How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
No, I'm not asking how to make a girl accept you as a boyfriend, I'm asking how you can willingly enter a relationship with a woman. How do you bring yourself to go through with that shit? Never mind getting married, how do you take the first step? Do you just ignore all rationality and all your knowledge and just go head first into it and ignore the flaws while lowering your expectations slowly everytime she lets you down until you realize she's the only one that has ever loved you and you can't leave her now? Because that sounds gay.

When I was a kid I believed the perfect woman was someone who'd accept you in every situation, but as an adult I realize there's no such thing as a perfect marriage. You gotta keep secrets from each other and show only certain sides for it to function. Marriage is not something that helps you be yourself, it's compromise after compromise

december edit: The reason why you can get into it is because you want to fuck her, and you got enough emotional maturity at the time that you're willing to put up with her shortcomings.
Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 05:36:35 AM by Desty

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
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18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
First and for most, this probably would have been a thread to help Roman at the time, but I didn't want to create a thread like this for someone who was just so eager and desperate to fuck, I mean yeah he got some pussy, but look what happened to his dick afterwards. Quality over quantity gents. Now I'm well aware that this place is classless tasteless and downright rundown into shit, this thread is for any of the few remaining classy individuals left, and if you're just looking for something on how to fuck as many women as possible, then this is not the thread for you.

Anyway on with the thread.

Long distance (online) vs Real Life:

The only thing I can say is that as far as getting to a relationship long distance wise, and a good one mind you not a shitty one is that its like winning the lottery in terms of being your true other half. Its like winning the lottery to an extent. Regardless if you would be true to your date in real life, you should be true to anyone you date online as well, lying will always cause problems, what's more is that dishonestly will also fuck you right over. Trust is key to every relationship, if you can't trust someone that you genuinely love, you're not ready. What's more is that if they don't trust you, you're pretty much in trouble as it is. If this is the case it will evidently lead to a breakup. On top of that loving yourself is important, if you don't love yourself to start with, not even a little, you're not ready. You never will be ready until you do. It is also important for you to be yourself. Do not change who you are for someone else, if she doesn't like you for who you are, whether its online or in real life, then she's not for you. The right woman will come into your life, and when she does, you better do everything in your power to not screw it up, because if you do, you will deeply regret it.

Paying for dates

This is implying that you have a date in real life, or that you have finally met with the person that you were dating online and in real life and now you're going out on an actual real life date. I'm just going to be blunt with this. If she's completely worth it, practice chivalry. Hold the door open for her, pull the chair for her to sit down, pay for the dinner or movie is another thing to do if you are at that level. Dates do not have to cost money. You can have a picnic at a park. If the girl you are with does not like the idea a picnic at a park and doesn't find it romantic to start with, she's probably not a quality girl to be with, especially if she only wants paid dates and for you to pay for it every time as a result. There's a difference between treating her to dinner and getting taken advantage of by a stuck up bitch.

Going out on a date in general is what allows you to get to know her much more and gives you a chance to talk to her as well.


If everything after the dating phase works out and you two pretty much become a couple, hopefully you have the right match. As far as things like sex go, if its your first time, wear a condom. If anything wear a condom the first few times until she can actually be trusted. Nothing is worse than doing it raw the first time, cumming inside her and then getting her knocked up as a result and having a child you didn't want to have, as well as making you the father pay for child support. You really need to be careful who you fuck, if a girl you are with hates condoms and won't even take the pill, fucking run. Nothing is worse than getting a woman pregnant early in the relationship  or getting an STD from her if she's not even clean. Also if she can be trusted and all as well when it comes to the bedroom, do everything you can to please her, she's not here to only pleasure you and she's not obligated to have sex with you. Do not force her or making her feel uncomfortable in any way about it.

Trust is key to a relationship, on top of that find out what you both like and enjoy it, and know that someone who has the same personality as you and has 98% of things in common, is a really good match, you shouldn't take that at face value.

Oh and another thing, stay faithful! If you cheat, to put it forth this way, you don't deserve someone special in your life. Ever.

Also yes you could have sex after dating right away, but its gonna depend on you and the girl honestly.

As far as age goes, date someone legal and within your age range, not out of it.

That's pretty much all there is to it, don't be too nervous, enjoy the time you have with whoever you're dating, be polite, be clean, and treat her well. Otherwise I don't even know why you read this thread.

And if you're not going to do either of these things and take chivalry into practice, then you don't really deserve anyone special in your life.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
The copypasta is lost on me. Who wrote it, Deci? I vaguely remember Deci giving relationship advice

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts
Who wrote it, Deci? I vaguely remember Deci giving relationship advice
Yes, he wrote it

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
Who wrote it, Deci? I vaguely remember Deci giving relationship advice
Yes, he wrote it

I'm so glad I lived in the same time as Deci

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
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4,667 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
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13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
you get over the fuckboy phase

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
you get over the fuckboy phase
Nah, the "fuckboy" phase is the ego phase. Losing your identity as you become this stale figure that's supposed to be "mature" isn't adulthood, it's giving up and becoming an empty husk.

