Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,296 posts

I’m just going to say it, this movie looks bad. Everybody seems to be amped over it but the promotional material just makes it look super derivative and bland. Hope I’m wrong though, I’m mostly a big fan of this franchise and the Russo’s movies in particular.

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
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ID: Alphy
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4,667 posts
ive never watched a marvel movie, not interested in superheroes and such

at least  i think avengers is marvel

V | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Vien Quitonm
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Just message me.
vienquitonm is my discord
It's like Black Panther but for normies.

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XBL: HundredJono
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ID: Jono
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18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
Rick Harrison better kill people or I'm gonna be mad

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
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8,127 posts
It's like Avengers but for niggers.

I like this timeline

| alo
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XBL: goooots
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ID: Gatsby
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19,291 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
Soylent movie
Really don't know why anybody would make the effort to go to a cinema to watch something as mediocre as this

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
Soylent movie
Really don't know why anybody would make the effort to go to a cinema to watch something as mediocre as this
You're using the meme wrong anon.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,247 posts
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The movie is fucking two hours and forty minutes. An hour of that is going to just be set up for all the characters meeting. And the other hour and a half is going to be split more between jokes everywhere and slow-mo circular shots of all the cast. The action scenes probably wont even be memorable.

I have Friday off so I'll probably go see it then but my expectations are pretty low.

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ID: challengerX
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Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
I feel like I would enjoy this franchise more if it wasn't for its obnoxiously soylent fanbase of nu-males.

That and I don't expect this to be anything different from what we've had before. 18 movies in and what, 1 character has died that had a whopping total of like half an hour screen time?

The MCU has always been a soulless, conveyor belt series of movies, totally uninterested in taking risks with their characters. Mildly entertaining at best, saccharine trash at their worst. If they don't do anything ballsy in the finale of the franchise they're pretty much never going to do it.
Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 11:30:00 AM by Mordo

MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
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7,789 posts
Get of my lawn
You guys expect too much. The whole point of a blockbuster is you switch your brain off and enjoy the spectacle. If you want thought provoking movies you go to the indie shows.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
I was going to write a long-winded post about how this thought process is terrible and is the cancer killing Film as an art form but I figured it just wasn't worth it.

Doesn't matter if Infinity War is enjoyable, it's still ruining cinema.

You guys expect too much. The whole point of a blockbuster is you switch your brain off and enjoy the spectacle. If you want thought provoking movies you go to the indie shows.

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ID: challengerX
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big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
idk about this, the only other Russo film I've scene is Civil War and that was pretty mediocre

the only other recent marvel films i've seen are black panther and doctor strange and I thought they were great though

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
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10,577 posts
idk about this, the only other Russo film I've scene is Civil War and that was pretty mediocre

the only other recent marvel films i've seen are black panther and doctor strange and I thought they were great though
great, another white man cucked by blacks

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
You guys expect too much. The whole point of a blockbuster is you switch your brain off and enjoy the spectacle. If you want thought provoking movies you go to the indie shows.
Oh fuck right off with this mentality. Just because something isn't an obscure art house piece doesn't give it a free pass to be exempt from critical analysis.

Attitudes like this are exactly why franchises like the MCU don't bother changing up the formula, or at the very least, introducing new concepts.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
You guys expect too much. The whole point of a blockbuster is you switch your brain off and enjoy the spectacle. If you want thought provoking movies you go to the indie shows.
“Why can’t you just turn your brain off and enjoy something?”

Ask any critic for a list of their top 5 most annoying frequent comments, and this question is sure to be on there. Aside from the fact that it basically undermines the entire practice of criticism, what makes this question so frustrating is that it’s bullshit. No one is actually able to just turn their brain off and enjoy something–and if they were, then they’d have no reason to consume media in the first place–they’d be perfectly entertained by staring at a fucking wall.

Not having any critical judgement about anything is the same thing as literally having no taste. As soon as you’re able to distinguish between things that you like, and things that you dislike, then you’ve proven yourself to have a standard of critical judgement, even if you can’t define it.

