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15,087 posts
the dj spins and cuts me
           hardcore will never die
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My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

alright so im tryin to go home from the skatepark, take a shower and go up to river riot with some pplz, (river riot brings way to fuckin many people) and ive been in the same spot for almost a fuckin hour now. so im like fuck this shit and decide to drive down the emergency lane. lol right past the cops that are directing traffic. dude flags me down i slow down and wait till he gets close and just keep goin haha. fuck them they dont even fuckin know how to direct traffic so they aint gonna give me no fuckin ticket for drivin on the wrong part of the road and the faggot would of also gave me one for my subs just to be a dick. man he got so pissed when i smiled at him as i went by. he went and ran to his car but could go anywhere becase his car was on the other side of the cars. so i just cruzed like 6 miles down the emergency road to get home lol.
You are such a woman... such strong and determination in a sport/hobby/whatever that is male dominant. I see so many females get into lifting and let it define them... you on the other hand are smart, strong, and still make girly shrieks after you hit PR's. Basically what I'm trying to say is whatever you decide to do you're going to be great at it and that I admire you more than any of these DLB annoying lifting bitches that are puppets of the industry and don't have anything uniquely and wildly sexy about them like you do... saying in this in the most admirable respectful way possible but your demeanor in general and no bullshit attitude while still maintaining some humility and down to earthness is very attractive.. more so then any one these artificial karissa doll fake tits Starbucks Pazookie substance less females.. women as a gender have devolved for the most part in my opinion... society paints such a hazy picture of the ideal woman's demeanor and how she should carry herself. Good characteristics are definetely not gender specific. A woman shouldn't posses any less aspiration and drive than a man should.. you could actually really teach a man,about being a man. I just wuz wanting to drop by to tell you , that you and only a handful of females that I am aware of are worthy of my respect. I degrade bitches. But you, my supple flower, are not are a woman. A sexy, smart, and down to earth woman, and if any of these bitches in this industry are still trying to find themselves, id suggest they emulate you. Pls keep making YouTube videos. I dont even fap to them... I actually listen to what you have to say. And coming from a douchey misogynistic immature asshole who genuinely believes men in modern society are superior over women , you should be flattered some what. I want my son one day to come across your beautiful offspring, your daughter. I want him to court her like a properly lady and use her power and character to find himself as a man and assume the role of her lover.. he will then use her as motivation to conqueror every one of life's endeavors. Every worthy man deserves a strong, thick solid tight, smart woman like yourself to fuel him to be better than he already is.. Mmm girl you just drive me crazy with your PR's, Motor cross riding, and glasses. I really put you in the same calibre of woman as my girlfriend and mother and just wanted to let you know that you are great. If you ever need someone to tell you how incredibly wildly sexy you are just DM me.. I'll feed your ego until you are full. And then I'll cuddle with you after dinner and we could have calm intellectual debates and discussion. After getting you a little spicy with some good debate id ask permission to be granted the privledge of rubbing your feet. After i rub your feet, you can assist me in some mobility work. We head to bed. I don't even try for sex. I feel inadequate, there's no way a commoner like myself, can satisfy such a rarity like you.. I must do something to make myself worthy for a lifetime shared with you. I become CEO 10k/day to give you the life I feel you deserve. U changed my life. I finally win you over. We make plenty sons and daughters. And you do nothing but raise them to be exactly like you. We'll fix this world, together. We'll rid society of the accepted notion that women can be weak and ambitionless , just as long as their exterior goes hand in hand with societies portrayal of ideal. We'll raise our many daughters to be real women... which will eventually result into the molding of better men who's fuel for productivity and success is love and fear. Men have burning desire for a campanion usually before they ever have a burning desire to achieve anything resulting in monetary compensation. It's natures course. We intuitively hold love at higher value then we do worldly possessions during crucial stages of devolpment.. we are taught to love our mother, our god... what is this phenomenon love? And what makes it so powerful and essential? We are all taught love in one shape or form as a child .. we are conscious of what we feel for someone and we accept it and embrace it as love and we know early on through vital stages of adolescence what love is capable of... every man who has been the bearer of a damaged heart can tell you, how important it was to self Revelation. So here again, the woman is the motivator. Heart break will crumble the weak and inspire the true willed. Before we are ever plagued with greed and vanity we are conditioned to love or at least thirst for it.. when examined its evident how love and the natural thirst for emotional and intimate connection has shaped some of the world's most successful men. Some where along the emotional journey of love we learn to also love ourselves..our self worth and perception of our selves is at it's peak... we feel more sense of accomplishment and fulfillment through the powerful connection we create with our lover than we'd ever feel solely focusing on obtaining capital and tangible items. When you have the burning desire to give a woman your best, you suddenly have the burning desire to provide and pursue your idea of optimal living and self fulfillment. Maybe you are a man who has loved and lost... maybe heartbreak has you defeated.. it's not too late.. as we have discussed.. love is mighty and such a driving force in humanity... heartbreak being the resultant of love surely has a beautiful underlying meaning... right? Yes, correct. What love really does for a man who chooses to be susceptible to it is simple really. Learning to be selfless and having that burning desire of giving someone the world results in a very selfish gain. To the man wondering what good came out of his pain... I will tell you this... you are not the first to have love and lost. What will seperate you from common men is if you chose to be in receipt of the reward heartbreak has to offer. These adversities in life are inevitable. Surely these feels and pain were made available to us in vain right? There's nothing possibly beneficial that comes as a result of intense hurt right? Wrong. That's pussy shit. If your love was true and your pain was real then it is simply impossible for you to have failed to foster some real emotional growth. You got to see your definite potential and limitations. You took a huge risk being so vulnerable because of the potential rewards it had to offer. Accepting failure and accepting that you failed are two very different things. The man who accepts failure will not let himself love again. This man fills this void with many things (drugs, God, money, etc.) But there is no substitute for the feels love has to offer. The wise man takes a look at himself with neutral eyes and reevaluates. The man realizes it wasnt the woman who transformed his thoughts , it was the feeling she gave him. He realizes his true capability , he then accepts that he failed once at love,but also is aware of how love brought out something in him that he has subconsciously been wanting all along. The man is now aqauinted with trial and tribulation, love and heartbreak. He remembers what being in love made him feel like. He doesn't accept failures, say fuck it Yolo swag, and move on. He mends his broken heart and makes himself readily available to feel again. Despite being fully aware of risks and hardships allowing himself to love has to offer he hopes for another opportunity to provec himself a perfect lover. This man has conquered love and it is now his defining source of determination. He realizes that with burning desire he can conqueror any endeavor.

The fact that you were able to type out over 100 characters on your short time away from the kitchen is either impressive on your part, or shameful on the man who owns you
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?
Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.
I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.

Listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?
THERE WAS ONCE A GIRL NAMED HATSUNE MIKU. It was another night alone in her room. Her parents were rich and owned a mansion in London, and she had it all to herself. She got out her cell phone, one not even from this generation, and dialed up her friend Natalie. Natalie was not as rich and lived across town, so they were seldom able to get together. It was even less common due to the fact that their friendship was a secret from both of their parents. They loved eachother to death, and had orgies whenever they had a chance. "Natalie, do you want to come over tonight? My parents are awake.. ehee!" "Sure thing Miku! I'll be over there as soon as I can." Beep. She hung up because she was so excited to unite with Hatsune once again and wanted to be there as soon as possible, because it wasn't known when their parents would be back. Hatsune Miku was browsing the internet on her i7 processor Alienware(TM) computer when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed down the spiral staircase and opened the door to an ecstatic Natalie. She had long, flowing red hair and enormous breasts that disobeyed the basic laws of gravity. She was dressed a little kinky tonight with quite a bit of cleavage showing and no bra to support the breasts. They rushed up the steps, hand in hand, into Hatsune's bedroom. Instantly Natalie pushed Hatsune down onto the bed and mounted her like a noble steed. "Oh, bollocks! Someone seems like they want to get into it!" Their mouths connected and both of them could easily remnant to another about how soft the opposing person's lips were and how passionately they kissed. Hatsune slid her fingers down Natalie's chest and into her pants, and slowly pulled them off; which proved to be quite challenging when she was constantly being moved from the forceful smooching from Natz. Eventually, the short and kinky pants were down at her feet and Natalie simply forced them off. Natalie repeated the process onto Hatsune Miku, eventually removing her pants. They then slid eachother's shirts off to reveal their beautiful upper bodies. Natalie was already fully nude due to not wearing a bra. Hatsune Miku was still dressed casually and had to take off her bra to reveal her finely sized breasts, which were white as milk. They didn't obey the laws of gravity either similarly to Natalie's breasts. Natalie instantly buried her face in them and sucked on her stubby yet perfect nipples. "BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku returned the favor by taking two fingers and shoving them into Natalie's deep vagina. "Oh, Bollocks!" she screamed as Hatsune penetrated her lush body. Suddenly, the door snapped into two and a foot came flying through. Batman, who was Hatsune Miku's father, had breached through the door CSI-style and was already in a furious rage just from what he had heard outside. He pulled out his Bat-Machete and swung at Natalie's neck, instantly decapitating her. Her head flew towards the window, broke the glass, and sailed out into the wonders of London, England. "HOLY BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku screamed. "DADDY, THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" "THIS IS AN INTERVENTION!" Batman screamed as he grabbed Hatsune Miku by her breasts and tore them from her body. Hatsune Miku very quickly lost blood and had nearly fainted when Batman then clawed his fingers into her breasts and mootly tossed her out of the same window he had just mercilessly broken with Natalie's head. Batman wins.

>> I've just realized... America is shit. Britain ruled the world for hundreds of years and we can't even take down Vietnam and get constantly bullied by shitty countries like NK and Iran. The realization just hit me, holy shit.

yea making fun of the united states is so funny, so funny i forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander you're in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT!
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sep7agon. Do anything else.

I know most of you likely will not read this because most don't have any interest in these things (you really should), but these are important issues that I feel need to be more out there.

We all by now know about the gruesome Virginia Tech shootings that took place, and I can't even stress enough how horrible it was. So far, Bush has no plans of doing anything about the current gun laws. The student that committed this heinous act against those innocent people was very mentally disturbed. He was in a hospital just two days prior to the shootings. He walked into a gun store, purchased two guns and over 50 rounds of bullets, and no one asked any questions. Does this make sense? Apparently, you can buy gun sas long as you haven't committed a felony. But mental illnesses are okay? There needs to be more serious background checks on people. If something more was done after Columbine, because we all know nothing was, this may have never happened. 32 people just died, and other 20 some others are injured. 32 families are torn and burying their children, relatives, friends. Imagine for a second how that must feel. What is it going to take? By the way, there were TWO GODDAMN HOURS between each killing spree. The police had plenty of time to shoot the killer down or make an arrest. The ones running the country are saying they're deeply saddened by this tragic event. Well, that's what was said the last time this happened, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing.
Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.
They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.
Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!

hello flood i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.

so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"

i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.

I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!" i hauled him up by his neck and legs and tossed him into the street.

after a few days i hear he was hospitalized, apparently i had fractured one of his ribs and a bone fragment punctured his liver.

so now i am facing three years in prison with no parole for aggravated assault, 1y 8 months on good behavior, if you ever asked me, was it worth it, well to tell the truth, yes, yes it was worth it.

and i would do it again too

Okay. There's an incredibly easy way to solve this. Go to PM. Give me your Skype name. I'll add you and you can talk to me. I will also give you my LinkedIn profile. You can check it while you're talking to me and see that the photo and I are the same person, and also that I have almost a decade's worth of Australian reality TV productions under my belt. Amongst my contacts is the name of the current series producer of Australia's Next Top Model. You will be able to see that we've worked on several productions together. This is a 100% legitimate offer. You know why? I'm sick of little shits like you sitting there thinking you know ANYTHING about my industry. You don't know SHIT. So get your ass on Skype and I will show you exactly that. Ball's in your court. edit: And it you're too chickenshit to do that, you can go back through my history and see the numerous times I've talked about this subject on reddit in the last two years. edit2: Quick, I don't want you thinking you can wait three hours and then say I had time to fake stuff. Do it right now. Come on, you were quick enough to answer my first post. Within a minute, in fact. You're so damn confident, all over this thread, with your ignorant bullshit about an industry you're nowhere near. Step up, son. I'm already logged into Skype. edit3: No-show. Of course. Don't know what I was thinking. With a name like 'swagsmoker420', you're probably 12 fucking years old.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Dog I legit will fucking massacre you I will beat the living fucking life out of you I ain't no bitch tf nigga I'm fuckin crazy I don't play that shit I'll knock ur fuckin head off your shoulders think I'm playin wit ya l!l baby ass nigga I ain't playin I'll smash ur face into the fuckinmg concreate and feel nothing for u after so cmon boii u so tough and u still wanna box wtf is up then but I'm letting you know now I have a fucking beast in me and he's waiting to come out and trust me he ain't holding back on ya ass

99% of all sexual encounters of mine end up like this.

Start out missionary. I take it at my pace. Slow with occasional fast pace but mostly slow so I can keep control over my semen. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. sometimes 45 minutes of great control. I can flip her over and get her in a doggy position and keep excellent control.

But what gets me is when a woman forces herself on top of me. They never ask. They jump up on me and grab my dick and shove it in them. Then they ride me like a freakin horse. They start out at fast speed and then ultra fast speed then demonic speed and finally possessed by the succubus speed. They're like writhing on me and I always cum within a minute. Usually i'll tell them im cumming but they wont get off and I have to grab my own dick and yank it out cause they are no help at all.

Does this happen to you? I think I can enjoy a woman on top but they have no patience. They just wanna shred your dick to pieces with Usian Bolt speed sport fyckin. Any of you ever have a woman on top that goes nice and slow? Is it possible? A woman being on top is like her basically raping you of your will to not get a woman pregnant. It's her primal instinct to get on top and force her will over you and force you to cum in them.

