deci's amazing adventure

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,792 posts
ayy lmao
Part 1

It seemed like just another normal day in the life of Decimator Omega, who spends his time posting cringe-worthy shit on Sep7agon and talking to himself on his own forum. However, this particular day would end up changing Deci's life forever.

As Deci was about to begin his daily ritual of fapping in front of his shrine dedicated to Felicia, he heard something fiddling with the door. Deci became furious and screamed, "Mom, how many times do I have to tell you!? I don't wanna go to the playground today!" An unusual silence followed Deci's screams, prompting him to put his My Little Pony themed pajama pants back on and slowly creep up to the door. The unknown visitor continued to mess with the lock, causing Deci's arm pits and the area beneath his man-boobs to begin perspiring in fear. "I don't know who you are," said Deci as he reached for his toy lightsaber, "but I won't go down without a fight!" All of a sudden, the door rapidly busted open, sending Deci flailing back on his bed. Before he could get up, a masked person wearing a black jumpsuit grabbed his arms and kept him down on the bed. As Deci struggled to free himself of his captor, another identical person wielded with a baseball bat approached them. "It'll all be over soon," whispered the person holding Deci down with a strong English accent. The baseball bat collided with Deci's head, knocking him out cold.

After a few hours of being unconscious, Deci awoke lying in a strange, dimly-lit room tied to a bed with nothing but his underwear on. Before he could even speak, the mysterious masked individual arose from the corner of the room and exclaimed, "Oi! He's awake!" The large wooden door opposite of the bed slowly creaked open, revealing two females. One was adorned in a white toga, while the other was wearing some kind of white fursuit with a fluffy tail on the back. "We've been expecting you, Decimator Omega." Said the woman in the toga with a thick Greek accent. Deci began tugging on the ropes holding him down but to no avail. "Who are you and why are you doing this to me!?" Screamed Deci with tears streaming down his greasy, pudgy face. "It's okay, Decimator, there's no need to cry," Said the Greek woman soothingly as she slowly approached the bed. "We're here to help you."

Before Deci could say another word, the Greek woman laid her hands on his thighs and slowly caressed upwards to the bottom of his underwear. "I...I don't understand," he muttered quietly as she began removing his underwear, eventually exposing his hairy, miniature penis. She glared back at Deci and retorted authoritatively, "Not another word." Then, she reached around her back, untied her toga, and revealed her naked body to Deci with the woman in the white fursuit still lurking behind her. "Now," said the Greek woman as she climbed on the bed and sat on Deci's hairy thighs, "You are just going to follow my lead." She untied Deci's hands and feet from the bed, grabbed his hands, and put them on her warm, plump breasts. Despite being extremely attractive and continuing to stroke his penis, he never became fully erect. This began to frustrate the Greek woman as she stroked and stroked but he still remained flaccid. "What's wrong, Decimator?" She asked as she went upright and stopped stroking. "Are you not attracted to women?" Deci started to stammer as he too was confused as to why he couldn't get his tiny penis to grow. "What? N-No, I'm not gay!" Deci exclaimed. "I love women! As a matter of fact, I masturbate to girls' vaginas every day!" The Greek woman ascended off of him and smiled. "It's okay, I know what we need to do," She said seductively as she motioned the woman in the fursuit to approach them. "Lie on your stomach." She commanded, and Deci obeyed, turning around on his stomach. "Now, get on all-fours." Deci again obeyed her commands, but asked, "What is this for?" The Greek woman gently pat his back, eyed the fox woman and replied, "Maybe my friend Kiyo will be able to please you." Deci's head perked up in an instant and remembered where he has heard the name 'Kiyo' before. "Wait, Kiyo?!?! You mean the mod from Sep7agon? What's happe-"

Before Deci could finish speaking, the Greek woman gagged his mouth with an old rag and held him down. This prompted Kiyo to remove her fursuit, becoming completely nude. Deci spotted something extremely shocking about Kiyo in the corner of his eye as she slowly approached his exposed butt hole. He began shaking and spazzing in fear at the sight of Kiyo's monstrous, pulsating cock preparing to be jammed into his unwelcoming anal sphincter.

