What colour should my plasma weapons fire?

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,737 posts
Argon sounds cool, but i feel as though it really depends on what type of characters are shooting them

The species that shoots them evolved in a carbon-dioxide based atmosphere, so they wear masks akin to those on Avatar that the humans use. their society is much like that of the USSR (Though they actually listen to their people and make sure they are happy to an extent, political dissent is not allowed and military service is mandatory) and their world is heavily urbanised. The military is sorted into three main groups- infantry, leader and command and this is separted by the colour of their coat, dark red, green or blue. The emperor has a sigature colour, used in the flag, stripes, mask colour, colour of plasma and other aspects of life. The current emperor uses orange, the previous violet.
well with that in mind, i'd have to say N2, i just feel like that would suit them well. i'm assuming they're the antagonists so i feel like those would be good colors for not-so-evil characters. the only problem is that that might make the connection to the USSR a bit obvious, not sure if that'd be a plus or a minus

sounds like a cool story though

There are a few species;

Sanpaari, Osmatari, Nûenin, Rithrael, Algonein,Thanatus,Menae,Tankaii,Iquin(And subspecies Iquinaf and Iquinay)

1,2,8 and 11 are all human allies. 3,5 and 9 are neutral/some factions enemy some ally and 6 and 7 are enemy (So is 10, but they're hostile to everything)

Then there's the S'pher which are like the Reapers/ Covenant.
which species is the one shooting them? sounds like a really in depth story you already have

Osmatari. The Sanpaari use magnetic accelerators (Rail/Coilguns) and the Nûenin use lasers. Humans use ballistics (though they have .50 assault rifles) as well as Thanatus. The Iquin use mainly Melee and Spike/ Flechette weapons and the Iquinay use 'seismic' weapons- concentrated discharges of kineti energy (Earthquake guns) and the Menae and Iquinaf use compound an regular bows, respectively.

Zizzy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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2,729 posts
They say you are what you eat, but I don't remember eating mYsELF
Huh. I'd say whichever would seem the most abundant/easiest to utilize in the plasma-making process. Which I happen to no nearly nothing about how that is done. Or something environmentally friendly, idk.

Edit: Is there any real difference in effectiveness?

Well they're all superheated to a few thousand degrees, so they are all doing 4th (If thats a thing) degree burns and melting most metals. It's more based on the colour than anything. The species that utilises them most is ruled in a society that works like an alien USSR, and the leader has a signature colour in their flags and aesthetic that dicates the colour of their weapons. The previous leader- Tabek- used a violet colour in the army. The current leader- Kabolt- uses orange, which is reflected in the flag and colour of lights and stuff.
That sounds like a pretty cool idea actually.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
Huh. I'd say whichever would seem the most abundant/easiest to utilize in the plasma-making process. Which I happen to no nearly nothing about how that is done. Or something environmentally friendly, idk.

Edit: Is there any real difference in effectiveness?

Well they're all superheated to a few thousand degrees, so they are all doing 4th (If thats a thing) degree burns and melting most metals. It's more based on the colour than anything. The species that utilises them most is ruled in a society that works like an alien USSR, and the leader has a signature colour in their flags and aesthetic that dicates the colour of their weapons. The previous leader- Tabek- used a violet colour in the army. The current leader- Kabolt- uses orange, which is reflected in the flag and colour of lights and stuff.
That sounds like a pretty cool idea actually.

Thanks. They're definitely one of my favourite species in the thing. Partially because of the name. Osmatari just rolls off the tongue really easily.

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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6,006 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
The more reactive gasses would be more appropriate. Y'know, more damaging if they reacted to other (assumedly organic) compounds.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
The more reactive gasses would be more appropriate. Y'know, more damaging if they reacted to other (assumedly organic) compounds.

That just discounts Neon, Helium and Argon. But honestly, the temperatures that plasma is (A superheated gas in the thousandsof degrees) mean that there isn't much that wouldn't be melted/ boiled by it anyway. A chemical reaction would take place in the raw process of boiling.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
Plasma would expand into harmless gas a few seconds after leaving the gun, so I guess clear.

It's contained and guided in a magnetic field. The downside if which means the guns have relatively short ranges (<100metres) when compared to the MA's and Ballistics employed by other species.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
Argon sounds cool, but i feel as though it really depends on what type of characters are shooting them

The species that shoots them evolved in a carbon-dioxide based atmosphere, so they wear masks akin to those on Avatar that the humans use. their society is much like that of the USSR (Though they actually listen to their people and make sure they are happy to an extent, political dissent is not allowed and military service is mandatory) and their world is heavily urbanised. The military is sorted into three main groups- infantry, leader and command and this is separted by the colour of their coat, dark red, green or blue. The emperor has a sigature colour, used in the flag, stripes, mask colour, colour of plasma and other aspects of life. The current emperor uses orange, the previous violet.
well with that in mind, i'd have to say N2, i just feel like that would suit them well. i'm assuming they're the antagonists so i feel like those would be good colors for not-so-evil characters. the only problem is that that might make the connection to the USSR a bit obvious, not sure if that'd be a plus or a minus

sounds like a cool story though

There are a few species;