But as much as I’d love to keep pulling this phrase apart and making fun of it, there’s another, slightly more nuanced question which critics get asked all the time that I think gets closer to the heart of what these people are really asking.

“Do you hate fun?”

There was a moment towards the end of the Winter anime season when I was watching Myriad Colors Phantom World and I legitimately stopped, took a step back, and asked myself, “do I hate fun? Because it’s pretty clear that this show has no real intentions of being anything other than fun; and yet I’m not having any fun, and I hate this. Is something wrong with me?”

Later into the show, there was a specific moment when I realized entirely why this show was not fun. It was during a scene wherein all of the main characters were being dragged into performing a school play by the head of the drama club, and where at some point it was revealed that the standoffish loner character who’d never been made an official member of the group was also there for literally no reason–at least in the context of the narrative. The meta reason for this character to be there is that it would theoretically be fun to have the entire primary cast participating in this play–but what I realized in this moment is that the prospect of having this character around meant nothing to me.

I did not care about this character at all. She had never done anything cool, she didn’t have an interesting personality or backstory, and she overall left very little impression on me. The idea that having her play a part in this school play would somehow make the episode more fun was totally lost on me, because I didn’t give a shit.

While ruminating on that, I remembered a time in which I did indeed have fun. It was in December of 2006, when I first marathoned the first season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. In that show, there was an episode wherein Haruhi and Yuki were recruited for a school festival performance by a band who’s guitarists were both out of commission. The main emotional crux of the episode revolved around Haruhi’s involvement with this band–but Yuki was pretty much there just for fun; and her inclusion was absolutely genius.

That’s because Yuki is an incredibly fun character. She’s basically an alien with the power to bend reality, who uses those powers to do hilariously mundane things in everyday scenarios; and she’s got a really memorable personality and does all kinds of super-badass things. There’s a moment of realization when Yuki picks up the guitar and starts shredding these huge-ass riffs and solos that of course she can play the guitar perfectly, because she can learn pretty much anything; but the setup for it is so well-earned that it goes a long way in crafting what is overall one of the most legendary scenes in anime.

Fun is not something that you get to have without trying. Fun has to be earned. You don’t get to have fun by sitting around on the couch doing nothing; to have fun you have to do something–and likewise, if you want to make others have fun, then you have to work for it. You can’t just dangle keys in front of someone’s face and expect them to be entertained if they’re over the age of 1, because they’ve seen that shit before and they’ve got standards.

There are no shortage of ways that a series can achieve fun–even without the use of brilliant writing, deep characters, or profound themes. Sometimes, the key to making something fun is just to not fuck anything up. Recently, I encountered a pair of shows which both took a very similar approach to trying to create the pure sensation of fun–but whose level of success in doing so came down largely to each show’s margin of error.

Heavy Object is a show about a small team of soldiers who are tasked with trying to take down these gigantic metal war machines called Objects through the use of knowledge and tactics. The appeal of each arc was just in watching these characters try to distinguish and then exploit the unique weaknesses of each enemy Object–all while running around and wisecracking with a brisk, light tone. There is no reason that Heavy Object couldn’t have been a fun show, and it very nearly succeeded at being one for me. However, what kept taking me out of the experience and spoiling the fun was all the little piece of dumb bullshit.

Like how in just about every firefight, there’ll be a scene wherein the characters get spotted by the enemy, but have just enough time to wisecrack back and forth before the enemy starts shooting. Or how most of the time when they’re being shot at, they seem to be right in the enemy’s line-of-sight, and pressured under heavy gunfire, but miraculously never get hit, while constantly taking out enemy soldiers. Or how in this scene wherein their teammate accidentally fires her anti-personnel guns at them, they stand there staring while an epic rain of bullets falls all around them. Or how in this scene, the characters are sneaking into an enemy base while the guards aren’t paying attention, and the one guy just leaves the door open like he’s asking the enemy to notice. Et cetera.