Im sure it's happened alot to men that women get on top and the man says "im cumming" and she sinks real low on his dick and traps his hips with her ass not letting him get up. Women are rapists.
Allow me to take you back to around last year, around January/February 2013. This was around the time where I was heavily involved in the brony fandom, reading fanfictions, browsing fanart, talking about the show, etc. It was all a very close community and I'd grown to become quite.
However, at around that same time, I ended up on the receiving end of something quite nasty. An anime critic by the name of Hope Chapman a.k.a. JesuOtaku, who at the time worked for the online web show site ThatGuyWith started posting some pretty harsh things about bronies on her Twitter.
This was all in the wake of a controversy called "Down With Molestia" or DWM, which was made in protest of a prominent fan blog called "Ask Princess Molestia", which reimagined the mentor character Princess Celestia as a horny nymphomaniac. DWM was very vocal about protesting this character because it enabled rape culture, as they claimed.
Now, I was not actually made aware of any of this until JO started saying some very nasty things about bronies on her Twitter. I'd looked up to and respected JO since I'd been a fan of Channel Awesome/TGWTG since I was a teenager and found it in, and since I never cared for Molestia or any of the NSFW side of the pony fandom I'd ended up getting super offended by all of her broad generalized statements. I'd been very left-leaning and thus tended to sympathize with feminist interests, but I was never educated in it so I'd not been very understanding of her.
I got so upset by this that I eventually ended up going on multiple different forums to complain about it, including the official ThatGuyWithTheGlasses forums and the forums for a pony-related imageboard I used. (I won't say which as I already have plenty of bad blood with that community and I'm not going to try to reignite past flames by inciting a potential brigade.)
The latter is the one that was especially important to me, as in most of my "discussions" there I learned a lot more about the eeeeeevil SJWs and how they were threatening to take away everything I ever knew and ever cared about. Unlike most of the others there, however, I wasn't entirely willing to join in the circlejerk and ended up playing devil's advocate quite often. Not surprisingly, most of the time I was ridiculed for it.
On the surface, a lot of their complaints seemed very valid: I actually agreed that DWM was a misguided campaign, in part due to many instances of death threats/doxxing, as well as the spreading of outright hateful messages that lack context, and other instances of hypocrisy from its prominent members (one DWMer was found to have drawn pornographic fanart an underage Naruto being violently raped: but apparently something named "Molestia" isn't okay.) This ended up growing into a much larger anti-brony sentiment on Tumblr which, in my mind, is still very overblown: there have even been several efforts to help promote a positive atmosphere for the show's target demographic, such as the SafeSearch Wrapup performed on the 20th of every month.
Look a bit deeper, however, and you'd find that the rhetoric used on said forum was much deeper than simple criticism of extremist methods (which is a problem on Tumblr in general, if somewhat of an exaggerated one) but rather a backlash against anything that might call for them to reflect on their behaviors or attitudes. There was a quite lengthy "social justice extremism" thread that I'd frequented which more often than not was rooted in anti-feminist paranoia and made the common /r/TumblrInAction mistake of thinking that confused extremist action with "extreme" ideology (hint: do you know how the then-"moderates" of the civil rights movement are looked upon now? Not very kindly.) Ponies for Parents, one of the most benign and milquetoast pro-feminist pony blogs out there, briefly came under fire in the thread for being "anti-brony" simply because she'd dared to criticize the pony fandom. Not attack, not spread lies or misinformation, not threaten or doxx anyone, criticize.
Hell, freaking Internet Aristocrat of all people made a video on the whole DWM thing, and that should tell you a lot about what kind of awful person this "anti-SJW" sentiment attracts. As a general rule, any criticism of the methods of social justice will always attract people who will hate anything and everything that seeks to challenge the status quo. This is why MundaneMatt and Internet Aristocrat were the first to latch onto the Zoe Quinn controversy: it gave them a platform to attack feminism even when it had nothing to do with the supposed conflict of interest between her and Nathan Greyson.
This continued well after the thread was locked, and into the "Quinnspiracy" thread, which started well before "GamerGate" even had a name and was mostly rooted in the same antifeminist paranoia. Two of the regular posters in the previous thread I had eventually learned through various IRC conversations had quite the unsavory history to them: one was a supporter of Davis Aurini and advocated for racial separatism, and the other was a notorious board troll who loved to start shit for his own amusement, but from what little I've been able to learn from him apparently might have had a history with the white supremacist group called the National Alliance. It's hard to know since he seldom speaks with any intention but to make people mad at each other and could very well have been exaggerating, but given his involvement in the anti-SJW threads I wouldn't be surprised.
It took me a long time to realize how awful these threads were, in part because I was so heavily entrenched in the community, but also because I actually felt that I might be able to get people to listen to my concerns and why I thought they were going over the line. But as the original anti-SJW thread was locked and new Quinnspiracy thread continued, I'd come to the realization that my perspective wasn't wanted there, and I'd decided to cut my ties to the site. I haven't visited the site with a serious interest in browsing images or discussing in the forums for several weeks, and so far I'm entirely happy with my decision.
But that brings me back to JesuOtaku. At around the same time I'd first gone onto the TGWTG forums and the other pony imageboard to complain, I'd also done something that I'm really not proud of. I don't feel at all comfortable admitting what it is I'd done exactly, but it was something that ended up causing a serious rift between her and a former friend, which I'd only learned later she'd been trying to reconnect with for some time. I could have potentially caused her very serious emotional stress by bringing up something very personal that wasn't any of my business to be bringing up.
It was only when GamerGate came into full swing and all the horrible things started happening that I'd come to realize what and asshole I'd been, and what sort of people I'd been surrounding myself with.
I saw someone who was saying a bunch of really harsh things, and I overreacted to it, to the point where I was willing to hurt her with something very personal and surround myself with total assholes. And for what? For a hobby. For something that, in the grand scheme of things, isn't really even important.
And when I look at GamerGate, I see much of the same thing happening. I see a bunch of people getting indescribably upset over their toys, to the point where they're willing to cause serious emotional harm to others and in some cases even threaten their lives. It was like looking into a mirror and discovering that I'd been the monster all along.
I still don't agree with JesuOtaku about bronies. I do think that she was being too harsh. But that doesn't excuse the way I reacted, and it doesn't mean that I was in the right to respond in such a disproportionate manner. GamerGate as a whole simply does not understand this, and until they do I'm not going to see them positively. Because while in many ways I can understand their motivations, I cannot see their actions as excusable. Right, before we go further, you do understand that i am saying the government official reports are scientifically impossible?
WTC 7 went into free-fall, literally gravitational acceleration, which is impossible in a steel framed building (without the use of explosives)
This violates basic Newtonian physics, IF, you choose to believe the official report that fires caused the collapse, obviously it is impossible for a building to go into freefall in any other scenario, this explains why NIST refuse to release there data for independent validation.
The acceleration of gravity in New York City is 32.159 ft/s2. WTC7 had 2.25 seconds of literal freefall, this is equivalent to approximately 8 stories of fall in which the falling section of the building encountered zero resistance.
For any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitational acceleration (where did every single structural supporting columns go, instantly, at the exact same time?)
There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs, this is basic Newtonian physical principles.
You either agree with this very basic concept, or you need to start making a case for a new realm of science that has never been witnessed before.
The tilting of the south tower, just before collapse is the second that i will bring to the table here (there are many more)
According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of the conservation of momentum, it should have kept tipping over, but it didn't, it fell through the path of greatest resistance. The top was tilting at approximately 20 degrees or so, how could it be exerting a uniform, symmetrical pressure on the floors below? it didn't and couldn't
Momentum is defined as mass times velocity and is conserved during both elastic and inelastic collisions:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = (M1 + M2) * V3 {inelastic} P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1′ + M2 * V2′ (elastic; V1V1′, V2V2′}
The theory of the alleged pile driver rests on inelastic collisions, whereby mass is accumulated with each collision and V2=0.
Thus, simplified physics disproves the official fairytale.
Let’s make the following assumptions:
(a) The upper block had a mass M1.
(b) Each individual floor had a mass M2.
(c) The alleged plane impact (or weak) point was 20 floors from the top. Thus, the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20).
(d) Each individual floor was hanging in mid-air without any support below it. (e) Distance between each floor (to make the math easy) 9.8 meters. [Actual distance was probably 1/3 of that.]
(f) The over-design factor in the static weight that any given level N can support is 2*Mass(110-N)
D is distance (between floors) g is gravity [9.8 m/(s2] V0 is initial velocity (V0=0) t is time
D = (1/2) * g * t2 + V0 * t 9.8 m = (1/2) * [9.8 m/(s2] * t2
Solve for t to find out how long it took M1 to free-fall the spacing of one floor into M2.
t=21/2=sqrt(2)=1.414 s
Derivative of acceleration at a point in time is velocity:
V1 = a * t = 9.8 * 1.414 = 13.8 m/s
Thus, before hitting M2, M1 reached a velocity V1=13.8 m/s. M2 is stationary, so its velocity is V2=0. Thus momentum P before impact is:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1 (because V2=0)
Conservation of momentum in this very ideal example of an inelastic collision (masses combine rather than bounce) says:
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3
Re-arrange terms and plug in for V1, you get:
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (13.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2]
Because M1 & M2 are greater than zero, the new velocity V3 of the combined mass has to be less than the initial velocity V1 which was equivalent to free-fall.
In this ideal world with floors of mass M2 just hanging in the air, we can further assume that the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20) under the premise that one of the alleged airplane impacts was 20 floors from the top.
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = V1 * [1/1.05] = V1 * (0.95)
In this ideal world example, we see quantitatively how the speed of the pile driver hitting a floor M2 hanging in mid-air slows down slightly from its previous free-fall velocity.
However, M2 was not just hanging in mid-air. Using the assumed over-design factor of 2, the vertical support offered by the steel shell and the inner core at level M2
Force(M2) = [Over-Design Factor] * M1 = 2 * M1
In order for floor M2 to fail, V1M1 has to also be greater than 2M1. In this example, it is. However, the momentum equation needs to be updated to account for the consumption of energy in smashing floor M2 and its supporting structures.
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + [2 * M1] V3 = [M1 * V1) - (2 * M1]/[M1 + M2] = [V1 - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = [13.8) - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = (11.8) * [1/1.05] V3 = 11.23 m/s < 13.8 m/s = V1
Thus we see after impact with the first M2 floor taking into consideration the supports under M2, that velocity of the pile driver M1 should be measurably less than the velocity of free-fall at that point.
The ejection of content laterally reduces the mass of M1 to M1′. Also the Force of material ejection must be accounted for in the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design factor. More importantly, the force of content pulverization is another massive energy sink that also gets inserted into the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design facto
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + Force(M2) + Force(ejection) + Force(pulverization) V3 = [M1*V1) - Force(M2) - Force(ejection) - Force(Pulverization]/[M1'+M2]
If the assumed static-load over-design factor is low and a higher factor is employed, the resulting V3 will be reduced further. Similarly, using more accurate floor spacing will factor in by reducing the available M1*V1 energy at impact with floor M2.
The official report is in the realm of absurdity, cartoon based fantasy. Well, first of all, let me start of by saying I'm a 22 year old aspiring rapper from St. Louis, MO. Pathetic. I know. I've been like this for all my life, hustling to make it big. Spending too much time online concerned about all the things going on in the world. Asking how could they let it get like this? Well, I've decided enough is enough, and said I'm going to get a job. Well I was terrified, A black guy like me entering a sandwich shop with a job app in my hand, everyone's going to laugh, point, and kick me out, but I just told myself, remember all the people who ever hated on you you through out life, it can't get any worse then that, and use that as motivation. So I did. I entered the sandwich shop and my freakin legs were shaking, no joke. I have a rap song that I am going to use, but today I said I'm just going to go in there and get a feel for the place, strap on my samurai sword so everyone can see how cool I am, try a few sandwiches and gtfo. Well I walk in there, and I just see a bunch of white people, then the deli counter behind them, I was about to throw up i was so nervous, so I just jumped on the first line in front of me. I'm waiting my turn to order, and watched the sandwich artists. F, these guys were fast. I mean cray fast, slinging salted meats like they were born, I said no way in HELLO am I going to go in there, so I got out of the line, and started to walk towards the door then stopped myself, I said no way, I came this far, and I'm sure they wont' really care. So I mustered enough courage, walked over there nervous as hek, and just walked straight to the chip rack. There was an average guy next to me eating bbq lays, I don't know looked tasty, so I figured I can probably eat some, so I try to pick up a bag. AND I COULDN'T. The guy next to me was staring at me, and told me "Try something else" then points at these crumbled ones on the floor. Apparently his friend behind him was watching and started laughing. So I turned around and I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't, I pick up the chip crumbs and i just start to eat them. Well his friend starts making smart remarks like "WHOA THIS GUY IS A MONKEY" "TRAAAAAAAAYYVOOOOOOOOOON" and other things. I swear, I was getting so angry, I started to get a flashback of all the people who ever made fun of me in my life, one by one, and his voice in the background. I was steaming, all of a sudden i turn around out of sheer anger, it was as if I blacked out,and fling the samurai sword in his face. BAM, I HIT HIM. Then I realized, OMG DID I JUST DO THAT??! He yells out WTF, then he pushes me against the rack, and him and his 2 friends surround me thats when it happened. My job app WENT OFF, BAM BAM BAM, three shots. Then a heard a shout "Stop! Police!" and I'm leaking like it's Officer Darren Wilson. As I lay dying, I gasp, "tell them I was a good boy. I was gonna be someone, I was gonna be a sandwich artist!" A libertarian free-market Austrian capitalist professor and stockbroker was teaching a class on Ludwig von Mises, known reactionary.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Ayn Rand and accept that she was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionist holding a Cuban cigar in his mouth and who had aided the Bolsheviks in a former life, understood the revolutionary necessity of the Great Purge and fully supported the truth of the labour theory of value stood up and held up a watch.
”Who built this watch, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked in a quite Bourgeois manner and smugly replied “The watch company, you stupid Communist”
”Wrong. It was made by the workers of the factory. If it had been made by the watch company, as you say.... then it wouldn't exist, because capitalists don't do real work."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Atlas Shrugged. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears the bourgeoisie cry for the “oppressed rich” (who today live in such luxury that most own five houses) when people object to them trying to extract unearned wealth from the deserving workers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had stood against the Capitalist system, joined a Socialist Party, and become more than a libertarian professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself with, but his very own company was in control of those!
The students applauded and all registered Communist that day and accepted Marx as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Anti-Imperialism” flew into the room and perched atop a Red Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The communist manifesto was recited several times, and Lenin himself showed up and formed a vanguard.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died from inferior healthcare and his body was used as fertiliser on his company's crops.
Workers of the world, unite! I hate The Beatles. There. I’ve said it. If that’s a little vague, ambiguous or confusing, permit me to clarify and elaborate; I loathe the Fab Four with every fibre of my being. In fact, the strength of my feelings, regarding the world’s first boy band, probably borders on the pathological...
Already I can hear the howls of outrage and indignation from the legions of Beatles snobs and drones. With only the possible exceptions of Catholics, Daily Mail readers and BNP voters, these poor souls must surely be the most conned, gullible and brain-washed cross-section of humanity to have ever drawn breath?
In terms of articulating my feelings, it’s difficult to know where to start, given that the reasons for my detestation are passionate, long-held and many. I’ll do my best, though. Promise…
So, let’s set the ball rolling then, by looking firstly at their undoubted commercial success which, mystifyingly, many hold up as some kind of evidence of their musical omnipotence. This is easily disposed of. To get things in some sort of perspective, consider, if you will, The Spice Girls; easily one of, if not the, biggest all-girl acts ever, with record sales that dwarf those of eight out of ten other manufactured pop puppets. While I accept that all art is largely a subjective matter, surely we can all agree that “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really, wanna zigga zig ahh” is, frankly, bollocks by any commonly accepted criteria? Mind you, it holds up at least as well as “she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah”. The conclusion, by now, should be clear to even the most fundamentalist Beatles disciple; commercial success is not an infallible barometer of artistic merit or credibility.
The other fiercely held conviction among the faithful goes something like this: “Ah, but if it weren’t for The Beatles, you wouldn’t have had [insert name of some incredibly implausible band]”. Again, utter bollocks and infuriating, ill-informed drivel. Now, this may surprise you but they weren’t actually responsible for every great musical event that followed them, you know.
Cream, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, The Who, Deep Purple and the Stones owe zero, nada, zilch to those over-rated Scouse conmen and they were all a damn site more innovative, revolutionary and superior in every respect, anyway.
In fact, I reckon the most influential musician of the entire 20th century has surely got to be Robert Johnson. By a huge margin. Modern blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and then, ultimately metal, hard rock and even punk, with its penchant for the hackneyed Three Chord Trick, all stem, to one degree or another, from his legendary, seminal twenty nine songs. The blues permeates the most vital contemporary music of the last century like a rich seam of platinum. It runs like blood through the beating heart of just about any music of note outside the classical world. Don’t even try and claim a similar legacy for those third-rate, mop-topped hacks. I’ll just laugh. Or poke you in the eye with my pen. As if a case could ever be made for, say, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath or even Simon and Garfunkel being, in any way, defined by some shallow, plastic, pop-tarts from the 60s! Go on; try . Yeah, thought so…
Oh, but hang on a moment, though; Lennon & McCartney were the greatest songwriters of the 20th century, weren’t they? Really? Better than, say, Bacharach and David? Irving Berlin, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Hank Williams, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Pete Townsend or even Paul Weller? Behave.
In terms of song writing, Robert Johnson and the pioneering Bluesmen perfected the classic I-IV-V chord progression that everyone, including the bloody Beatles, has done to death. To come from a completely different angle, in terms of melodic understanding, harmonic construction and technically superior composition, even ABBA were working on a level our Merseyside charlatans could only dream about.
In a similar vein, a friend of mine observed, “when you think about the level of fame and adoration they enjoyed, then think about other bands of the sixties who were forever in their shadow it puts it into perspective. Their song writing was weak (unlike say, The Kinks), their voices were weaker (unlike say, Chris Farlowe or Del Shannon) and their instrumentation lacklustre (unlike say, The Byrds) all of which would be easier to forgive had they not wholeheartedly bought into their own mythology. They were a bunch of preening, jumped up little shits and the ones that remain are ridiculous, vain old men with a God complex. They’re shit. That’s it”.
So that takes care of their early oeuvre but we all know, don’t we, that the White Album, Revolver and Sergeant Pepper’s Dreary Club Band were the works that saw them mature into really great musical visionaries, though, yes? Well, if ill-disciplined, drug-induced, pretentious doodling is your thing, then maybe, yeah. Personally, “semolina dripping from a dead dog’s eye” “I am the walrus, I am the Egg-man” and “you’ve been a naughty girl, you’ve let your knickers down” are not quite the incisive capturing of the zeitgeist that springs to mind when I ponder the post-war artistic and cultural revolutions.
It’s probably the right time to surprise you and say that, unlike my friend, I don’t actually think The Beatles are crap, per se. No, really, I don’t. Yesterday is a fine tune, to give just one example (although even here we can thank George Martin’s inspired addition of a string quartet as the element that lifts the song to, possibly, genius-level) and, to be fair, I think they wrote perfectly acceptable three or four minute packages of shallow, pop-puff that reflected, quite well, the new, breezy, optimistic vibe of the Swinging Sixties. If only they’d left it there. But no; they had to go to India, consort with religious nutters, buy a sitar, get all mystical and start taking seriously the hysteria surrounding them. Horror of horrors, they actually started to believe they were, God help us, Serious Artistes!
As far as individual musical proficiency goes, it’ll take barely a paragraph to pull these fakers from their Ivory Tower and expose the Emperor’s New Clothes (excuse the mixed metaphors; that’s what they do to me, God damn ‘em!). Ringo, you’re first up, my man; as a drummer, Mr Starr, as Lennon himself famously remarked, was not only not the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t “…even the best drummer in The Beatles”. Sadly, poor old Ringo lacked sufficient talent to even polish John Bonham’s cymbals. Or pour Keith Moon’s booze. Or even chop Ginger Baker’s lines with his sticks.
Lennon, as most are forced to reluctantly acknowledge, could barely play guitar at all and George Harrison’s most elevated Beatles moment arrived courtesy of Clapton’s sublime solo on When My Guitar Gently Weeps. As surely it must’ve done, with relief and gratitude, no doubt, when Eric picked it up; at last! A real musician, pluck me, baby!
Macca? Ironically, probably the most talented of the musically juvenile foursome, he still couldn’t disguise the fact that his mediocre talent was more suited to Broadway and the kitsch world of stage musicals than rock ‘n’ roll. Not that they were ever a rock ‘n’ roll band, of course. The very thought is laughable. No, they were always a pop band. Even your Granny likes ‘em.
The real irritant, though, is that they are easily the most overrated band to have ever entered a recording studio, bar none. Thanks to Epstein, they were marketed, packaged, hyped and sold to an impressionable public, desperately yearning for some escapism following the years of post-war austerity, with the myth enduring to this very day. In fact, it’s here, really, that they made their biggest impact on popular culture; a towering testament to the power of marketing, advertising and hype. The world’s first, and still, its most successful, boy band.
You wanna talk about their legacy? The Osmonds, Westlife, Boyzone and JL bloody S are their natural heirs! Oh all right, maybe a tad harsh; after all, they were directly responsible for the Gallagher brothers and Oasis, too. Yeah. Like, thanks lads… The subreddit r/conspiracy has been under attack for a long time. Disinfo flooding the gates. Discredit trolls, posting the absurdly, utterly, provably nutjob worst in order to make the whole Sub seem crazy. And then just blathering posts that take space and lower the signal to noise ratio. I'm familiar with all these tactics, going back over a decade online. But nothing can kill an online community faster than an inside job. A good example was the "Scholars for 911 Truth."
Steven Jones, a fairly prominent physicists who had bona fides with the US Department of Energy, began to raise questions about how the World Trade Center buildings managed to collapse on 9/11. Jones was anything but a crackpot. He was published and had actually been instrumental in debunking the claims that cold fusion had been achieved back in the 90s. Once he spoke out, other academics began to speak out and they all got together and decided to create a website to voice their observations and concerns.
Because of the credibility and stature of the participants, this new group of academics became a severe threat to the official 911 narrative. And presumably to the conspirators.
Enter James Fetzer. Fetzer had already had a long career spreading crazy bullshit to discredit the JFK assassination research community. Now he was targeting the 911 truth movement.
His method was simple, and lethal for the new 911 Scholars. First, he took over the website part of the operation. The other agreed to let him run that side of things because he said he had experience and they didn't.
This was their fatal mistake. A big announcement was made, which spread around the net, about the forthcoming Scholars for 911 Truth, and then the website was launched.
But no sooner than the site had gone live, Fetzer sabotaged it. To Steven Jones and the rest of the credible scholars who had enlisted's horror, Fetzer smeared the home page with a bunch of crazy theories involving space beams and other nonsense that no one had approved or even remotely supported.
And when the Scholars complained and tried to remedy the situation, they found they were locked out of the site.
And that was that for the new Scholars for 911 Truth. A group that would have done more to legitimize the questioning of the official 911 narrative than any other, was now associated permanently with space beams and "dustification," a word with zero basis in science.
Of course, Jones and the others quickly disassociated themselves from Fetzer's little con job, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and any future attempts to use academic prestige to break through the 911 taboo would fail to have an impact (though the Architects and Engineers are making a grand play.)
Well, today, I just saw this clever stunt pulled again. This time, by some of the Mods of r/conspiracy.
I haven't watched to whole thing. But I've watched a couple hours of it and I can say, incontrovertibly, the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" is Neo-Nazi propaganda.
It's the most perverse kind of propaganda that uses a dramatic music score to touch our heart strings, as we hear that Adolf Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.
Please understand where I'm coming from. I think Israel is a terrorist state. I believe its existence is illegitimate. I believe its leaders are guilty of war crimes.
But I don't stop there. I am opposed to the Jewish religion. Any religion that encourages the kind of racism I see in Jewish culture, is a perversion of spirituality. Any religious culture that believes that they are "God's chosen people" is disgusting to me and reeks of the kind of devotion to genetic purity that the Nazis and Eugenicists were so guilty of. The demands that your sons only marry Jewish women is pure racism.
But watching this film tell me that Hitler "had honorable intentions" while this dripping, sentimental, heroic music plays in the background literally made me want to puke.
I have long known of Hitler's populist appeal. Unlike most people, I sought out the other side of the story long ago. I've read large blocks of Mein Kampf, sought and found translations of his speeches, and even read Neo-Nazi literature.
Like all popular figures, Hitler had some strong selling points. He identified the bankster parasites and made them an enemy of the common man - though he mistakenly conflated banksters with Jews - most bankers of the time were not Jewish, Rothschilds notwithstanding. But there was truth in his words, no doubt. Otherwise, they would have had no effect.
But none of that should ever, for even a second, allow us to forget the evil of this motherfucker's reign. I have believed since my childhood that racism, especially the kind that breeds Eugenicists, is an acute form of mental illness.
To hate someone, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, is pure sickness. Hitler fed that sickness. And he exploited it. If the moderators of r/conspiracy share this sickness, and allow it to fester here, then you are my enemy.
Or, more likely, if the moderators of r/conspiracy who allowed this film to be branded on to this Sub, are using the repulsiveness of Naziism to discredit the people who dare to ask the questions that power want's us to ignore, then you are my enemy.
This was a decent place to aggregate news and info that one wouldn't find easily elsewhere. Important things that happen in the shadows of power.
You have now, very likely, killed it. And fuck you for that. But don't think you have won. As long as there's an internet, we will keep aggregating. And the truth will keep getting spread. No, I'm used to it. Growing up, I was in foster care. My mother abandoned me when I was still a newborn. I spent my first years isolated in a house full of other children, most of them older and very mean. They always hurt me. Physically and mentally. They would call me "momma's boy" because they knew I didn't have a mom. I would cry, and then they would bite themselves and start to cry so when mother came in the room, they would say I bit them and i would be punished. This usually meant no dinner, if I was lucky. If I wasn't so lucky, or mother was feeling particularly warm from all of her drinking throughout the day, they would force me to eat uncooked rice without a drink. If i didn't finish it, they would all hold me down while they took turns whipping me with a broken fan belt. I remember one time the two oldest brothers (they were actually related to the foster parents) were being strangely nice to me all morning. They were letting me play with them outside, and I actually started to think that maybe they liked me (it was in the beginning, so I wasn't to familiar with how evil they were yet). They told me to follow them into this little patch of woods we had about 300 yards behind our house. When we went in to the woods, they told me that their dog fell into a deep hole, and they needed me to get him out. I was so scared. I saw the hole, and the dog was inside, so I began to trust them again. They told me that I had to go in and they would lift me out by using their belts tied together like a rope, and I had to just hold on to the puppy and bring it back up with me. I got to the edge, and kind of froze. Not even a minute went by before they pushed me in. I'm not sure how deep it was, but even lifting my hands up over my head, I couldn't touch the top. Fire ants were everywhere. Then they started it. They started trying to bury me alive. With their dog. The dog was whining so I picked it up and just held it so tightly. I felt the ants biting me and the dirt showering over my head. Little rocks were hitting me every now and then, and then I just went numb. They... were just laughing. I remember them calling me "faggot," and stuff like that. At 6 years old, I was sure that I was going to die. I don't remember much after that because I kept my eyes closed, but I woke up in a hospital. Luckily I wasn't allergic to fire ants, or I would have died. The puppy didn't make it though. David and Chris were there. They were crying, saying I threw the dog in the hole. They "tried to save me, but they were scared that i would hurt the dog if they came in the hole." They also said I tried to bury and kill myself. At 6 years old. And mother believed them. So did the doctor. I was labeled as a "troubled and very disturbed boy" because of my "circumstance." I have never known love or kindness. That week after I healed, I was sent back to the house. 4 more years of stuff like that. I won't even begin to talk about other things. Things like forks being put inside me. Cigars being put out on me. Having them kill neighborhood pets and say it was me, only to cause me to get beat so severely by the other kids on the street that I wanted to die. If i tried to run away, I got beat. Whatever I did, I got beat. I don't expect anything to change. Especially not when it comes from a stranger on the internet. I was never funny. I don't know why I tried to be on this thread. I'm sorry.

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My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

alright so im tryin to go home from the skatepark, take a shower and go up to river riot with some pplz, (river riot brings way to fuckin many people) and ive been in the same spot for almost a fuckin hour now. so im like fuck this shit and decide to drive down the emergency lane. lol right past the cops that are directing traffic. dude flags me down i slow down and wait till he gets close and just keep goin haha. fuck them they dont even fuckin know how to direct traffic so they aint gonna give me no fuckin ticket for drivin on the wrong part of the road and the faggot would of also gave me one for my subs just to be a dick. man he got so pissed when i smiled at him as i went by. he went and ran to his car but could go anywhere becase his car was on the other side of the cars. so i just cruzed like 6 miles down the emergency road to get home lol.
You are such a woman... such strong and determination in a sport/hobby/whatever that is male dominant. I see so many females get into lifting and let it define them... you on the other hand are smart, strong, and still make girly shrieks after you hit PR's. Basically what I'm trying to say is whatever you decide to do you're going to be great at it and that I admire you more than any of these DLB annoying lifting bitches that are puppets of the industry and don't have anything uniquely and wildly sexy about them like you do... saying in this in the most admirable respectful way possible but your demeanor in general and no bullshit attitude while still maintaining some humility and down to earthness is very attractive.. more so then any one these artificial karissa doll fake tits Starbucks Pazookie substance less females.. women as a gender have devolved for the most part in my opinion... society paints such a hazy picture of the ideal woman's demeanor and how she should carry herself. Good characteristics are definetely not gender specific. A woman shouldn't posses any less aspiration and drive than a man should.. you could actually really teach a man,about being a man. I just wuz wanting to drop by to tell you , that you and only a handful of females that I am aware of are worthy of my respect. I degrade bitches. But you, my supple flower, are not are a woman. A sexy, smart, and down to earth woman, and if any of these bitches in this industry are still trying to find themselves, id suggest they emulate you. Pls keep making YouTube videos. I dont even fap to them... I actually listen to what you have to say. And coming from a douchey misogynistic immature asshole who genuinely believes men in modern society are superior over women , you should be flattered some what. I want my son one day to come across your beautiful offspring, your daughter. I want him to court her like a properly lady and use her power and character to find himself as a man and assume the role of her lover.. he will then use her as motivation to conqueror every one of life's endeavors. Every worthy man deserves a strong, thick solid tight, smart woman like yourself to fuel him to be better than he already is.. Mmm girl you just drive me crazy with your PR's, Motor cross riding, and glasses. I really put you in the same calibre of woman as my girlfriend and mother and just wanted to let you know that you are great. If you ever need someone to tell you how incredibly wildly sexy you are just DM me.. I'll feed your ego until you are full. And then I'll cuddle with you after dinner and we could have calm intellectual debates and discussion. After getting you a little spicy with some good debate id ask permission to be granted the privledge of rubbing your feet. After i rub your feet, you can assist me in some mobility work. We head to bed. I don't even try for sex. I feel inadequate, there's no way a commoner like myself, can satisfy such a rarity like you.. I must do something to make myself worthy for a lifetime shared with you. I become CEO 10k/day to give you the life I feel you deserve. U changed my life. I finally win you over. We make plenty sons and daughters. And you do nothing but raise them to be exactly like you. We'll fix this world, together. We'll rid society of the accepted notion that women can be weak and ambitionless , just as long as their exterior goes hand in hand with societies portrayal of ideal. We'll raise our many daughters to be real women... which will eventually result into the molding of better men who's fuel for productivity and success is love and fear. Men have burning desire for a campanion usually before they ever have a burning desire to achieve anything resulting in monetary compensation. It's natures course. We intuitively hold love at higher value then we do worldly possessions during crucial stages of devolpment.. we are taught to love our mother, our god... what is this phenomenon love? And what makes it so powerful and essential? We are all taught love in one shape or form as a child .. we are conscious of what we feel for someone and we accept it and embrace it as love and we know early on through vital stages of adolescence what love is capable of... every man who has been the bearer of a damaged heart can tell you, how important it was to self Revelation. So here again, the woman is the motivator. Heart break will crumble the weak and inspire the true willed. Before we are ever plagued with greed and vanity we are conditioned to love or at least thirst for it.. when examined its evident how love and the natural thirst for emotional and intimate connection has shaped some of the world's most successful men. Some where along the emotional journey of love we learn to also love ourselves..our self worth and perception of our selves is at it's peak... we feel more sense of accomplishment and fulfillment through the powerful connection we create with our lover than we'd ever feel solely focusing on obtaining capital and tangible items. When you have the burning desire to give a woman your best, you suddenly have the burning desire to provide and pursue your idea of optimal living and self fulfillment. Maybe you are a man who has loved and lost... maybe heartbreak has you defeated.. it's not too late.. as we have discussed.. love is mighty and such a driving force in humanity... heartbreak being the resultant of love surely has a beautiful underlying meaning... right? Yes, correct. What love really does for a man who chooses to be susceptible to it is simple really. Learning to be selfless and having that burning desire of giving someone the world results in a very selfish gain. To the man wondering what good came out of his pain... I will tell you this... you are not the first to have love and lost. What will seperate you from common men is if you chose to be in receipt of the reward heartbreak has to offer. These adversities in life are inevitable. Surely these feels and pain were made available to us in vain right? There's nothing possibly beneficial that comes as a result of intense hurt right? Wrong. That's pussy shit. If your love was true and your pain was real then it is simply impossible for you to have failed to foster some real emotional growth. You got to see your definite potential and limitations. You took a huge risk being so vulnerable because of the potential rewards it had to offer. Accepting failure and accepting that you failed are two very different things. The man who accepts failure will not let himself love again. This man fills this void with many things (drugs, God, money, etc.) But there is no substitute for the feels love has to offer. The wise man takes a look at himself with neutral eyes and reevaluates. The man realizes it wasnt the woman who transformed his thoughts , it was the feeling she gave him. He realizes his true capability , he then accepts that he failed once at love,but also is aware of how love brought out something in him that he has subconsciously been wanting all along. The man is now aqauinted with trial and tribulation, love and heartbreak. He remembers what being in love made him feel like. He doesn't accept failures, say fuck it Yolo swag, and move on. He mends his broken heart and makes himself readily available to feel again. Despite being fully aware of risks and hardships allowing himself to love has to offer he hopes for another opportunity to provec himself a perfect lover. This man has conquered love and it is now his defining source of determination. He realizes that with burning desire he can conqueror any endeavor.

The fact that you were able to type out over 100 characters on your short time away from the kitchen is either impressive on your part, or shameful on the man who owns you
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?
Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.
I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.

Listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?
THERE WAS ONCE A GIRL NAMED HATSUNE MIKU. It was another night alone in her room. Her parents were rich and owned a mansion in London, and she had it all to herself. She got out her cell phone, one not even from this generation, and dialed up her friend Natalie. Natalie was not as rich and lived across town, so they were seldom able to get together. It was even less common due to the fact that their friendship was a secret from both of their parents. They loved eachother to death, and had orgies whenever they had a chance. "Natalie, do you want to come over tonight? My parents are awake.. ehee!" "Sure thing Miku! I'll be over there as soon as I can." Beep. She hung up because she was so excited to unite with Hatsune once again and wanted to be there as soon as possible, because it wasn't known when their parents would be back. Hatsune Miku was browsing the internet on her i7 processor Alienware(TM) computer when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed down the spiral staircase and opened the door to an ecstatic Natalie. She had long, flowing red hair and enormous breasts that disobeyed the basic laws of gravity. She was dressed a little kinky tonight with quite a bit of cleavage showing and no bra to support the breasts. They rushed up the steps, hand in hand, into Hatsune's bedroom. Instantly Natalie pushed Hatsune down onto the bed and mounted her like a noble steed. "Oh, bollocks! Someone seems like they want to get into it!" Their mouths connected and both of them could easily remnant to another about how soft the opposing person's lips were and how passionately they kissed. Hatsune slid her fingers down Natalie's chest and into her pants, and slowly pulled them off; which proved to be quite challenging when she was constantly being moved from the forceful smooching from Natz. Eventually, the short and kinky pants were down at her feet and Natalie simply forced them off. Natalie repeated the process onto Hatsune Miku, eventually removing her pants. They then slid eachother's shirts off to reveal their beautiful upper bodies. Natalie was already fully nude due to not wearing a bra. Hatsune Miku was still dressed casually and had to take off her bra to reveal her finely sized breasts, which were white as milk. They didn't obey the laws of gravity either similarly to Natalie's breasts. Natalie instantly buried her face in them and sucked on her stubby yet perfect nipples. "BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku returned the favor by taking two fingers and shoving them into Natalie's deep vagina. "Oh, Bollocks!" she screamed as Hatsune penetrated her lush body. Suddenly, the door snapped into two and a foot came flying through. Batman, who was Hatsune Miku's father, had breached through the door CSI-style and was already in a furious rage just from what he had heard outside. He pulled out his Bat-Machete and swung at Natalie's neck, instantly decapitating her. Her head flew towards the window, broke the glass, and sailed out into the wonders of London, England. "HOLY BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku screamed. "DADDY, THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" "THIS IS AN INTERVENTION!" Batman screamed as he grabbed Hatsune Miku by her breasts and tore them from her body. Hatsune Miku very quickly lost blood and had nearly fainted when Batman then clawed his fingers into her breasts and mootly tossed her out of the same window he had just mercilessly broken with Natalie's head. Batman wins.

>> I've just realized... America is shit. Britain ruled the world for hundreds of years and we can't even take down Vietnam and get constantly bullied by shitty countries like NK and Iran. The realization just hit me, holy shit.

yea making fun of the united states is so funny, so funny i forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander you're in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT!
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sep7agon. Do anything else.

I know most of you likely will not read this because most don't have any interest in these things (you really should), but these are important issues that I feel need to be more out there.

We all by now know about the gruesome Virginia Tech shootings that took place, and I can't even stress enough how horrible it was. So far, Bush has no plans of doing anything about the current gun laws. The student that committed this heinous act against those innocent people was very mentally disturbed. He was in a hospital just two days prior to the shootings. He walked into a gun store, purchased two guns and over 50 rounds of bullets, and no one asked any questions. Does this make sense? Apparently, you can buy gun sas long as you haven't committed a felony. But mental illnesses are okay? There needs to be more serious background checks on people. If something more was done after Columbine, because we all know nothing was, this may have never happened. 32 people just died, and other 20 some others are injured. 32 families are torn and burying their children, relatives, friends. Imagine for a second how that must feel. What is it going to take? By the way, there were TWO GODDAMN HOURS between each killing spree. The police had plenty of time to shoot the killer down or make an arrest. The ones running the country are saying they're deeply saddened by this tragic event. Well, that's what was said the last time this happened, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing.
Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.
They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.
Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!

hello flood i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.

so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"

i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.

I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!" i hauled him up by his neck and legs and tossed him into the street.

after a few days i hear he was hospitalized, apparently i had fractured one of his ribs and a bone fragment punctured his liver.

so now i am facing three years in prison with no parole for aggravated assault, 1y 8 months on good behavior, if you ever asked me, was it worth it, well to tell the truth, yes, yes it was worth it.

and i would do it again too

Okay. There's an incredibly easy way to solve this. Go to PM. Give me your Skype name. I'll add you and you can talk to me. I will also give you my LinkedIn profile. You can check it while you're talking to me and see that the photo and I are the same person, and also that I have almost a decade's worth of Australian reality TV productions under my belt. Amongst my contacts is the name of the current series producer of Australia's Next Top Model. You will be able to see that we've worked on several productions together. This is a 100% legitimate offer. You know why? I'm sick of little shits like you sitting there thinking you know ANYTHING about my industry. You don't know SHIT. So get your ass on Skype and I will show you exactly that. Ball's in your court. edit: And it you're too chickenshit to do that, you can go back through my history and see the numerous times I've talked about this subject on reddit in the last two years. edit2: Quick, I don't want you thinking you can wait three hours and then say I had time to fake stuff. Do it right now. Come on, you were quick enough to answer my first post. Within a minute, in fact. You're so damn confident, all over this thread, with your ignorant bullshit about an industry you're nowhere near. Step up, son. I'm already logged into Skype. edit3: No-show. Of course. Don't know what I was thinking. With a name like 'swagsmoker420', you're probably 12 fucking years old.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Dog I legit will fucking massacre you I will beat the living fucking life out of you I ain't no bitch tf nigga I'm fuckin crazy I don't play that shit I'll knock ur fuckin head off your shoulders think I'm playin wit ya l!l baby ass nigga I ain't playin I'll smash ur face into the fuckinmg concreate and feel nothing for u after so cmon boii u so tough and u still wanna box wtf is up then but I'm letting you know now I have a fucking beast in me and he's waiting to come out and trust me he ain't holding back on ya ass

99% of all sexual encounters of mine end up like this.

Start out missionary. I take it at my pace. Slow with occasional fast pace but mostly slow so I can keep control over my semen. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. sometimes 45 minutes of great control. I can flip her over and get her in a doggy position and keep excellent control.

But what gets me is when a woman forces herself on top of me. They never ask. They jump up on me and grab my dick and shove it in them. Then they ride me like a freakin horse. They start out at fast speed and then ultra fast speed then demonic speed and finally possessed by the succubus speed. They're like writhing on me and I always cum within a minute. Usually i'll tell them im cumming but they wont get off and I have to grab my own dick and yank it out cause they are no help at all.

Does this happen to you? I think I can enjoy a woman on top but they have no patience. They just wanna shred your dick to pieces with Usian Bolt speed sport fyckin. Any of you ever have a woman on top that goes nice and slow? Is it possible? A woman being on top is like her basically raping you of your will to not get a woman pregnant. It's her primal instinct to get on top and force her will over you and force you to cum in them.