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
you get over the fuckboy phase
Nah, the "fuckboy" phase is the ego phase. Losing your identity as you become this stale figure that's supposed to be "mature" isn't adulthood, it's giving up and becoming an empty husk.
well just dont be mature then

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
IP: Logged

4,667 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend

no i only like humans of the female variety

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
i just don't really want to impose my baggage on anyone

i need to sort myself out as a person before i'll ever be ready to think about stuff like that, but at the same time, while there are aspects of my personality that would instantly cause any relationship to go tits up, those tend to be the aspects of my personality that i like the most and consider integral to my identity

so yeah, lately i've been thinking that it's just not worth it, and the only reason i feel any pressure against that fact is because getting in a relationship is just one of those traditional things that we're all expected to do, which is anything but rational

and if that sounds like i'm just trying to make excuses or whatever, i fully recognize that it's ultimately my own fault that i never got with anyone—i hate the incel mentality more than anyone i know, so i'd hate to come across like one—but i'm genuinely finding less and less reasons to care about this shit
Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 04:43:01 PM by Verbatim

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
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ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
I don't know how I would meet someone. Out of curiosity, I browsed a dating app for a very brief period of time. I found it distasteful.

I don't think I could ask someone out; I don't think I am attractive and I don't want to put someone in that awkward position, let alone myself. Not to mention that I probably come off as rather boring.
Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 10:14:20 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend

no i only like humans of the female variety
2D variety

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts
Oh that's easy. You just go on the internet and find a girl that posts cleavage (mostly shaved legs in long rainbow or white socks for some reason) and that has lexicon consisting largely of words "ooohhh", "aaahhh", "OwO", "UwU", "OwO, you aow vewy big QwQ so big", show that you are one hell of a horny motherfucker and then when you start to play with it, you discover that it has dick. If it's not a big deal for you, congratulations! you found a girl(boy)friend.
Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 01:09:10 AM by MarKhan

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
PSN: FatherlyNick
Steam: FatherlyNick
ID: FatherlyNick
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9,111 posts
If you know, you know.
Mark, is everything ok? >.>

Back on topic, all relationships are filled with compromises. You won't find your true love if you stay single all the time. Date a bunch and get a feel for what you like in a relationship vs what you don't like - and you will probably uncover your own flaws too. Frankly the OP sounds like you are perfect and everyone else was the problem.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: ossku
Steam: ossku/Oss
ID: Ossku
IP: Logged

13,542 posts
The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.

ok but how do i meet my waifu

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
PSN: FatherlyNick
Steam: FatherlyNick
ID: FatherlyNick
IP: Logged

9,111 posts
If you know, you know.

ok but how do i meet my waifu
Buy Code Vien, create your waifu. Play with her daily.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts

ok but how do i meet my waifu
Buy Code Vien, create your waifu. Play with her daily.
Now you are worrying me

not really tho, what else do you play?

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
PSN: FatherlyNick
Steam: FatherlyNick
ID: FatherlyNick
IP: Logged

9,111 posts
If you know, you know.

ok but how do i meet my waifu
Buy Code Vien, create your waifu. Play with her daily.
Now you are worrying me

not really tho, what else do you play?
deez nuts.
I dont play vien tho, I only watch people on YT create waifus with the insane editor, I thought Illusion had some solid char-editors, Vien went all out.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts

ok but how do i meet my waifu
Buy Code Vien, create your waifu. Play with her daily.
Now you are worrying me

not really tho, what else do you play?
deez nuts.
I dont play vien tho, I only watch people on YT create waifus with the insane editor, I thought Illusion had some solid char-editors, Vien went all out.
Yeah, I know, I've seen it months ago.

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
IP: Logged

4,667 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend

no i only like humans of the female variety
2D variety

ahh yes, you understand me

Solonoid | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Jx493
PSN: Jx493
Steam: Jx493
ID: Solonoid
IP: Logged

13,466 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend
having a boyfriend is nice, I'm very happy with it

A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: A Cheese Potato
ID: A Cheese Potato
IP: Logged

5,921 posts
why have girl friend when you can have no friend

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts
ive already accepted that i will die single
find a boyfriend

no i only like humans of the female variety
2D variety

ahh yes, you understand me
"Anime is the path I walk alone"

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ID: challengerX
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41,937 posts
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| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
IP: Logged

9,147 posts
I love you, son.
i just don't really want to impose my baggage on anyone

i need to sort myself out as a person before i'll ever be ready to think about stuff like that, but at the same time, while there are aspects of my personality that would instantly cause any relationship to go tits up, those tend to be the aspects of my personality that i like the most and consider integral to my identity

so yeah, lately i've been thinking that it's just not worth it, and the only reason i feel any pressure against that fact is because getting in a relationship is just one of those traditional things that we're all expected to do, which is anything but rational

and if that sounds like i'm just trying to make excuses or whatever, i fully recognize that it's ultimately my own fault that i never got with anyone—i hate the incel mentality more than anyone i know, so i'd hate to come across like one—but i'm genuinely finding less and less reasons to care about this shit
i thought you were dead

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
i just don't really want to impose my baggage on anyone

i need to sort myself out as a person before i'll ever be ready to think about stuff like that, but at the same time, while there are aspects of my personality that would instantly cause any relationship to go tits up, those tend to be the aspects of my personality that i like the most and consider integral to my identity

so yeah, lately i've been thinking that it's just not worth it, and the only reason i feel any pressure against that fact is because getting in a relationship is just one of those traditional things that we're all expected to do, which is anything but rational

and if that sounds like i'm just trying to make excuses or whatever, i fully recognize that it's ultimately my own fault that i never got with anyone—i hate the incel mentality more than anyone i know, so i'd hate to come across like one—but i'm genuinely finding less and less reasons to care about this shit
i thought you were dead

Aren’t we all