I agree, Breaking Bad was alright but not the thing everyone made it out to be.GoT is much better because of a few things.Spoiler free- Stannis the Mannis- Onion Knight/Ser Davos- The Boltons- Tywin LannisterShow spoilersSafety spoiler, turn back now if you haven't seen up to the latest episode-Oberon Martell, the mashed plum. That shit burst like a watermelon hit with a .50. 10/10 would laugh again.- Theon Greyjoy + Officer Nasty's gif/avatar. Many keks were had. Something something chipshop.- Joffrey and the Purple wedding- FUCK THE KING
I liked that part where they had sex and the guy died afterwards.So coolEdgyandMature/10I can't handle this (obviously) adult entertainment (because sex)Guys, is there enough tits in it, please look, they need you to justifie themselves making the show.