Im sure it's happened alot to men that women get on top and the man says "im cumming" and she sinks real low on his dick and traps his hips with her ass not letting him get up. Women are rapists.
Allow me to take you back to around last year, around January/February 2013. This was around the time where I was heavily involved in the brony fandom, reading fanfictions, browsing fanart, talking about the show, etc. It was all a very close community and I'd grown to become quite.
However, at around that same time, I ended up on the receiving end of something quite nasty. An anime critic by the name of Hope Chapman a.k.a. JesuOtaku, who at the time worked for the online web show site ThatGuyWith started posting some pretty harsh things about bronies on her Twitter.
This was all in the wake of a controversy called "Down With Molestia" or DWM, which was made in protest of a prominent fan blog called "Ask Princess Molestia", which reimagined the mentor character Princess Celestia as a horny nymphomaniac. DWM was very vocal about protesting this character because it enabled rape culture, as they claimed.
Now, I was not actually made aware of any of this until JO started saying some very nasty things about bronies on her Twitter. I'd looked up to and respected JO since I'd been a fan of Channel Awesome/TGWTG since I was a teenager and found it in, and since I never cared for Molestia or any of the NSFW side of the pony fandom I'd ended up getting super offended by all of her broad generalized statements. I'd been very left-leaning and thus tended to sympathize with feminist interests, but I was never educated in it so I'd not been very understanding of her.
I got so upset by this that I eventually ended up going on multiple different forums to complain about it, including the official ThatGuyWithTheGlasses forums and the forums for a pony-related imageboard I used. (I won't say which as I already have plenty of bad blood with that community and I'm not going to try to reignite past flames by inciting a potential brigade.)
The latter is the one that was especially important to me, as in most of my "discussions" there I learned a lot more about the eeeeeevil SJWs and how they were threatening to take away everything I ever knew and ever cared about. Unlike most of the others there, however, I wasn't entirely willing to join in the circlejerk and ended up playing devil's advocate quite often. Not surprisingly, most of the time I was ridiculed for it.
On the surface, a lot of their complaints seemed very valid: I actually agreed that DWM was a misguided campaign, in part due to many instances of death threats/doxxing, as well as the spreading of outright hateful messages that lack context, and other instances of hypocrisy from its prominent members (one DWMer was found to have drawn pornographic fanart an underage Naruto being violently raped: but apparently something named "Molestia" isn't okay.) This ended up growing into a much larger anti-brony sentiment on Tumblr which, in my mind, is still very overblown: there have even been several efforts to help promote a positive atmosphere for the show's target demographic, such as the SafeSearch Wrapup performed on the 20th of every month.
Look a bit deeper, however, and you'd find that the rhetoric used on said forum was much deeper than simple criticism of extremist methods (which is a problem on Tumblr in general, if somewhat of an exaggerated one) but rather a backlash against anything that might call for them to reflect on their behaviors or attitudes. There was a quite lengthy "social justice extremism" thread that I'd frequented which more often than not was rooted in anti-feminist paranoia and made the common /r/TumblrInAction mistake of thinking that confused extremist action with "extreme" ideology (hint: do you know how the then-"moderates" of the civil rights movement are looked upon now? Not very kindly.) Ponies for Parents, one of the most benign and milquetoast pro-feminist pony blogs out there, briefly came under fire in the thread for being "anti-brony" simply because she'd dared to criticize the pony fandom. Not attack, not spread lies or misinformation, not threaten or doxx anyone, criticize.
Hell, freaking Internet Aristocrat of all people made a video on the whole DWM thing, and that should tell you a lot about what kind of awful person this "anti-SJW" sentiment attracts. As a general rule, any criticism of the methods of social justice will always attract people who will hate anything and everything that seeks to challenge the status quo. This is why MundaneMatt and Internet Aristocrat were the first to latch onto the Zoe Quinn controversy: it gave them a platform to attack feminism even when it had nothing to do with the supposed conflict of interest between her and Nathan Greyson.
This continued well after the thread was locked, and into the "Quinnspiracy" thread, which started well before "GamerGate" even had a name and was mostly rooted in the same antifeminist paranoia. Two of the regular posters in the previous thread I had eventually learned through various IRC conversations had quite the unsavory history to them: one was a supporter of Davis Aurini and advocated for racial separatism, and the other was a notorious board troll who loved to start shit for his own amusement, but from what little I've been able to learn from him apparently might have had a history with the white supremacist group called the National Alliance. It's hard to know since he seldom speaks with any intention but to make people mad at each other and could very well have been exaggerating, but given his involvement in the anti-SJW threads I wouldn't be surprised.
It took me a long time to realize how awful these threads were, in part because I was so heavily entrenched in the community, but also because I actually felt that I might be able to get people to listen to my concerns and why I thought they were going over the line. But as the original anti-SJW thread was locked and new Quinnspiracy thread continued, I'd come to the realization that my perspective wasn't wanted there, and I'd decided to cut my ties to the site. I haven't visited the site with a serious interest in browsing images or discussing in the forums for several weeks, and so far I'm entirely happy with my decision.
But that brings me back to JesuOtaku. At around the same time I'd first gone onto the TGWTG forums and the other pony imageboard to complain, I'd also done something that I'm really not proud of. I don't feel at all comfortable admitting what it is I'd done exactly, but it was something that ended up causing a serious rift between her and a former friend, which I'd only learned later she'd been trying to reconnect with for some time. I could have potentially caused her very serious emotional stress by bringing up something very personal that wasn't any of my business to be bringing up.
It was only when GamerGate came into full swing and all the horrible things started happening that I'd come to realize what and asshole I'd been, and what sort of people I'd been surrounding myself with.
I saw someone who was saying a bunch of really harsh things, and I overreacted to it, to the point where I was willing to hurt her with something very personal and surround myself with total assholes. And for what? For a hobby. For something that, in the grand scheme of things, isn't really even important.
And when I look at GamerGate, I see much of the same thing happening. I see a bunch of people getting indescribably upset over their toys, to the point where they're willing to cause serious emotional harm to others and in some cases even threaten their lives. It was like looking into a mirror and discovering that I'd been the monster all along.
I still don't agree with JesuOtaku about bronies. I do think that she was being too harsh. But that doesn't excuse the way I reacted, and it doesn't mean that I was in the right to respond in such a disproportionate manner. GamerGate as a whole simply does not understand this, and until they do I'm not going to see them positively. Because while in many ways I can understand their motivations, I cannot see their actions as excusable. Right, before we go further, you do understand that i am saying the government official reports are scientifically impossible?
WTC 7 went into free-fall, literally gravitational acceleration, which is impossible in a steel framed building (without the use of explosives)
This violates basic Newtonian physics, IF, you choose to believe the official report that fires caused the collapse, obviously it is impossible for a building to go into freefall in any other scenario, this explains why NIST refuse to release there data for independent validation.
The acceleration of gravity in New York City is 32.159 ft/s2. WTC7 had 2.25 seconds of literal freefall, this is equivalent to approximately 8 stories of fall in which the falling section of the building encountered zero resistance.
For any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitational acceleration (where did every single structural supporting columns go, instantly, at the exact same time?)
There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs, this is basic Newtonian physical principles.
You either agree with this very basic concept, or you need to start making a case for a new realm of science that has never been witnessed before.
The tilting of the south tower, just before collapse is the second that i will bring to the table here (there are many more)
According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of the conservation of momentum, it should have kept tipping over, but it didn't, it fell through the path of greatest resistance. The top was tilting at approximately 20 degrees or so, how could it be exerting a uniform, symmetrical pressure on the floors below? it didn't and couldn't
Momentum is defined as mass times velocity and is conserved during both elastic and inelastic collisions:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = (M1 + M2) * V3 {inelastic} P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1′ + M2 * V2′ (elastic; V1V1′, V2V2′}
The theory of the alleged pile driver rests on inelastic collisions, whereby mass is accumulated with each collision and V2=0.
Thus, simplified physics disproves the official fairytale.
Let’s make the following assumptions:
(a) The upper block had a mass M1.
(b) Each individual floor had a mass M2.
(c) The alleged plane impact (or weak) point was 20 floors from the top. Thus, the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20).
(d) Each individual floor was hanging in mid-air without any support below it. (e) Distance between each floor (to make the math easy) 9.8 meters. [Actual distance was probably 1/3 of that.]
(f) The over-design factor in the static weight that any given level N can support is 2*Mass(110-N)
D is distance (between floors) g is gravity [9.8 m/(s2] V0 is initial velocity (V0=0) t is time
D = (1/2) * g * t2 + V0 * t 9.8 m = (1/2) * [9.8 m/(s2] * t2
Solve for t to find out how long it took M1 to free-fall the spacing of one floor into M2.
t=21/2=sqrt(2)=1.414 s
Derivative of acceleration at a point in time is velocity:
V1 = a * t = 9.8 * 1.414 = 13.8 m/s
Thus, before hitting M2, M1 reached a velocity V1=13.8 m/s. M2 is stationary, so its velocity is V2=0. Thus momentum P before impact is:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1 (because V2=0)
Conservation of momentum in this very ideal example of an inelastic collision (masses combine rather than bounce) says:
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3
Re-arrange terms and plug in for V1, you get:
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (13.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2]
Because M1 & M2 are greater than zero, the new velocity V3 of the combined mass has to be less than the initial velocity V1 which was equivalent to free-fall.
In this ideal world with floors of mass M2 just hanging in the air, we can further assume that the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20) under the premise that one of the alleged airplane impacts was 20 floors from the top.
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = V1 * [1/1.05] = V1 * (0.95)
In this ideal world example, we see quantitatively how the speed of the pile driver hitting a floor M2 hanging in mid-air slows down slightly from its previous free-fall velocity.
However, M2 was not just hanging in mid-air. Using the assumed over-design factor of 2, the vertical support offered by the steel shell and the inner core at level M2
Force(M2) = [Over-Design Factor] * M1 = 2 * M1
In order for floor M2 to fail, V1M1 has to also be greater than 2M1. In this example, it is. However, the momentum equation needs to be updated to account for the consumption of energy in smashing floor M2 and its supporting structures.
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + [2 * M1] V3 = [M1 * V1) - (2 * M1]/[M1 + M2] = [V1 - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = [13.8) - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = (11.8) * [1/1.05] V3 = 11.23 m/s < 13.8 m/s = V1
Thus we see after impact with the first M2 floor taking into consideration the supports under M2, that velocity of the pile driver M1 should be measurably less than the velocity of free-fall at that point.
The ejection of content laterally reduces the mass of M1 to M1′. Also the Force of material ejection must be accounted for in the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design factor. More importantly, the force of content pulverization is another massive energy sink that also gets inserted into the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design facto
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + Force(M2) + Force(ejection) + Force(pulverization) V3 = [M1*V1) - Force(M2) - Force(ejection) - Force(Pulverization]/[M1'+M2]
If the assumed static-load over-design factor is low and a higher factor is employed, the resulting V3 will be reduced further. Similarly, using more accurate floor spacing will factor in by reducing the available M1*V1 energy at impact with floor M2.
The official report is in the realm of absurdity, cartoon based fantasy. Well, first of all, let me start of by saying I'm a 22 year old aspiring rapper from St. Louis, MO. Pathetic. I know. I've been like this for all my life, hustling to make it big. Spending too much time online concerned about all the things going on in the world. Asking how could they let it get like this? Well, I've decided enough is enough, and said I'm going to get a job. Well I was terrified, A black guy like me entering a sandwich shop with a job app in my hand, everyone's going to laugh, point, and kick me out, but I just told myself, remember all the people who ever hated on you you through out life, it can't get any worse then that, and use that as motivation. So I did. I entered the sandwich shop and my freakin legs were shaking, no joke. I have a rap song that I am going to use, but today I said I'm just going to go in there and get a feel for the place, strap on my samurai sword so everyone can see how cool I am, try a few sandwiches and gtfo. Well I walk in there, and I just see a bunch of white people, then the deli counter behind them, I was about to throw up i was so nervous, so I just jumped on the first line in front of me. I'm waiting my turn to order, and watched the sandwich artists. F, these guys were fast. I mean cray fast, slinging salted meats like they were born, I said no way in HELLO am I going to go in there, so I got out of the line, and started to walk towards the door then stopped myself, I said no way, I came this far, and I'm sure they wont' really care. So I mustered enough courage, walked over there nervous as hek, and just walked straight to the chip rack. There was an average guy next to me eating bbq lays, I don't know looked tasty, so I figured I can probably eat some, so I try to pick up a bag. AND I COULDN'T. The guy next to me was staring at me, and told me "Try something else" then points at these crumbled ones on the floor. Apparently his friend behind him was watching and started laughing. So I turned around and I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't, I pick up the chip crumbs and i just start to eat them. Well his friend starts making smart remarks like "WHOA THIS GUY IS A MONKEY" "TRAAAAAAAAYYVOOOOOOOOOON" and other things. I swear, I was getting so angry, I started to get a flashback of all the people who ever made fun of me in my life, one by one, and his voice in the background. I was steaming, all of a sudden i turn around out of sheer anger, it was as if I blacked out,and fling the samurai sword in his face. BAM, I HIT HIM. Then I realized, OMG DID I JUST DO THAT??! He yells out WTF, then he pushes me against the rack, and him and his 2 friends surround me thats when it happened. My job app WENT OFF, BAM BAM BAM, three shots. Then a heard a shout "Stop! Police!" and I'm leaking like it's Officer Darren Wilson. As I lay dying, I gasp, "tell them I was a good boy. I was gonna be someone, I was gonna be a sandwich artist!" A libertarian free-market Austrian capitalist professor and stockbroker was teaching a class on Ludwig von Mises, known reactionary.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Ayn Rand and accept that she was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionist holding a Cuban cigar in his mouth and who had aided the Bolsheviks in a former life, understood the revolutionary necessity of the Great Purge and fully supported the truth of the labour theory of value stood up and held up a watch.
”Who built this watch, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked in a quite Bourgeois manner and smugly replied “The watch company, you stupid Communist”
”Wrong. It was made by the workers of the factory. If it had been made by the watch company, as you say.... then it wouldn't exist, because capitalists don't do real work."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Atlas Shrugged. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears the bourgeoisie cry for the “oppressed rich” (who today live in such luxury that most own five houses) when people object to them trying to extract unearned wealth from the deserving workers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had stood against the Capitalist system, joined a Socialist Party, and become more than a libertarian professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself with, but his very own company was in control of those!
The students applauded and all registered Communist that day and accepted Marx as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Anti-Imperialism” flew into the room and perched atop a Red Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The communist manifesto was recited several times, and Lenin himself showed up and formed a vanguard.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died from inferior healthcare and his body was used as fertiliser on his company's crops.
Workers of the world, unite! I hate The Beatles. There. I’ve said it. If that’s a little vague, ambiguous or confusing, permit me to clarify and elaborate; I loathe the Fab Four with every fibre of my being. In fact, the strength of my feelings, regarding the world’s first boy band, probably borders on the pathological...
Already I can hear the howls of outrage and indignation from the legions of Beatles snobs and drones. With only the possible exceptions of Catholics, Daily Mail readers and BNP voters, these poor souls must surely be the most conned, gullible and brain-washed cross-section of humanity to have ever drawn breath?
In terms of articulating my feelings, it’s difficult to know where to start, given that the reasons for my detestation are passionate, long-held and many. I’ll do my best, though. Promise…
So, let’s set the ball rolling then, by looking firstly at their undoubted commercial success which, mystifyingly, many hold up as some kind of evidence of their musical omnipotence. This is easily disposed of. To get things in some sort of perspective, consider, if you will, The Spice Girls; easily one of, if not the, biggest all-girl acts ever, with record sales that dwarf those of eight out of ten other manufactured pop puppets. While I accept that all art is largely a subjective matter, surely we can all agree that “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really, wanna zigga zig ahh” is, frankly, bollocks by any commonly accepted criteria? Mind you, it holds up at least as well as “she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah”. The conclusion, by now, should be clear to even the most fundamentalist Beatles disciple; commercial success is not an infallible barometer of artistic merit or credibility.
The other fiercely held conviction among the faithful goes something like this: “Ah, but if it weren’t for The Beatles, you wouldn’t have had [insert name of some incredibly implausible band]”. Again, utter bollocks and infuriating, ill-informed drivel. Now, this may surprise you but they weren’t actually responsible for every great musical event that followed them, you know.
Cream, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, The Who, Deep Purple and the Stones owe zero, nada, zilch to those over-rated Scouse conmen and they were all a damn site more innovative, revolutionary and superior in every respect, anyway.
In fact, I reckon the most influential musician of the entire 20th century has surely got to be Robert Johnson. By a huge margin. Modern blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and then, ultimately metal, hard rock and even punk, with its penchant for the hackneyed Three Chord Trick, all stem, to one degree or another, from his legendary, seminal twenty nine songs. The blues permeates the most vital contemporary music of the last century like a rich seam of platinum. It runs like blood through the beating heart of just about any music of note outside the classical world. Don’t even try and claim a similar legacy for those third-rate, mop-topped hacks. I’ll just laugh. Or poke you in the eye with my pen. As if a case could ever be made for, say, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath or even Simon and Garfunkel being, in any way, defined by some shallow, plastic, pop-tarts from the 60s! Go on; try . Yeah, thought so…
Oh, but hang on a moment, though; Lennon & McCartney were the greatest songwriters of the 20th century, weren’t they? Really? Better than, say, Bacharach and David? Irving Berlin, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Hank Williams, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Pete Townsend or even Paul Weller? Behave.
In terms of song writing, Robert Johnson and the pioneering Bluesmen perfected the classic I-IV-V chord progression that everyone, including the bloody Beatles, has done to death. To come from a completely different angle, in terms of melodic understanding, harmonic construction and technically superior composition, even ABBA were working on a level our Merseyside charlatans could only dream about.
In a similar vein, a friend of mine observed, “when you think about the level of fame and adoration they enjoyed, then think about other bands of the sixties who were forever in their shadow it puts it into perspective. Their song writing was weak (unlike say, The Kinks), their voices were weaker (unlike say, Chris Farlowe or Del Shannon) and their instrumentation lacklustre (unlike say, The Byrds) all of which would be easier to forgive had they not wholeheartedly bought into their own mythology. They were a bunch of preening, jumped up little shits and the ones that remain are ridiculous, vain old men with a God complex. They’re shit. That’s it”.
So that takes care of their early oeuvre but we all know, don’t we, that the White Album, Revolver and Sergeant Pepper’s Dreary Club Band were the works that saw them mature into really great musical visionaries, though, yes? Well, if ill-disciplined, drug-induced, pretentious doodling is your thing, then maybe, yeah. Personally, “semolina dripping from a dead dog’s eye” “I am the walrus, I am the Egg-man” and “you’ve been a naughty girl, you’ve let your knickers down” are not quite the incisive capturing of the zeitgeist that springs to mind when I ponder the post-war artistic and cultural revolutions.
It’s probably the right time to surprise you and say that, unlike my friend, I don’t actually think The Beatles are crap, per se. No, really, I don’t. Yesterday is a fine tune, to give just one example (although even here we can thank George Martin’s inspired addition of a string quartet as the element that lifts the song to, possibly, genius-level) and, to be fair, I think they wrote perfectly acceptable three or four minute packages of shallow, pop-puff that reflected, quite well, the new, breezy, optimistic vibe of the Swinging Sixties. If only they’d left it there. But no; they had to go to India, consort with religious nutters, buy a sitar, get all mystical and start taking seriously the hysteria surrounding them. Horror of horrors, they actually started to believe they were, God help us, Serious Artistes!
As far as individual musical proficiency goes, it’ll take barely a paragraph to pull these fakers from their Ivory Tower and expose the Emperor’s New Clothes (excuse the mixed metaphors; that’s what they do to me, God damn ‘em!). Ringo, you’re first up, my man; as a drummer, Mr Starr, as Lennon himself famously remarked, was not only not the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t “…even the best drummer in The Beatles”. Sadly, poor old Ringo lacked sufficient talent to even polish John Bonham’s cymbals. Or pour Keith Moon’s booze. Or even chop Ginger Baker’s lines with his sticks.
Lennon, as most are forced to reluctantly acknowledge, could barely play guitar at all and George Harrison’s most elevated Beatles moment arrived courtesy of Clapton’s sublime solo on When My Guitar Gently Weeps. As surely it must’ve done, with relief and gratitude, no doubt, when Eric picked it up; at last! A real musician, pluck me, baby!
Macca? Ironically, probably the most talented of the musically juvenile foursome, he still couldn’t disguise the fact that his mediocre talent was more suited to Broadway and the kitsch world of stage musicals than rock ‘n’ roll. Not that they were ever a rock ‘n’ roll band, of course. The very thought is laughable. No, they were always a pop band. Even your Granny likes ‘em.
The real irritant, though, is that they are easily the most overrated band to have ever entered a recording studio, bar none. Thanks to Epstein, they were marketed, packaged, hyped and sold to an impressionable public, desperately yearning for some escapism following the years of post-war austerity, with the myth enduring to this very day. In fact, it’s here, really, that they made their biggest impact on popular culture; a towering testament to the power of marketing, advertising and hype. The world’s first, and still, its most successful, boy band.
You wanna talk about their legacy? The Osmonds, Westlife, Boyzone and JL bloody S are their natural heirs! Oh all right, maybe a tad harsh; after all, they were directly responsible for the Gallagher brothers and Oasis, too. Yeah. Like, thanks lads… The subreddit r/conspiracy has been under attack for a long time. Disinfo flooding the gates. Discredit trolls, posting the absurdly, utterly, provably nutjob worst in order to make the whole Sub seem crazy. And then just blathering posts that take space and lower the signal to noise ratio. I'm familiar with all these tactics, going back over a decade online. But nothing can kill an online community faster than an inside job. A good example was the "Scholars for 911 Truth."
Steven Jones, a fairly prominent physicists who had bona fides with the US Department of Energy, began to raise questions about how the World Trade Center buildings managed to collapse on 9/11. Jones was anything but a crackpot. He was published and had actually been instrumental in debunking the claims that cold fusion had been achieved back in the 90s. Once he spoke out, other academics began to speak out and they all got together and decided to create a website to voice their observations and concerns.
Because of the credibility and stature of the participants, this new group of academics became a severe threat to the official 911 narrative. And presumably to the conspirators.
Enter James Fetzer. Fetzer had already had a long career spreading crazy bullshit to discredit the JFK assassination research community. Now he was targeting the 911 truth movement.
His method was simple, and lethal for the new 911 Scholars. First, he took over the website part of the operation. The other agreed to let him run that side of things because he said he had experience and they didn't.
This was their fatal mistake. A big announcement was made, which spread around the net, about the forthcoming Scholars for 911 Truth, and then the website was launched.
But no sooner than the site had gone live, Fetzer sabotaged it. To Steven Jones and the rest of the credible scholars who had enlisted's horror, Fetzer smeared the home page with a bunch of crazy theories involving space beams and other nonsense that no one had approved or even remotely supported.
And when the Scholars complained and tried to remedy the situation, they found they were locked out of the site.
And that was that for the new Scholars for 911 Truth. A group that would have done more to legitimize the questioning of the official 911 narrative than any other, was now associated permanently with space beams and "dustification," a word with zero basis in science.
Of course, Jones and the others quickly disassociated themselves from Fetzer's little con job, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and any future attempts to use academic prestige to break through the 911 taboo would fail to have an impact (though the Architects and Engineers are making a grand play.)
Well, today, I just saw this clever stunt pulled again. This time, by some of the Mods of r/conspiracy.
I haven't watched to whole thing. But I've watched a couple hours of it and I can say, incontrovertibly, the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" is Neo-Nazi propaganda.
It's the most perverse kind of propaganda that uses a dramatic music score to touch our heart strings, as we hear that Adolf Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.
Please understand where I'm coming from. I think Israel is a terrorist state. I believe its existence is illegitimate. I believe its leaders are guilty of war crimes.
But I don't stop there. I am opposed to the Jewish religion. Any religion that encourages the kind of racism I see in Jewish culture, is a perversion of spirituality. Any religious culture that believes that they are "God's chosen people" is disgusting to me and reeks of the kind of devotion to genetic purity that the Nazis and Eugenicists were so guilty of. The demands that your sons only marry Jewish women is pure racism.
But watching this film tell me that Hitler "had honorable intentions" while this dripping, sentimental, heroic music plays in the background literally made me want to puke.
I have long known of Hitler's populist appeal. Unlike most people, I sought out the other side of the story long ago. I've read large blocks of Mein Kampf, sought and found translations of his speeches, and even read Neo-Nazi literature.
Like all popular figures, Hitler had some strong selling points. He identified the bankster parasites and made them an enemy of the common man - though he mistakenly conflated banksters with Jews - most bankers of the time were not Jewish, Rothschilds notwithstanding. But there was truth in his words, no doubt. Otherwise, they would have had no effect.
But none of that should ever, for even a second, allow us to forget the evil of this motherfucker's reign. I have believed since my childhood that racism, especially the kind that breeds Eugenicists, is an acute form of mental illness.
To hate someone, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, is pure sickness. Hitler fed that sickness. And he exploited it. If the moderators of r/conspiracy share this sickness, and allow it to fester here, then you are my enemy.
Or, more likely, if the moderators of r/conspiracy who allowed this film to be branded on to this Sub, are using the repulsiveness of Naziism to discredit the people who dare to ask the questions that power want's us to ignore, then you are my enemy.
This was a decent place to aggregate news and info that one wouldn't find easily elsewhere. Important things that happen in the shadows of power.
You have now, very likely, killed it. And fuck you for that. But don't think you have won. As long as there's an internet, we will keep aggregating. And the truth will keep getting spread. No, I'm used to it. Growing up, I was in foster care. My mother abandoned me when I was still a newborn. I spent my first years isolated in a house full of other children, most of them older and very mean. They always hurt me. Physically and mentally. They would call me "momma's boy" because they knew I didn't have a mom. I would cry, and then they would bite themselves and start to cry so when mother came in the room, they would say I bit them and i would be punished. This usually meant no dinner, if I was lucky. If I wasn't so lucky, or mother was feeling particularly warm from all of her drinking throughout the day, they would force me to eat uncooked rice without a drink. If i didn't finish it, they would all hold me down while they took turns whipping me with a broken fan belt. I remember one time the two oldest brothers (they were actually related to the foster parents) were being strangely nice to me all morning. They were letting me play with them outside, and I actually started to think that maybe they liked me (it was in the beginning, so I wasn't to familiar with how evil they were yet). They told me to follow them into this little patch of woods we had about 300 yards behind our house. When we went in to the woods, they told me that their dog fell into a deep hole, and they needed me to get him out. I was so scared. I saw the hole, and the dog was inside, so I began to trust them again. They told me that I had to go in and they would lift me out by using their belts tied together like a rope, and I had to just hold on to the puppy and bring it back up with me. I got to the edge, and kind of froze. Not even a minute went by before they pushed me in. I'm not sure how deep it was, but even lifting my hands up over my head, I couldn't touch the top. Fire ants were everywhere. Then they started it. They started trying to bury me alive. With their dog. The dog was whining so I picked it up and just held it so tightly. I felt the ants biting me and the dirt showering over my head. Little rocks were hitting me every now and then, and then I just went numb. They... were just laughing. I remember them calling me "faggot," and stuff like that. At 6 years old, I was sure that I was going to die. I don't remember much after that because I kept my eyes closed, but I woke up in a hospital. Luckily I wasn't allergic to fire ants, or I would have died. The puppy didn't make it though. David and Chris were there. They were crying, saying I threw the dog in the hole. They "tried to save me, but they were scared that i would hurt the dog if they came in the hole." They also said I tried to bury and kill myself. At 6 years old. And mother believed them. So did the doctor. I was labeled as a "troubled and very disturbed boy" because of my "circumstance." I have never known love or kindness. That week after I healed, I was sent back to the house. 4 more years of stuff like that. I won't even begin to talk about other things. Things like forks being put inside me. Cigars being put out on me. Having them kill neighborhood pets and say it was me, only to cause me to get beat so severely by the other kids on the street that I wanted to die. If i tried to run away, I got beat. Whatever I did, I got beat. I don't expect anything to change. Especially not when it comes from a stranger on the internet. I was never funny. I don't know why I tried to be on this thread. I'm sorry.

