☭☭☭Communism Explained☭☭☭

Lemy the Lizerd | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Lemy the Lizerd
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☭☭☭Cummunism is the belief that young hooligans who never have read a book are best fit to rule a country. Its proponents are school yard outcasts, scarecrows, people with a meanness-complex, butthurt Iranians, men with a curved penis, tall people who want to fuck midgets, 13-year-old boys, and people who were relatively poor in their childhood. Invented by Karl Marx last thursday, cummunism is the final form of liberalism, the arch nemesis of capitalism and some people say is the reason why America is #1 and why the rest of the world sucks. Under communism, there is no need for money, because all goods needed to support life are free, which by "free" means you never actually get what you need and the bastards at the Party bathe in your hard-earned cash. This is why Communism failed: everybody loves money. Communism was first theorized with the brick lit. convoluted multi volume Communist Manifesto, which was written by Karl Marx at least 100 years ago. It led to two paradigms we have today: Writing TL;DR-texts and the tradition of economists to tell incomprehensible lies and flavor them with arcane math.☭☭☭
Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 08:58:40 PM by Mr Psychologist

Lemy the Lizerd | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Lemy the Lizerd
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2,006 posts
this is a serious thread

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Nick McIntyre
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this is a seriously annoying thread


But seriously this explains ever--wait not it doesn't.

Lemy the Lizerd | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Lemy the Lizerd
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2,006 posts
Theoretical communism is the natural conclusion of Christian Doctrine that suggests in an unregulated economic system of nearly-infinite goods production, everyone will play fair and nevar ask for moar evah, and God disappears because we have nothing to pray for. This differs from the fake Christianity of W and Sarah Palin where if you hate the Jew, God rewards you with gold and power. This new religion is obviously an extension of Judaism and will never become perfected into the final stage of man known as communism, rather everyone will just digress into Meth and Hookers.
Karl Marx was so furious that his rich Jew parents did not leave their colonial estate in their will to him (which was tended by mud races for him to deliciously mouthrape), he used communism to troll lower-class factory workers into spamming the ruling class for moar money. Commies got IRL banhammered all over Europe when Germany helped arm the Great October Socialist Revolution in World War I to remove the Imperial Russian military threat from their Eastern Front so they could relocate those soldiers to curbstomp France. After killing anarchist heathens and pwning Adolf Hitler, the commies felt so validated that they haven't shut the fuck up since.
Communism is the most amazing religion ever because it is based upon the ideology that everyone is equal. However, it has been mathematically proven that White People > women > Asians > Jews > niggers African comrades > fags > Scientologists > Juggalos > furries > homosexual Scientologist furry juggalo niggers > Scottish People > The welsh > The irish. The vast majority of adherents to communism are not only gay losers, but also paedos. All paedos love Children. Russians love vodka. Therefore, Russians are Children.

Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Remind me to make a better bio.

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Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!