On their own, none of these moments are that big of a deal–but what happens when all of them are stacked on top of each other is that they keep me thinking about things that I shouldn’t be thinking about, and slowly eat away at the dramatic tension of each scene. How am I ever meant to believe that the main characters’ lives are in danger, when they can make enormous tactical mistakes on a constant basis and never suffer any repercussions? If the appeal of this series is meant to be the use of strategy to overcome seemingly impossible odds, then why does it feel like luck is always on the side of the main characters, and like they can’t possibly lose?

This isn’t to say that I’m totally averse to shows that are just about crazy ridiculous bullshit–but this show isn’t nearly over-the-top enough to be fun on that level. If you’re gonna have a story where the rules of reality barely apply, then you really have to go over-the-top for it to leave any kind of impression. At the very least, if this show had been really nice-looking, or had well-directed action scenes and great animation, then it might have been cool enough to look at that I’d want to watch it anyways–but given that the show is uglier than sin, it has no such qualities.

Which brings me to a show from last season that succeeded in all of the places where Heavy Object failed, called High School Fleet. This one is about a bunch of cute high school girls who end up commanding a battleship, which they use to fight against other student ships while some light mystery plot unfolds around them. The story is nothing noteworthy–but it is very tightly paced and written, without any parts that drag or get boring. Its characters are simple and easy to understand, but all of them work to keep the series brisk and enjoyable. Its themes are as basic as they possibly could be, its action scenes aren’t particularly clever or tactical, and there’s not really any deep, philosophical, or unique reasons to enjoy the show.

However, High School Fleet is hella fun–because as long as you can buy into the central conceit of a bunch of cutesy moe girls running a battleship, the show doesn’t have any bullshit. Every action scene poses a legitimate threat to the characters’ lives, and there’s even some tension in the early part of the show over not being clear on how dark the series might eventually get. Each scene is paced and directed in such a way that the action is satisfying and engaging, even when there’s not a whole lot really going on; because it’s easy to understand the circumstances of each situation, and how those situations are affecting the characters.

And a lot of how the show accomplishes that is simply through the use of excellent visual design and animation. When there’s an action scene that’s meant to be frenetic and confusing, then we’ll get a shot of the ship’s scaredy-cat navigator frantically spinning the steering wheel while her eyes transform into spirals. When the crew are about to fire off a big fuck-off missile to assure their victory in a battle, then that missile launches with an impeccably staged and animated smoke effect. The music, voice acting, animation, and dialog all march in lockstep to create a tense and exciting scene in a show that you’ll probably never give all that much thought to when you’re not actually watching it–because the appeal of the show is that the actual act of watching it is fun.

And I love fun. I don’t think you’ll find a lot of people who actually hate fun. There are plenty of other things that media can to do be interesting besides being fun, but when something actually pulls off legitimate fun and does it well, then it’s worthy of being celebrated–and I think it would be insulting to the accomplishment of those works to suggest that the best way to appreciate the fun that they provide, is by turning your brain off.


MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
IP: Logged

7,789 posts
Get of my lawn
At the end of the day, Disney/Marvel isn’t killing filmmaking. We are. People only buy tickets to junk food movies. You want the studios to take a risk? You take one when you see an original film come out. Movies aren’t supply side. They’re demand driven.

I make a point to take those risks when they release original content. Take a look a while back when my posts mirrored yours. Everything has become a remake/reimagining/sequel/comic movie. I stopped complaining when I noticed that I was in nearly empty theaters almost always.

Did anyone see A Quiet Place? Have any threads been made on it? That was a great movie that’s already starting to peter out. Will anyone go see Terminal? The Shape of Water was another great one, if it didn’t get an Oscar nod, it would have been out a few weeks after it dropped. All of these fall under Sci Fi and Action. They should be contenders against Disney/Marvel. Yet, commercially, they don’t compare. Hollywood studios stopped taking risks when we did. You want to see who to blame? Start by looking in the mirror.

And yes, I do plan on seeing it. I’ll also be checking out Hotel Artemis and Anon. Just because they are original content.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
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10,577 posts
nah charlie, it's more like comparing dbz to hxh

People who watch DBZ are braindead, and the whole studio should keel over and die, whereas HxH is in the same genre, but it's vastly superior and well thought out.