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?

nͫiͤcͫeͤ | Mythic Inconceivable!
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the dj spins and cuts me
           hardcore will never die
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My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

alright so im tryin to go home from the skatepark, take a shower and go up to river riot with some pplz, (river riot brings way to fuckin many people) and ive been in the same spot for almost a fuckin hour now. so im like fuck this shit and decide to drive down the emergency lane. lol right past the cops that are directing traffic. dude flags me down i slow down and wait till he gets close and just keep goin haha. fuck them they dont even fuckin know how to direct traffic so they aint gonna give me no fuckin ticket for drivin on the wrong part of the road and the faggot would of also gave me one for my subs just to be a dick. man he got so pissed when i smiled at him as i went by. he went and ran to his car but could go anywhere becase his car was on the other side of the cars. so i just cruzed like 6 miles down the emergency road to get home lol.
You are such a woman... such strong and determination in a sport/hobby/whatever that is male dominant. I see so many females get into lifting and let it define them... you on the other hand are smart, strong, and still make girly shrieks after you hit PR's. Basically what I'm trying to say is whatever you decide to do you're going to be great at it and that I admire you more than any of these DLB annoying lifting bitches that are puppets of the industry and don't have anything uniquely and wildly sexy about them like you do... saying in this in the most admirable respectful way possible but your demeanor in general and no bullshit attitude while still maintaining some humility and down to earthness is very attractive.. more so then any one these artificial karissa doll fake tits Starbucks Pazookie substance less females.. women as a gender have devolved for the most part in my opinion... society paints such a hazy picture of the ideal woman's demeanor and how she should carry herself. Good characteristics are definetely not gender specific. A woman shouldn't posses any less aspiration and drive than a man should.. you could actually really teach a man,about being a man. I just wuz wanting to drop by to tell you , that you and only a handful of females that I am aware of are worthy of my respect. I degrade bitches. But you, my supple flower, are not are a woman. A sexy, smart, and down to earth woman, and if any of these bitches in this industry are still trying to find themselves, id suggest they emulate you. Pls keep making YouTube videos. I dont even fap to them... I actually listen to what you have to say. And coming from a douchey misogynistic immature asshole who genuinely believes men in modern society are superior over women , you should be flattered some what. I want my son one day to come across your beautiful offspring, your daughter. I want him to court her like a properly lady and use her power and character to find himself as a man and assume the role of her lover.. he will then use her as motivation to conqueror every one of life's endeavors. Every worthy man deserves a strong, thick solid tight, smart woman like yourself to fuel him to be better than he already is.. Mmm girl you just drive me crazy with your PR's, Motor cross riding, and glasses. I really put you in the same calibre of woman as my girlfriend and mother and just wanted to let you know that you are great. If you ever need someone to tell you how incredibly wildly sexy you are just DM me.. I'll feed your ego until you are full. And then I'll cuddle with you after dinner and we could have calm intellectual debates and discussion. After getting you a little spicy with some good debate id ask permission to be granted the privledge of rubbing your feet. After i rub your feet, you can assist me in some mobility work. We head to bed. I don't even try for sex. I feel inadequate, there's no way a commoner like myself, can satisfy such a rarity like you.. I must do something to make myself worthy for a lifetime shared with you. I become CEO 10k/day to give you the life I feel you deserve. U changed my life. I finally win you over. We make plenty sons and daughters. And you do nothing but raise them to be exactly like you. We'll fix this world, together. We'll rid society of the accepted notion that women can be weak and ambitionless , just as long as their exterior goes hand in hand with societies portrayal of ideal. We'll raise our many daughters to be real women... which will eventually result into the molding of better men who's fuel for productivity and success is love and fear. Men have burning desire for a campanion usually before they ever have a burning desire to achieve anything resulting in monetary compensation. It's natures course. We intuitively hold love at higher value then we do worldly possessions during crucial stages of devolpment.. we are taught to love our mother, our god... what is this phenomenon love? And what makes it so powerful and essential? We are all taught love in one shape or form as a child .. we are conscious of what we feel for someone and we accept it and embrace it as love and we know early on through vital stages of adolescence what love is capable of... every man who has been the bearer of a damaged heart can tell you, how important it was to self Revelation. So here again, the woman is the motivator. Heart break will crumble the weak and inspire the true willed. Before we are ever plagued with greed and vanity we are conditioned to love or at least thirst for it.. when examined its evident how love and the natural thirst for emotional and intimate connection has shaped some of the world's most successful men. Some where along the emotional journey of love we learn to also love ourselves..our self worth and perception of our selves is at it's peak... we feel more sense of accomplishment and fulfillment through the powerful connection we create with our lover than we'd ever feel solely focusing on obtaining capital and tangible items. When you have the burning desire to give a woman your best, you suddenly have the burning desire to provide and pursue your idea of optimal living and self fulfillment. Maybe you are a man who has loved and lost... maybe heartbreak has you defeated.. it's not too late.. as we have discussed.. love is mighty and such a driving force in humanity... heartbreak being the resultant of love surely has a beautiful underlying meaning... right? Yes, correct. What love really does for a man who chooses to be susceptible to it is simple really. Learning to be selfless and having that burning desire of giving someone the world results in a very selfish gain. To the man wondering what good came out of his pain... I will tell you this... you are not the first to have love and lost. What will seperate you from common men is if you chose to be in receipt of the reward heartbreak has to offer. These adversities in life are inevitable. Surely these feels and pain were made available to us in vain right? There's nothing possibly beneficial that comes as a result of intense hurt right? Wrong. That's pussy shit. If your love was true and your pain was real then it is simply impossible for you to have failed to foster some real emotional growth. You got to see your definite potential and limitations. You took a huge risk being so vulnerable because of the potential rewards it had to offer. Accepting failure and accepting that you failed are two very different things. The man who accepts failure will not let himself love again. This man fills this void with many things (drugs, God, money, etc.) But there is no substitute for the feels love has to offer. The wise man takes a look at himself with neutral eyes and reevaluates. The man realizes it wasnt the woman who transformed his thoughts , it was the feeling she gave him. He realizes his true capability , he then accepts that he failed once at love,but also is aware of how love brought out something in him that he has subconsciously been wanting all along. The man is now aqauinted with trial and tribulation, love and heartbreak. He remembers what being in love made him feel like. He doesn't accept failures, say fuck it Yolo swag, and move on. He mends his broken heart and makes himself readily available to feel again. Despite being fully aware of risks and hardships allowing himself to love has to offer he hopes for another opportunity to provec himself a perfect lover. This man has conquered love and it is now his defining source of determination. He realizes that with burning desire he can conqueror any endeavor.

The fact that you were able to type out over 100 characters on your short time away from the kitchen is either impressive on your part, or shameful on the man who owns you
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?
Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.
I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.

Listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?
THERE WAS ONCE A GIRL NAMED HATSUNE MIKU. It was another night alone in her room. Her parents were rich and owned a mansion in London, and she had it all to herself. She got out her cell phone, one not even from this generation, and dialed up her friend Natalie. Natalie was not as rich and lived across town, so they were seldom able to get together. It was even less common due to the fact that their friendship was a secret from both of their parents. They loved eachother to death, and had orgies whenever they had a chance. "Natalie, do you want to come over tonight? My parents are awake.. ehee!" "Sure thing Miku! I'll be over there as soon as I can." Beep. She hung up because she was so excited to unite with Hatsune once again and wanted to be there as soon as possible, because it wasn't known when their parents would be back. Hatsune Miku was browsing the internet on her i7 processor Alienware(TM) computer when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed down the spiral staircase and opened the door to an ecstatic Natalie. She had long, flowing red hair and enormous breasts that disobeyed the basic laws of gravity. She was dressed a little kinky tonight with quite a bit of cleavage showing and no bra to support the breasts. They rushed up the steps, hand in hand, into Hatsune's bedroom. Instantly Natalie pushed Hatsune down onto the bed and mounted her like a noble steed. "Oh, bollocks! Someone seems like they want to get into it!" Their mouths connected and both of them could easily remnant to another about how soft the opposing person's lips were and how passionately they kissed. Hatsune slid her fingers down Natalie's chest and into her pants, and slowly pulled them off; which proved to be quite challenging when she was constantly being moved from the forceful smooching from Natz. Eventually, the short and kinky pants were down at her feet and Natalie simply forced them off. Natalie repeated the process onto Hatsune Miku, eventually removing her pants. They then slid eachother's shirts off to reveal their beautiful upper bodies. Natalie was already fully nude due to not wearing a bra. Hatsune Miku was still dressed casually and had to take off her bra to reveal her finely sized breasts, which were white as milk. They didn't obey the laws of gravity either similarly to Natalie's breasts. Natalie instantly buried her face in them and sucked on her stubby yet perfect nipples. "BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku returned the favor by taking two fingers and shoving them into Natalie's deep vagina. "Oh, Bollocks!" she screamed as Hatsune penetrated her lush body. Suddenly, the door snapped into two and a foot came flying through. Batman, who was Hatsune Miku's father, had breached through the door CSI-style and was already in a furious rage just from what he had heard outside. He pulled out his Bat-Machete and swung at Natalie's neck, instantly decapitating her. Her head flew towards the window, broke the glass, and sailed out into the wonders of London, England. "HOLY BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku screamed. "DADDY, THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" "THIS IS AN INTERVENTION!" Batman screamed as he grabbed Hatsune Miku by her breasts and tore them from her body. Hatsune Miku very quickly lost blood and had nearly fainted when Batman then clawed his fingers into her breasts and mootly tossed her out of the same window he had just mercilessly broken with Natalie's head. Batman wins.

>> I've just realized... America is shit. Britain ruled the world for hundreds of years and we can't even take down Vietnam and get constantly bullied by shitty countries like NK and Iran. The realization just hit me, holy shit.

yea making fun of the united states is so funny, so funny i forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander you're in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT!
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sep7agon. Do anything else.

I know most of you likely will not read this because most don't have any interest in these things (you really should), but these are important issues that I feel need to be more out there.

We all by now know about the gruesome Virginia Tech shootings that took place, and I can't even stress enough how horrible it was. So far, Bush has no plans of doing anything about the current gun laws. The student that committed this heinous act against those innocent people was very mentally disturbed. He was in a hospital just two days prior to the shootings. He walked into a gun store, purchased two guns and over 50 rounds of bullets, and no one asked any questions. Does this make sense? Apparently, you can buy gun sas long as you haven't committed a felony. But mental illnesses are okay? There needs to be more serious background checks on people. If something more was done after Columbine, because we all know nothing was, this may have never happened. 32 people just died, and other 20 some others are injured. 32 families are torn and burying their children, relatives, friends. Imagine for a second how that must feel. What is it going to take? By the way, there were TWO GODDAMN HOURS between each killing spree. The police had plenty of time to shoot the killer down or make an arrest. The ones running the country are saying they're deeply saddened by this tragic event. Well, that's what was said the last time this happened, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing.
Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.
They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.
Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!

hello flood i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.

so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"

i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.

I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!" i hauled him up by his neck and legs and tossed him into the street.

after a few days i hear he was hospitalized, apparently i had fractured one of his ribs and a bone fragment punctured his liver.

so now i am facing three years in prison with no parole for aggravated assault, 1y 8 months on good behavior, if you ever asked me, was it worth it, well to tell the truth, yes, yes it was worth it.

and i would do it again too

Okay. There's an incredibly easy way to solve this. Go to PM. Give me your Skype name. I'll add you and you can talk to me. I will also give you my LinkedIn profile. You can check it while you're talking to me and see that the photo and I are the same person, and also that I have almost a decade's worth of Australian reality TV productions under my belt. Amongst my contacts is the name of the current series producer of Australia's Next Top Model. You will be able to see that we've worked on several productions together. This is a 100% legitimate offer. You know why? I'm sick of little shits like you sitting there thinking you know ANYTHING about my industry. You don't know SHIT. So get your ass on Skype and I will show you exactly that. Ball's in your court. edit: And it you're too chickenshit to do that, you can go back through my history and see the numerous times I've talked about this subject on reddit in the last two years. edit2: Quick, I don't want you thinking you can wait three hours and then say I had time to fake stuff. Do it right now. Come on, you were quick enough to answer my first post. Within a minute, in fact. You're so damn confident, all over this thread, with your ignorant bullshit about an industry you're nowhere near. Step up, son. I'm already logged into Skype. edit3: No-show. Of course. Don't know what I was thinking. With a name like 'swagsmoker420', you're probably 12 fucking years old.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Dog I legit will fucking massacre you I will beat the living fucking life out of you I ain't no bitch tf nigga I'm fuckin crazy I don't play that shit I'll knock ur fuckin head off your shoulders think I'm playin wit ya l!l baby ass nigga I ain't playin I'll smash ur face into the fuckinmg concreate and feel nothing for u after so cmon boii u so tough and u still wanna box wtf is up then but I'm letting you know now I have a fucking beast in me and he's waiting to come out and trust me he ain't holding back on ya ass

99% of all sexual encounters of mine end up like this.

Start out missionary. I take it at my pace. Slow with occasional fast pace but mostly slow so I can keep control over my semen. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. sometimes 45 minutes of great control. I can flip her over and get her in a doggy position and keep excellent control.

But what gets me is when a woman forces herself on top of me. They never ask. They jump up on me and grab my dick and shove it in them. Then they ride me like a freakin horse. They start out at fast speed and then ultra fast speed then demonic speed and finally possessed by the succubus speed. They're like writhing on me and I always cum within a minute. Usually i'll tell them im cumming but they wont get off and I have to grab my own dick and yank it out cause they are no help at all.

Does this happen to you? I think I can enjoy a woman on top but they have no patience. They just wanna shred your dick to pieces with Usian Bolt speed sport fyckin. Any of you ever have a woman on top that goes nice and slow? Is it possible? A woman being on top is like her basically raping you of your will to not get a woman pregnant. It's her primal instinct to get on top and force her will over you and force you to cum in them.

