Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
>Why didn't Thanos just use the gauntlet to create infinite resources?
like charlie said, he almost destroyed the gauntlet just by doing what he chose to do, so it seems reasonable enough to assume that creating an infinitude of something (let alone multiple things) would be asking far too much, even for the stones' power

>Why didn't the heroes just try to cut off his arm?
with what
even if it were possible, why would that be anyone's first thought when the dude's arms were fucking enormous, and they had a much easier time incapacitating him (relatively speaking) and slipping the gauntlet off anyway

>Why didn't War Machine just fly outside the shield and carpet bomb most of the aliens?
i don't know, he was just playing it safe i guess, he's fighting a bunch of crazy powerful aliens he's never seen before and doesn't know what they're capable of, and i feel like the shield was doing a decent enough job at keeping them at bay to where such tactics weren't 100% necessary, but i'm no tactician, especially when it comes to silly gumbo marvel movie alien war logic

>What was Captain Marvel doing this whole time?
good question, maybe they'll tell us in a sequel

>Why did Nick Fury wait so long to call her?
good question, maybe they'll tell us in a sequel

>Why didn't Thor keep attacking Thanos with his weapon before he snapped his fingers?
do you know how fast people can snap their fingers
the time it would've taken for thor to pull the axe out and wind up another swing would've been ample time for thanos to poof away in ANY scenario

>Why didn't Thanos just kill off all the heroes just to be sure he would be successful?
i mean, it's not like he doesn't have that in mind, there's still the second half of the story to watch and all

>Why didn't they just choose to destroy the time stone?
perhaps doing so would break the fabric of the universe or something, i don't know
did you see how much power and effort it took for wanda to destroy the other one
who's to say you're even capable of destroying it

>If Spiderman was close to getting the gauntlet off by himself why didn't Tony pin Quill down sooner?
from what i recall, it was a pretty hectic scene, and hindsight is 20/20, it's easy to talk about what characters should or should not have done when you're sitting there watching it all play out, when in reality, people have lapses in judgment all the time because they aren't robots

>Why didn't they just kill Thanos right there?
because he's still a powerful motherfucker even without the stones, it's not like it was the source of ALL his power
how were they supposed to go about killing him if that was the correct decision
not to mention, quill and co. clearly still had business to conduct with him

>Why would Thanos let a single dwarf live that can build weapons that can kill him?
he either didn't know he survived or didn't know he was capable of creating such weapons
or he had a really good hiding place or something, who knows

>Why didn't Thor use his lightning powers sooner?

>What the fuck does Red Skull do in his free time?

>Why didn't Thanos just pull the whole moon down on Titan and teleport away?
any questions involving thanos's decision making are kind of moot for me because he literally controls time (and everything else) now, so any less-than-optimal decisions he made can easily be corrected if he deems it necessary

>Why did he wait so long sitting on his ass to collect the rest of the stones?
you could be asking some better questions tbh

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
so i had a decently sized post written detailing all the things i liked, but honestly i think i'll just put it this way

i'm just really happy that the MCU has stakes now, that's the bottom line

there were so many moments in the film where i thought they were going to pull a bullshit deus ex machina, and every time it was quashed by thanos, it was so fucking satisfying to see after 18 other films of terrible bullshit villains who are always stopped in the cheapest fucking ways imaginable

it goes to show how seriously they're taking this infinity stone thing, and it's an utter delight to see them follow through with it

the sad part: the sequel is 100% guaranteed to contain copious amounts of bullshit, because you can't write a story about an OMNIPOTENT VILLAIN and not have him beaten in some stupid bullshitty way

or maybe i'll be surprised again, who knows

i have my problems with the movie but they're small beans compared to what i was able to appreciate
Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 11:30:40 PM by Shhhhhh

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
a couple of you guys brought up steve not getting much screen time

i completely disagree, i think he received all the screen time he needed, and his story is pretty much over at this point anyway

i feel more sorry for black panther fans, because we didn't really get to see him do much black panthering (and he looks ridiculous running around in that suit in broad daylight, which is the only time you ever saw it in this movie)

not to mention, my personal favorite avenger was not present at all, but i'm not gonna complain about that, given the film's already congested roster
Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 11:38:18 PM by Shhhhhh

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
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18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
Something I forgot to mention is that this movie made me like Thor and turned me into a fan of his character. I never liked Thor because I thought that he was boring and not really interesting but his arc in this movie was fantastic.

