Like a plastic bag?
This is how I feel:I feel like I have so much potential in every aspect of my life that I'm almost overwhelmed by everything I can/want to do. I feel like there are not enough hours in a day for me to do everything and that I will run out of time. Lately I've also been feeling overwhelmed with the idea of money. I have so much motivation to make huge amounts of money but I just have no idea how, like there's a huge blank blot of white-out covering the part of my mind where the money making ideas are. This is gonna sound weird but I have this gut feeling, an absolute certainty, that I WILL do something amazing. I have so much anticipation for my success that I literally get rollercoaster butterflies when I think of what I'm going to accomplish(even though I have no fucking clue what it is yet). Any advice?
More like underwhelmed at how boring everything is.