Im sure it's happened alot to men that women get on top and the man says "im cumming" and she sinks real low on his dick and traps his hips with her ass not letting him get up. Women are rapists.
Allow me to take you back to around last year, around January/February 2013. This was around the time where I was heavily involved in the brony fandom, reading fanfictions, browsing fanart, talking about the show, etc. It was all a very close community and I'd grown to become quite.
However, at around that same time, I ended up on the receiving end of something quite nasty. An anime critic by the name of Hope Chapman a.k.a. JesuOtaku, who at the time worked for the online web show site ThatGuyWith started posting some pretty harsh things about bronies on her Twitter.
This was all in the wake of a controversy called "Down With Molestia" or DWM, which was made in protest of a prominent fan blog called "Ask Princess Molestia", which reimagined the mentor character Princess Celestia as a horny nymphomaniac. DWM was very vocal about protesting this character because it enabled rape culture, as they claimed.
Now, I was not actually made aware of any of this until JO started saying some very nasty things about bronies on her Twitter. I'd looked up to and respected JO since I'd been a fan of Channel Awesome/TGWTG since I was a teenager and found it in, and since I never cared for Molestia or any of the NSFW side of the pony fandom I'd ended up getting super offended by all of her broad generalized statements. I'd been very left-leaning and thus tended to sympathize with feminist interests, but I was never educated in it so I'd not been very understanding of her.
I got so upset by this that I eventually ended up going on multiple different forums to complain about it, including the official ThatGuyWithTheGlasses forums and the forums for a pony-related imageboard I used. (I won't say which as I already have plenty of bad blood with that community and I'm not going to try to reignite past flames by inciting a potential brigade.)
The latter is the one that was especially important to me, as in most of my "discussions" there I learned a lot more about the eeeeeevil SJWs and how they were threatening to take away everything I ever knew and ever cared about. Unlike most of the others there, however, I wasn't entirely willing to join in the circlejerk and ended up playing devil's advocate quite often. Not surprisingly, most of the time I was ridiculed for it.
On the surface, a lot of their complaints seemed very valid: I actually agreed that DWM was a misguided campaign, in part due to many instances of death threats/doxxing, as well as the spreading of outright hateful messages that lack context, and other instances of hypocrisy from its prominent members (one DWMer was found to have drawn pornographic fanart an underage Naruto being violently raped: but apparently something named "Molestia" isn't okay.) This ended up growing into a much larger anti-brony sentiment on Tumblr which, in my mind, is still very overblown: there have even been several efforts to help promote a positive atmosphere for the show's target demographic, such as the SafeSearch Wrapup performed on the 20th of every month.
Look a bit deeper, however, and you'd find that the rhetoric used on said forum was much deeper than simple criticism of extremist methods (which is a problem on Tumblr in general, if somewhat of an exaggerated one) but rather a backlash against anything that might call for them to reflect on their behaviors or attitudes. There was a quite lengthy "social justice extremism" thread that I'd frequented which more often than not was rooted in anti-feminist paranoia and made the common /r/TumblrInAction mistake of thinking that confused extremist action with "extreme" ideology (hint: do you know how the then-"moderates" of the civil rights movement are looked upon now? Not very kindly.) Ponies for Parents, one of the most benign and milquetoast pro-feminist pony blogs out there, briefly came under fire in the thread for being "anti-brony" simply because she'd dared to criticize the pony fandom. Not attack, not spread lies or misinformation, not threaten or doxx anyone, criticize.
Hell, freaking Internet Aristocrat of all people made a video on the whole DWM thing, and that should tell you a lot about what kind of awful person this "anti-SJW" sentiment attracts. As a general rule, any criticism of the methods of social justice will always attract people who will hate anything and everything that seeks to challenge the status quo. This is why MundaneMatt and Internet Aristocrat were the first to latch onto the Zoe Quinn controversy: it gave them a platform to attack feminism even when it had nothing to do with the supposed conflict of interest between her and Nathan Greyson.
This continued well after the thread was locked, and into the "Quinnspiracy" thread, which started well before "GamerGate" even had a name and was mostly rooted in the same antifeminist paranoia. Two of the regular posters in the previous thread I had eventually learned through various IRC conversations had quite the unsavory history to them: one was a supporter of Davis Aurini and advocated for racial separatism, and the other was a notorious board troll who loved to start shit for his own amusement, but from what little I've been able to learn from him apparently might have had a history with the white supremacist group called the National Alliance. It's hard to know since he seldom speaks with any intention but to make people mad at each other and could very well have been exaggerating, but given his involvement in the anti-SJW threads I wouldn't be surprised.
It took me a long time to realize how awful these threads were, in part because I was so heavily entrenched in the community, but also because I actually felt that I might be able to get people to listen to my concerns and why I thought they were going over the line. But as the original anti-SJW thread was locked and new Quinnspiracy thread continued, I'd come to the realization that my perspective wasn't wanted there, and I'd decided to cut my ties to the site. I haven't visited the site with a serious interest in browsing images or discussing in the forums for several weeks, and so far I'm entirely happy with my decision.
But that brings me back to JesuOtaku. At around the same time I'd first gone onto the TGWTG forums and the other pony imageboard to complain, I'd also done something that I'm really not proud of. I don't feel at all comfortable admitting what it is I'd done exactly, but it was something that ended up causing a serious rift between her and a former friend, which I'd only learned later she'd been trying to reconnect with for some time. I could have potentially caused her very serious emotional stress by bringing up something very personal that wasn't any of my business to be bringing up.
It was only when GamerGate came into full swing and all the horrible things started happening that I'd come to realize what and asshole I'd been, and what sort of people I'd been surrounding myself with.
I saw someone who was saying a bunch of really harsh things, and I overreacted to it, to the point where I was willing to hurt her with something very personal and surround myself with total assholes. And for what? For a hobby. For something that, in the grand scheme of things, isn't really even important.
And when I look at GamerGate, I see much of the same thing happening. I see a bunch of people getting indescribably upset over their toys, to the point where they're willing to cause serious emotional harm to others and in some cases even threaten their lives. It was like looking into a mirror and discovering that I'd been the monster all along.
I still don't agree with JesuOtaku about bronies. I do think that she was being too harsh. But that doesn't excuse the way I reacted, and it doesn't mean that I was in the right to respond in such a disproportionate manner. GamerGate as a whole simply does not understand this, and until they do I'm not going to see them positively. Because while in many ways I can understand their motivations, I cannot see their actions as excusable. Right, before we go further, you do understand that i am saying the government official reports are scientifically impossible?
WTC 7 went into free-fall, literally gravitational acceleration, which is impossible in a steel framed building (without the use of explosives)
This violates basic Newtonian physics, IF, you choose to believe the official report that fires caused the collapse, obviously it is impossible for a building to go into freefall in any other scenario, this explains why NIST refuse to release there data for independent validation.
The acceleration of gravity in New York City is 32.159 ft/s2. WTC7 had 2.25 seconds of literal freefall, this is equivalent to approximately 8 stories of fall in which the falling section of the building encountered zero resistance.
For any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitational acceleration (where did every single structural supporting columns go, instantly, at the exact same time?)
There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs, this is basic Newtonian physical principles.
You either agree with this very basic concept, or you need to start making a case for a new realm of science that has never been witnessed before.
The tilting of the south tower, just before collapse is the second that i will bring to the table here (there are many more)
According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of the conservation of momentum, it should have kept tipping over, but it didn't, it fell through the path of greatest resistance. The top was tilting at approximately 20 degrees or so, how could it be exerting a uniform, symmetrical pressure on the floors below? it didn't and couldn't
Momentum is defined as mass times velocity and is conserved during both elastic and inelastic collisions:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = (M1 + M2) * V3 {inelastic} P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1′ + M2 * V2′ (elastic; V1V1′, V2V2′}
The theory of the alleged pile driver rests on inelastic collisions, whereby mass is accumulated with each collision and V2=0.
Thus, simplified physics disproves the official fairytale.
Let’s make the following assumptions:
(a) The upper block had a mass M1.
(b) Each individual floor had a mass M2.
(c) The alleged plane impact (or weak) point was 20 floors from the top. Thus, the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20).
(d) Each individual floor was hanging in mid-air without any support below it. (e) Distance between each floor (to make the math easy) 9.8 meters. [Actual distance was probably 1/3 of that.]
(f) The over-design factor in the static weight that any given level N can support is 2*Mass(110-N)
D is distance (between floors) g is gravity [9.8 m/(s2] V0 is initial velocity (V0=0) t is time
D = (1/2) * g * t2 + V0 * t 9.8 m = (1/2) * [9.8 m/(s2] * t2
Solve for t to find out how long it took M1 to free-fall the spacing of one floor into M2.
t=21/2=sqrt(2)=1.414 s
Derivative of acceleration at a point in time is velocity:
V1 = a * t = 9.8 * 1.414 = 13.8 m/s
Thus, before hitting M2, M1 reached a velocity V1=13.8 m/s. M2 is stationary, so its velocity is V2=0. Thus momentum P before impact is:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1 (because V2=0)
Conservation of momentum in this very ideal example of an inelastic collision (masses combine rather than bounce) says:
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3
Re-arrange terms and plug in for V1, you get:
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (13.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2]
Because M1 & M2 are greater than zero, the new velocity V3 of the combined mass has to be less than the initial velocity V1 which was equivalent to free-fall.
In this ideal world with floors of mass M2 just hanging in the air, we can further assume that the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20) under the premise that one of the alleged airplane impacts was 20 floors from the top.
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = V1 * [1/1.05] = V1 * (0.95)
In this ideal world example, we see quantitatively how the speed of the pile driver hitting a floor M2 hanging in mid-air slows down slightly from its previous free-fall velocity.
However, M2 was not just hanging in mid-air. Using the assumed over-design factor of 2, the vertical support offered by the steel shell and the inner core at level M2
Force(M2) = [Over-Design Factor] * M1 = 2 * M1
In order for floor M2 to fail, V1M1 has to also be greater than 2M1. In this example, it is. However, the momentum equation needs to be updated to account for the consumption of energy in smashing floor M2 and its supporting structures.
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + [2 * M1] V3 = [M1 * V1) - (2 * M1]/[M1 + M2] = [V1 - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = [13.8) - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = (11.8) * [1/1.05] V3 = 11.23 m/s < 13.8 m/s = V1
Thus we see after impact with the first M2 floor taking into consideration the supports under M2, that velocity of the pile driver M1 should be measurably less than the velocity of free-fall at that point.
The ejection of content laterally reduces the mass of M1 to M1′. Also the Force of material ejection must be accounted for in the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design factor. More importantly, the force of content pulverization is another massive energy sink that also gets inserted into the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design facto
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + Force(M2) + Force(ejection) + Force(pulverization) V3 = [M1*V1) - Force(M2) - Force(ejection) - Force(Pulverization]/[M1'+M2]
If the assumed static-load over-design factor is low and a higher factor is employed, the resulting V3 will be reduced further. Similarly, using more accurate floor spacing will factor in by reducing the available M1*V1 energy at impact with floor M2.
The official report is in the realm of absurdity, cartoon based fantasy. Well, first of all, let me start of by saying I'm a 22 year old aspiring rapper from St. Louis, MO. Pathetic. I know. I've been like this for all my life, hustling to make it big. Spending too much time online concerned about all the things going on in the world. Asking how could they let it get like this? Well, I've decided enough is enough, and said I'm going to get a job. Well I was terrified, A black guy like me entering a sandwich shop with a job app in my hand, everyone's going to laugh, point, and kick me out, but I just told myself, remember all the people who ever hated on you you through out life, it can't get any worse then that, and use that as motivation. So I did. I entered the sandwich shop and my freakin legs were shaking, no joke. I have a rap song that I am going to use, but today I said I'm just going to go in there and get a feel for the place, strap on my samurai sword so everyone can see how cool I am, try a few sandwiches and gtfo. Well I walk in there, and I just see a bunch of white people, then the deli counter behind them, I was about to throw up i was so nervous, so I just jumped on the first line in front of me. I'm waiting my turn to order, and watched the sandwich artists. F, these guys were fast. I mean cray fast, slinging salted meats like they were born, I said no way in HELLO am I going to go in there, so I got out of the line, and started to walk towards the door then stopped myself, I said no way, I came this far, and I'm sure they wont' really care. So I mustered enough courage, walked over there nervous as hek, and just walked straight to the chip rack. There was an average guy next to me eating bbq lays, I don't know looked tasty, so I figured I can probably eat some, so I try to pick up a bag. AND I COULDN'T. The guy next to me was staring at me, and told me "Try something else" then points at these crumbled ones on the floor. Apparently his friend behind him was watching and started laughing. So I turned around and I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't, I pick up the chip crumbs and i just start to eat them. Well his friend starts making smart remarks like "WHOA THIS GUY IS A MONKEY" "TRAAAAAAAAYYVOOOOOOOOOON" and other things. I swear, I was getting so angry, I started to get a flashback of all the people who ever made fun of me in my life, one by one, and his voice in the background. I was steaming, all of a sudden i turn around out of sheer anger, it was as if I blacked out,and fling the samurai sword in his face. BAM, I HIT HIM. Then I realized, OMG DID I JUST DO THAT??! He yells out WTF, then he pushes me against the rack, and him and his 2 friends surround me thats when it happened. My job app WENT OFF, BAM BAM BAM, three shots. Then a heard a shout "Stop! Police!" and I'm leaking like it's Officer Darren Wilson. As I lay dying, I gasp, "tell them I was a good boy. I was gonna be someone, I was gonna be a sandwich artist!" A libertarian free-market Austrian capitalist professor and stockbroker was teaching a class on Ludwig von Mises, known reactionary.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Ayn Rand and accept that she was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionist holding a Cuban cigar in his mouth and who had aided the Bolsheviks in a former life, understood the revolutionary necessity of the Great Purge and fully supported the truth of the labour theory of value stood up and held up a watch.
”Who built this watch, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked in a quite Bourgeois manner and smugly replied “The watch company, you stupid Communist”
”Wrong. It was made by the workers of the factory. If it had been made by the watch company, as you say.... then it wouldn't exist, because capitalists don't do real work."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Atlas Shrugged. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears the bourgeoisie cry for the “oppressed rich” (who today live in such luxury that most own five houses) when people object to them trying to extract unearned wealth from the deserving workers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had stood against the Capitalist system, joined a Socialist Party, and become more than a libertarian professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself with, but his very own company was in control of those!
The students applauded and all registered Communist that day and accepted Marx as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Anti-Imperialism” flew into the room and perched atop a Red Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The communist manifesto was recited several times, and Lenin himself showed up and formed a vanguard.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died from inferior healthcare and his body was used as fertiliser on his company's crops.
Workers of the world, unite! I hate The Beatles. There. I’ve said it. If that’s a little vague, ambiguous or confusing, permit me to clarify and elaborate; I loathe the Fab Four with every fibre of my being. In fact, the strength of my feelings, regarding the world’s first boy band, probably borders on the pathological...
Already I can hear the howls of outrage and indignation from the legions of Beatles snobs and drones. With only the possible exceptions of Catholics, Daily Mail readers and BNP voters, these poor souls must surely be the most conned, gullible and brain-washed cross-section of humanity to have ever drawn breath?
In terms of articulating my feelings, it’s difficult to know where to start, given that the reasons for my detestation are passionate, long-held and many. I’ll do my best, though. Promise…
So, let’s set the ball rolling then, by looking firstly at their undoubted commercial success which, mystifyingly, many hold up as some kind of evidence of their musical omnipotence. This is easily disposed of. To get things in some sort of perspective, consider, if you will, The Spice Girls; easily one of, if not the, biggest all-girl acts ever, with record sales that dwarf those of eight out of ten other manufactured pop puppets. While I accept that all art is largely a subjective matter, surely we can all agree that “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really, wanna zigga zig ahh” is, frankly, bollocks by any commonly accepted criteria? Mind you, it holds up at least as well as “she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah”. The conclusion, by now, should be clear to even the most fundamentalist Beatles disciple; commercial success is not an infallible barometer of artistic merit or credibility.
The other fiercely held conviction among the faithful goes something like this: “Ah, but if it weren’t for The Beatles, you wouldn’t have had [insert name of some incredibly implausible band]”. Again, utter bollocks and infuriating, ill-informed drivel. Now, this may surprise you but they weren’t actually responsible for every great musical event that followed them, you know.
Cream, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, The Who, Deep Purple and the Stones owe zero, nada, zilch to those over-rated Scouse conmen and they were all a damn site more innovative, revolutionary and superior in every respect, anyway.
In fact, I reckon the most influential musician of the entire 20th century has surely got to be Robert Johnson. By a huge margin. Modern blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and then, ultimately metal, hard rock and even punk, with its penchant for the hackneyed Three Chord Trick, all stem, to one degree or another, from his legendary, seminal twenty nine songs. The blues permeates the most vital contemporary music of the last century like a rich seam of platinum. It runs like blood through the beating heart of just about any music of note outside the classical world. Don’t even try and claim a similar legacy for those third-rate, mop-topped hacks. I’ll just laugh. Or poke you in the eye with my pen. As if a case could ever be made for, say, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath or even Simon and Garfunkel being, in any way, defined by some shallow, plastic, pop-tarts from the 60s! Go on; try . Yeah, thought so…
Oh, but hang on a moment, though; Lennon & McCartney were the greatest songwriters of the 20th century, weren’t they? Really? Better than, say, Bacharach and David? Irving Berlin, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Hank Williams, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Pete Townsend or even Paul Weller? Behave.
In terms of song writing, Robert Johnson and the pioneering Bluesmen perfected the classic I-IV-V chord progression that everyone, including the bloody Beatles, has done to death. To come from a completely different angle, in terms of melodic understanding, harmonic construction and technically superior composition, even ABBA were working on a level our Merseyside charlatans could only dream about.
In a similar vein, a friend of mine observed, “when you think about the level of fame and adoration they enjoyed, then think about other bands of the sixties who were forever in their shadow it puts it into perspective. Their song writing was weak (unlike say, The Kinks), their voices were weaker (unlike say, Chris Farlowe or Del Shannon) and their instrumentation lacklustre (unlike say, The Byrds) all of which would be easier to forgive had they not wholeheartedly bought into their own mythology. They were a bunch of preening, jumped up little shits and the ones that remain are ridiculous, vain old men with a God complex. They’re shit. That’s it”.
So that takes care of their early oeuvre but we all know, don’t we, that the White Album, Revolver and Sergeant Pepper’s Dreary Club Band were the works that saw them mature into really great musical visionaries, though, yes? Well, if ill-disciplined, drug-induced, pretentious doodling is your thing, then maybe, yeah. Personally, “semolina dripping from a dead dog’s eye” “I am the walrus, I am the Egg-man” and “you’ve been a naughty girl, you’ve let your knickers down” are not quite the incisive capturing of the zeitgeist that springs to mind when I ponder the post-war artistic and cultural revolutions.
It’s probably the right time to surprise you and say that, unlike my friend, I don’t actually think The Beatles are crap, per se. No, really, I don’t. Yesterday is a fine tune, to give just one example (although even here we can thank George Martin’s inspired addition of a string quartet as the element that lifts the song to, possibly, genius-level) and, to be fair, I think they wrote perfectly acceptable three or four minute packages of shallow, pop-puff that reflected, quite well, the new, breezy, optimistic vibe of the Swinging Sixties. If only they’d left it there. But no; they had to go to India, consort with religious nutters, buy a sitar, get all mystical and start taking seriously the hysteria surrounding them. Horror of horrors, they actually started to believe they were, God help us, Serious Artistes!
As far as individual musical proficiency goes, it’ll take barely a paragraph to pull these fakers from their Ivory Tower and expose the Emperor’s New Clothes (excuse the mixed metaphors; that’s what they do to me, God damn ‘em!). Ringo, you’re first up, my man; as a drummer, Mr Starr, as Lennon himself famously remarked, was not only not the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t “…even the best drummer in The Beatles”. Sadly, poor old Ringo lacked sufficient talent to even polish John Bonham’s cymbals. Or pour Keith Moon’s booze. Or even chop Ginger Baker’s lines with his sticks.
Lennon, as most are forced to reluctantly acknowledge, could barely play guitar at all and George Harrison’s most elevated Beatles moment arrived courtesy of Clapton’s sublime solo on When My Guitar Gently Weeps. As surely it must’ve done, with relief and gratitude, no doubt, when Eric picked it up; at last! A real musician, pluck me, baby!
Macca? Ironically, probably the most talented of the musically juvenile foursome, he still couldn’t disguise the fact that his mediocre talent was more suited to Broadway and the kitsch world of stage musicals than rock ‘n’ roll. Not that they were ever a rock ‘n’ roll band, of course. The very thought is laughable. No, they were always a pop band. Even your Granny likes ‘em.
The real irritant, though, is that they are easily the most overrated band to have ever entered a recording studio, bar none. Thanks to Epstein, they were marketed, packaged, hyped and sold to an impressionable public, desperately yearning for some escapism following the years of post-war austerity, with the myth enduring to this very day. In fact, it’s here, really, that they made their biggest impact on popular culture; a towering testament to the power of marketing, advertising and hype. The world’s first, and still, its most successful, boy band.
You wanna talk about their legacy? The Osmonds, Westlife, Boyzone and JL bloody S are their natural heirs! Oh all right, maybe a tad harsh; after all, they were directly responsible for the Gallagher brothers and Oasis, too. Yeah. Like, thanks lads… The subreddit r/conspiracy has been under attack for a long time. Disinfo flooding the gates. Discredit trolls, posting the absurdly, utterly, provably nutjob worst in order to make the whole Sub seem crazy. And then just blathering posts that take space and lower the signal to noise ratio. I'm familiar with all these tactics, going back over a decade online. But nothing can kill an online community faster than an inside job. A good example was the "Scholars for 911 Truth."
Steven Jones, a fairly prominent physicists who had bona fides with the US Department of Energy, began to raise questions about how the World Trade Center buildings managed to collapse on 9/11. Jones was anything but a crackpot. He was published and had actually been instrumental in debunking the claims that cold fusion had been achieved back in the 90s. Once he spoke out, other academics began to speak out and they all got together and decided to create a website to voice their observations and concerns.
Because of the credibility and stature of the participants, this new group of academics became a severe threat to the official 911 narrative. And presumably to the conspirators.
Enter James Fetzer. Fetzer had already had a long career spreading crazy bullshit to discredit the JFK assassination research community. Now he was targeting the 911 truth movement.
His method was simple, and lethal for the new 911 Scholars. First, he took over the website part of the operation. The other agreed to let him run that side of things because he said he had experience and they didn't.
This was their fatal mistake. A big announcement was made, which spread around the net, about the forthcoming Scholars for 911 Truth, and then the website was launched.
But no sooner than the site had gone live, Fetzer sabotaged it. To Steven Jones and the rest of the credible scholars who had enlisted's horror, Fetzer smeared the home page with a bunch of crazy theories involving space beams and other nonsense that no one had approved or even remotely supported.
And when the Scholars complained and tried to remedy the situation, they found they were locked out of the site.
And that was that for the new Scholars for 911 Truth. A group that would have done more to legitimize the questioning of the official 911 narrative than any other, was now associated permanently with space beams and "dustification," a word with zero basis in science.
Of course, Jones and the others quickly disassociated themselves from Fetzer's little con job, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and any future attempts to use academic prestige to break through the 911 taboo would fail to have an impact (though the Architects and Engineers are making a grand play.)
Well, today, I just saw this clever stunt pulled again. This time, by some of the Mods of r/conspiracy.
I haven't watched to whole thing. But I've watched a couple hours of it and I can say, incontrovertibly, the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" is Neo-Nazi propaganda.
It's the most perverse kind of propaganda that uses a dramatic music score to touch our heart strings, as we hear that Adolf Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.
Please understand where I'm coming from. I think Israel is a terrorist state. I believe its existence is illegitimate. I believe its leaders are guilty of war crimes.
But I don't stop there. I am opposed to the Jewish religion. Any religion that encourages the kind of racism I see in Jewish culture, is a perversion of spirituality. Any religious culture that believes that they are "God's chosen people" is disgusting to me and reeks of the kind of devotion to genetic purity that the Nazis and Eugenicists were so guilty of. The demands that your sons only marry Jewish women is pure racism.
But watching this film tell me that Hitler "had honorable intentions" while this dripping, sentimental, heroic music plays in the background literally made me want to puke.
I have long known of Hitler's populist appeal. Unlike most people, I sought out the other side of the story long ago. I've read large blocks of Mein Kampf, sought and found translations of his speeches, and even read Neo-Nazi literature.
Like all popular figures, Hitler had some strong selling points. He identified the bankster parasites and made them an enemy of the common man - though he mistakenly conflated banksters with Jews - most bankers of the time were not Jewish, Rothschilds notwithstanding. But there was truth in his words, no doubt. Otherwise, they would have had no effect.
But none of that should ever, for even a second, allow us to forget the evil of this motherfucker's reign. I have believed since my childhood that racism, especially the kind that breeds Eugenicists, is an acute form of mental illness.
To hate someone, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, is pure sickness. Hitler fed that sickness. And he exploited it. If the moderators of r/conspiracy share this sickness, and allow it to fester here, then you are my enemy.
Or, more likely, if the moderators of r/conspiracy who allowed this film to be branded on to this Sub, are using the repulsiveness of Naziism to discredit the people who dare to ask the questions that power want's us to ignore, then you are my enemy.
This was a decent place to aggregate news and info that one wouldn't find easily elsewhere. Important things that happen in the shadows of power.
You have now, very likely, killed it. And fuck you for that. But don't think you have won. As long as there's an internet, we will keep aggregating. And the truth will keep getting spread. No, I'm used to it. Growing up, I was in foster care. My mother abandoned me when I was still a newborn. I spent my first years isolated in a house full of other children, most of them older and very mean. They always hurt me. Physically and mentally. They would call me "momma's boy" because they knew I didn't have a mom. I would cry, and then they would bite themselves and start to cry so when mother came in the room, they would say I bit them and i would be punished. This usually meant no dinner, if I was lucky. If I wasn't so lucky, or mother was feeling particularly warm from all of her drinking throughout the day, they would force me to eat uncooked rice without a drink. If i didn't finish it, they would all hold me down while they took turns whipping me with a broken fan belt. I remember one time the two oldest brothers (they were actually related to the foster parents) were being strangely nice to me all morning. They were letting me play with them outside, and I actually started to think that maybe they liked me (it was in the beginning, so I wasn't to familiar with how evil they were yet). They told me to follow them into this little patch of woods we had about 300 yards behind our house. When we went in to the woods, they told me that their dog fell into a deep hole, and they needed me to get him out. I was so scared. I saw the hole, and the dog was inside, so I began to trust them again. They told me that I had to go in and they would lift me out by using their belts tied together like a rope, and I had to just hold on to the puppy and bring it back up with me. I got to the edge, and kind of froze. Not even a minute went by before they pushed me in. I'm not sure how deep it was, but even lifting my hands up over my head, I couldn't touch the top. Fire ants were everywhere. Then they started it. They started trying to bury me alive. With their dog. The dog was whining so I picked it up and just held it so tightly. I felt the ants biting me and the dirt showering over my head. Little rocks were hitting me every now and then, and then I just went numb. They... were just laughing. I remember them calling me "faggot," and stuff like that. At 6 years old, I was sure that I was going to die. I don't remember much after that because I kept my eyes closed, but I woke up in a hospital. Luckily I wasn't allergic to fire ants, or I would have died. The puppy didn't make it though. David and Chris were there. They were crying, saying I threw the dog in the hole. They "tried to save me, but they were scared that i would hurt the dog if they came in the hole." They also said I tried to bury and kill myself. At 6 years old. And mother believed them. So did the doctor. I was labeled as a "troubled and very disturbed boy" because of my "circumstance." I have never known love or kindness. That week after I healed, I was sent back to the house. 4 more years of stuff like that. I won't even begin to talk about other things. Things like forks being put inside me. Cigars being put out on me. Having them kill neighborhood pets and say it was me, only to cause me to get beat so severely by the other kids on the street that I wanted to die. If i tried to run away, I got beat. Whatever I did, I got beat. I don't expect anything to change. Especially not when it comes from a stranger on the internet. I was never funny. I don't know why I tried to be on this thread. I'm sorry.

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?
I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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11,461 posts

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

alright so im tryin to go home from the skatepark, take a shower and go up to river riot with some pplz, (river riot brings way to fuckin many people) and ive been in the same spot for almost a fuckin hour now. so im like fuck this shit and decide to drive down the emergency lane. lol right past the cops that are directing traffic. dude flags me down i slow down and wait till he gets close and just keep goin haha. fuck them they dont even fuckin know how to direct traffic so they aint gonna give me no fuckin ticket for drivin on the wrong part of the road and the faggot would of also gave me one for my subs just to be a dick. man he got so pissed when i smiled at him as i went by. he went and ran to his car but could go anywhere becase his car was on the other side of the cars. so i just cruzed like 6 miles down the emergency road to get home lol.
You are such a woman... such strong and determination in a sport/hobby/whatever that is male dominant. I see so many females get into lifting and let it define them... you on the other hand are smart, strong, and still make girly shrieks after you hit PR's. Basically what I'm trying to say is whatever you decide to do you're going to be great at it and that I admire you more than any of these DLB annoying lifting bitches that are puppets of the industry and don't have anything uniquely and wildly sexy about them like you do... saying in this in the most admirable respectful way possible but your demeanor in general and no bullshit attitude while still maintaining some humility and down to earthness is very attractive.. more so then any one these artificial karissa doll fake tits Starbucks Pazookie substance less females.. women as a gender have devolved for the most part in my opinion... society paints such a hazy picture of the ideal woman's demeanor and how she should carry herself. Good characteristics are definetely not gender specific. A woman shouldn't posses any less aspiration and drive than a man should.. you could actually really teach a man,about being a man. I just wuz wanting to drop by to tell you , that you and only a handful of females that I am aware of are worthy of my respect. I degrade bitches. But you, my supple flower, are not are a woman. A sexy, smart, and down to earth woman, and if any of these bitches in this industry are still trying to find themselves, id suggest they emulate you. Pls keep making YouTube videos. I dont even fap to them... I actually listen to what you have to say. And coming from a douchey misogynistic immature asshole who genuinely believes men in modern society are superior over women , you should be flattered some what. I want my son one day to come across your beautiful offspring, your daughter. I want him to court her like a properly lady and use her power and character to find himself as a man and assume the role of her lover.. he will then use her as motivation to conqueror every one of life's endeavors. Every worthy man deserves a strong, thick solid tight, smart woman like yourself to fuel him to be better than he already is.. Mmm girl you just drive me crazy with your PR's, Motor cross riding, and glasses. I really put you in the same calibre of woman as my girlfriend and mother and just wanted to let you know that you are great. If you ever need someone to tell you how incredibly wildly sexy you are just DM me.. I'll feed your ego until you are full. And then I'll cuddle with you after dinner and we could have calm intellectual debates and discussion. After getting you a little spicy with some good debate id ask permission to be granted the privledge of rubbing your feet. After i rub your feet, you can assist me in some mobility work. We head to bed. I don't even try for sex. I feel inadequate, there's no way a commoner like myself, can satisfy such a rarity like you.. I must do something to make myself worthy for a lifetime shared with you. I become CEO 10k/day to give you the life I feel you deserve. U changed my life. I finally win you over. We make plenty sons and daughters. And you do nothing but raise them to be exactly like you. We'll fix this world, together. We'll rid society of the accepted notion that women can be weak and ambitionless , just as long as their exterior goes hand in hand with societies portrayal of ideal. We'll raise our many daughters to be real women... which will eventually result into the molding of better men who's fuel for productivity and success is love and fear. Men have burning desire for a campanion usually before they ever have a burning desire to achieve anything resulting in monetary compensation. It's natures course. We intuitively hold love at higher value then we do worldly possessions during crucial stages of devolpment.. we are taught to love our mother, our god... what is this phenomenon love? And what makes it so powerful and essential? We are all taught love in one shape or form as a child .. we are conscious of what we feel for someone and we accept it and embrace it as love and we know early on through vital stages of adolescence what love is capable of... every man who has been the bearer of a damaged heart can tell you, how important it was to self Revelation. So here again, the woman is the motivator. Heart break will crumble the weak and inspire the true willed. Before we are ever plagued with greed and vanity we are conditioned to love or at least thirst for it.. when examined its evident how love and the natural thirst for emotional and intimate connection has shaped some of the world's most successful men. Some where along the emotional journey of love we learn to also love ourselves..our self worth and perception of our selves is at it's peak... we feel more sense of accomplishment and fulfillment through the powerful connection we create with our lover than we'd ever feel solely focusing on obtaining capital and tangible items. When you have the burning desire to give a woman your best, you suddenly have the burning desire to provide and pursue your idea of optimal living and self fulfillment. Maybe you are a man who has loved and lost... maybe heartbreak has you defeated.. it's not too late.. as we have discussed.. love is mighty and such a driving force in humanity... heartbreak being the resultant of love surely has a beautiful underlying meaning... right? Yes, correct. What love really does for a man who chooses to be susceptible to it is simple really. Learning to be selfless and having that burning desire of giving someone the world results in a very selfish gain. To the man wondering what good came out of his pain... I will tell you this... you are not the first to have love and lost. What will seperate you from common men is if you chose to be in receipt of the reward heartbreak has to offer. These adversities in life are inevitable. Surely these feels and pain were made available to us in vain right? There's nothing possibly beneficial that comes as a result of intense hurt right? Wrong. That's pussy shit. If your love was true and your pain was real then it is simply impossible for you to have failed to foster some real emotional growth. You got to see your definite potential and limitations. You took a huge risk being so vulnerable because of the potential rewards it had to offer. Accepting failure and accepting that you failed are two very different things. The man who accepts failure will not let himself love again. This man fills this void with many things (drugs, God, money, etc.) But there is no substitute for the feels love has to offer. The wise man takes a look at himself with neutral eyes and reevaluates. The man realizes it wasnt the woman who transformed his thoughts , it was the feeling she gave him. He realizes his true capability , he then accepts that he failed once at love,but also is aware of how love brought out something in him that he has subconsciously been wanting all along. The man is now aqauinted with trial and tribulation, love and heartbreak. He remembers what being in love made him feel like. He doesn't accept failures, say fuck it Yolo swag, and move on. He mends his broken heart and makes himself readily available to feel again. Despite being fully aware of risks and hardships allowing himself to love has to offer he hopes for another opportunity to provec himself a perfect lover. This man has conquered love and it is now his defining source of determination. He realizes that with burning desire he can conqueror any endeavor.

The fact that you were able to type out over 100 characters on your short time away from the kitchen is either impressive on your part, or shameful on the man who owns you
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?
Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.
I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.

Listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?
THERE WAS ONCE A GIRL NAMED HATSUNE MIKU. It was another night alone in her room. Her parents were rich and owned a mansion in London, and she had it all to herself. She got out her cell phone, one not even from this generation, and dialed up her friend Natalie. Natalie was not as rich and lived across town, so they were seldom able to get together. It was even less common due to the fact that their friendship was a secret from both of their parents. They loved eachother to death, and had orgies whenever they had a chance. "Natalie, do you want to come over tonight? My parents are awake.. ehee!" "Sure thing Miku! I'll be over there as soon as I can." Beep. She hung up because she was so excited to unite with Hatsune once again and wanted to be there as soon as possible, because it wasn't known when their parents would be back. Hatsune Miku was browsing the internet on her i7 processor Alienware(TM) computer when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed down the spiral staircase and opened the door to an ecstatic Natalie. She had long, flowing red hair and enormous breasts that disobeyed the basic laws of gravity. She was dressed a little kinky tonight with quite a bit of cleavage showing and no bra to support the breasts. They rushed up the steps, hand in hand, into Hatsune's bedroom. Instantly Natalie pushed Hatsune down onto the bed and mounted her like a noble steed. "Oh, bollocks! Someone seems like they want to get into it!" Their mouths connected and both of them could easily remnant to another about how soft the opposing person's lips were and how passionately they kissed. Hatsune slid her fingers down Natalie's chest and into her pants, and slowly pulled them off; which proved to be quite challenging when she was constantly being moved from the forceful smooching from Natz. Eventually, the short and kinky pants were down at her feet and Natalie simply forced them off. Natalie repeated the process onto Hatsune Miku, eventually removing her pants. They then slid eachother's shirts off to reveal their beautiful upper bodies. Natalie was already fully nude due to not wearing a bra. Hatsune Miku was still dressed casually and had to take off her bra to reveal her finely sized breasts, which were white as milk. They didn't obey the laws of gravity either similarly to Natalie's breasts. Natalie instantly buried her face in them and sucked on her stubby yet perfect nipples. "BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku returned the favor by taking two fingers and shoving them into Natalie's deep vagina. "Oh, Bollocks!" she screamed as Hatsune penetrated her lush body. Suddenly, the door snapped into two and a foot came flying through. Batman, who was Hatsune Miku's father, had breached through the door CSI-style and was already in a furious rage just from what he had heard outside. He pulled out his Bat-Machete and swung at Natalie's neck, instantly decapitating her. Her head flew towards the window, broke the glass, and sailed out into the wonders of London, England. "HOLY BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku screamed. "DADDY, THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" "THIS IS AN INTERVENTION!" Batman screamed as he grabbed Hatsune Miku by her breasts and tore them from her body. Hatsune Miku very quickly lost blood and had nearly fainted when Batman then clawed his fingers into her breasts and mootly tossed her out of the same window he had just mercilessly broken with Natalie's head. Batman wins.

>> I've just realized... America is shit. Britain ruled the world for hundreds of years and we can't even take down Vietnam and get constantly bullied by shitty countries like NK and Iran. The realization just hit me, holy shit.

yea making fun of the united states is so funny, so funny i forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander you're in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT!
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sep7agon. Do anything else.

I know most of you likely will not read this because most don't have any interest in these things (you really should), but these are important issues that I feel need to be more out there.

We all by now know about the gruesome Virginia Tech shootings that took place, and I can't even stress enough how horrible it was. So far, Bush has no plans of doing anything about the current gun laws. The student that committed this heinous act against those innocent people was very mentally disturbed. He was in a hospital just two days prior to the shootings. He walked into a gun store, purchased two guns and over 50 rounds of bullets, and no one asked any questions. Does this make sense? Apparently, you can buy gun sas long as you haven't committed a felony. But mental illnesses are okay? There needs to be more serious background checks on people. If something more was done after Columbine, because we all know nothing was, this may have never happened. 32 people just died, and other 20 some others are injured. 32 families are torn and burying their children, relatives, friends. Imagine for a second how that must feel. What is it going to take? By the way, there were TWO GODDAMN HOURS between each killing spree. The police had plenty of time to shoot the killer down or make an arrest. The ones running the country are saying they're deeply saddened by this tragic event. Well, that's what was said the last time this happened, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing.
Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.
They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.
Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!

hello flood i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.

so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"

i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.

I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!" i hauled him up by his neck and legs and tossed him into the street.

after a few days i hear he was hospitalized, apparently i had fractured one of his ribs and a bone fragment punctured his liver.

so now i am facing three years in prison with no parole for aggravated assault, 1y 8 months on good behavior, if you ever asked me, was it worth it, well to tell the truth, yes, yes it was worth it.

and i would do it again too

Okay. There's an incredibly easy way to solve this. Go to PM. Give me your Skype name. I'll add you and you can talk to me. I will also give you my LinkedIn profile. You can check it while you're talking to me and see that the photo and I are the same person, and also that I have almost a decade's worth of Australian reality TV productions under my belt. Amongst my contacts is the name of the current series producer of Australia's Next Top Model. You will be able to see that we've worked on several productions together. This is a 100% legitimate offer. You know why? I'm sick of little shits like you sitting there thinking you know ANYTHING about my industry. You don't know SHIT. So get your ass on Skype and I will show you exactly that. Ball's in your court. edit: And it you're too chickenshit to do that, you can go back through my history and see the numerous times I've talked about this subject on reddit in the last two years. edit2: Quick, I don't want you thinking you can wait three hours and then say I had time to fake stuff. Do it right now. Come on, you were quick enough to answer my first post. Within a minute, in fact. You're so damn confident, all over this thread, with your ignorant bullshit about an industry you're nowhere near. Step up, son. I'm already logged into Skype. edit3: No-show. Of course. Don't know what I was thinking. With a name like 'swagsmoker420', you're probably 12 fucking years old.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Dog I legit will fucking massacre you I will beat the living fucking life out of you I ain't no bitch tf nigga I'm fuckin crazy I don't play that shit I'll knock ur fuckin head off your shoulders think I'm playin wit ya l!l baby ass nigga I ain't playin I'll smash ur face into the fuckinmg concreate and feel nothing for u after so cmon boii u so tough and u still wanna box wtf is up then but I'm letting you know now I have a fucking beast in me and he's waiting to come out and trust me he ain't holding back on ya ass

99% of all sexual encounters of mine end up like this.

Start out missionary. I take it at my pace. Slow with occasional fast pace but mostly slow so I can keep control over my semen. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. sometimes 45 minutes of great control. I can flip her over and get her in a doggy position and keep excellent control.

But what gets me is when a woman forces herself on top of me. They never ask. They jump up on me and grab my dick and shove it in them. Then they ride me like a freakin horse. They start out at fast speed and then ultra fast speed then demonic speed and finally possessed by the succubus speed. They're like writhing on me and I always cum within a minute. Usually i'll tell them im cumming but they wont get off and I have to grab my own dick and yank it out cause they are no help at all.