When he showed up on Wakanda when the battle was being lost and killed nearly all of those not-Zerglings, that was so satisfying to see.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
Steam: HurtfulTurkey
ID: HurtfulTurkey
IP: Logged

8,077 posts
>Why didn't Thanos just use the gauntlet to create infinite resources?
>Why didn't the heroes just try to cut off his arm?
>Why didn't War Machine just fly outside the shield and carpet bomb most of the aliens?
>What was Captain Marvel doing this whole time?
>Why did Nick Fury wait so long to call her?
>Why didn't Thor keep attacking Thanos with his weapon before he snapped his fingers?
>Why didn't Thanos just kill off all the heroes just to be sure he would be successful?
>Why didn't they just choose to destroy the time stone?
>If Spiderman was close to getting the gauntlet off by himself why didn't Tony pin Quill down sooner?
>Why didn't they just kill Thanos right there?
>Why would Thanos let a single dwarf live that can build weapons that can kill him?
>Why didn't Thor use his lightning powers sooner?
>What the fuck does Red Skull do in his free time?
>Why didn't Thanos just pull the whole moon down on Titan and teleport away?
>Why did he wait so long sitting on his ass to collect the rest of the stones?

Tbh I think the majority of the serious questions you asked are pretty easily answered

My biggest complaint is that wiping out half the population wouldn't really solve much...the human population doubles in less than 100 years, so unless Thanos plans to snap his fingers every century (apparently not possible after the first time he did it), then his plan is childishly stupid. Not as dumb as an attempt to seduce the literal embodiment of death, but I think it undermines his character quite a bit.
only if the ones culled were arbitrarily selected

which they very well may have been, but perhaps there was some method to it, like only culling the ones most likely to reproduce? or something like that

It was stated that he wanted to do it entirely at random on Titan, so imagine that was his universal plan

And yeah, he's 'mad', but he was never portrayed as insane or even illogical

As for the sequel, I'm not too familiar with Thanos in the comics but I'm hoping he's no longer the villain. It seems like his goal is complete and the stones lost some of their power. Maybe they'll introduce some rival or larger conflict...who knows. I even suspected Scarlet Witch of becoming the villain at the end of infinity war.
Last Edit: May 01, 2018, 03:22:40 AM by Turkey

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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3,716 posts
If You Are A False Don't Entry
People who get excited about their rehashed marvel movies made for kids are the biggest bunch of faggots I think have ever lived.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
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10,577 posts
>Why didn't Thanos just use the gauntlet to create infinite resources?
>Why didn't the heroes just try to cut off his arm?
>Why didn't War Machine just fly outside the shield and carpet bomb most of the aliens?
>What was Captain Marvel doing this whole time?
>Why did Nick Fury wait so long to call her?
>Why didn't Thor keep attacking Thanos with his weapon before he snapped his fingers?
>Why didn't Thanos just kill off all the heroes just to be sure he would be successful?
>Why didn't they just choose to destroy the time stone?
>If Spiderman was close to getting the gauntlet off by himself why didn't Tony pin Quill down sooner?
>Why didn't they just kill Thanos right there?
>Why would Thanos let a single dwarf live that can build weapons that can kill him?
>Why didn't Thor use his lightning powers sooner?
>What the fuck does Red Skull do in his free time?
>Why didn't Thanos just pull the whole moon down on Titan and teleport away?
>Why did he wait so long sitting on his ass to collect the rest of the stones?

