Clingy person is in love with me, extremely overly attached to me. need help.

Epsira | Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: interiminitiator
ID: Epsira
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4,019 posts
How much do you personally care about being there for this person or trying to help them overcome their problems?
When people leverage their personal problems over me to stay in contact with them that's precisely when I tell them I don't care. I imagine they feel betrayed enough to just stop trying.

If it takes telling this person you don't love them to give you greater peace of mind, by all means do it.
You don't know this person offline right?

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Jive Turkey
IP: Logged

6,992 posts
Wow really, you're going to expose me like that?

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
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11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
Whatever you do, let Jim down easy. He's a sweetheart.
Hahahahaha nice.
life's too short to get hung up on this kind of thing.

If you want a relationship, pursue it.
If you don't, make that clear.

Playing along to not hurt someone's feelings is worse than just telling them.
That's the thing though. That happened before. I couldn't tell them that I wasn't interested in them, so they felt like they were lead on. It's really fucking confusing for me, because I'd never had anything like this happen to me before. This is probably one of the most confusing things I have ever had to deal with. Also one of the most painful.
have you met this girl face to face yet?
Yeah man, I would just end it.

Dating crazy girls is no fun, no matter what you do it won't be good enough.
I'm just being hopelessly romantic at this point, but I will say I wish it could go back to the way it was before. When we had those sometimes all day long conversations that would lead to a lot of really interesting connections between us. Back when it was just a friendship and it wasn't all about talking about whether or not I feel anything for them, which is pretty much the biggest thing they'll tell me is that I don't care. They know that I feel for them, which I guess could alleviate all of the major misconceptions that were happening in our arguments, but at the same time they need serious help. They refuse to get any medical or psychiatric treatment and they need it desperately.
Yeah dude, fucking bounce.

My most recent ex spent two years blaming shit on me and losing her mind over insignificant shit.

I tried to get her help numerous times but she wouldn't go. We finally ended it because I couldn't take her shit anymore.

In the year that we've been separated she got help and is doing a lot better. It took me leaving for her to realize she has a problem.

When I tell you that dating a crazy person is the worst thing I've experienced I'm not just making shit up.

Get the hell out of there man. If she chooses to get help on her own then you can see where that leads, but until she acknowledges her issues I'd stay away.

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
IP: Logged

3,716 posts
If You Are A False Don't Entry
How much do you personally care about being there for this person or trying to help them overcome their problems?
When people leverage their personal problems over me to stay in contact with them that's precisely when I tell them I don't care. I imagine they feel betrayed enough to just stop trying.

If it takes telling this person you don't love them to give you greater peace of mind, by all means do it.
You don't know this person offline right?
I don't know them offline. It'll take a lot more than a simple "I don't love you", I'd imagine. I hope I can just push for as much space, because I think we are capable of coming to an understanding. Hopefully they'll realize that I need space and they'll just realize that it's for the best. I'm just speculating at this point though.
Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 08:09:05 PM by Loaf

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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3,716 posts
If You Are A False Don't Entry
She's fucking bat shit insane. I told her that I was going to remove her if she kept talking to me in a rude tone, she told me that I am just a fair weather friend, who doesn't give a shit about her, so this is why I don't have a relationship. I just sat there silent for the majority of time, while she would go on and on and on. I had my head down, drained, just listening to the hilarious never ending argument. She said that the only way I can stop the argument is if I admit that I hurt her feelings, I shouldn't say that I will remove them because that makes me a callous uncaring bitch. So she can talk to me in the most horribly bitchy way, telling me that I don't care about her, telling me that she isn't convinced by how sorry I am, she doesn't think that I am sincerely sorry or that I sincerely care about her.

She's fucking bat shit psycho. Any normal person would listen into that conversation and just go, holy fuck what the hell is wrong with this picture. she's messaging me again. what the fuck.


The hilarious irony is that she added me back, then she talks about leaving her current boyfriend to be with me.

It's fucking hilarious. They say they're done with the argument. Then lo and behold, they start it right back up again. If I don't say exactly what they want, they turn into a mega bitch. If that isn't emotional manipulation I don't know what is.
Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:19:43 PM by Loaf