Leftists getting mad about Louis CK’s joke about the parkland shooting, you hate free speech. You’re not “critiquing his art”, you’re mad that he said it in the first place. Comedians are allowed to say outrageous things, so you’d better get used to it, because we’re not going to fucking censor what he says. If you want to do that, go hang out with Tipper Gore, and censor some Dead Kennedies records. Try and get Ulysses banned from the United States again while you’re at it. Try to keep the gays from marching in the streets, try to keep people from burning the American flag. Antonin Scolia ruled in favor of burning the flag, because it’s constitutional.
Free speech isn’t set in stone. If enough people stop believing in free speech, like the left when they express outrage over things which offend them, then people can vote free speech away. You should be happy Louis CK can say offensive stuff with impunity, because if you don’t believe in free speech for those you disagree with most, you don’t believe in free speech at all.
This outrage culture is creating a divide in America. People are tired of political correctness. That’s why when Hillary and CNN said Trump was so offensive throughout the entire campaign, people saw that and said “fuck you” and voted him into office. I never supported Trump, but I think he resonated with people’s concerns about Jobs, he resonated with people’s hatred and distrust of the elites who snubbed them. Democrats snubbed people, Bill Clinton shipped jobs over seas with NAFTA, Hillary supports more bills like TTP which do the same thing. Wealth inequality is at an all time high, even after 8 years of Obama.
Political correctness is fake problem solving. When you try to shut people up, they don’t go away. When you shame them, you didn’t convince them. You just made them angrier, you just made a group of people who look at you as the enemy. That’s why when you hear people talk about feminists, they say that they’re mean and nasty, and people automatically assume if you’re a queer person you hate white people and straight cis men. People have a lot of right to feel that way, because a lot of the time it’s true. The left is an incredibly nasty, snarky, elitist bunch of jackasses who have a tendency to make things worse for themselves by acting sanctamoneous and superior.
So when you act outraged over this sort of thing, and try to create an Orwellian atmosphere where your feelings are the greatest precedent, and anyone who disagrees with you is a horrible monster, you’re just undermining the free speech which allowed you to gain all the civil liberties you hypocritically say you support, which were gained from the civil rights era, when free speech allowed people to speak out against oppression. That’s why the American Civil Liberties Union supports the KKK, the lgbt community, and anyone else whose speech comes under threat.
Respect differences in opinion, because not everyone who disagrees with you is a bad person. If someone says something hurtful, it may be because they legitimately feel threatened, or hurt themselves. If you want to show someone that you’re goal isn’t to hurt them more, you could try to bring them in, instead of push them away. Build bridges and create trust, instead of acting so elitist, hypocritical, and entitled and foolish enough to think you’re the arbitor, and gatekeeper of opinions. You’re not. Your speech could be taken away too.
So thank you Louis CK. Please be more offensive, because your ability to be offensive, and piss of whiny elitist prick leftists, is what makes this country great.