Part 2

Decimator Omega loved his toys. He had all sorts of them; he had My Little Pony figurines, he had Sonic the Hedgehog action figures, and he had Pokemon cards galore. His favorite toy, however, was not a toy in the conventional sense of the word, but the fun he had with it was reminiscent of the fun a two year old has with his brand new puppy. This toy, or rather, collection of toys, was used to the fullest every day by the carefree Deci. These toys were, of course, his cartoon themed diapers. He loved his adult diapers more than anything in the world. Characters from every kid's show imaginable littered the stunted man's undergarments, and he loved them all equally. He would often go through them, sorting through them, trying to find the most efficient sequence to wear them in to maximize his fun, and his happiness. His diaper closet was his happy place, and it was certainly the place where most of his time was spent. Whenever he had to go into the outside world, to leave the comfort of his mother's home, he would remember how safe he felt in that room.

That room was were his mind retreated to as Kiyo's unlubricated monster-cock began to prod at his surprisingly loose bum. Slowly, but surely, Kiyo's rod penetrated Deci's butthole, eliciting more than a few cries from the poor soul below her. Kiyo groaned in pleasure, savoring the sweet scent of his submission. At some point, Deci began to sob, but the Greek woman quickly put an end to that, slapping him hard across the face.

“There will be no crying tonight, boy. You will take your punishment like a man.”

Deci's gagged face struggled to look up at the woman's face as he was pounded by Kiyo. The woman had a fiery look in her eyes; she had a look of pure and unhinged lust. Not for Deci, of course, as both Kiyo and the other woman were repulsed by him, but for the situation. The Greek woman loved the power she had over him. She savored it as she watched the poor boy be ravaged by Kiyo's massive dog-cock.

Unsurprisingly, Deci's flaccid cock began to harden as the anal stimulation continued. His sobs turned to grunts, which then became a steady stream of feminine moans. Soon, he was begging Kiyo to thrust harder as he pushed himself as much as he was able to into her hips. The Greek woman, still looking down on Deci, noticed his shame growing, and quickly disappeared from his view. Deci, oblivious to his surroundings in his ecstasy, continued to moan like the bitch he was, not noticing the woman's return.

The Greek woman moved down to the center of the small bed, and began to stroke Deci's thigh with one hand. Her other hand, Deci eventually noticed, was concealed behind her back. As Deci was beginning to slip back into his semi-aware state of anal-pounding bliss, the Greek woman quickly shoved his semi-hard erection into a silver chastity cage, locking it with a small, silver key, which she threw carelessly to the other side of the room.

“Mhphhffmf!!!” Deci struggled to speak through his gag, but the surprise was obvious in his contorted face.

“My little man doesn't get to use his tool,” the Greek woman said through her thick accent. “My little man is nothing more than a cock sleeve for my friend Kiyo here.”

Deci's penis struggled to harden despite the metal prison, which caused him more than a little discomfort. His moans slowly turned, once again, to sobs, and, no longer able to even consider the prospect of enjoying this pounding he'd always craved, his body relaxed, accepting Kiyo's intrusions unemotionally. His fantasies would be fulfilled another day, he decided. For now, he would let Kiyo have her way with him, contented to patiently wait for an opportunity to escape.

Part 3

The Greek woman smiled at the scene before her.

“Damn,” she thought, “Kiyo has some crazy stamina.”

It had been three hours since Decimation Omega's torture had begun. He was barely conscious now; his eyes lolled back into his head, his sobs had long since evaporated into the occasional sharp exhale. His used ass was, at this point, numb. Not that he noticed this, of course, in his semi-conscious state. Any time that he was even partially lucid, though, he was desperately searching for an opportunity to escape his captors.

It was in one of these states that he noticed Kiyo's pace quicken. His intense interest in homoerotica allowed him to deduce what was happening; Kiyo was close to her climax. Her tennis ball sized testicles that had been slapping against him in the hours before hadn't really set off any red flags, but now, as the explosion approached, he realized just how stuffed he might get.  Kiyo's breathing soon grew erratic, her thrusts quickened in pace, but lost any sort of rhythmic order, and, at this change, Deci became fully conscious once more. Soon after, Kiyo's balls contracted, she screamed in bliss, and a deluge of thick semen erupted from her monstrous dog cock. Load after load poured into Deci's colon, quickly filling him to the brim with the baby juice.

Deci was almost immediately filled to capacity, but Kiyo's balls were far from empty, and after her three hour fuck, she wasn't about to stop on his account. The cum began to spill out of his hole, around her dog cock, and pool on the bed. Her orgasm lasted for at least fifteen minutes. Deci tried to keep count of the loads: “598, 599, 600...” He lost count around 600.