Tbh I think the majority of the serious questions you asked are pretty easily answered

My biggest complaint is that wiping out half the population wouldn't really solve much...the human population doubles in less than 100 years, so unless Thanos plans to snap his fingers every century (apparently not possible after the first time he did it), then his plan is childishly stupid. Not as dumb as an attempt to seduce the literal embodiment of death, but I think it undermines his character quite a bit.
only if the ones culled were arbitrarily selected

which they very well may have been, but perhaps there was some method to it, like only culling the ones most likely to reproduce? or something like that
That would explain why Sep7agon's activity hasn't declined at all

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
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7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
I was skeptical about how good a movie built around Thanos doing Thanos things could possibly be, but I was pleasantly surprised that he's not written anything at all like he normally is. This is great, because any change at all to a character so boring and irrelevant is an improvement.

Unfortunately this also means he'll show up with distressing frequency everywhere else (as he already did to promote the film) and we'll all have to collectively pretend he's not just the inferior palette swap of an already meh villain that he'll always truly be no matter how hard Marvel pushes him as The Big Central Bad Guy.

Other than that my sentiments mirror everyone else. It's a solid film that will no doubt reorient the genre the same way the first Avengers did six years ago.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,247 posts
Signature goes here.

>I find it hard to believe no one on the bus saw Peter jump out and slingshot away.
>Why did Cap and Co. waste time getting War Machine? Just call him and tell him to meet them at the edge of Wakanda, they might have had time to get Vision's stone out.
>Why didn't Tony send the other suits to help him in the NY fight?
>Why didn't Squidward just kill Strange and let Thanos rip the stone from the corpse? He wouldn't have failed, he was just unable to get the stone off the body himself.
>Why did token black guy teleport Hulk away instead of Thor? Banner does literally nothing for the entirety of the film and the dude knew Thor better than angry green man.
>How did Thor teleport back to Earth without token black guy? No one has ever been shown to have teleport magic.
>Why didn't purple Bruce Willis just teleport closer to Vision and Scarlet Witch?
>Why didn't Black Panther just use kinetic energy armor to blast all the Zerglings away when they overran him.
>Why is Black Panther's sister still such a massive bitch?
>Why didn't Strange just teleport Squidward away like they did with Axe dude?
>Why didn't Thanos immobilize Quill like he did with the others?
>Why didn't he do that on Titan?
>Why didn't the Titan govt. kill or lock up Thanos for his crazy idea?
>Why would Gamora keep the knife of her father whom she hates?
>Why didn't she just use the knife to kill herself so Thanos couldn't get the soul stone?
>How does Skeletor know everything about Thanos?
>Since his mission is complete, Thanos should use five of the six stones to destroy one so no one can use it again to revert his actions.
>If Loki and Thor had the space cube, why didn't they use it all during the events of Ragnarok? Or against Thanos?
>What would Nick Fury had done if Thanos killed Capt. Marvel at random?
>Why didn't Thanos use the gauntlet to induce celibacy? It would solve a lot of degenerate problems on Earth.
>If Thanos is killing half the universe at random, is he included? Wouldn't that also kill more than half other races around the universe possibly or make an entire race go extinct? Trillions is a big number.
>If Thanos by himself is so powerful he can beat Hulk, why did he waste ten years sending goons out to collect the stones?
>Why didn't he just spend one of those ten years fighting in the Holy Grail War? Using the Grail to kill everybody almost worked for Karl.
>Is Thanos the Avatar? Master of all four elements six Infinity Stones? Who will bring balance to the world universe by defeating the Fire Nation The Avangers.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
how can there be a "token black guy" when there's several black guys in the movie, that's what i want to know