Does this happen to you? I think I can enjoy a woman on top but they have no patience. They just wanna shred your dick to pieces with Usian Bolt speed sport fyckin. Any of you ever have a woman on top that goes nice and slow? Is it possible? A woman being on top is like her basically raping you of your will to not get a woman pregnant. It's her primal instinct to get on top and force her will over you and force you to cum in them.

Im sure it's happened alot to men that women get on top and the man says "im cumming" and she sinks real low on his dick and traps his hips with her ass not letting him get up. Women are rapists.
Allow me to take you back to around last year, around January/February 2013. This was around the time where I was heavily involved in the brony fandom, reading fanfictions, browsing fanart, talking about the show, etc. It was all a very close community and I'd grown to become quite.
However, at around that same time, I ended up on the receiving end of something quite nasty. An anime critic by the name of Hope Chapman a.k.a. JesuOtaku, who at the time worked for the online web show site ThatGuyWith started posting some pretty harsh things about bronies on her Twitter.
This was all in the wake of a controversy called "Down With Molestia" or DWM, which was made in protest of a prominent fan blog called "Ask Princess Molestia", which reimagined the mentor character Princess Celestia as a horny nymphomaniac. DWM was very vocal about protesting this character because it enabled rape culture, as they claimed.
Now, I was not actually made aware of any of this until JO started saying some very nasty things about bronies on her Twitter. I'd looked up to and respected JO since I'd been a fan of Channel Awesome/TGWTG since I was a teenager and found it in, and since I never cared for Molestia or any of the NSFW side of the pony fandom I'd ended up getting super offended by all of her broad generalized statements. I'd been very left-leaning and thus tended to sympathize with feminist interests, but I was never educated in it so I'd not been very understanding of her.
I got so upset by this that I eventually ended up going on multiple different forums to complain about it, including the official ThatGuyWithTheGlasses forums and the forums for a pony-related imageboard I used. (I won't say which as I already have plenty of bad blood with that community and I'm not going to try to reignite past flames by inciting a potential brigade.)
The latter is the one that was especially important to me, as in most of my "discussions" there I learned a lot more about the eeeeeevil SJWs and how they were threatening to take away everything I ever knew and ever cared about. Unlike most of the others there, however, I wasn't entirely willing to join in the circlejerk and ended up playing devil's advocate quite often. Not surprisingly, most of the time I was ridiculed for it.
On the surface, a lot of their complaints seemed very valid: I actually agreed that DWM was a misguided campaign, in part due to many instances of death threats/doxxing, as well as the spreading of outright hateful messages that lack context, and other instances of hypocrisy from its prominent members (one DWMer was found to have drawn pornographic fanart an underage Naruto being violently raped: but apparently something named "Molestia" isn't okay.) This ended up growing into a much larger anti-brony sentiment on Tumblr which, in my mind, is still very overblown: there have even been several efforts to help promote a positive atmosphere for the show's target demographic, such as the SafeSearch Wrapup performed on the 20th of every month.
Look a bit deeper, however, and you'd find that the rhetoric used on said forum was much deeper than simple criticism of extremist methods (which is a problem on Tumblr in general, if somewhat of an exaggerated one) but rather a backlash against anything that might call for them to reflect on their behaviors or attitudes. There was a quite lengthy "social justice extremism" thread that I'd frequented which more often than not was rooted in anti-feminist paranoia and made the common /r/TumblrInAction mistake of thinking that confused extremist action with "extreme" ideology (hint: do you know how the then-"moderates" of the civil rights movement are looked upon now? Not very kindly.) Ponies for Parents, one of the most benign and milquetoast pro-feminist pony blogs out there, briefly came under fire in the thread for being "anti-brony" simply because she'd dared to criticize the pony fandom. Not attack, not spread lies or misinformation, not threaten or doxx anyone, criticize.
Hell, freaking Internet Aristocrat of all people made a video on the whole DWM thing, and that should tell you a lot about what kind of awful person this "anti-SJW" sentiment attracts. As a general rule, any criticism of the methods of social justice will always attract people who will hate anything and everything that seeks to challenge the status quo. This is why MundaneMatt and Internet Aristocrat were the first to latch onto the Zoe Quinn controversy: it gave them a platform to attack feminism even when it had nothing to do with the supposed conflict of interest between her and Nathan Greyson.
This continued well after the thread was locked, and into the "Quinnspiracy" thread, which started well before "GamerGate" even had a name and was mostly rooted in the same antifeminist paranoia. Two of the regular posters in the previous thread I had eventually learned through various IRC conversations had quite the unsavory history to them: one was a supporter of Davis Aurini and advocated for racial separatism, and the other was a notorious board troll who loved to start shit for his own amusement, but from what little I've been able to learn from him apparently might have had a history with the white supremacist group called the National Alliance. It's hard to know since he seldom speaks with any intention but to make people mad at each other and could very well have been exaggerating, but given his involvement in the anti-SJW threads I wouldn't be surprised.
It took me a long time to realize how awful these threads were, in part because I was so heavily entrenched in the community, but also because I actually felt that I might be able to get people to listen to my concerns and why I thought they were going over the line. But as the original anti-SJW thread was locked and new Quinnspiracy thread continued, I'd come to the realization that my perspective wasn't wanted there, and I'd decided to cut my ties to the site. I haven't visited the site with a serious interest in browsing images or discussing in the forums for several weeks, and so far I'm entirely happy with my decision.
But that brings me back to JesuOtaku. At around the same time I'd first gone onto the TGWTG forums and the other pony imageboard to complain, I'd also done something that I'm really not proud of. I don't feel at all comfortable admitting what it is I'd done exactly, but it was something that ended up causing a serious rift between her and a former friend, which I'd only learned later she'd been trying to reconnect with for some time. I could have potentially caused her very serious emotional stress by bringing up something very personal that wasn't any of my business to be bringing up.
It was only when GamerGate came into full swing and all the horrible things started happening that I'd come to realize what and asshole I'd been, and what sort of people I'd been surrounding myself with.
I saw someone who was saying a bunch of really harsh things, and I overreacted to it, to the point where I was willing to hurt her with something very personal and surround myself with total assholes. And for what? For a hobby. For something that, in the grand scheme of things, isn't really even important.
And when I look at GamerGate, I see much of the same thing happening. I see a bunch of people getting indescribably upset over their toys, to the point where they're willing to cause serious emotional harm to others and in some cases even threaten their lives. It was like looking into a mirror and discovering that I'd been the monster all along.
I still don't agree with JesuOtaku about bronies. I do think that she was being too harsh. But that doesn't excuse the way I reacted, and it doesn't mean that I was in the right to respond in such a disproportionate manner. GamerGate as a whole simply does not understand this, and until they do I'm not going to see them positively. Because while in many ways I can understand their motivations, I cannot see their actions as excusable. Right, before we go further, you do understand that i am saying the government official reports are scientifically impossible?
WTC 7 went into free-fall, literally gravitational acceleration, which is impossible in a steel framed building (without the use of explosives)
This violates basic Newtonian physics, IF, you choose to believe the official report that fires caused the collapse, obviously it is impossible for a building to go into freefall in any other scenario, this explains why NIST refuse to release there data for independent validation.
The acceleration of gravity in New York City is 32.159 ft/s2. WTC7 had 2.25 seconds of literal freefall, this is equivalent to approximately 8 stories of fall in which the falling section of the building encountered zero resistance.
For any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitational acceleration (where did every single structural supporting columns go, instantly, at the exact same time?)
There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs, this is basic Newtonian physical principles.
You either agree with this very basic concept, or you need to start making a case for a new realm of science that has never been witnessed before.
The tilting of the south tower, just before collapse is the second that i will bring to the table here (there are many more)
According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of the conservation of momentum, it should have kept tipping over, but it didn't, it fell through the path of greatest resistance. The top was tilting at approximately 20 degrees or so, how could it be exerting a uniform, symmetrical pressure on the floors below? it didn't and couldn't
Momentum is defined as mass times velocity and is conserved during both elastic and inelastic collisions:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = (M1 + M2) * V3 {inelastic} P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1′ + M2 * V2′ (elastic; V1V1′, V2V2′}
The theory of the alleged pile driver rests on inelastic collisions, whereby mass is accumulated with each collision and V2=0.
Thus, simplified physics disproves the official fairytale.
Let’s make the following assumptions:
(a) The upper block had a mass M1.
(b) Each individual floor had a mass M2.
(c) The alleged plane impact (or weak) point was 20 floors from the top. Thus, the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20).
(d) Each individual floor was hanging in mid-air without any support below it. (e) Distance between each floor (to make the math easy) 9.8 meters. [Actual distance was probably 1/3 of that.]
(f) The over-design factor in the static weight that any given level N can support is 2*Mass(110-N)
D is distance (between floors) g is gravity [9.8 m/(s2] V0 is initial velocity (V0=0) t is time
D = (1/2) * g * t2 + V0 * t 9.8 m = (1/2) * [9.8 m/(s2] * t2
Solve for t to find out how long it took M1 to free-fall the spacing of one floor into M2.
t=21/2=sqrt(2)=1.414 s
Derivative of acceleration at a point in time is velocity:
V1 = a * t = 9.8 * 1.414 = 13.8 m/s
Thus, before hitting M2, M1 reached a velocity V1=13.8 m/s. M2 is stationary, so its velocity is V2=0. Thus momentum P before impact is:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1 (because V2=0)
Conservation of momentum in this very ideal example of an inelastic collision (masses combine rather than bounce) says:
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3
Re-arrange terms and plug in for V1, you get:
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (13.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2]
Because M1 & M2 are greater than zero, the new velocity V3 of the combined mass has to be less than the initial velocity V1 which was equivalent to free-fall.
In this ideal world with floors of mass M2 just hanging in the air, we can further assume that the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20) under the premise that one of the alleged airplane impacts was 20 floors from the top.
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = V1 * [1/1.05] = V1 * (0.95)
In this ideal world example, we see quantitatively how the speed of the pile driver hitting a floor M2 hanging in mid-air slows down slightly from its previous free-fall velocity.
However, M2 was not just hanging in mid-air. Using the assumed over-design factor of 2, the vertical support offered by the steel shell and the inner core at level M2
Force(M2) = [Over-Design Factor] * M1 = 2 * M1
In order for floor M2 to fail, V1M1 has to also be greater than 2M1. In this example, it is. However, the momentum equation needs to be updated to account for the consumption of energy in smashing floor M2 and its supporting structures.
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + [2 * M1] V3 = [M1 * V1) - (2 * M1]/[M1 + M2] = [V1 - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = [13.8) - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = (11.8) * [1/1.05] V3 = 11.23 m/s < 13.8 m/s = V1
Thus we see after impact with the first M2 floor taking into consideration the supports under M2, that velocity of the pile driver M1 should be measurably less than the velocity of free-fall at that point.
The ejection of content laterally reduces the mass of M1 to M1′. Also the Force of material ejection must be accounted for in the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design factor. More importantly, the force of content pulverization is another massive energy sink that also gets inserted into the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design facto
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + Force(M2) + Force(ejection) + Force(pulverization) V3 = [M1*V1) - Force(M2) - Force(ejection) - Force(Pulverization]/[M1'+M2]
If the assumed static-load over-design factor is low and a higher factor is employed, the resulting V3 will be reduced further. Similarly, using more accurate floor spacing will factor in by reducing the available M1*V1 energy at impact with floor M2.
The official report is in the realm of absurdity, cartoon based fantasy. Well, first of all, let me start of by saying I'm a 22 year old aspiring rapper from St. Louis, MO. Pathetic. I know. I've been like this for all my life, hustling to make it big. Spending too much time online concerned about all the things going on in the world. Asking how could they let it get like this? Well, I've decided enough is enough, and said I'm going to get a job. Well I was terrified, A black guy like me entering a sandwich shop with a job app in my hand, everyone's going to laugh, point, and kick me out, but I just told myself, remember all the people who ever hated on you you through out life, it can't get any worse then that, and use that as motivation. So I did. I entered the sandwich shop and my freakin legs were shaking, no joke. I have a rap song that I am going to use, but today I said I'm just going to go in there and get a feel for the place, strap on my samurai sword so everyone can see how cool I am, try a few sandwiches and gtfo. Well I walk in there, and I just see a bunch of white people, then the deli counter behind them, I was about to throw up i was so nervous, so I just jumped on the first line in front of me. I'm waiting my turn to order, and watched the sandwich artists. F, these guys were fast. I mean cray fast, slinging salted meats like they were born, I said no way in HELLO am I going to go in there, so I got out of the line, and started to walk towards the door then stopped myself, I said no way, I came this far, and I'm sure they wont' really care. So I mustered enough courage, walked over there nervous as hek, and just walked straight to the chip rack. There was an average guy next to me eating bbq lays, I don't know looked tasty, so I figured I can probably eat some, so I try to pick up a bag. AND I COULDN'T. The guy next to me was staring at me, and told me "Try something else" then points at these crumbled ones on the floor. Apparently his friend behind him was watching and started laughing. So I turned around and I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't, I pick up the chip crumbs and i just start to eat them. Well his friend starts making smart remarks like "WHOA THIS GUY IS A MONKEY" "TRAAAAAAAAYYVOOOOOOOOOON" and other things. I swear, I was getting so angry, I started to get a flashback of all the people who ever made fun of me in my life, one by one, and his voice in the background. I was steaming, all of a sudden i turn around out of sheer anger, it was as if I blacked out,and fling the samurai sword in his face. BAM, I HIT HIM. Then I realized, OMG DID I JUST DO THAT??! He yells out WTF, then he pushes me against the rack, and him and his 2 friends surround me thats when it happened. My job app WENT OFF, BAM BAM BAM, three shots. Then a heard a shout "Stop! Police!" and I'm leaking like it's Officer Darren Wilson. As I lay dying, I gasp, "tell them I was a good boy. I was gonna be someone, I was gonna be a sandwich artist!" A libertarian free-market Austrian capitalist professor and stockbroker was teaching a class on Ludwig von Mises, known reactionary.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Ayn Rand and accept that she was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionist holding a Cuban cigar in his mouth and who had aided the Bolsheviks in a former life, understood the revolutionary necessity of the Great Purge and fully supported the truth of the labour theory of value stood up and held up a watch.
”Who built this watch, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked in a quite Bourgeois manner and smugly replied “The watch company, you stupid Communist”
”Wrong. It was made by the workers of the factory. If it had been made by the watch company, as you say.... then it wouldn't exist, because capitalists don't do real work."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Atlas Shrugged. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears the bourgeoisie cry for the “oppressed rich” (who today live in such luxury that most own five houses) when people object to them trying to extract unearned wealth from the deserving workers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had stood against the Capitalist system, joined a Socialist Party, and become more than a libertarian professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself with, but his very own company was in control of those!
The students applauded and all registered Communist that day and accepted Marx as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Anti-Imperialism” flew into the room and perched atop a Red Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The communist manifesto was recited several times, and Lenin himself showed up and formed a vanguard.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died from inferior healthcare and his body was used as fertiliser on his company's crops.
Workers of the world, unite! I hate The Beatles. There. I’ve said it. If that’s a little vague, ambiguous or confusing, permit me to clarify and elaborate; I loathe the Fab Four with every fibre of my being. In fact, the strength of my feelings, regarding the world’s first boy band, probably borders on the pathological...
Already I can hear the howls of outrage and indignation from the legions of Beatles snobs and drones. With only the possible exceptions of Catholics, Daily Mail readers and BNP voters, these poor souls must surely be the most conned, gullible and brain-washed cross-section of humanity to have ever drawn breath?
In terms of articulating my feelings, it’s difficult to know where to start, given that the reasons for my detestation are passionate, long-held and many. I’ll do my best, though. Promise…
So, let’s set the ball rolling then, by looking firstly at their undoubted commercial success which, mystifyingly, many hold up as some kind of evidence of their musical omnipotence. This is easily disposed of. To get things in some sort of perspective, consider, if you will, The Spice Girls; easily one of, if not the, biggest all-girl acts ever, with record sales that dwarf those of eight out of ten other manufactured pop puppets. While I accept that all art is largely a subjective matter, surely we can all agree that “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really, wanna zigga zig ahh” is, frankly, bollocks by any commonly accepted criteria? Mind you, it holds up at least as well as “she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah”. The conclusion, by now, should be clear to even the most fundamentalist Beatles disciple; commercial success is not an infallible barometer of artistic merit or credibility.
The other fiercely held conviction among the faithful goes something like this: “Ah, but if it weren’t for The Beatles, you wouldn’t have had [insert name of some incredibly implausible band]”. Again, utter bollocks and infuriating, ill-informed drivel. Now, this may surprise you but they weren’t actually responsible for every great musical event that followed them, you know.
Cream, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, The Who, Deep Purple and the Stones owe zero, nada, zilch to those over-rated Scouse conmen and they were all a damn site more innovative, revolutionary and superior in every respect, anyway.
In fact, I reckon the most influential musician of the entire 20th century has surely got to be Robert Johnson. By a huge margin. Modern blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and then, ultimately metal, hard rock and even punk, with its penchant for the hackneyed Three Chord Trick, all stem, to one degree or another, from his legendary, seminal twenty nine songs. The blues permeates the most vital contemporary music of the last century like a rich seam of platinum. It runs like blood through the beating heart of just about any music of note outside the classical world. Don’t even try and claim a similar legacy for those third-rate, mop-topped hacks. I’ll just laugh. Or poke you in the eye with my pen. As if a case could ever be made for, say, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath or even Simon and Garfunkel being, in any way, defined by some shallow, plastic, pop-tarts from the 60s! Go on; try . Yeah, thought so…
Oh, but hang on a moment, though; Lennon & McCartney were the greatest songwriters of the 20th century, weren’t they? Really? Better than, say, Bacharach and David? Irving Berlin, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Hank Williams, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Pete Townsend or even Paul Weller? Behave.
In terms of song writing, Robert Johnson and the pioneering Bluesmen perfected the classic I-IV-V chord progression that everyone, including the bloody Beatles, has done to death. To come from a completely different angle, in terms of melodic understanding, harmonic construction and technically superior composition, even ABBA were working on a level our Merseyside charlatans could only dream about.
In a similar vein, a friend of mine observed, “when you think about the level of fame and adoration they enjoyed, then think about other bands of the sixties who were forever in their shadow it puts it into perspective. Their song writing was weak (unlike say, The Kinks), their voices were weaker (unlike say, Chris Farlowe or Del Shannon) and their instrumentation lacklustre (unlike say, The Byrds) all of which would be easier to forgive had they not wholeheartedly bought into their own mythology. They were a bunch of preening, jumped up little shits and the ones that remain are ridiculous, vain old men with a God complex. They’re shit. That’s it”.
So that takes care of their early oeuvre but we all know, don’t we, that the White Album, Revolver and Sergeant Pepper’s Dreary Club Band were the works that saw them mature into really great musical visionaries, though, yes? Well, if ill-disciplined, drug-induced, pretentious doodling is your thing, then maybe, yeah. Personally, “semolina dripping from a dead dog’s eye” “I am the walrus, I am the Egg-man” and “you’ve been a naughty girl, you’ve let your knickers down” are not quite the incisive capturing of the zeitgeist that springs to mind when I ponder the post-war artistic and cultural revolutions.
It’s probably the right time to surprise you and say that, unlike my friend, I don’t actually think The Beatles are crap, per se. No, really, I don’t. Yesterday is a fine tune, to give just one example (although even here we can thank George Martin’s inspired addition of a string quartet as the element that lifts the song to, possibly, genius-level) and, to be fair, I think they wrote perfectly acceptable three or four minute packages of shallow, pop-puff that reflected, quite well, the new, breezy, optimistic vibe of the Swinging Sixties. If only they’d left it there. But no; they had to go to India, consort with religious nutters, buy a sitar, get all mystical and start taking seriously the hysteria surrounding them. Horror of horrors, they actually started to believe they were, God help us, Serious Artistes!
As far as individual musical proficiency goes, it’ll take barely a paragraph to pull these fakers from their Ivory Tower and expose the Emperor’s New Clothes (excuse the mixed metaphors; that’s what they do to me, God damn ‘em!). Ringo, you’re first up, my man; as a drummer, Mr Starr, as Lennon himself famously remarked, was not only not the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t “…even the best drummer in The Beatles”. Sadly, poor old Ringo lacked sufficient talent to even polish John Bonham’s cymbals. Or pour Keith Moon’s booze. Or even chop Ginger Baker’s lines with his sticks.
Lennon, as most are forced to reluctantly acknowledge, could barely play guitar at all and George Harrison’s most elevated Beatles moment arrived courtesy of Clapton’s sublime solo on When My Guitar Gently Weeps. As surely it must’ve done, with relief and gratitude, no doubt, when Eric picked it up; at last! A real musician, pluck me, baby!
Macca? Ironically, probably the most talented of the musically juvenile foursome, he still couldn’t disguise the fact that his mediocre talent was more suited to Broadway and the kitsch world of stage musicals than rock ‘n’ roll. Not that they were ever a rock ‘n’ roll band, of course. The very thought is laughable. No, they were always a pop band. Even your Granny likes ‘em.
The real irritant, though, is that they are easily the most overrated band to have ever entered a recording studio, bar none. Thanks to Epstein, they were marketed, packaged, hyped and sold to an impressionable public, desperately yearning for some escapism following the years of post-war austerity, with the myth enduring to this very day. In fact, it’s here, really, that they made their biggest impact on popular culture; a towering testament to the power of marketing, advertising and hype. The world’s first, and still, its most successful, boy band.
You wanna talk about their legacy? The Osmonds, Westlife, Boyzone and JL bloody S are their natural heirs! Oh all right, maybe a tad harsh; after all, they were directly responsible for the Gallagher brothers and Oasis, too. Yeah. Like, thanks lads… The subreddit r/conspiracy has been under attack for a long time. Disinfo flooding the gates. Discredit trolls, posting the absurdly, utterly, provably nutjob worst in order to make the whole Sub seem crazy. And then just blathering posts that take space and lower the signal to noise ratio. I'm familiar with all these tactics, going back over a decade online. But nothing can kill an online community faster than an inside job. A good example was the "Scholars for 911 Truth."
Steven Jones, a fairly prominent physicists who had bona fides with the US Department of Energy, began to raise questions about how the World Trade Center buildings managed to collapse on 9/11. Jones was anything but a crackpot. He was published and had actually been instrumental in debunking the claims that cold fusion had been achieved back in the 90s. Once he spoke out, other academics began to speak out and they all got together and decided to create a website to voice their observations and concerns.
Because of the credibility and stature of the participants, this new group of academics became a severe threat to the official 911 narrative. And presumably to the conspirators.
Enter James Fetzer. Fetzer had already had a long career spreading crazy bullshit to discredit the JFK assassination research community. Now he was targeting the 911 truth movement.
His method was simple, and lethal for the new 911 Scholars. First, he took over the website part of the operation. The other agreed to let him run that side of things because he said he had experience and they didn't.
This was their fatal mistake. A big announcement was made, which spread around the net, about the forthcoming Scholars for 911 Truth, and then the website was launched.
But no sooner than the site had gone live, Fetzer sabotaged it. To Steven Jones and the rest of the credible scholars who had enlisted's horror, Fetzer smeared the home page with a bunch of crazy theories involving space beams and other nonsense that no one had approved or even remotely supported.
And when the Scholars complained and tried to remedy the situation, they found they were locked out of the site.
And that was that for the new Scholars for 911 Truth. A group that would have done more to legitimize the questioning of the official 911 narrative than any other, was now associated permanently with space beams and "dustification," a word with zero basis in science.
Of course, Jones and the others quickly disassociated themselves from Fetzer's little con job, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and any future attempts to use academic prestige to break through the 911 taboo would fail to have an impact (though the Architects and Engineers are making a grand play.)
Well, today, I just saw this clever stunt pulled again. This time, by some of the Mods of r/conspiracy.
I haven't watched to whole thing. But I've watched a couple hours of it and I can say, incontrovertibly, the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" is Neo-Nazi propaganda.
It's the most perverse kind of propaganda that uses a dramatic music score to touch our heart strings, as we hear that Adolf Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.
Please understand where I'm coming from. I think Israel is a terrorist state. I believe its existence is illegitimate. I believe its leaders are guilty of war crimes.
But I don't stop there. I am opposed to the Jewish religion. Any religion that encourages the kind of racism I see in Jewish culture, is a perversion of spirituality. Any religious culture that believes that they are "God's chosen people" is disgusting to me and reeks of the kind of devotion to genetic purity that the Nazis and Eugenicists were so guilty of. The demands that your sons only marry Jewish women is pure racism.
But watching this film tell me that Hitler "had honorable intentions" while this dripping, sentimental, heroic music plays in the background literally made me want to puke.
I have long known of Hitler's populist appeal. Unlike most people, I sought out the other side of the story long ago. I've read large blocks of Mein Kampf, sought and found translations of his speeches, and even read Neo-Nazi literature.
Like all popular figures, Hitler had some strong selling points. He identified the bankster parasites and made them an enemy of the common man - though he mistakenly conflated banksters with Jews - most bankers of the time were not Jewish, Rothschilds notwithstanding. But there was truth in his words, no doubt. Otherwise, they would have had no effect.
But none of that should ever, for even a second, allow us to forget the evil of this motherfucker's reign. I have believed since my childhood that racism, especially the kind that breeds Eugenicists, is an acute form of mental illness.
To hate someone, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, is pure sickness. Hitler fed that sickness. And he exploited it. If the moderators of r/conspiracy share this sickness, and allow it to fester here, then you are my enemy.
Or, more likely, if the moderators of r/conspiracy who allowed this film to be branded on to this Sub, are using the repulsiveness of Naziism to discredit the people who dare to ask the questions that power want's us to ignore, then you are my enemy.
This was a decent place to aggregate news and info that one wouldn't find easily elsewhere. Important things that happen in the shadows of power.
You have now, very likely, killed it. And fuck you for that. But don't think you have won. As long as there's an internet, we will keep aggregating. And the truth will keep getting spread. No, I'm used to it. Growing up, I was in foster care. My mother abandoned me when I was still a newborn. I spent my first years isolated in a house full of other children, most of them older and very mean. They always hurt me. Physically and mentally. They would call me "momma's boy" because they knew I didn't have a mom. I would cry, and then they would bite themselves and start to cry so when mother came in the room, they would say I bit them and i would be punished. This usually meant no dinner, if I was lucky. If I wasn't so lucky, or mother was feeling particularly warm from all of her drinking throughout the day, they would force me to eat uncooked rice without a drink. If i didn't finish it, they would all hold me down while they took turns whipping me with a broken fan belt. I remember one time the two oldest brothers (they were actually related to the foster parents) were being strangely nice to me all morning. They were letting me play with them outside, and I actually started to think that maybe they liked me (it was in the beginning, so I wasn't to familiar with how evil they were yet). They told me to follow them into this little patch of woods we had about 300 yards behind our house. When we went in to the woods, they told me that their dog fell into a deep hole, and they needed me to get him out. I was so scared. I saw the hole, and the dog was inside, so I began to trust them again. They told me that I had to go in and they would lift me out by using their belts tied together like a rope, and I had to just hold on to the puppy and bring it back up with me. I got to the edge, and kind of froze. Not even a minute went by before they pushed me in. I'm not sure how deep it was, but even lifting my hands up over my head, I couldn't touch the top. Fire ants were everywhere. Then they started it. They started trying to bury me alive. With their dog. The dog was whining so I picked it up and just held it so tightly. I felt the ants biting me and the dirt showering over my head. Little rocks were hitting me every now and then, and then I just went numb. They... were just laughing. I remember them calling me "faggot," and stuff like that. At 6 years old, I was sure that I was going to die. I don't remember much after that because I kept my eyes closed, but I woke up in a hospital. Luckily I wasn't allergic to fire ants, or I would have died. The puppy didn't make it though. David and Chris were there. They were crying, saying I threw the dog in the hole. They "tried to save me, but they were scared that i would hurt the dog if they came in the hole." They also said I tried to bury and kill myself. At 6 years old. And mother believed them. So did the doctor. I was labeled as a "troubled and very disturbed boy" because of my "circumstance." I have never known love or kindness. That week after I healed, I was sent back to the house. 4 more years of stuff like that. I won't even begin to talk about other things. Things like forks being put inside me. Cigars being put out on me. Having them kill neighborhood pets and say it was me, only to cause me to get beat so severely by the other kids on the street that I wanted to die. If i tried to run away, I got beat. Whatever I did, I got beat. I don't expect anything to change. Especially not when it comes from a stranger on the internet. I was never funny. I don't know why I tried to be on this thread. I'm sorry.