As Kiyo's orgasm began to die down, as each spurt contained less and less, Deci slowly reassessed his situation. “I wish that I was a real Power Ranger,” he thought. “Then shit like this wouldn't happen to me.” After Kiyo's last pump, she sighed and slowly slipped out of the shivering Deci. She looked down at her handiwork and smiled at the huge pool of her seed that had formed under Deci's bum. The Greek woman patted her on the back and stepped into Deci's view. She motioned something to Kiyo, who proceeded to stand near the head of the bed.

“So, Deci, how did you enjoy your treatment?” the Greek woman asked.

Kiyo quickly removed the gag from the poor ESE reject's mouth. He coughed, and then spoke. “I fucking HATED it, you cunt. What the fuck is wrong with you two? How the fuck could you DO this to someone, especially someone as saintly as ME?”

The Greek woman chuckled. “Well, you see Armen, – can I call you Armen? – we have been we have been watching you for a while now, and we've noticed the kinky shit you're into. We've also observed how angry you are online, and we thought that we'd help you loosen up a bit.”


“See what I mean? You're too angry. You need to lighten up.”

Deci grumbled a bit at this. He knew that he needed to lighten up. He'd said it enough on the forums. Of course, he also knew that he would never be able to keep his promise. It was a vicious cycle, his life. It was an endless cycle of tantrums and reforms, meltdowns and promises of betterment. He would never be better, of course, as you can't cure your genetics, but that didn't stop his promises.

“Fine,” Deci said, “do what you want with me.”

“Excellent! Have you ever heard of sounding?” The Greek woman said this with that same fire in here eyes as when she set her dog, Kiyo, off on him.

Deci's eyes widened at this. He'd tried it a few times, but the last time he did it, he fucked up bad. He shuttered recalling his terror when the glass broke inside...

“NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT!” Deci began to cry again, pulling desperately at his restraints.

A little known condition of those with down syndrome gives those afflicted with it a denser muscle mass. This is what gives them their stereotypical strength. Luckily, Deci's condition included this affliction, considering the situation.

Deci pulled, and he pulled, and he pulled, and just as the Greek woman was removing his chastity cage to begin inserting the long, plastic rod that she held in her hand, he broke free of his restraints. He quickly rolled off of the bed and sprang up to his feet, pushing the Greek woman out of the way. The woman barked a command to Kiyo who, now clad once more in her fursuit, bounded after Deci on all fours. Deci was already sprinting towards the nearest door, which he reached, opened, stepped through, and slammed behind him. He heard a loud and painful THUMP on the other side of the door, which was undoubtedly Kiyo. After hearing a soft whimper, he locked the door, and bounded off down the hallway that the door opened into.

A ways down the hall, he reached another door that opened into a strange store. He looked around the store, seeing the color scheme of black and red, and the odd, pale people browsing. He immediately recognized the store as Hot Topic, the store where his abusive baby sitter would drag him daily when he was only 17.

Taking in his surroundings, he looked to the back corner of the store and noticed a familiar face.

“Casper!” he cried. “Casper, it's me, Deci!”

Casper didn't respond to him, and a second later, he realized why. Casper was tongue fucking a man he recognized to be Numb Digger, while they both were grinding against each other. Deci, nude and desperate for some help, approached them.

“Hey, guys, it's me, Deci!”

He shook Casper's shoulder, and he turned around and saw him.

“D-Deci? From the forums?” he inquired.

“Yes!” Deci said. “I need some help!”

Casper looked at the nude male before him, his ass still dripping cum, and, not noticing anything out of the ordinary, he enthusiastically agree. “Sure I'll help you, buddy! I can write it off as community service! But first, let's get you some clothes.”

Numb Digger, still a bit confused, butted in. “But honeeeeeeeey, we aren't done yeeeeeeeeeeeet!”

“Shut up, Dig, we'll make up for it tonight. Deci, let's get you into some clothes.”

Casper quickly helped Deci gather some clothes from around the store (his mother usually was the one to buy his clothes, so he needed some help), and payed for them. He put them on, and they left the store. Casper offered Deci a ride home, which he of course agreed to accept, and the trio began walking to the parking lot.

Numb Digger poked at his boyfriend and whispered. “You're soooooo niiiiiiceeeeee. I just loooooooovveeeeeee yoooooouuuu. I'm gonna give it to you good in bed toniiiiiight!”

Casper smiled and kissed him, clasping his hand as they all walked towards the doors.


