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Amplified Mobility Platform
Amplified Mobility Platform
Machine Information
Created by   

Used by   


    Traversing Pandora
    Heavy combat support
    Loading heavy cargo


    AMP suit knife


    4 meters high
    1.83 meters wide

Behind the scenes
First appearance   


The Mitsubishi MK-6 Amplified Mobility Platform (or "AMP" suit) is a distant descendant of the first military exoskeletons used on Earth in the mid-21st century. It was improved during military service in a myriad of combat theaters – from arctic to jungle to desert – over the decades. Sealed and pressurized models for toxic environments were developed as well. The suit is used extensively on the Moon and Mars colonies (where they are powered by fuel cells and/or monopropellant ceramic turbines). Its well-tested capabilities have proved invaluable in the deadly environment of Pandora. The Na'vi name for it roughly translates as "shield that walks" or "not-demon walking".[1]
Avatar pg85 e

The full-body AMP suit.
The human-operated multi-purpose machine amplifies the strength and mobility of a soldier or civilian worker while providing protection from military and environmental threats. Unlike earlier designs in which weapons were integrated into limbs, the AMP suit is a multi-purpose machine, able to duplicate all functions of the infantry soldier. Since soldiers spend much of their time loading and unloading equipment, and performing other tasks besides operating weapons, it was determined that the AMP suit needed the same functionality as a human: two legs, two arms, and highly dexterous hands. This allows not only a wide range of functions, but allows the suit to operate a variety of weapons systems.

Arms operate in a directly scaled relationship to the operator’s arms, which allows better spatial positioning of the hands. The fingers and thumb are in direct 1:1 ratio. The servo armature has force feedback, and resists the movement of the operator’s arms when the suit's limbs meet an obstacle. The operator can "feel" what the suit is doing. It is said that the suit can be operated in full darkness, by a skilled driver, by "feel" alone. The legs are actuated by foot-pedals which amplify on an even larger ratio. In fact the leg sensors work slightly differently than the arms. Due to the confining spatial envelope around the feet and legs of the operator, the pedals cannot move in long strides, even on a scaled relationship. Instead, they sense the force and direction of the input and the on board computer triggers a corresponding programmed movement of the legs. So the operator creates pressure and direction "cues" which trigger leg movements. The suit executes the "intention" of the pilot, calculating terrain factors and momentum to perform balanced movement.[2] While an average pilot can learn to manipulate the AMP suit in combat conditions, it takes months longer to master the transition from supine to an upright position. However, through the use of gyroscopes and stability chips, AMP suits rarely topple. Auto stability programming maintains center of balance. If the operator happens to be injured or killed, the AMP suit has an automated "walk back" feature. This was developed to protect the AMP suit, as it is a significant investment to the RDA.[1]

Using the suit, a driver is able to punch through a tree trunk, lift a half ton cargo crate, or rapidly build prefab units without a construction crew. In combat, the suit can provide heavy fire support to infantry units and protect its driver from harsh conditions.

The AMP suit in James Cameron's Avatar: The Game

AMP suits are seen in many parts of the film, where they are assigned mainly to base defense and patrol duties. Jake Sully is assigned to Col. Quaritch and finds him at the hangar ready to enter and activate his AMP suit.

In the Assault on the Tree of Souls, Col. Quaritch's forces used small arms and 30mm cannon-armed AMP suits to cut down Na'vi warriors and their direhorse mounts, but were unable to kill the near-bulletproof hammerhead titanotheres as they charged, wiping out the entire AMP suit complement. Lyle Wainfleet was one of the RDA soldiers killed while in his AMP suit.

When Jake Sully damaged Quaritch's Dragon Assault Ship (during the final battle), Quaritch escaped in his AMP suit before the ship crashed. During his journey alone to destroy the Tree of Souls, he came across Jake's avatar link unit. He attempted to kill Jake's human form but was challenged by Neytiri, riding a thanator, and later Jake (in his avatar form). With his AMP suit's rifle destroyed, Quaritch unsheathed the suit's combat knife and killed the thanator, trapping Neytiri under its lifeless body. Interrupted by Jake in turn, the two engaged one another in combat. Quaritch eventually gained the upper hand when he breached the link shack, exposing Jake's human body to the toxic atmosphere. Ready to kill Jake's avatar with his own Na'vi knife, Quaritch died when Neytiri shot two arrows into his exposed torso. The AMP suit was largely unharmed, aside from a damaged sensor display, pilot seat and canopy.
Amp suit moving cargo

The AMP suit can be used to move cargo.
Unlike other more exotic military suit designs in which weapons were integrated into the limbs, the AMP suit is a multi-purpose machine, able to mimic all the abilities of the infantry soldier. This allows a wide range of functions, including the ability to operate a variety of weapons systems.

The suit's weapons are even more lethal than its raw strength. The suit tends to be heavily armored and can be armed with a hip-fired GAU-90 30mm autocannon, fed via an ammo belt at the back.

The other non-standard weapon is a combat knife of self-sharpening diamond-hard ceramic, as well as an optional flamethrower. To match the scale of the suit, the knife's blade is over three feet long and cuts through many metals. The AMP suit knife is especially favored by Special Forces AMP pilots. [1]

Prior to 2152, they were also seen throwing mines, which would explode after a short delay.
Activist Inside Info Edit

What follows is a hand written note from an activist determined to show others how to defend against RDA control.[1]
"Even with gyros and stability chips, its easier to knock down than they let on. A length of wire cable
properly placed does the trick. Cannons ammo feed line has been known to jam"
Notable AMP suits Edit

     1 - Takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
     2 - Takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
     3 - Takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
     7 - Takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
     9 - Takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
    11 - Quaritch's "Beyond Glory".
    14 - Seen in Armor Bay.
    15 - Seen in Armor Bay, later takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
    17 - Lyle Wainfleet's AMP, crushed by a titanothere stampede.
    18 - Walks past Jake Sully on his arrival in Hell's Gate, later takes part in the Assault on the Tree of Souls.
    21 - Seen in Armor Bay.
    26 - Jake Sully accidentally leaps in front of it when first testing out his avatar body, prompting the pilot to yell at him to watch where he's going.
    27 - Seen in the Armor Bay.

Quaritch's AMP suit (Beyond Glory) Edit

Quaritch in his AMP suit
Quaritch has demonstrated superior piloting skills in his AMP suit. Quaritch had nicknamed his suit "Beyond Glory" and had painted a dragon on the gun, consistent with his callsign, "Papa Dragon".[3]


    Similar suits are the Cyclops from Halo Wars, the mech Atlas used by Cerberus in Mass Effect 3 and the Armored Personnel Unit (APU) walkers from The Matrix series.
    James Cameron also had similar exoskeletons in the movie Aliens. Although the loader exosuits were made to lift heavy objects, one was used to battle the Xenomorph queen at the end of the movie.