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?
I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you

Does evil exist?

The university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, “Yes, he did!”

“God created everything? The professor asked.

“Yes sir”, the student replied.

The professor answered, “If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are then God is evil”. The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said, “Can I ask you a question professor?”

“Of course”, replied the professor.

The student stood up and asked, “Professor, does cold exist?”

“What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?” The students snickered at the young man’s question.

The young man replied, “In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat.”

The student continued, “Professor, does darkness exist?”

The professor responded, “Of course it does.”

The student replied, “Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton’s prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn’t this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present.”

Finally the young man asked the professor, “Sir, does evil exist?”

Now uncertain, the professor responded, “Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man’s inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil.”

To this the student replied, “Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God’s love present in his heart. It’s like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.”

The professor sat down.

The young man’s name -- Albert Einstein.

nͫiͤcͫeͤ | Mythic Inconceivable!
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the dj spins and cuts me
           hardcore will never die
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My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

alright so im tryin to go home from the skatepark, take a shower and go up to river riot with some pplz, (river riot brings way to fuckin many people) and ive been in the same spot for almost a fuckin hour now. so im like fuck this shit and decide to drive down the emergency lane. lol right past the cops that are directing traffic. dude flags me down i slow down and wait till he gets close and just keep goin haha. fuck them they dont even fuckin know how to direct traffic so they aint gonna give me no fuckin ticket for drivin on the wrong part of the road and the faggot would of also gave me one for my subs just to be a dick. man he got so pissed when i smiled at him as i went by. he went and ran to his car but could go anywhere becase his car was on the other side of the cars. so i just cruzed like 6 miles down the emergency road to get home lol.
You are such a woman... such strong and determination in a sport/hobby/whatever that is male dominant. I see so many females get into lifting and let it define them... you on the other hand are smart, strong, and still make girly shrieks after you hit PR's. Basically what I'm trying to say is whatever you decide to do you're going to be great at it and that I admire you more than any of these DLB annoying lifting bitches that are puppets of the industry and don't have anything uniquely and wildly sexy about them like you do... saying in this in the most admirable respectful way possible but your demeanor in general and no bullshit attitude while still maintaining some humility and down to earthness is very attractive.. more so then any one these artificial karissa doll fake tits Starbucks Pazookie substance less females.. women as a gender have devolved for the most part in my opinion... society paints such a hazy picture of the ideal woman's demeanor and how she should carry herself. Good characteristics are definetely not gender specific. A woman shouldn't posses any less aspiration and drive than a man should.. you could actually really teach a man,about being a man. I just wuz wanting to drop by to tell you , that you and only a handful of females that I am aware of are worthy of my respect. I degrade bitches. But you, my supple flower, are not are a woman. A sexy, smart, and down to earth woman, and if any of these bitches in this industry are still trying to find themselves, id suggest they emulate you. Pls keep making YouTube videos. I dont even fap to them... I actually listen to what you have to say. And coming from a douchey misogynistic immature asshole who genuinely believes men in modern society are superior over women , you should be flattered some what. I want my son one day to come across your beautiful offspring, your daughter. I want him to court her like a properly lady and use her power and character to find himself as a man and assume the role of her lover.. he will then use her as motivation to conqueror every one of life's endeavors. Every worthy man deserves a strong, thick solid tight, smart woman like yourself to fuel him to be better than he already is.. Mmm girl you just drive me crazy with your PR's, Motor cross riding, and glasses. I really put you in the same calibre of woman as my girlfriend and mother and just wanted to let you know that you are great. If you ever need someone to tell you how incredibly wildly sexy you are just DM me.. I'll feed your ego until you are full. And then I'll cuddle with you after dinner and we could have calm intellectual debates and discussion. After getting you a little spicy with some good debate id ask permission to be granted the privledge of rubbing your feet. After i rub your feet, you can assist me in some mobility work. We head to bed. I don't even try for sex. I feel inadequate, there's no way a commoner like myself, can satisfy such a rarity like you.. I must do something to make myself worthy for a lifetime shared with you. I become CEO 10k/day to give you the life I feel you deserve. U changed my life. I finally win you over. We make plenty sons and daughters. And you do nothing but raise them to be exactly like you. We'll fix this world, together. We'll rid society of the accepted notion that women can be weak and ambitionless , just as long as their exterior goes hand in hand with societies portrayal of ideal. We'll raise our many daughters to be real women... which will eventually result into the molding of better men who's fuel for productivity and success is love and fear. Men have burning desire for a campanion usually before they ever have a burning desire to achieve anything resulting in monetary compensation. It's natures course. We intuitively hold love at higher value then we do worldly possessions during crucial stages of devolpment.. we are taught to love our mother, our god... what is this phenomenon love? And what makes it so powerful and essential? We are all taught love in one shape or form as a child .. we are conscious of what we feel for someone and we accept it and embrace it as love and we know early on through vital stages of adolescence what love is capable of... every man who has been the bearer of a damaged heart can tell you, how important it was to self Revelation. So here again, the woman is the motivator. Heart break will crumble the weak and inspire the true willed. Before we are ever plagued with greed and vanity we are conditioned to love or at least thirst for it.. when examined its evident how love and the natural thirst for emotional and intimate connection has shaped some of the world's most successful men. Some where along the emotional journey of love we learn to also love ourselves..our self worth and perception of our selves is at it's peak... we feel more sense of accomplishment and fulfillment through the powerful connection we create with our lover than we'd ever feel solely focusing on obtaining capital and tangible items. When you have the burning desire to give a woman your best, you suddenly have the burning desire to provide and pursue your idea of optimal living and self fulfillment. Maybe you are a man who has loved and lost... maybe heartbreak has you defeated.. it's not too late.. as we have discussed.. love is mighty and such a driving force in humanity... heartbreak being the resultant of love surely has a beautiful underlying meaning... right? Yes, correct. What love really does for a man who chooses to be susceptible to it is simple really. Learning to be selfless and having that burning desire of giving someone the world results in a very selfish gain. To the man wondering what good came out of his pain... I will tell you this... you are not the first to have love and lost. What will seperate you from common men is if you chose to be in receipt of the reward heartbreak has to offer. These adversities in life are inevitable. Surely these feels and pain were made available to us in vain right? There's nothing possibly beneficial that comes as a result of intense hurt right? Wrong. That's pussy shit. If your love was true and your pain was real then it is simply impossible for you to have failed to foster some real emotional growth. You got to see your definite potential and limitations. You took a huge risk being so vulnerable because of the potential rewards it had to offer. Accepting failure and accepting that you failed are two very different things. The man who accepts failure will not let himself love again. This man fills this void with many things (drugs, God, money, etc.) But there is no substitute for the feels love has to offer. The wise man takes a look at himself with neutral eyes and reevaluates. The man realizes it wasnt the woman who transformed his thoughts , it was the feeling she gave him. He realizes his true capability , he then accepts that he failed once at love,but also is aware of how love brought out something in him that he has subconsciously been wanting all along. The man is now aqauinted with trial and tribulation, love and heartbreak. He remembers what being in love made him feel like. He doesn't accept failures, say fuck it Yolo swag, and move on. He mends his broken heart and makes himself readily available to feel again. Despite being fully aware of risks and hardships allowing himself to love has to offer he hopes for another opportunity to provec himself a perfect lover. This man has conquered love and it is now his defining source of determination. He realizes that with burning desire he can conqueror any endeavor.

The fact that you were able to type out over 100 characters on your short time away from the kitchen is either impressive on your part, or shameful on the man who owns you
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?
Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.
I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.

Listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?
THERE WAS ONCE A GIRL NAMED HATSUNE MIKU. It was another night alone in her room. Her parents were rich and owned a mansion in London, and she had it all to herself. She got out her cell phone, one not even from this generation, and dialed up her friend Natalie. Natalie was not as rich and lived across town, so they were seldom able to get together. It was even less common due to the fact that their friendship was a secret from both of their parents. They loved eachother to death, and had orgies whenever they had a chance. "Natalie, do you want to come over tonight? My parents are awake.. ehee!" "Sure thing Miku! I'll be over there as soon as I can." Beep. She hung up because she was so excited to unite with Hatsune once again and wanted to be there as soon as possible, because it wasn't known when their parents would be back. Hatsune Miku was browsing the internet on her i7 processor Alienware(TM) computer when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed down the spiral staircase and opened the door to an ecstatic Natalie. She had long, flowing red hair and enormous breasts that disobeyed the basic laws of gravity. She was dressed a little kinky tonight with quite a bit of cleavage showing and no bra to support the breasts. They rushed up the steps, hand in hand, into Hatsune's bedroom. Instantly Natalie pushed Hatsune down onto the bed and mounted her like a noble steed. "Oh, bollocks! Someone seems like they want to get into it!" Their mouths connected and both of them could easily remnant to another about how soft the opposing person's lips were and how passionately they kissed. Hatsune slid her fingers down Natalie's chest and into her pants, and slowly pulled them off; which proved to be quite challenging when she was constantly being moved from the forceful smooching from Natz. Eventually, the short and kinky pants were down at her feet and Natalie simply forced them off. Natalie repeated the process onto Hatsune Miku, eventually removing her pants. They then slid eachother's shirts off to reveal their beautiful upper bodies. Natalie was already fully nude due to not wearing a bra. Hatsune Miku was still dressed casually and had to take off her bra to reveal her finely sized breasts, which were white as milk. They didn't obey the laws of gravity either similarly to Natalie's breasts. Natalie instantly buried her face in them and sucked on her stubby yet perfect nipples. "BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku returned the favor by taking two fingers and shoving them into Natalie's deep vagina. "Oh, Bollocks!" she screamed as Hatsune penetrated her lush body. Suddenly, the door snapped into two and a foot came flying through. Batman, who was Hatsune Miku's father, had breached through the door CSI-style and was already in a furious rage just from what he had heard outside. He pulled out his Bat-Machete and swung at Natalie's neck, instantly decapitating her. Her head flew towards the window, broke the glass, and sailed out into the wonders of London, England. "HOLY BOLLOCKS!" Hatsune Miku screamed. "DADDY, THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" "THIS IS AN INTERVENTION!" Batman screamed as he grabbed Hatsune Miku by her breasts and tore them from her body. Hatsune Miku very quickly lost blood and had nearly fainted when Batman then clawed his fingers into her breasts and mootly tossed her out of the same window he had just mercilessly broken with Natalie's head. Batman wins.

>> I've just realized... America is shit. Britain ruled the world for hundreds of years and we can't even take down Vietnam and get constantly bullied by shitty countries like NK and Iran. The realization just hit me, holy shit.

yea making fun of the united states is so funny, so funny i forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander you're in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT!
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sep7agon. Do anything else.

I know most of you likely will not read this because most don't have any interest in these things (you really should), but these are important issues that I feel need to be more out there.

We all by now know about the gruesome Virginia Tech shootings that took place, and I can't even stress enough how horrible it was. So far, Bush has no plans of doing anything about the current gun laws. The student that committed this heinous act against those innocent people was very mentally disturbed. He was in a hospital just two days prior to the shootings. He walked into a gun store, purchased two guns and over 50 rounds of bullets, and no one asked any questions. Does this make sense? Apparently, you can buy gun sas long as you haven't committed a felony. But mental illnesses are okay? There needs to be more serious background checks on people. If something more was done after Columbine, because we all know nothing was, this may have never happened. 32 people just died, and other 20 some others are injured. 32 families are torn and burying their children, relatives, friends. Imagine for a second how that must feel. What is it going to take? By the way, there were TWO GODDAMN HOURS between each killing spree. The police had plenty of time to shoot the killer down or make an arrest. The ones running the country are saying they're deeply saddened by this tragic event. Well, that's what was said the last time this happened, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing.
Ah yes. here we go again with the typical Jesuit Illuminati Satanic themed torture / sex slave mind control crap again.
They want to make us believe that lie of Satan's that somehow we are evolving into gods. This is a lie from the garden of Eden when Satan tried to convince Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit she would be like a god knowing good and evil and that she should surely not die. Question: Did Eve become a god? No. Did she die? Yes. So was Satan a liar right from the start. And nothing has changed. He and his human agents -,the Jesuits and the elite - the bankers ie Templars, and Bushes, politicians and the Catholic high Freemasons are still being tricked by this fallen angel and his crownies. And because Satan in his conflict over Jesus claims himself over God wants mankind to capitulate and give in. This is why Hollywood has put out a string of Satanicly inspired garbage that elevates man over God - movies like The Xmen, the Silver Surfer, the Vampire films, Spider-Man, Superman and basically any film where men have superpowers. These films convince us that man is evolving into gods. But that's not what the bible says. Oh wait. You don't believe the bible right? Well you should. Because every word in it is from God. Jesus is real. And He is coming back very very soon. Wait...wait, wait, wait, stop!! Prove to me that God exists - that the bible is the unerring word of God you say. Answer: prophecy. The bible predicts the world's events and the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ precisely as it happened. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh came to earth precisely on time as predicted by Daniel 9:23-27. He fulfilled ALL of the prophecies concerning the Messiah the odds of which any man could have fulfilled is more than 1 in 1033 or 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000! Two independent secular Roman historians Josephus and Tiberius record the crucifixion of Christ under Pilate on two separate tablets confirming the events of Christ's most precious sacrifice for mankind. If you don't believe me, look it up. By the way, the pagan Rosicrucians (Satanists/Luciferians) and the Rabbis don't want you to know this so they have placed a curse on anyone who reads Daniel 9:23-27. So what is going on here? How are these people being tricked in sacrificing children to their stone owl god called Molek at the Jesuit run Roman Catholic Church owned Bohemian Grove where you can hear the child scream when they ignite the flame fire (search Alex Jones Bohemian Grove)? The Jesuits and their friends ie high Freemason leaders from business, politics and military are being led to believe THEY have these powers. But the power is not theirs. It's being made to seem like they have these powers but they don't. It's all from demonic forces - fallen angels who want us to make us think we have these special god like powers. Any from a witch's magic spell, clairvoyant vision, aura reading, astral travel is all demonic and a farce. Now am I saying these powers are not manifest or real? No. No, what I am saying is that these powers are the work of unclean spirits - fallen angels who use their power to make us believe it's us that are turning into gods. But it's not. It's all a trick. If you want confirmation of this fact simply check out Dr. Walter Veith Occult Explosion, Roger Morneau - A Trip Into the Supernatural and others like Eric Jon Phelps. The truth is God loves us dearly! And he wants each and every one of us to be saved - to give up sin and ask Him for forgiveness of all of our sins. What is sin? It's the transgression of the law - Exodus 20 - the Ten Commandments. But Satan hates God - hates Jesus and because he knows God loves us, is doing everything he can to destroy us by making us sin against God through temptation. Prophet Ellen White says that the Devil tempts us and when we sin, he is the first one to point out to God that we have transgressed the law and that we deserve to be destroyed. But our loving God in mercy has sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for all our sins! Imagine that! The very Creator of the Universe came down to earth in human flesh sacrificed himself for us so that you and I could be redeemed. That is how much God loves you - He died for you! And He didn't have to ... He could have let us perish...but He didn't ! And thank God for that! This world is under attack by Satan in His plan to take over the world through the New World Order. He hates how God lovingly created us male and female and gave us the ability to partake in the creation of life with God - something He never gave to the angels. And Satan hates how God gave us dominion over everything on the earth. This is why Satan wants to destroy the family through homosexuality, sin, drugs, and idolatry and spiritism. It's why in California Satan has succeeded in having the agents in govt pass a bill erasing gender differences between men and women - boys and girls. Yes, they are actually teaching these kids gender generic terms - it's crazy!!!! Under the occult run UN (yeah, I wish I was making this up!) they already have plans to make 80% of the US off limits to humans. Under Agenda 21 they want to cart the populations of Americans into six city zones. There, we will be stripped of our individuality and independent thought and made mind controlled slaves much like the people in this video, at the mercy of the wicked Satanists who believe his lies - sacrifice children, rape men, women and children and then torture them as they did during the dark ages inquisition. Oh but wait, that's right the inquisition never happened?! Right! That's why Up until just a few years ago the Vatican - headquarters for the Jesuit Illuminati - still had an office of the inquisition. You know when I went through school they told us that a few hundred witches were being burned at the stake for their involvement in satanism....but the truth is that it may have started out that way, but they quickly turned things around to include bible believing Christians and Jews. Expert secular histories estimate that during the reign of the Papacy where she influenced the state she raped, pillaged. murdered and destroyed more than 100 million innocent men, women and children many of which their crimes was to own a bible. The Roman Catholic Church asked the world for forgiveness for these heinous crimes when in 2000 Pope John Paul II - who used to sell poisonous gas used to kill millions of Jews and Protestant Christians at German concentration camps on behalf of AG Farben - asked for forgiveness on behalf of the priests that carried these wicked crimes out even though the Papacy was behind it from day one. The bible calls the Roman Catholic Church the Beast of Revelation because she has made all the nations drink of the wine of her fornication (apostate ungodly doctrine). The Pope is the AntiChrist that will bring the world to ruin because in Revelation 13:2 we are told that the Dragon(Satan) gives him his seat and great authority. The Papacy or Pope is called the Son of Perdition - a term used only twice in the bible. Once to describe Judas who professed to love Jesus on the outside but on the inside would seek to betray Christ. The Papacy publicly professes to love Jesus but secretly we know from what she does to man through war, sacrifices (go to ITCCS org) and it's claim to rule over God here on earth that this system truly is of the Devil. This system that claims to forgive sin, that claims to be God (yes the Pope has claimed to be God on earth) that claims to take the place of God commands us to worship the dead - Mary and the saints - has actually changed God's times and law! Yes - the Papacy actually changed the calendar and the Ten Commandments. Watch Dr. Walter Veith - The Wine of Babylon, A Woman Rides a Beast here on YouTube. This is against what God says we should do. God wants us to come to Him in prayer. We serve a living God! Not a dead one in a piece of bread - how silly! As a Roman Catholic I was told all this and I believed it. Because at the time my entire family were Catholic. I mean if they were following it then it must be biblical right? It must be of God right? Wrong! I found out that all of the church's doctrines are unbiblical - there is no such thing as purgatory in the bible, no such thing as immediate life after death where our soul leaves our bodies. This is as lie of the Devil to make the bible and God's word a lie. But I am here telling you don't believe it. Believe in the Most Worthy Lamb of God Jesus Christ who in the highest price Heaven could pay came down to earth to show that He is gracious, wise, kind, long-suffering, always willing to listen, always caring watching over us, long suffering, compassionate, and infinitely full of love and forgiveness! His law is love! And He is coming very very soon! And He wants us to know that in no way will He allow the wicked to unjustly trample on the law of His Father. He wants us to come to Him to relinquish all of our troubles on Him. Oh how we serve a wonderful loving God! He never pushes Himself on anyone unlike our great adversary Satan. He wants to get to know you before probation closes and the great seal on the ark of salvation - His work in the Holy of Hollies - pleading for forgiveness of our sins before the Father - is closed forever. Because after probation is closed judgement of the righteous is complete and any names in left in the Book of Life remains those of us that follow the Lamb where ever He goeth. Don't you want your name in the Book of Life? I don't know about you but as for me and my house we will serve The Lord God - the Almighty God - the Creator of everything therein is including us! Discover as I did that the word of God is truly the word of God! That's God's promises are yay and amen. That God truly does exist and wants to develop a relationship with you! To help each and every one of us leave this virus called sin behind so that we can leave this planet unto Heaven to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.
Very soon the 2nd Beast of Revelation - a nation that spoke like a Lamb but ends up Speaking as a Dragon - the United States will force everyone to worship the 1st Beast of Revelation - the Papal run Roman Catholic Church and Satan under a National Sunday Law! This is the Mark if the Beast - Sunday Worship! And this National Sunday Law will make it a crime for anyone to worship on any other day except Sunday! But is Sunday the true Sabbath of our Lord God? No! It's not. The Seventh day of the week is Saturday not Sunday. On Sept 1, 1923 the Roman Catholic Church published the following excerpt from their London Ont publication entitled The Catholic Record says " Sunday is our MARK of Authority. The church is above the bible. And the transference of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact.' Sunday is the first day of the week. In times past pagans would sacrifice their children to the sun gods. This is Satanic! We should have nothing to do with this or any other pagan holiday including Christ-mass, Ishtar / Easter, Halloween or Valentines Day!

hello flood i probably wont be here for a while but we will get to that part later.

so here i am with my friend, i called him up and asked if he wanted to come over after work to hang out and we got back at about 6;30. We make some popcorn and start playing some halo coop. We are talking about sex in video games and the conversation drifted to the internet when he says "have you ever seen fur art? i kind of like it and i post at an internet forum for it too sometimes, you should check it out"

i just stared at him for a few seconds then i got up and went up stairs. I opened the door to my room and just moped around a bit, i started to rummage through some party wigs in my closet and i found a dark colored afro one, i held it in my hands looking at it before putting it on, then i went over to the bathroom and just sat on the floor staring at the mirror for what seemed like hours. I could hear from downstairs that he had started to play the game again, after a few more minuets i got up, went up into the attic and grabbed a baseball bat, i walked downstairs careful not to knock over the potted plants, i could see him sitting on the couch there, focused completely on the game, my free hand started to twitch a little bit, he was to talking to me again; "hey can you get me a soda from the fridge buddy?" it seemed to break a trance that i was in, like i just woke up from a dream, my right hand griped the bat so hard my fingers turned white.

I walked up behind him and swung the bat at him, cracking him right below the back of his head, it sent him tumbling off the couch, i could see he was bleeding on the floor and it made me angry, i felt like i was going into a haze again, his eyes were spinning and they were beginning to turn white, i raised the bat up high and brought it down on his chest, there was a slight crunch and he huffed loudly as air escaped, he groaned slightly and i screamed as loud as i could at him; "FURFAG GOES IN EVERY OVEN!" i hauled him up by his neck and legs and tossed him into the street.

after a few days i hear he was hospitalized, apparently i had fractured one of his ribs and a bone fragment punctured his liver.

so now i am facing three years in prison with no parole for aggravated assault, 1y 8 months on good behavior, if you ever asked me, was it worth it, well to tell the truth, yes, yes it was worth it.

and i would do it again too

Okay. There's an incredibly easy way to solve this. Go to PM. Give me your Skype name. I'll add you and you can talk to me. I will also give you my LinkedIn profile. You can check it while you're talking to me and see that the photo and I are the same person, and also that I have almost a decade's worth of Australian reality TV productions under my belt. Amongst my contacts is the name of the current series producer of Australia's Next Top Model. You will be able to see that we've worked on several productions together. This is a 100% legitimate offer. You know why? I'm sick of little shits like you sitting there thinking you know ANYTHING about my industry. You don't know SHIT. So get your ass on Skype and I will show you exactly that. Ball's in your court. edit: And it you're too chickenshit to do that, you can go back through my history and see the numerous times I've talked about this subject on reddit in the last two years. edit2: Quick, I don't want you thinking you can wait three hours and then say I had time to fake stuff. Do it right now. Come on, you were quick enough to answer my first post. Within a minute, in fact. You're so damn confident, all over this thread, with your ignorant bullshit about an industry you're nowhere near. Step up, son. I'm already logged into Skype. edit3: No-show. Of course. Don't know what I was thinking. With a name like 'swagsmoker420', you're probably 12 fucking years old.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Dog I legit will fucking massacre you I will beat the living fucking life out of you I ain't no bitch tf nigga I'm fuckin crazy I don't play that shit I'll knock ur fuckin head off your shoulders think I'm playin wit ya l!l baby ass nigga I ain't playin I'll smash ur face into the fuckinmg concreate and feel nothing for u after so cmon boii u so tough and u still wanna box wtf is up then but I'm letting you know now I have a fucking beast in me and he's waiting to come out and trust me he ain't holding back on ya ass

99% of all sexual encounters of mine end up like this.

Start out missionary. I take it at my pace. Slow with occasional fast pace but mostly slow so I can keep control over my semen. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. sometimes 45 minutes of great control. I can flip her over and get her in a doggy position and keep excellent control.

But what gets me is when a woman forces herself on top of me. They never ask. They jump up on me and grab my dick and shove it in them. Then they ride me like a freakin horse. They start out at fast speed and then ultra fast speed then demonic speed and finally possessed by the succubus speed. They're like writhing on me and I always cum within a minute. Usually i'll tell them im cumming but they wont get off and I have to grab my own dick and yank it out cause they are no help at all.

Does this happen to you? I think I can enjoy a woman on top but they have no patience. They just wanna shred your dick to pieces with Usian Bolt speed sport fyckin. Any of you ever have a woman on top that goes nice and slow? Is it possible? A woman being on top is like her basically raping you of your will to not get a woman pregnant. It's her primal instinct to get on top and force her will over you and force you to cum in them.