Sanpaari, Osmatari, Nûenin, Rithrael, Algonein,Thanatus,Menae,Tankaii,Iquin(And subspecies Iquinaf and Iquinay)

1,2,8 and 11 are all human allies. 3,5 and 9 are neutral/some factions enemy some ally and 6 and 7 are enemy (So is 10, but they're hostile to everything)

Then there's the S'pher which are like the Reapers/ Covenant.
which species is the one shooting them? sounds like a really in depth story you already have

I also have a map to point out the locations.

Beserker (Left hand green with blank stars) is Iquin. The underlined star system in each territory is the Homeworld, Burrower (Green/ brown bottom left) is Iquinay and the Archer are feral subspecies living only on the Iquin Homeworld.
Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 05:34:49 PM by BaconShelf

God | Ascended Posting Riot
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645 posts
The more reactive gasses would be more appropriate. Y'know, more damaging if they reacted to other (assumedly organic) compounds.

That just discounts Neon, Helium and Argon. But honestly, the temperatures that plasma is (A superheated gas in the thousandsof degrees) mean that there isn't much that wouldn't be melted/ boiled by it anyway. A chemical reaction would take place in the raw process of boiling.

No, actually I highly advise you avoid reactive gases, such as bromine, chlorine or flourine (those compounds you listed will break apart in plasma). 4th degree burns (which are indeed a thing) are already damaging enough, and I can't conceive of a way that a gaseous substance would actually stick to an individual enemy long enough to do anything significant, instead every time it fired you would make a toxic gas cloud in front of the shooter (unless the magnetic bottling was somehow able to keep any from leaking out of the gun, then it would just make a rapidly expanding toxic cloud wherever it hits). Not to mention the massive hazard involved with moving around containers of that stuff on a large scale. That could be a cool idea to consider if you give it to a specialized type of soldier that has caustic-resistant armor which would be devastating in confined areas, but not for regular infantry.

Concentrated Oxygen is highly corrosive and would be damaging to metals used in the gun or the users armor, but if your species uses corrosion-resistant materials it can be produced relatively easily.

Hydrogen will explode if exposed to heat in the presence of oxygen, so that's a bad one.

So out of the one's you've listed you're pretty much limited to noble gases or less reactive halogens like nitrogen, if you intend to be scientifically plausible.   
Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 06:07:19 PM by God

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
The more reactive gasses would be more appropriate. Y'know, more damaging if they reacted to other (assumedly organic) compounds.

That just discounts Neon, Helium and Argon. But honestly, the temperatures that plasma is (A superheated gas in the thousandsof degrees) mean that there isn't much that wouldn't be melted/ boiled by it anyway. A chemical reaction would take place in the raw process of boiling.

No, actually I highly advise you avoid reactive gases, such as bromine, chlorine or flourine (those compounds you listed will break apart in plasma). 4th degree burns (which are indeed a thing) are already damaging enough, and I can't conceive of a way that a gaseous substance would actually stick to an individual enemy long enough to do anything significant, instead every time it fired you would make a toxic gas cloud in front of the shooter (unless the magnetic bottling was somehow able to keep any from leaking out of the gun, then it would just make a rapidly expanding toxic cloud wherever it hits). Not to mention the massive hazard involved with moving around containers of that stuff on a large scale. That could be a cool idea to consider if you give it to a specialized type of soldier that has caustic-resistant armor which would be devastating in confined areas, but not for regular infantry.

Concentrated Oxygen is highly corrosive and would be damaging to metals used in the gun or the users armor, but if your species uses corrosion-resistant materials it can be produced relatively easily.

Hydrogen will explode if exposed to heat in the presence of oxygen, so that's a bad one.

So out of the one's you've listed you're pretty much limited to noble gases or less reactive halogens like nitrogen, if you intend to be scientifically plausible.

Of, course, it can at least partially depend on the weapon's role. However, keeping the entirety of the gas contained would mean doing more damage to enemies (The species that uses them has to wear breathing masks due to their CO2 environment). But corrosive elements aren't common; the main construction materials are nanoplate, a self repairing sheet constructed o carbon nanotubes and can automatically repair when damage. Mutatium can be used for anything as it is a substance where almost all it's properties can manipulated, such as charge, resistance,mass etc. And gravitrium is a plate that defies gravity and is used to create hover craft and repel force.

Because of this, not many substances in common use are corrosive.

Sigma617 | Heroic Posting Rampage
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1,717 posts
Pale yellow sounds pretty unique.

And somehow more believable for energy weapons.

| Knight of the Limits
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23,675 posts

Brute plasma rifle will always be fucking beastly.