I'll try to keep this as brief as possible since you guys have short attention spans. When I took out the trash this morning, I did what I usually did: I lazily tossed the garbage bag into the trash can. This morning, I tossed it a little bit too hard and the garbage can tipped over and bumped against a small tree with a skinny trunk. A beehive fell out of the tree and broke on the driveway. An angry swarm of bees filled the air and I ran back into my house and slammed the door. Meanwhile, my neighbor was mowing his lawn. Since there was no other living thing in sight, the bees attacked him. Since he was closer to the tool shed than he was to his house, he ran right to it and slammed the door shut. Unfortunately, he was unaware of the new hornet nest that some hornets built on the ceiling of the shed. When he slammed the door shut, the hornet nest fell off the ceiling and crashed onto the floor. He ran out of the shed and made a bee line for the house, screaming bloody murder as the bees and hornets stung him. Now, the door closest to him was the cellar door, so he took cover in there and slammed the door shut. Unfortunately, there was another bee hive in wine rack, which he disturbed when he slammed the door shut. To make a long story short, he ran out of the cellar amidst the cloud of bees, hornets, and more bees, and he collapsed and got stung to death.I learned a huge lesson today: bee nice to your neighbors, and don't bumble about when you take out your trash, watch where you are throwing it.
>be me>be watching TV>going on a Blackadder marathon>british television FTW>I'm up to series four>Lord Flashheart enters the scene>allofmykeks.gif>keep loling softly>knock on the door>who dares disturb my shows>about to unload some serious size 11s into the ass of the visitor>open door>little girl scout>wellfuck.jpg>tell her she's interfering and to go away>she says she's selling>I ask what sort of drugs>she says cookies>Imightaswelldothisshit.png>"how much" I ask her>the clouds darken>the birds in the trees stop chirping>it is quieter than a hummingbird breaking wind>she looks at me dead in the eyes>gently opens her mouth and says>"I need about tree fiddy">it was around this time I realised she was three hundred feet tall and from the paleolithic era
Post some interesting stuff that has happened to you. Its not much of a story, but once I got too close to one of my friends...yeah it got weird.
At 14 as a freshman in high school I was arrested on campus for two felonies:Computer CrimeCriminal Mischief (in the amount of $17,000)Both were based on me cracking the local workstation's security that disallowed most actions on the machines in the school, we used this freedom to install Starcraft and Napster on every machine we sat down at. This was in 2000.Note:All charges were subsequently dropped and I was allowed back in school the following year. I was later expelled for similar charges at the end of 11th grade (this time no criminal charges just an expulsion for similar accusations.)