>Be me
>3 hours ago
>Want to jerk off
>Need Lube
>Am circumcised, no lube = no jerk
>Have nothing
>Only this orajel Max strength
>No camera to take picture, its from google images
>Sees it says numbing agent
>Doesn't work on my damn teeth, so it shouldnt be too bad on my penis
>Pour about 1/4 the small container into my hand
>Not too watery like spit, is a good texture
>Jerk for 10 minutes
>Realize I can't feel anything
>Try harder, get more lube on hand
>at 20 minute mark I give up
>Wash hands
>Wash noodle (splashed water on it and cleaned with a towel)
>sit back down
>OMFG my penis is tingling
>Feels numb
>only thing I can compare it too is like the time I severed half my wrist and couldn't feel anything in my thumb
(Not an hero, punched a window)
>noodle still numb
>Googled it
>guy says his penis is numb since 3 days ago when he used orajel as lube
>I have not jerked off in 4 days as it is
>I want a release
>plus what if it stays numb
>Forgive me father for I have sinned please let me feel my penis again....I won't be bad anymore, I will pray everyday....