do you know what that term means

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours

>I find it hard to believe no one on the bus saw Peter jump out and slingshot away.
>Why did Cap and Co. waste time getting War Machine? Just call him and tell him to meet them at the edge of Wakanda, they might have had time to get Vision's stone out.
>Why didn't Tony send the other suits to help him in the NY fight?
>Why didn't Squidward just kill Strange and let Thanos rip the stone from the corpse? He wouldn't have failed, he was just unable to get the stone off the body himself.
>Why did token black guy teleport Hulk away instead of Thor? Banner does literally nothing for the entirety of the film and the dude knew Thor better than angry green man.
>How did Thor teleport back to Earth without token black guy? No one has ever been shown to have teleport magic.
>Why didn't purple Bruce Willis just teleport closer to Vision and Scarlet Witch?
>Why didn't Black Panther just use kinetic energy armor to blast all the Zerglings away when they overran him.
>Why is Black Panther's sister still such a massive bitch?
>Why didn't Strange just teleport Squidward away like they did with Axe dude?
>Why didn't Thanos immobilize Quill like he did with the others?
>Why didn't he do that on Titan?
>Why didn't the Titan govt. kill or lock up Thanos for his crazy idea?
>Why would Gamora keep the knife of her father whom she hates?
>Why didn't she just use the knife to kill herself so Thanos couldn't get the soul stone?
>How does Skeletor know everything about Thanos?
>Since his mission is complete, Thanos should use five of the six stones to destroy one so no one can use it again to revert his actions.
>If Loki and Thor had the space cube, why didn't they use it all during the events of Ragnarok? Or against Thanos?
>What would Nick Fury had done if Thanos killed Capt. Marvel at random?
>Why didn't Thanos use the gauntlet to induce celibacy? It would solve a lot of degenerate problems on Earth.
>If Thanos is killing half the universe at random, is he included? Wouldn't that also kill more than half other races around the universe possibly or make an entire race go extinct? Trillions is a big number.
>If Thanos by himself is so powerful he can beat Hulk, why did he waste ten years sending goons out to collect the stones?
>Why didn't he just spend one of those ten years fighting in the Holy Grail War? Using the Grail to kill everybody almost worked for Karl.
>Is Thanos the Avatar? Master of all four elements six Infinity Stones? Who will bring balance to the world universe by defeating the Fire Nation The Avangers.
I have my qualms with the film but Jesus Christ, if you can't suspend your disbelief over a couple insignificant minutiaes of the film then what the fuck are you doing there. Unless it's some glaringly obvious plot hole that can't be explained, shut the fuck up.

Adam from YMS is the exact same, and it's obnoxious as fuck. If you're enjoyment of the film is ruined because of your autistic nitpicking then you're the problem, not the film.

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,296 posts
As for the sequel, I'm not too familiar with Thanos in the comics but I'm hoping he's no longer the villain. It seems like his goal is complete and the stones lost some of their power. Maybe they'll introduce some rival or larger conflict...who knows. I even suspected Scarlet Witch of becoming the villain at the end of infinity war.
Ik in the latter portion of infinity gauntlet and its sequels, Thanos has a prominent role but not really as the villain. I agree with you and was thinking the same thing, but at the end of the day, it’s still the MCU and I’m not expecting anything super complex.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
@Verb: He was the token black guy in the Thor movies, that’s why I refer to him as that here.

@Mordo: I literally called the movie kino and applauded the writers for going above what I was expecting several pages earlier. My only regret with my “””hate””” post now is not making it longer.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
Ian shut the fuck up, nobody cares jesus christ

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
Steam: HurtfulTurkey
ID: HurtfulTurkey
IP: Logged

