In case people want to see the whole convo

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
PSN: Superirish19
Steam: Superirish19
ID: Super Irish
IP: Logged

6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
So, should we be expecting an eruption soon?

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

๐Ÿ‚ฟ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I knew this was gonna happen.

Got cucked by Cuckson a second time. Except I actually like Totally Spies and that's not a guilty pleasure of mine even. So fuck you if you think its for girls only. I even watched The Power Puff Girls growing up for crying out loud.

Good shit. Both of em.
Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 11:28:10 PM by Deci

๐Ÿ‚ฟ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
You guys are just mean.

"Hey look its Deci being cucked by cuckson again! Let's laugh at him, hahahahaha"

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
IP: Logged

18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
You guys are just mean.

"Hey look its Deci being cucked by cuckson again! Let's laugh at him, hahahahaha"
We're not laughing at you. Some of us actually feel kinda bad because you're actually this desperate to figure out whose in control of the Foman alt.

รsgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Get back in the crystal Annie

๐Ÿ‚ฟ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
You guys are just mean.

"Hey look its Deci being cucked by cuckson again! Let's laugh at him, hahahahaha"
We're not laughing at you. Some of us actually feel kinda bad because you're actually this desperate to figure out whose in control of the Foman alt.

Because I just want Foman to fuck off. I miss being on here without that thing being a leach behind my back saying its me the whole time when really I don't even know the fucking email to the account to begin with let alone its password.

Its getting pretty annoying and old to the point that it sucks out the forum experience.

On top of that..... I have no real excuse this time. I was stupid enough to fall for Carson's bullshit twice, so I'm not gonna even bother with him if he tries shit like this again a 3rd time.

Having my account nearly jacked, and this was enough.
Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 11:33:17 PM by Deci

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
IP: Logged

9,804 posts
Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels
You guys are just mean.

"Hey look its Deci being cucked by cuckson again! Let's laugh at him, hahahahaha"

yeah man what cuck goddamn i hate cucks those stupid heckin cucks

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
โ€”Judge Aaron Satie
You guys are just mean.

"Hey look its Deci being cucked by cuckson again! Let's laugh at him, hahahahaha"
We're not laughing at you. Some of us actually feel kinda bad because you're actually this desperate to figure out whose in control of the Foman alt.

Because I just want Foman to fuck off. I miss being on here without that thing being a leach behind my back saying its me the whole time when really I don't even know the fucking email to the account to begin with let alone its password.

Its getting pretty annoying and old to the point that it sucks out the forum experience.

On top of that..... I have no real excuse this time. I was stupid enough to fall for Carson's bullshit twice, so I'm not gonna even bother with him if he tries shit like this again a 3rd time.

Having my account nearly jacked, and this was enough.
dude it was kinda a win/win

I got a laugh and you got to watch an awesome show

i am karjala takaisin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Niedopalek
ID: Ember
IP: Logged

9,154 posts
Ember used to be cool and funny

Now he's just gay
I knew this was gonna happen.

Got cucked by Cuckson a second time. Except I actually like Totally Spies and that's not a guilty pleasure of mine even. So fuck you if you think its for girls only. I even watched The Power Puff Girls growing up for crying out loud.

Good shit. Both of em.
literally everyone watched the powerpuff girls lmao

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
You guys are just mean.

"Hey look its Deci being cucked by cuckson again! Let's laugh at him, hahahahaha"

yeah man what cuck goddamn i hate cucks those stupid heckin cucks
They're all so mean those cuckers, fucking cucks all ganging up on me for no reason. Cucking Cuck. Go fuck yourself cuck and stop being mean.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
you can't make this shit up, folks

| Komm, sรผรŸer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
dae keep confusing carson for slash

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
โ€˜The most inoffensive user on this websiteโ€™ - Verbatim

(((Fun_Timer))) | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: Epsira Idari
IP: Logged

415 posts
>Trusting Class with anything