ITT: Class got fucking shit on.
You know, there's always an up and a down to everything. A lot of good technology came out of the space race. And, on the actual budget list, NASA has almost no money compared to other institutions. They hardly make a dent on money terms countrywise, really.
And sure, while they're firing rockets up into space, sending all of that toxic pollutants up on an express ticket to our atmosphere, spending all that money just to send something, or somebody into orbit, and clouding our own orbit with junk and debris, they're trying.
I can think of things more harmful than what people at NASA study, and pursue.
And I can think of organizations that actually are, and could be in a position to help said other problems round the world.
But of course, they're not doing anything about it, or they're not making a dent, or have enough traction.
Exactly like NASA. Because they're ignored for funding for the most part. Slapped aside like a lesser problem. Like all those starving people. Like the issue of a destabilizing climate. The issue of a society that's malfunctioning.
Personally, I can agree with class. I can see the points and the reasoning. But, at the same time, a lot of people, a lot of inventors, were shunned in their time.
Laughed at, paid no mind or serious attention, and mocked. Because nobody could imagine that invention, ever doing what it did. Or the consequences it might have, down the road.
Personally, launching a guy up into space for a year?
It won't effect my life. Not yet. We can never tell where our choices and actions can take things, or lead things. Maybe, something will come of it. Maybe nothing will. Nothing grand or revealing.
But at the very least, NASA, people like them, are willing to try. They try, study, and most of all, are curious. It's a better pursuit than endless stagnation of war machine spending, trends and fashion pushing, and consumption for the sake of consumption.
I am not too overly fond of the downsides of NASA and their activities. But I can respect that maybe in all of their searching, something good will come of it down the line. Not neccessarily to abandon ship. But to help take care of what we already have.
Then again, I'm not out there helping the poor or going on human rights crusades. Nor am I actively changing the world either. I'm just some dude in a field. Class is some dude on a forum. Like everybody here.
In summary.
God fucking damn Class you really did get shit on here you clever ruseman.