Kinder was eating his second lunch at the food court when he saw it. Across the room, walking through the food court were two men holding hands. This enraged Kinder. Kinder hated homosexuals more than anything in the world. If he couldn't find love with a woman, why should some fag find love with a man? There were few things in the world that he would let interrupt his meals, and this was one of them. He dropped his McRib sandwich down onto his plate, and struggled to stand up. It took a few tries, but he was finally able to push himself out of his chair and onto his feet. He adjusted his badge, making sure that it was straight, and then he boarded his segway. He turned on the segway's flashers, and started towards them.

“Weee-ooooh! Weee-ooooh! Weeee-oooooh!” he cried. The mall couldn't afford actual sirens for its security staff, so this would have to do.

He drove through the crowded food court and was able to cut the trio off right before the exit. He turned off his segway and carefully stepped off it, taking care not to lose his balance. After catching his breath, he looked at the couple and snarled.

“How dare you bring that perversion into my mall? I should have you faggots arrested for this!” he said.

“What are you talking about, fatass?” said Casper. “We aren't doing anything wrong. And even if we were, you're just a fat sack of shit mall cop. What could you do about it?”

It was true. He was a fat mall cop. He was always a bit pudgy, but after failing his police academy exam twenty-seven consecutive times, he slipped into a deep depression in which he used food as a coping mechanism. He weighed close to 600 pounds, now. He was right on the edge of his segway's capacity, and he had to sign a paper promising to pay for a new one if his weight broke it.

Kinder, still huffing from the 50 foot segway ride, snarled once more and actually charged at Casper. Because of his weight, though, he wasn't able to move very fast, and Casper simply stepped out of the way. Kinder tumbled past him and fell onto his stomach. As he struggled to push himself off of the floor, the trio broke out into laughter.

“I guess everyone on Sep7agon was right. You really are a fat loser!” Deci exclaimed.

“He is, isn't he?” Casper rustled Deci's hair and gave his Digger a slap on the ass.

As the three walked away from the crumbled mass of gyrating fat on the ground, Deci smiled to himself. While what happened to me was awful, he thought, it certainly could have been worse. He looked forward to sharing his experiences on the forums later that night.

For now, though, he was content to enjoy the company of his two new friends as they walked back to Caspers car, and towards the setting sun.

V | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Vien Quitonm
Steam: Vien 'Quitonm
ID: Vien
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13,113 posts
Just message me.
Vien 'Quitonm#1598 is my discord

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
already ordered off Amazon

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I thought we weren't allowed to leak Anarchy content.

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PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
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30,018 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
I thought we weren't allowed to leak Anarchy content.
you thought wrong, Armen

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I thought we weren't allowed to leak Anarchy content.
you thought wrong, Armen

Thanks for informing me, Carson.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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XBL: banjo my honey
Steam: BanjoKazooie
ID: ねこ
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This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

Solonoid | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Jx493
PSN: Jx493
Steam: Jx493
ID: Solonoid
IP: Logged

13,453 posts
I just read this to a Skype call in Morgan freemans voice.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Deci's Amazing Adventure - Part 4

Coming soon

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Even though this whole story is pretty much laughing at me, I can't help but laugh at it myself.

Onion | Elite Four Invincible!
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ID: Orion
IP: Logged

3,782 posts
I was late for class reading this.

Worth it.

Puro | Heroic Posting Riot
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XBL: ItsRaptorZero
PSN: Soon™
Steam: Soon™
ID: A Velociraptor
IP: Logged

949 posts
Rocketman X A Velociraptor best OTP
I don't know how to react to this. I literally don't know.

Is this normal?

Coomer | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
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14,553 posts
Why would you give him an excuse to whine about people hating him?

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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XBL: TP_OneThree
PSN: Tyger_Power
ID: Tyger
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10,584 posts
If I was running this bitch you would owe me a million dollars Cheat, because I would fucking sue your ass.

I'll never forgive you nor this website for ruining my experience on forums. Because of you I never want to join another forum again.

Bye and fuck you.

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
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9,804 posts
Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,792 posts
ayy lmao
is anyone else feelin a part 4?

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
is anyone else feelin a part 4?

I feelin it fam

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
is anyone else feelin a part 4?

Knock yourself out boyo.

Dopameme | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Officer Nasty
IP: Logged

7,807 posts
Your love gets me so high
is anyone else feelin a part 4?
we should make a collaboration