obi-wan. Liam Neeson did a fine job playing Qui-gon--a lot of people thought his character was emotionless, but that's probably how a Jedi Master should be. Stern, stoic, wise, quiet, keeps to himself. He nailed the role. Natalie Portman was great as Padme. I didn't really like Anakin in this movie, though--I understand that he was just a kid, and he played the part of "the kid" well, but he didn't play the part of the "slave kid" well. He seemed too bright and happy. And the fact that he invented C-3P0 is kinda retarded.

Phantom does have some of the best scenes in the franchise. The podrace segment was awesome, if a little long-winded. The part where they're riding in the bongo through Naboo's planet core was cool, too. And I can't not mention the saber duel with Darth Maul, even if he's only remembered for having a double-sided blade.

There were also a lot of nice touches to the lore that I appreciated. The Force was finally explained with Midi-chlorians, so now this stupid magicky crap has a scientific explanation behind it--even if it's just fake science. Also, little things like Anakin hearing legends of the Jedi and calling the lightsabers "laser swords." I like that--it's true to life that folktales and legends passed down from the ages will often be passed down in flawed or ignorant ways, leaving out minor details but saving the important ones. So he calls it a "laser sword" because he's ignorant--it's just a legend he's heard of. He doesn't know the proper term because he wasn't even sure that the Jedi even existed.

But it's whatever--I don't watch this movie anymore because it's rather inconsequential for the story. When marathoning Star Wars films, I take on the machete order, which leaves out Phantom because it doesn't add much.

By no means is Phantom a great movie--it's just one of the better Star Wars movies, which isn't saying much.

As for Empire, it's one of the least entertaining films I've ever seen and I've already explained why. It's pure shit.

Dapper Droid | Posting Spree
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155 posts

As for Empire, it's one of the least entertaining films I've ever seen and I've already explained why. It's pure shit.

Empire is a great movie if you like fantasy. For a Star Wars movie however, it falls flat on its face. The movie can't stand on its own and most of the movie is just filler. The plot could be condensed down to a 45 minute movie. There's a reason everyone hated it when it first came out. The only people who like TESB are people who were 6 when they saw it.

Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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3,437 posts
I wish the execution if the prequels was better, because it has a far more interesting setting than the original trilogy.

Dapper Droid | Posting Spree
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XBL: Dapper Droid
ID: Dapper_Droid
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155 posts
I wish the execution if the prequels was better, because it has a far more interesting setting than the original trilogy.

Then watch The Clone Wars


Spartan | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: SpartanT110
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3,437 posts
I wish the execution if the prequels was better, because it has a far more interesting setting than the original trilogy.

Then watch The Clone Wars


I love TCW, Rebels is great too, if the films were better as well that would have been fantastic.

I actually like Revenge of the Sith a lot, thinking about it.
Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 04:27:15 PM by Spartan

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
No response, how typical.

Stick to shitposting in Serious or something. Film analysis clearly isn't for you.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
Just got back from Rogue One myself. I'll be talking spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie, skip this post. I'm leaving this post unmarked, though, because I assume everyone here who cares has already seen the movie.

Good movie, enjoyed myself. I like the girl. I didn't like how she was the only memorable character. I didn't like the Hispanic dude and the Asian guy was super annoying. The whole movie just felt like they were ticking off boxes on a minority checklist and that was very distracting.

Remember when they crash-land on the surface of that one planet, and when the Hispanic dude comes to check everybody, they're all just sitting down as if no crash happened? Yeah that was dumb. Even the Asian guy was still perched there, meditating or some shit. But I guess he's force-sensitive (somehow!?!?), so maybe he just used the force or something. Sure whatever.

I did like how they managed to tell a story that's kinda small in scope, but put it under such a huge, monolithic setting--it brought me back to the best parts of Phantom Menace, where they kinda did the same thing (if you used Anakin as your lens).

The effects they used to bring Peter Cushing back to life had me absolutely floored. Holy fuck, technology is amazing. I wonder what the implications this holds for the future of cinema? You can bring anyone back now. That's kinda crazy, and a bit creepy too. You could easily have an entire movie filled with deceased actors and actresses and have it be totally convincing, like they never died at all. I'm really not sure how to feel about that.

Also, as a huge critic of the OT, I do love how they addressed a critical flaw in a New Hope--the Death Star being so easily destroyed with a Legend of Zelda-tier weakspot. They justified it beautifully in this movie and I highly appreciate that. I'm not sure whether this makes Episode IV a better movie for me or not, though--I'll have to think about that. My gut feeling is "no," but I dunno--like I said, I really appreciated that nonetheless.

