been really rough lately

Nexus | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Nexus
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9,417 posts
Talk about it. Don't make thread after thread about something then not say anything.
not implying that is what you did, just giving advice
i dont want to talk about it

P.M somebody if you won't talk here.
Otherwise there is really no point in making a thread about it.
>getting it

>talking with arrows

Of course he isn't serious. It's a parody of Deci's thread.
>Calling them arrows unironically
>Le may may

What else could it possibly be huh?
Over your head.

go play child
You go play... with deez nuts.

#rekt #shrekt #owned #pwnd #smoekweed4lyf #420yolo

That was just...........bad. I mean REALLY bad.
You should be ashamed at how anticlimactic that response was.
Not as anticlimatic as your mother.

try harder
I like how you think there is any trying here.

Really. I wasn't trying to attack you or anything. Lol. I'm not even focused on Sep7agon, right now. I am just doing this while I deal with the most tedious thing ever.

I found this entire conversation to be pointless honestly.
But whatever.
Exactly, anyway the point of this thread is to parody bitches on Facebook who post vaguely about problems, but when people ask, they don't want to talk about it.

Sounds like Door OH WAIT