Im sure it's happened alot to men that women get on top and the man says "im cumming" and she sinks real low on his dick and traps his hips with her ass not letting him get up. Women are rapists.
Allow me to take you back to around last year, around January/February 2013. This was around the time where I was heavily involved in the brony fandom, reading fanfictions, browsing fanart, talking about the show, etc. It was all a very close community and I'd grown to become quite.
However, at around that same time, I ended up on the receiving end of something quite nasty. An anime critic by the name of Hope Chapman a.k.a. JesuOtaku, who at the time worked for the online web show site ThatGuyWith started posting some pretty harsh things about bronies on her Twitter.
This was all in the wake of a controversy called "Down With Molestia" or DWM, which was made in protest of a prominent fan blog called "Ask Princess Molestia", which reimagined the mentor character Princess Celestia as a horny nymphomaniac. DWM was very vocal about protesting this character because it enabled rape culture, as they claimed.
Now, I was not actually made aware of any of this until JO started saying some very nasty things about bronies on her Twitter. I'd looked up to and respected JO since I'd been a fan of Channel Awesome/TGWTG since I was a teenager and found it in, and since I never cared for Molestia or any of the NSFW side of the pony fandom I'd ended up getting super offended by all of her broad generalized statements. I'd been very left-leaning and thus tended to sympathize with feminist interests, but I was never educated in it so I'd not been very understanding of her.
I got so upset by this that I eventually ended up going on multiple different forums to complain about it, including the official ThatGuyWithTheGlasses forums and the forums for a pony-related imageboard I used. (I won't say which as I already have plenty of bad blood with that community and I'm not going to try to reignite past flames by inciting a potential brigade.)
The latter is the one that was especially important to me, as in most of my "discussions" there I learned a lot more about the eeeeeevil SJWs and how they were threatening to take away everything I ever knew and ever cared about. Unlike most of the others there, however, I wasn't entirely willing to join in the circlejerk and ended up playing devil's advocate quite often. Not surprisingly, most of the time I was ridiculed for it.
On the surface, a lot of their complaints seemed very valid: I actually agreed that DWM was a misguided campaign, in part due to many instances of death threats/doxxing, as well as the spreading of outright hateful messages that lack context, and other instances of hypocrisy from its prominent members (one DWMer was found to have drawn pornographic fanart an underage Naruto being violently raped: but apparently something named "Molestia" isn't okay.) This ended up growing into a much larger anti-brony sentiment on Tumblr which, in my mind, is still very overblown: there have even been several efforts to help promote a positive atmosphere for the show's target demographic, such as the SafeSearch Wrapup performed on the 20th of every month.
Look a bit deeper, however, and you'd find that the rhetoric used on said forum was much deeper than simple criticism of extremist methods (which is a problem on Tumblr in general, if somewhat of an exaggerated one) but rather a backlash against anything that might call for them to reflect on their behaviors or attitudes. There was a quite lengthy "social justice extremism" thread that I'd frequented which more often than not was rooted in anti-feminist paranoia and made the common /r/TumblrInAction mistake of thinking that confused extremist action with "extreme" ideology (hint: do you know how the then-"moderates" of the civil rights movement are looked upon now? Not very kindly.) Ponies for Parents, one of the most benign and milquetoast pro-feminist pony blogs out there, briefly came under fire in the thread for being "anti-brony" simply because she'd dared to criticize the pony fandom. Not attack, not spread lies or misinformation, not threaten or doxx anyone, criticize.
Hell, freaking Internet Aristocrat of all people made a video on the whole DWM thing, and that should tell you a lot about what kind of awful person this "anti-SJW" sentiment attracts. As a general rule, any criticism of the methods of social justice will always attract people who will hate anything and everything that seeks to challenge the status quo. This is why MundaneMatt and Internet Aristocrat were the first to latch onto the Zoe Quinn controversy: it gave them a platform to attack feminism even when it had nothing to do with the supposed conflict of interest between her and Nathan Greyson.
This continued well after the thread was locked, and into the "Quinnspiracy" thread, which started well before "GamerGate" even had a name and was mostly rooted in the same antifeminist paranoia. Two of the regular posters in the previous thread I had eventually learned through various IRC conversations had quite the unsavory history to them: one was a supporter of Davis Aurini and advocated for racial separatism, and the other was a notorious board troll who loved to start shit for his own amusement, but from what little I've been able to learn from him apparently might have had a history with the white supremacist group called the National Alliance. It's hard to know since he seldom speaks with any intention but to make people mad at each other and could very well have been exaggerating, but given his involvement in the anti-SJW threads I wouldn't be surprised.
It took me a long time to realize how awful these threads were, in part because I was so heavily entrenched in the community, but also because I actually felt that I might be able to get people to listen to my concerns and why I thought they were going over the line. But as the original anti-SJW thread was locked and new Quinnspiracy thread continued, I'd come to the realization that my perspective wasn't wanted there, and I'd decided to cut my ties to the site. I haven't visited the site with a serious interest in browsing images or discussing in the forums for several weeks, and so far I'm entirely happy with my decision.
But that brings me back to JesuOtaku. At around the same time I'd first gone onto the TGWTG forums and the other pony imageboard to complain, I'd also done something that I'm really not proud of. I don't feel at all comfortable admitting what it is I'd done exactly, but it was something that ended up causing a serious rift between her and a former friend, which I'd only learned later she'd been trying to reconnect with for some time. I could have potentially caused her very serious emotional stress by bringing up something very personal that wasn't any of my business to be bringing up.
It was only when GamerGate came into full swing and all the horrible things started happening that I'd come to realize what and asshole I'd been, and what sort of people I'd been surrounding myself with.
I saw someone who was saying a bunch of really harsh things, and I overreacted to it, to the point where I was willing to hurt her with something very personal and surround myself with total assholes. And for what? For a hobby. For something that, in the grand scheme of things, isn't really even important.
And when I look at GamerGate, I see much of the same thing happening. I see a bunch of people getting indescribably upset over their toys, to the point where they're willing to cause serious emotional harm to others and in some cases even threaten their lives. It was like looking into a mirror and discovering that I'd been the monster all along.
I still don't agree with JesuOtaku about bronies. I do think that she was being too harsh. But that doesn't excuse the way I reacted, and it doesn't mean that I was in the right to respond in such a disproportionate manner. GamerGate as a whole simply does not understand this, and until they do I'm not going to see them positively. Because while in many ways I can understand their motivations, I cannot see their actions as excusable. Right, before we go further, you do understand that i am saying the government official reports are scientifically impossible?
WTC 7 went into free-fall, literally gravitational acceleration, which is impossible in a steel framed building (without the use of explosives)
This violates basic Newtonian physics, IF, you choose to believe the official report that fires caused the collapse, obviously it is impossible for a building to go into freefall in any other scenario, this explains why NIST refuse to release there data for independent validation.
The acceleration of gravity in New York City is 32.159 ft/s2. WTC7 had 2.25 seconds of literal freefall, this is equivalent to approximately 8 stories of fall in which the falling section of the building encountered zero resistance.
For any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitational acceleration (where did every single structural supporting columns go, instantly, at the exact same time?)
There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs, this is basic Newtonian physical principles.
You either agree with this very basic concept, or you need to start making a case for a new realm of science that has never been witnessed before.
The tilting of the south tower, just before collapse is the second that i will bring to the table here (there are many more)
According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of the conservation of momentum, it should have kept tipping over, but it didn't, it fell through the path of greatest resistance. The top was tilting at approximately 20 degrees or so, how could it be exerting a uniform, symmetrical pressure on the floors below? it didn't and couldn't
Momentum is defined as mass times velocity and is conserved during both elastic and inelastic collisions:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = (M1 + M2) * V3 {inelastic} P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1′ + M2 * V2′ (elastic; V1V1′, V2V2′}
The theory of the alleged pile driver rests on inelastic collisions, whereby mass is accumulated with each collision and V2=0.
Thus, simplified physics disproves the official fairytale.
Let’s make the following assumptions:
(a) The upper block had a mass M1.
(b) Each individual floor had a mass M2.
(c) The alleged plane impact (or weak) point was 20 floors from the top. Thus, the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20).
(d) Each individual floor was hanging in mid-air without any support below it. (e) Distance between each floor (to make the math easy) 9.8 meters. [Actual distance was probably 1/3 of that.]
(f) The over-design factor in the static weight that any given level N can support is 2*Mass(110-N)
D is distance (between floors) g is gravity [9.8 m/(s2] V0 is initial velocity (V0=0) t is time
D = (1/2) * g * t2 + V0 * t 9.8 m = (1/2) * [9.8 m/(s2] * t2
Solve for t to find out how long it took M1 to free-fall the spacing of one floor into M2.
t=21/2=sqrt(2)=1.414 s
Derivative of acceleration at a point in time is velocity:
V1 = a * t = 9.8 * 1.414 = 13.8 m/s
Thus, before hitting M2, M1 reached a velocity V1=13.8 m/s. M2 is stationary, so its velocity is V2=0. Thus momentum P before impact is:
P = M1 * V1 + M2 * V2 = M1 * V1 (because V2=0)
Conservation of momentum in this very ideal example of an inelastic collision (masses combine rather than bounce) says:
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3
Re-arrange terms and plug in for V1, you get:
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (13.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2]
Because M1 & M2 are greater than zero, the new velocity V3 of the combined mass has to be less than the initial velocity V1 which was equivalent to free-fall.
In this ideal world with floors of mass M2 just hanging in the air, we can further assume that the starting “pile driver” M1=20*M2 (or M2=M1/20) under the premise that one of the alleged airplane impacts was 20 floors from the top.
V3 = V1 * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = V1 * [1/1.05] = V1 * (0.95)
In this ideal world example, we see quantitatively how the speed of the pile driver hitting a floor M2 hanging in mid-air slows down slightly from its previous free-fall velocity.
However, M2 was not just hanging in mid-air. Using the assumed over-design factor of 2, the vertical support offered by the steel shell and the inner core at level M2
Force(M2) = [Over-Design Factor] * M1 = 2 * M1
In order for floor M2 to fail, V1M1 has to also be greater than 2M1. In this example, it is. However, the momentum equation needs to be updated to account for the consumption of energy in smashing floor M2 and its supporting structures.
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + [2 * M1] V3 = [M1 * V1) - (2 * M1]/[M1 + M2] = [V1 - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = [13.8) - 2] * [M1/(M1 + M2] = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + M2] V3 = (11.8) * [M1/(M1 + (M1/20)] = (11.8) * [1/1.05] V3 = 11.23 m/s < 13.8 m/s = V1
Thus we see after impact with the first M2 floor taking into consideration the supports under M2, that velocity of the pile driver M1 should be measurably less than the velocity of free-fall at that point.
The ejection of content laterally reduces the mass of M1 to M1′. Also the Force of material ejection must be accounted for in the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design factor. More importantly, the force of content pulverization is another massive energy sink that also gets inserted into the momentum equation P in a manner similar to the over-design facto
P = M1 * V1 = (M1 + M2) * V3 + Force(M2) + Force(ejection) + Force(pulverization) V3 = [M1*V1) - Force(M2) - Force(ejection) - Force(Pulverization]/[M1'+M2]
If the assumed static-load over-design factor is low and a higher factor is employed, the resulting V3 will be reduced further. Similarly, using more accurate floor spacing will factor in by reducing the available M1*V1 energy at impact with floor M2.
The official report is in the realm of absurdity, cartoon based fantasy. Well, first of all, let me start of by saying I'm a 22 year old aspiring rapper from St. Louis, MO. Pathetic. I know. I've been like this for all my life, hustling to make it big. Spending too much time online concerned about all the things going on in the world. Asking how could they let it get like this? Well, I've decided enough is enough, and said I'm going to get a job. Well I was terrified, A black guy like me entering a sandwich shop with a job app in my hand, everyone's going to laugh, point, and kick me out, but I just told myself, remember all the people who ever hated on you you through out life, it can't get any worse then that, and use that as motivation. So I did. I entered the sandwich shop and my freakin legs were shaking, no joke. I have a rap song that I am going to use, but today I said I'm just going to go in there and get a feel for the place, strap on my samurai sword so everyone can see how cool I am, try a few sandwiches and gtfo. Well I walk in there, and I just see a bunch of white people, then the deli counter behind them, I was about to throw up i was so nervous, so I just jumped on the first line in front of me. I'm waiting my turn to order, and watched the sandwich artists. F, these guys were fast. I mean cray fast, slinging salted meats like they were born, I said no way in HELLO am I going to go in there, so I got out of the line, and started to walk towards the door then stopped myself, I said no way, I came this far, and I'm sure they wont' really care. So I mustered enough courage, walked over there nervous as hek, and just walked straight to the chip rack. There was an average guy next to me eating bbq lays, I don't know looked tasty, so I figured I can probably eat some, so I try to pick up a bag. AND I COULDN'T. The guy next to me was staring at me, and told me "Try something else" then points at these crumbled ones on the floor. Apparently his friend behind him was watching and started laughing. So I turned around and I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't, I pick up the chip crumbs and i just start to eat them. Well his friend starts making smart remarks like "WHOA THIS GUY IS A MONKEY" "TRAAAAAAAAYYVOOOOOOOOOON" and other things. I swear, I was getting so angry, I started to get a flashback of all the people who ever made fun of me in my life, one by one, and his voice in the background. I was steaming, all of a sudden i turn around out of sheer anger, it was as if I blacked out,and fling the samurai sword in his face. BAM, I HIT HIM. Then I realized, OMG DID I JUST DO THAT??! He yells out WTF, then he pushes me against the rack, and him and his 2 friends surround me thats when it happened. My job app WENT OFF, BAM BAM BAM, three shots. Then a heard a shout "Stop! Police!" and I'm leaking like it's Officer Darren Wilson. As I lay dying, I gasp, "tell them I was a good boy. I was gonna be someone, I was gonna be a sandwich artist!" A libertarian free-market Austrian capitalist professor and stockbroker was teaching a class on Ludwig von Mises, known reactionary.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Ayn Rand and accept that she was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutionist holding a Cuban cigar in his mouth and who had aided the Bolsheviks in a former life, understood the revolutionary necessity of the Great Purge and fully supported the truth of the labour theory of value stood up and held up a watch.
”Who built this watch, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked in a quite Bourgeois manner and smugly replied “The watch company, you stupid Communist”
”Wrong. It was made by the workers of the factory. If it had been made by the watch company, as you say.... then it wouldn't exist, because capitalists don't do real work."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Atlas Shrugged. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears. The same tears the bourgeoisie cry for the “oppressed rich” (who today live in such luxury that most own five houses) when people object to them trying to extract unearned wealth from the deserving workers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had stood against the Capitalist system, joined a Socialist Party, and become more than a libertarian professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself with, but his very own company was in control of those!
The students applauded and all registered Communist that day and accepted Marx as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Anti-Imperialism” flew into the room and perched atop a Red Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The communist manifesto was recited several times, and Lenin himself showed up and formed a vanguard.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died from inferior healthcare and his body was used as fertiliser on his company's crops.
Workers of the world, unite! I hate The Beatles. There. I’ve said it. If that’s a little vague, ambiguous or confusing, permit me to clarify and elaborate; I loathe the Fab Four with every fibre of my being. In fact, the strength of my feelings, regarding the world’s first boy band, probably borders on the pathological...
Already I can hear the howls of outrage and indignation from the legions of Beatles snobs and drones. With only the possible exceptions of Catholics, Daily Mail readers and BNP voters, these poor souls must surely be the most conned, gullible and brain-washed cross-section of humanity to have ever drawn breath?
In terms of articulating my feelings, it’s difficult to know where to start, given that the reasons for my detestation are passionate, long-held and many. I’ll do my best, though. Promise…
So, let’s set the ball rolling then, by looking firstly at their undoubted commercial success which, mystifyingly, many hold up as some kind of evidence of their musical omnipotence. This is easily disposed of. To get things in some sort of perspective, consider, if you will, The Spice Girls; easily one of, if not the, biggest all-girl acts ever, with record sales that dwarf those of eight out of ten other manufactured pop puppets. While I accept that all art is largely a subjective matter, surely we can all agree that “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really, really, really, wanna zigga zig ahh” is, frankly, bollocks by any commonly accepted criteria? Mind you, it holds up at least as well as “she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah, she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah”. The conclusion, by now, should be clear to even the most fundamentalist Beatles disciple; commercial success is not an infallible barometer of artistic merit or credibility.
The other fiercely held conviction among the faithful goes something like this: “Ah, but if it weren’t for The Beatles, you wouldn’t have had [insert name of some incredibly implausible band]”. Again, utter bollocks and infuriating, ill-informed drivel. Now, this may surprise you but they weren’t actually responsible for every great musical event that followed them, you know.
Cream, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, The Who, Deep Purple and the Stones owe zero, nada, zilch to those over-rated Scouse conmen and they were all a damn site more innovative, revolutionary and superior in every respect, anyway.
In fact, I reckon the most influential musician of the entire 20th century has surely got to be Robert Johnson. By a huge margin. Modern blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and then, ultimately metal, hard rock and even punk, with its penchant for the hackneyed Three Chord Trick, all stem, to one degree or another, from his legendary, seminal twenty nine songs. The blues permeates the most vital contemporary music of the last century like a rich seam of platinum. It runs like blood through the beating heart of just about any music of note outside the classical world. Don’t even try and claim a similar legacy for those third-rate, mop-topped hacks. I’ll just laugh. Or poke you in the eye with my pen. As if a case could ever be made for, say, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath or even Simon and Garfunkel being, in any way, defined by some shallow, plastic, pop-tarts from the 60s! Go on; try . Yeah, thought so…
Oh, but hang on a moment, though; Lennon & McCartney were the greatest songwriters of the 20th century, weren’t they? Really? Better than, say, Bacharach and David? Irving Berlin, Ray Davies, Brian Wilson, Hank Williams, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Pete Townsend or even Paul Weller? Behave.
In terms of song writing, Robert Johnson and the pioneering Bluesmen perfected the classic I-IV-V chord progression that everyone, including the bloody Beatles, has done to death. To come from a completely different angle, in terms of melodic understanding, harmonic construction and technically superior composition, even ABBA were working on a level our Merseyside charlatans could only dream about.
In a similar vein, a friend of mine observed, “when you think about the level of fame and adoration they enjoyed, then think about other bands of the sixties who were forever in their shadow it puts it into perspective. Their song writing was weak (unlike say, The Kinks), their voices were weaker (unlike say, Chris Farlowe or Del Shannon) and their instrumentation lacklustre (unlike say, The Byrds) all of which would be easier to forgive had they not wholeheartedly bought into their own mythology. They were a bunch of preening, jumped up little shits and the ones that remain are ridiculous, vain old men with a God complex. They’re shit. That’s it”.
So that takes care of their early oeuvre but we all know, don’t we, that the White Album, Revolver and Sergeant Pepper’s Dreary Club Band were the works that saw them mature into really great musical visionaries, though, yes? Well, if ill-disciplined, drug-induced, pretentious doodling is your thing, then maybe, yeah. Personally, “semolina dripping from a dead dog’s eye” “I am the walrus, I am the Egg-man” and “you’ve been a naughty girl, you’ve let your knickers down” are not quite the incisive capturing of the zeitgeist that springs to mind when I ponder the post-war artistic and cultural revolutions.
It’s probably the right time to surprise you and say that, unlike my friend, I don’t actually think The Beatles are crap, per se. No, really, I don’t. Yesterday is a fine tune, to give just one example (although even here we can thank George Martin’s inspired addition of a string quartet as the element that lifts the song to, possibly, genius-level) and, to be fair, I think they wrote perfectly acceptable three or four minute packages of shallow, pop-puff that reflected, quite well, the new, breezy, optimistic vibe of the Swinging Sixties. If only they’d left it there. But no; they had to go to India, consort with religious nutters, buy a sitar, get all mystical and start taking seriously the hysteria surrounding them. Horror of horrors, they actually started to believe they were, God help us, Serious Artistes!
As far as individual musical proficiency goes, it’ll take barely a paragraph to pull these fakers from their Ivory Tower and expose the Emperor’s New Clothes (excuse the mixed metaphors; that’s what they do to me, God damn ‘em!). Ringo, you’re first up, my man; as a drummer, Mr Starr, as Lennon himself famously remarked, was not only not the best drummer in the world, he wasn’t “…even the best drummer in The Beatles”. Sadly, poor old Ringo lacked sufficient talent to even polish John Bonham’s cymbals. Or pour Keith Moon’s booze. Or even chop Ginger Baker’s lines with his sticks.
Lennon, as most are forced to reluctantly acknowledge, could barely play guitar at all and George Harrison’s most elevated Beatles moment arrived courtesy of Clapton’s sublime solo on When My Guitar Gently Weeps. As surely it must’ve done, with relief and gratitude, no doubt, when Eric picked it up; at last! A real musician, pluck me, baby!
Macca? Ironically, probably the most talented of the musically juvenile foursome, he still couldn’t disguise the fact that his mediocre talent was more suited to Broadway and the kitsch world of stage musicals than rock ‘n’ roll. Not that they were ever a rock ‘n’ roll band, of course. The very thought is laughable. No, they were always a pop band. Even your Granny likes ‘em.
The real irritant, though, is that they are easily the most overrated band to have ever entered a recording studio, bar none. Thanks to Epstein, they were marketed, packaged, hyped and sold to an impressionable public, desperately yearning for some escapism following the years of post-war austerity, with the myth enduring to this very day. In fact, it’s here, really, that they made their biggest impact on popular culture; a towering testament to the power of marketing, advertising and hype. The world’s first, and still, its most successful, boy band.
You wanna talk about their legacy? The Osmonds, Westlife, Boyzone and JL bloody S are their natural heirs! Oh all right, maybe a tad harsh; after all, they were directly responsible for the Gallagher brothers and Oasis, too. Yeah. Like, thanks lads… The subreddit r/conspiracy has been under attack for a long time. Disinfo flooding the gates. Discredit trolls, posting the absurdly, utterly, provably nutjob worst in order to make the whole Sub seem crazy. And then just blathering posts that take space and lower the signal to noise ratio. I'm familiar with all these tactics, going back over a decade online. But nothing can kill an online community faster than an inside job. A good example was the "Scholars for 911 Truth."
Steven Jones, a fairly prominent physicists who had bona fides with the US Department of Energy, began to raise questions about how the World Trade Center buildings managed to collapse on 9/11. Jones was anything but a crackpot. He was published and had actually been instrumental in debunking the claims that cold fusion had been achieved back in the 90s. Once he spoke out, other academics began to speak out and they all got together and decided to create a website to voice their observations and concerns.
Because of the credibility and stature of the participants, this new group of academics became a severe threat to the official 911 narrative. And presumably to the conspirators.
Enter James Fetzer. Fetzer had already had a long career spreading crazy bullshit to discredit the JFK assassination research community. Now he was targeting the 911 truth movement.
His method was simple, and lethal for the new 911 Scholars. First, he took over the website part of the operation. The other agreed to let him run that side of things because he said he had experience and they didn't.
This was their fatal mistake. A big announcement was made, which spread around the net, about the forthcoming Scholars for 911 Truth, and then the website was launched.
But no sooner than the site had gone live, Fetzer sabotaged it. To Steven Jones and the rest of the credible scholars who had enlisted's horror, Fetzer smeared the home page with a bunch of crazy theories involving space beams and other nonsense that no one had approved or even remotely supported.
And when the Scholars complained and tried to remedy the situation, they found they were locked out of the site.
And that was that for the new Scholars for 911 Truth. A group that would have done more to legitimize the questioning of the official 911 narrative than any other, was now associated permanently with space beams and "dustification," a word with zero basis in science.
Of course, Jones and the others quickly disassociated themselves from Fetzer's little con job, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and any future attempts to use academic prestige to break through the 911 taboo would fail to have an impact (though the Architects and Engineers are making a grand play.)
Well, today, I just saw this clever stunt pulled again. This time, by some of the Mods of r/conspiracy.
I haven't watched to whole thing. But I've watched a couple hours of it and I can say, incontrovertibly, the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" is Neo-Nazi propaganda.
It's the most perverse kind of propaganda that uses a dramatic music score to touch our heart strings, as we hear that Adolf Hitler wasn't such a bad guy.
Please understand where I'm coming from. I think Israel is a terrorist state. I believe its existence is illegitimate. I believe its leaders are guilty of war crimes.
But I don't stop there. I am opposed to the Jewish religion. Any religion that encourages the kind of racism I see in Jewish culture, is a perversion of spirituality. Any religious culture that believes that they are "God's chosen people" is disgusting to me and reeks of the kind of devotion to genetic purity that the Nazis and Eugenicists were so guilty of. The demands that your sons only marry Jewish women is pure racism.
But watching this film tell me that Hitler "had honorable intentions" while this dripping, sentimental, heroic music plays in the background literally made me want to puke.
I have long known of Hitler's populist appeal. Unlike most people, I sought out the other side of the story long ago. I've read large blocks of Mein Kampf, sought and found translations of his speeches, and even read Neo-Nazi literature.
Like all popular figures, Hitler had some strong selling points. He identified the bankster parasites and made them an enemy of the common man - though he mistakenly conflated banksters with Jews - most bankers of the time were not Jewish, Rothschilds notwithstanding. But there was truth in his words, no doubt. Otherwise, they would have had no effect.
But none of that should ever, for even a second, allow us to forget the evil of this motherfucker's reign. I have believed since my childhood that racism, especially the kind that breeds Eugenicists, is an acute form of mental illness.
To hate someone, not because of what they do, but because of who they are, is pure sickness. Hitler fed that sickness. And he exploited it. If the moderators of r/conspiracy share this sickness, and allow it to fester here, then you are my enemy.
Or, more likely, if the moderators of r/conspiracy who allowed this film to be branded on to this Sub, are using the repulsiveness of Naziism to discredit the people who dare to ask the questions that power want's us to ignore, then you are my enemy.
This was a decent place to aggregate news and info that one wouldn't find easily elsewhere. Important things that happen in the shadows of power.
You have now, very likely, killed it. And fuck you for that. But don't think you have won. As long as there's an internet, we will keep aggregating. And the truth will keep getting spread. No, I'm used to it. Growing up, I was in foster care. My mother abandoned me when I was still a newborn. I spent my first years isolated in a house full of other children, most of them older and very mean. They always hurt me. Physically and mentally. They would call me "momma's boy" because they knew I didn't have a mom. I would cry, and then they would bite themselves and start to cry so when mother came in the room, they would say I bit them and i would be punished. This usually meant no dinner, if I was lucky. If I wasn't so lucky, or mother was feeling particularly warm from all of her drinking throughout the day, they would force me to eat uncooked rice without a drink. If i didn't finish it, they would all hold me down while they took turns whipping me with a broken fan belt. I remember one time the two oldest brothers (they were actually related to the foster parents) were being strangely nice to me all morning. They were letting me play with them outside, and I actually started to think that maybe they liked me (it was in the beginning, so I wasn't to familiar with how evil they were yet). They told me to follow them into this little patch of woods we had about 300 yards behind our house. When we went in to the woods, they told me that their dog fell into a deep hole, and they needed me to get him out. I was so scared. I saw the hole, and the dog was inside, so I began to trust them again. They told me that I had to go in and they would lift me out by using their belts tied together like a rope, and I had to just hold on to the puppy and bring it back up with me. I got to the edge, and kind of froze. Not even a minute went by before they pushed me in. I'm not sure how deep it was, but even lifting my hands up over my head, I couldn't touch the top. Fire ants were everywhere. Then they started it. They started trying to bury me alive. With their dog. The dog was whining so I picked it up and just held it so tightly. I felt the ants biting me and the dirt showering over my head. Little rocks were hitting me every now and then, and then I just went numb. They... were just laughing. I remember them calling me "faggot," and stuff like that. At 6 years old, I was sure that I was going to die. I don't remember much after that because I kept my eyes closed, but I woke up in a hospital. Luckily I wasn't allergic to fire ants, or I would have died. The puppy didn't make it though. David and Chris were there. They were crying, saying I threw the dog in the hole. They "tried to save me, but they were scared that i would hurt the dog if they came in the hole." They also said I tried to bury and kill myself. At 6 years old. And mother believed them. So did the doctor. I was labeled as a "troubled and very disturbed boy" because of my "circumstance." I have never known love or kindness. That week after I healed, I was sent back to the house. 4 more years of stuff like that. I won't even begin to talk about other things. Things like forks being put inside me. Cigars being put out on me. Having them kill neighborhood pets and say it was me, only to cause me to get beat so severely by the other kids on the street that I wanted to die. If i tried to run away, I got beat. Whatever I did, I got beat. I don't expect anything to change. Especially not when it comes from a stranger on the internet. I was never funny. I don't know why I tried to be on this thread. I'm sorry.

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?
I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you

Does evil exist?

The university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, “Yes, he did!”

“God created everything? The professor asked.

“Yes sir”, the student replied.

The professor answered, “If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are then God is evil”. The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said, “Can I ask you a question professor?”

“Of course”, replied the professor.

The student stood up and asked, “Professor, does cold exist?”

“What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?” The students snickered at the young man’s question.

The young man replied, “In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat.”

The student continued, “Professor, does darkness exist?”

The professor responded, “Of course it does.”

The student replied, “Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton’s prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn’t this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present.”

Finally the young man asked the professor, “Sir, does evil exist?”

Now uncertain, the professor responded, “Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man’s inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil.”

To this the student replied, “Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God’s love present in his heart. It’s like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.”

The professor sat down.

The young man’s name -- Albert Einstein.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about crows, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in environmental science, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret studies on crow behavior, and I have over 300 confirmed alt accounts. I am trained in vote brigading and I have the top comment karma on this entire website. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will downvote you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that about crows over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of taxonomists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the brigade, jackdaw. The brigade that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your account. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can downvote you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with alt accounts. Not only am I extensively trained in taxonomy, but I have access to the entire Latin names of the Corvidae family and I will use it to its full extent to prove you wrong and downvote your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit downvotes all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, jackdaw.