8,077 posts

>I find it hard to believe no one on the bus saw Peter jump out and slingshot away.
>Why did Cap and Co. waste time getting War Machine? Just call him and tell him to meet them at the edge of Wakanda, they might have had time to get Vision's stone out.
>Why didn't Tony send the other suits to help him in the NY fight?
>Why didn't Squidward just kill Strange and let Thanos rip the stone from the corpse? He wouldn't have failed, he was just unable to get the stone off the body himself.
>Why did token black guy teleport Hulk away instead of Thor? Banner does literally nothing for the entirety of the film and the dude knew Thor better than angry green man.
>How did Thor teleport back to Earth without token black guy? No one has ever been shown to have teleport magic.
>Why didn't purple Bruce Willis just teleport closer to Vision and Scarlet Witch?
>Why didn't Black Panther just use kinetic energy armor to blast all the Zerglings away when they overran him.
>Why is Black Panther's sister still such a massive bitch?
>Why didn't Strange just teleport Squidward away like they did with Axe dude?
>Why didn't Thanos immobilize Quill like he did with the others?
>Why didn't he do that on Titan?
>Why didn't the Titan govt. kill or lock up Thanos for his crazy idea?
>Why would Gamora keep the knife of her father whom she hates?
>Why didn't she just use the knife to kill herself so Thanos couldn't get the soul stone?
>How does Skeletor know everything about Thanos?
>Since his mission is complete, Thanos should use five of the six stones to destroy one so no one can use it again to revert his actions.
>If Loki and Thor had the space cube, why didn't they use it all during the events of Ragnarok? Or against Thanos?
>What would Nick Fury had done if Thanos killed Capt. Marvel at random?
>Why didn't Thanos use the gauntlet to induce celibacy? It would solve a lot of degenerate problems on Earth.
>If Thanos is killing half the universe at random, is he included? Wouldn't that also kill more than half other races around the universe possibly or make an entire race go extinct? Trillions is a big number.
>If Thanos by himself is so powerful he can beat Hulk, why did he waste ten years sending goons out to collect the stones?
>Why didn't he just spend one of those ten years fighting in the Holy Grail War? Using the Grail to kill everybody almost worked for Karl.
>Is Thanos the Avatar? Master of all four elements six Infinity Stones? Who will bring balance to the world universe by defeating the Fire Nation The Avangers.

Ian would be excellent at CinemaSins *ding*

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
IP: Logged

11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison

>I find it hard to believe no one on the bus saw Peter jump out and slingshot away.
>Why did Cap and Co. waste time getting War Machine? Just call him and tell him to meet them at the edge of Wakanda, they might have had time to get Vision's stone out.
>Why didn't Tony send the other suits to help him in the NY fight?
>Why didn't Squidward just kill Strange and let Thanos rip the stone from the corpse? He wouldn't have failed, he was just unable to get the stone off the body himself.
>Why did token black guy teleport Hulk away instead of Thor? Banner does literally nothing for the entirety of the film and the dude knew Thor better than angry green man.
>How did Thor teleport back to Earth without token black guy? No one has ever been shown to have teleport magic.
>Why didn't purple Bruce Willis just teleport closer to Vision and Scarlet Witch?
>Why didn't Black Panther just use kinetic energy armor to blast all the Zerglings away when they overran him.
>Why is Black Panther's sister still such a massive bitch?
>Why didn't Strange just teleport Squidward away like they did with Axe dude?
>Why didn't Thanos immobilize Quill like he did with the others?
>Why didn't he do that on Titan?
>Why didn't the Titan govt. kill or lock up Thanos for his crazy idea?
>Why would Gamora keep the knife of her father whom she hates?
>Why didn't she just use the knife to kill herself so Thanos couldn't get the soul stone?
>How does Skeletor know everything about Thanos?
>Since his mission is complete, Thanos should use five of the six stones to destroy one so no one can use it again to revert his actions.
>If Loki and Thor had the space cube, why didn't they use it all during the events of Ragnarok? Or against Thanos?
>What would Nick Fury had done if Thanos killed Capt. Marvel at random?
>Why didn't Thanos use the gauntlet to induce celibacy? It would solve a lot of degenerate problems on Earth.
>If Thanos is killing half the universe at random, is he included? Wouldn't that also kill more than half other races around the universe possibly or make an entire race go extinct? Trillions is a big number.
>If Thanos by himself is so powerful he can beat Hulk, why did he waste ten years sending goons out to collect the stones?
>Why didn't he just spend one of those ten years fighting in the Holy Grail War? Using the Grail to kill everybody almost worked for Karl.
>Is Thanos the Avatar? Master of all four elements six Infinity Stones? Who will bring balance to the world universe by defeating the Fire Nation The Avangers.

