The fuck are synchros and Xyz?
"Synchro Monsters are a type of Monster Card, first released in Starter Deck 2008. The color of their card frame is white. These cards are placed in the Extra Deck.
To be properly Special Summoned, Synchro Monsters must first be Synchro Summoned. If they leave the Extra Deck without being Synchro Summoned, they cannot be Special Summoned while they are banished or in the Graveyard."
"A Synchro Summon is the act of Special Summoning a Synchro Monster from the Extra Deck using a Tuner monster with additional non-Tuner monsters.
Of all the summoning methods so far Synchro Summoning has the highest skill ceiling, with many Synchro-based decks requiring intricate combos with upwards of 20-steps."
"Tuner monsters are monsters with 'Tuner' listed on the Type/Ability line. They are required for the Synchro Summon of a Synchro Monster. Normal, Fusion, Effect, Pendulum, and Synchro Monsters themselves can all be Tuner monsters, although some card effects can treat non-Tuner monsters as Tuners. Flip and Union monsters and Special Summon Monsters can also be Tuner monsters.
To perform a Synchro Summon, the player sends monsters they control (including a Tuner monster) to the Graveyard whose total Level is exactly equal to that of a Synchro Monster in their Extra Deck, then they Synchro Summon that Synchro Monster. Usually, Synchro Summons require exactly 1 Tuner monster, but some Synchro Monsters allow or require multiple Tuner monsters (referred to as Double Tuning)."
"An Xyz Monster (pronounced ik-seez) is a type of Monster Card that is colored black. They are stored in the Extra Deck. The card frame is also stylized by having it appear as if one is flying through space with many stars in the frame giving the appearance of one streaking by them and other stars appearing stationary due to relative distance (giving a realistic depiction of moving through space)."