Had a good day today
Got to school like 30 minutes early so I sat in my car and listened to old rock. Went to class and find out my grade for my test which was OKAY. Got out early and went to the cafeteria and chilled a bit. Then as I walked to my second class there was a p.e. class or volleyball idk, but they were jogging around the area. My friends hot older sister saw me and said "Jive Turkey you just love attention don't you" and i was like what and she said because I was wearing a superman shirt and it made me stand out.
Then after talking to her for a bit I kept walking and this reaaaallly cute short mexican girl who was also jogging bumped into me and we stared at eachother for a bit. I think she did it on purpose though because I spotted her from the second i saw them running and she glanced my way before that so she knew i was coming smh. Got to my class and found out we had a test that I had no idea about. Some guy gave me a free scantron test thingy and I know I aced it. Then I ate my lunch of chicken and rice and took a nap under a tree while some girl was on the phone yelling for a straight hour to her boyfriend about him liking other girls pictures.
Finished my last class and hungout with some friends for like 30 minutes. Felt good to interact with people some more. Got home and ate tons of cereal and then picked up my brother from football. Then I hit the gym and had a fantastic workout. Hit heavy ass dumbbells and my gym idol saw me and told me I looked great. THEN this guy who also trains some of the major bodybuilders came up to me and told me how me and this one other dude are the only guys he sees in the gym our age with great work ethic and potential and gains. He told me if i ever want to take things to the next level to contact him :O
I was finishing up but then my good friend got there so I decided i needed more socialization so I worked out with him. Also I was wearing a tiny stringer. THEN my old love showed up with her new boyfriend

and she kept staring at me and when I looked at her she smiled a ton and came up to me to talk to me. Throughout the 2nd workout she kept staring at me feelsgoodmane
As I was leaving the gym two other friends pull up and I talk to them for like half an hour in the parking lot. Got invited to 2 different halloween parties. Something I tried to do today was not judge anyone. Feels like it made me more approachable or something idk because I had been a hermit for a while and today I started sparking up tons of old connects. We'll see where this goes