Thor's new axe can channel the rainbow road, thanos also mentioned that he refused his destiny for years and only started getting serious about it recently. Aaaand the gauntlet was fucking nuked after he snapped his fingers so I doubt very much that he can use all the stones at the same time again.

MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
IP: Logged

7,789 posts
Get of my lawn

Saddest Death?

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Adam from YMS is the exact same, and it's obnoxious as fuck.
i would agree in general, but not so much in re adam

he tends to revile "critics" like cinemasins for doing that sort of thing and making it their gimmick, because it's poisonous for film criticism

when adam nitpicks, he's pretty good at finding ways to justify why it matters to him, and it often boils down to 1.) what the director was intending to do, and 2.) what the film itself is trying to accomplish, and sometimes, it's the little minute details (like having the foresight to tell actors to shout during a scene that will have loud music added later in post, a la The Social Network club scene) that show just how much, or how little, a director cared to go that extra mile

and yeah, sometimes, those minute details can definitely undermine the director's vision, and the lack of foresight or general laziness of it is certainly worthy of criticism

for him, it's about good artistry, and he's never really gotten terribly annoying with that imo

but when cinemasins does it, it's just autism for the sake of autism, and you can tell there's no real rhyme or reason for it
Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 10:09:07 PM by Shhhhhh

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
Steam: HurtfulTurkey
ID: HurtfulTurkey
IP: Logged

8,077 posts
CinemaSins isn't film criticism though, and they don't pretend they are

Occasionally they'll have something serious to say about a film, but that isn't the point of the videos

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
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8,127 posts

Saddest Death?
This is the only whey

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
CinemaSins isn't film criticism though, and they don't pretend they are

Occasionally they'll have something serious to say about a film, but that isn't the point of the videos
hence the quotation marks, but that doesn't stop people from treating his videos as genuine critiques

which i suppose isn't his fault, but regardless, it's just shit content through and through, so i don't think it's fair to throw people like adam into the same ball pit

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
Steam: HurtfulTurkey
ID: HurtfulTurkey
IP: Logged

8,077 posts
CinemaSins isn't film criticism though, and they don't pretend they are

Occasionally they'll have something serious to say about a film, but that isn't the point of the videos
hence the quotation marks, but that doesn't stop people from treating his videos as genuine critiques

which i suppose isn't his fault, but regardless, it's just shit content through and through, so i don't think it's fair to throw people like adam into the same ball pit

Yeah, comparing CinemaSins to YMS is ridiculous... Also he (relatively) enjoyed Infinity War, so I don't know what's there to complain about.

Did you see RLM's parody of CinemaSins in a recent video? I think it was from A Quiet Place.

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
IP: Logged

11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison

Saddest Death?

definitely Spiderman, he's the only one that reacted at all and vision is a god dang robit.

MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
IP: Logged

7,789 posts
Get of my lawn

Saddest Death?

The bottom of my stomach dropped out.
definitely Spiderman, he's the only one that reacted at all and vision is a god dang robit.

Can you describe the feeling you got when he said:

“Mr Stark? I don’t feel so good.”
Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 01:24:19 AM by MyNameIsCharlie

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
IP: Logged

11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison

Saddest Death?

The bottom of my stomach dropped out.
definitely Spiderman, he's the only one that reacted at all and vision is a god dang robit.

Can you describe the feeling you got when he said:

“Mr Stark? I don’t feel so good.”

Yeah, my heart dropped. Reminded me of the scene in saving Private Ryan when the medic dies.

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
IP: Logged

18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!

Saddest Death?
Easily Spider-Man since he's only a kid and was legitimately afraid of what was happening. Him holding onto Stark and saying "I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark" got me right in the feels and had the theater dead silent, even from the kids watching. It was even harder to witness because Stark is holding onto him and he knows that there's nothing that he can do.

