Have you ever piloted an aircraft?

Kernel Kraut | Ascended Posting Riot
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Steam: the_spartan
ID: Kernel Kraut
IP: Logged

654 posts
I can't use an image in my signature? That blows, you all blow.
I'm an expert MH-6/AH-6 pilot, an expect UH-1 Pilot, a competent F-15C pilot, a fantastic Cessna-172 pilot, and the best Cobra Mk III pilot.

Come at me.

1 v 1 me in my SU-27 bro, Ill knock your F-15 out of the sky, with the fury of Putin.

Pugachev's Cobra ain't gonna save your sorry ass from a 120 volley at 15 miles because of my superior AWACS

Raptorx7 | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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PSN: Raptorx789
Steam: AceAttorney
ID: Raptorx7
IP: Logged

290 posts
"I will show you where the Iron Crosses grow!"
I'm an expert MH-6/AH-6 pilot, an expect UH-1 Pilot, a competent F-15C pilot, a fantastic Cessna-172 pilot, and the best Cobra Mk III pilot.

Come at me.

1 v 1 me in my SU-27 bro, Ill knock your F-15 out of the sky, with the fury of Putin.

Pugachev's Cobra ain't gonna save your sorry ass from a 120 volley at 15 miles because of my superior AWACS

AWACS OP, guns only Top Gun.

Kernel Kraut | Ascended Posting Riot
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Steam: the_spartan
ID: Kernel Kraut
IP: Logged

654 posts
I can't use an image in my signature? That blows, you all blow.
I'm an expert MH-6/AH-6 pilot, an expect UH-1 Pilot, a competent F-15C pilot, a fantastic Cessna-172 pilot, and the best Cobra Mk III pilot.

Come at me.

1 v 1 me in my SU-27 bro, Ill knock your F-15 out of the sky, with the fury of Putin.

Pugachev's Cobra ain't gonna save your sorry ass from a 120 volley at 15 miles because of my superior AWACS

AWACS OP, guns only Top Gun.
AWACS never op. It's a legitimate strategy. Just because your BVR sucks donkey dong doesn't mean you get to limit my performance.