>Patient wants to smoke in smoking area behind facility
>Sure, need a break anyway
>I use one of his matches in his box
>we get in there
>light him up
>blow on match
>having worked a double the day before yesterday I was sleep deprived
>brain didn't think about putting the hot match in the tower thing instead put it in garbage
>walk away cause the patient is wacky, slurp my starbucks right outside the area
>hear him yell 'halp! halp!' 'hay! hay! man!'
>roll eyes the fuck does he want now
>see a fucking fire next to table, trash is fueling it
>look at the two patients (lady was there already)
>both just sitting there not fazed that a FIRE is a few feet away
>start stepping on it
>see it spreading to a larger pile
>kick larger pile away and continually smash it with my feet
>finally goes out
>"uhh sorry about nearly killing you two"
>get back to facility and tell supervisor what happen
>"Is the fire out?"
>"well?! is it out?!"
>no, i left it there cause I felt bad stepping on it a few dozen times. Yes its out."
Got relieved from work 2 hours before shift ends. Pretty sure she told our boss and they figured I was too dangerous due to sleep deprivation. Nobody has said anything to me yet.