Gamora got me too because I like the GoTG more than The Avengers. Zoe Saldana's acting was top notch in this film in her scenes with Thanos, hell, all of her scenes really.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Adam from YMS is the exact same, and it's obnoxious as fuck.
i would agree in general, but not so much in re adam

he tends to revile "critics" like cinemasins for doing that sort of thing and making it their gimmick, because it's poisonous for film criticism

when adam nitpicks, he's pretty good at finding ways to justify why it matters to him, and it often boils down to 1.) what the director was intending to do, and 2.) what the film itself is trying to accomplish, and sometimes, it's the little minute details (like having the foresight to tell actors to shout during a scene that will have loud music added later in post, a la The Social Network club scene) that show just how much, or how little, a director cared to go that extra mile

and yeah, sometimes, those minute details can definitely undermine the director's vision, and the lack of foresight or general laziness of it is certainly worthy of criticism

for him, it's about good artistry, and he's never really gotten terribly annoying with that imo

but when cinemasins does it, it's just autism for the sake of autism, and you can tell there's no real rhyme or reason for it
But it's gotten to the point where he will literally overanalyze an irrelevant movie mistake or some trivial character flaw for twenty minutes and then totally forget to actually, you know, review the film. He's virtually incapable of suspending his disbelief over such frivolous details at this point.

Take his latest two YMS reviews for example. A Quiet Place and RPO. I haven't seen RPO, but his Quiet Place review was a fucking joke. He spent at least a good 50% of the review picking apart character decisions he thought were flawed, when in fact, were quite easily explained throughout the film had he been paying attention. Then he had the fucking gaul to use the "you're just not using ur brain ugh ugh plebs" card.

Nothing of structure was mentioned. Nothing about character development nor overall entertainment value were examined. I think he briefly touched upon acting for a couple seconds and then immediately went into his autistic nitpicking frenzy.

It's fine to point out plot holes or details you found were a little hammy, but if it literally consumes your entire experience of the film then I'm sorry to say, the issues lie with you, not the movie.

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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If You Are A False Don't Entry
People who like super hero films are fucking man child faggots.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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People who like super hero films are fucking man child faggots.

I have never fucked a man child faggot

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But it's gotten to the point where he will literally overanalyze an irrelevant movie mistake or some trivial character flaw for twenty minutes and then totally forget to actually, you know, review the film. He's virtually incapable of suspending his disbelief over such frivolous details at this point.

Take his latest two YMS reviews for example. A Quiet Place and RPO. I haven't seen RPO, but his Quiet Place review was a fucking joke. He spent at least a good 50% of the review picking apart character decisions he thought were flawed, when in fact, were quite easily explained throughout the film had he been paying attention. Then he had the fucking gaul to use the "you're just not using ur brain ugh ugh plebs" card.

Nothing of structure was mentioned. Nothing about character development nor overall entertainment value were examined. I think he briefly touched upon acting for a couple seconds and then immediately went into his autistic nitpicking frenzy.

It's fine to point out plot holes or details you found were a little hammy, but if it literally consumes your entire experience of the film then I'm sorry to say, the issues lie with you, not the movie.
i don't really have a dog in the AQP fight because i haven't seen that movie, but he did just upload an addendum to that review where he reclarifies himself, and admits he was wrong about a few things, so there's that

having seen RPO, however, i thought he gave it a pretty fair review (even if it kinda just boiled down to him calling the movie "dumb" a lot, because it was)

it's not that i don't understand where you're coming from, though, because i tend to feel the same way you do about his babadook review, where he spent several minutes harping on a couple of scenes that had shoddy, less-than-perfect cuts and acted like it was the most distracting and unforgivable thing ever, and never even bothered to discuss any of the film's themes, which was pretty obnoxious

but at the same time i think it's okay for people to have their personal tendencies when it comes to art critiques--not everyone cares or is even capable of giving an all-encompassing look at the movies they see, which i think is great, because it means i'm not always going to hear the same exact opinions regurgitated over and over again, and i can always trust adam to bring something new to the table even if we disagree