Score was underwhelming, just like TFA. Only one piece of music stuck out.

Hayden not being in the Darth Vader suit was disappointing.

I don't get this often, but the ending--during Vader's wrath, with Leia--did indeed warm the cockles of my heart. It was really cool seeing how they tied it all together, and it ends in a perfect segue into a New Hope.

Overall 6-7/10--about as good as Force Awakens, and as good as a Star Wars movie needs to be.
Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 12:16:42 AM by Verbatim

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,232 posts
Jar Jar is a reasonably funny character who brings a lot of humor to an otherwise comedically sterile franchise.
Really? He just came off as a racist obnoxious character to me. Slapstick comedy is not my humor.

When's the last time you laughed during the original trilogy?
When Anakin said "Now THIS is podracing", only I laughed ironically.

When Han Solo said "I know" to Leia, was that supposed to be funny or romantic? I can't fucking tell.
Neither. Just bad ass, like his character is potrayed as. Fun fact: he was supposed to say "I love you too" but Harrison went improv.

Anyway, the other characters in Phantom are great as well. Ewan McGregor, as always, was top notch for Obi-wan. Liam Neeson did a fine job playing Qui-gon--a lot of people thought his character was emotionless, but that's probably how a Jedi Master should be. Stern, stoic, wise, quiet, keeps to himself. He nailed the role.
Agreed. McGregor was the best thing that happened to the trilogy if you ask me.

That's all I have to add, really.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,232 posts
I don't get this often, but the ending--during Vader's wrath, with Leia--did indeed warm the cockles of my heart. It was really cool seeing how they tied it all together, and it ends in a perfect segue into a New Hope.
The ending really had me at the edge of my seat with Vader desperately trying to get the plans. It was cool because he can't run, and is tanky, but you could still tell the dude was in a rush, and the door jamming and the music, and even the other guy getting the plans and almost losing them. It legit felt like they might just fail, even though I knew they weren't, and god I loved every minute of it.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
Really? He just came off as a racist obnoxious character to me. Slapstick comedy is not my humor.
He's definitely a racist caricature, but I don't think that takes away from his humor. I saw this movie when I was very little, so maybe I just have that nostalgic connection to him--because back then, I was too young to notice anything racially offensive. Slapstick not being your humor is perfectly fine--it's not usually mine, either, but I thought it was done well in TPM. It awakens a child in me.

When's the last time you laughed during the original trilogy?
When Anakin said "Now THIS is podracing", only I laughed ironically.
But you'll notice I actually said the OT there. That's why I brought up the Solo line. The OT just felt very sterile and humorless to me--which is why I appreciate how the prequels weren't afraid to crack a joke or two.

And the reason the "I know" line seemed like an attempt at humor to me is because it's just Han being the cocky asshole he is. He can't even share a tender moment with his love interest without saying something arrogant, which I supposed was meant to be funny or something. And yeah, I knew that he improvised that line--that's cool and all, because it fits his character, but still, I've always had mixed feelings about that exchange.

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ID: Luciana
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13,232 posts
No it wasn't supposed to be Han being funny. It was supposed to be him being bad ass. End of story. That's the entire point of Han.


Until they ruined him in episode 6 by saying "I LOVE YOU~" all stupid like. Not a big fan of that movie minus the death star scenes. Very powerful.

Also there was some good humor in ep 5, but it was mainly all thrown at you when they were in the ship escaping Imperials, and in Cloud City. It was more all at once rather than distributed. Also, you brought up a line from episode 3, which only reinforces my feelings on why it's the best of the new trilogy.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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No it wasn't supposed to be Han being funny. It was supposed to be him being bad ass. End of story. That's the entire point of Han.
Wasn't debating it, just trying to explain my confusion. It just seems like real a jerkoff thing to say. I never really viewed Han as a badass at all--just a guy who thinks he's a badass. He has badass moments, yeah, but he's always beside himself whenever it happens, as though he didn't actually believe he was capable of doing x thing. I'm not saying that's not a bad, mind you--it actually makes him a little more believable/human.

Until they ruined him in episode 6 by saying "I LOVE YOU~" all stupid like. Not a big fan of that movie minus the death star scenes. Very powerful.

Also there was some good humor in ep 5, but it was mainly all thrown at you when they were in the ship escaping Imperials, and in Cloud City. It was more all at once rather than distributed. Also, you brought up a line from episode 3, which only reinforces my feelings on why it's the best of the new trilogy.
I just remembered this bit, actually:


This was the funniest moment in the trilogy for me. Very Muppet-esque.
Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 02:10:56 AM by Verbatim