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,296 posts
You’re not wrong but that doesn’t render fan criticism meaningless just because we’re going to see it anyway. The studio is clearly listening and changes their movies accordingly. If we had decided we were complacent with the Schumacher movies, we would have never gotten then Nolan trilogy, for instance.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Nobody is contesting the fact that these movies make money. In fact, I'd argue that's precisely why they warrant a lot more criticism than normal because other studios are starting to replicate the shared cinematic universe formula in order to catch the crumbs. Quite poorly too, I might add.

It's all well and good to say speak with your wallet, and not with your mouth, and yeah, that's partly true. But if you don't at least try and point out to people that these films only exist to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and original titles should be experienced too, then you're not helping the industry explore new avenues either, and you're just as complacent in the saturation of garden-variety blockbusters in the marketplace.

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
You're using the meme wrong anon.
It's like Avengers but for niggers.

I like this timeline
holy shit you're such a blatant redditor
Oh dang Chally you got me. Im bamboozled.

MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
IP: Logged

7,789 posts
Get of my lawn
Nobody is contesting the fact that these movies make money. In fact, I'd argue that's precisely why they warrant a lot more criticism than normal because other studios are starting to replicate the shared cinematic universe formula in order to catch the crumbs. Quite poorly too, I might add.

It's all well and good to say speak with your wallet, and not with your mouth, and yeah, that's partly true. But if you don't at least try and point out to people that these films only exist to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and original titles should be experienced too, then you're not helping the industry explore new avenues either, and you're just as complacent in the saturation of garden-variety blockbusters in the marketplace.

Did my post change your mind in any way? What makes you sure that you will change anyone else’s mind?

TheAlphaHydra. | Posting Spree
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PSN: TheAlphaHydra
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ID: billy1o8
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222 posts
Not to be confused with alphy or any other alpha.
Accurate representation of everyone right now for infinity war

Regular people: ok.
Fans: Yay
Fandoms: O  W  O

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
At the end of the day, Disney/Marvel isn’t killing filmmaking.

Yes. They. Fucking. Are.

I don't want to hear about demand-driven nonsense. Films that make you think have always been less popular but they also will stand up to any movie made afterwards. People will always remember 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, Gone With The Wind, etc. but literally no one is going to give a flying shit about Infinity War after the fact. Disney/Marvel is built on cheap comedy, generic one-dimensional characters, a heavy coating of CGI, and an incredibly basic storytelling; all to appeal to as much people as possible to make as much money as possible.

That is not an indicator of quality.

Disney is not interested in making quality content, at least not anymore. Yes, taking risks means taking a hit. Look at The Last Jedi. That movie was an absolute dumpster fire. But now I'm in the incredibly painful position of having to defend TLJ because at least they took risks with that movie, even if it didn't pan out. You can't win every time and that goes with film making. Part of taking risks means accepting a possible loss, but when you take a risk and it turns out positive, the reward is far worth playing it safe. Hell, making a huge growing cinematic universe with Marvel was a risk in and of itself, it's never been done before in film history (and if it was done before, definitely not on this scale).

But now they can just churn out shit five times a year expecting bigger and bigger box office numbers, and other companies/studios follow suit. Why bother doing anything different when you can just copy Disney and rake in the dough? And yes, half of us have seen those other films you listed, and they're good. But of course no one is going to discuss them. Because the majority of movie-goers are brainless dipshits who just want to see explosions and titties and monsters and robots in a giant two hour orgy on nonsense.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
ian likes the DCEU btw

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
the last jedi was the best star wars movie btw

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
I liked BvS, I have yet to see Suicide Squad and Justice League was okay. At least Warner Bros. is taking risks which is more than what you can say about Marvel.

And TLJ was absolute garbage.

ian likes the DCEU btw

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
I liked BvS, I have yet to see Suicide Squad and Justice League was okay. At least Warner Bros. is taking risks which is more than what you can say about Marvel.

And TLJ was absolute garbage.

ian likes the DCEU btw
Suicide squad is absolute Garbage, dont waste your time.

MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
IP: Logged

7,789 posts
Get of my lawn
At the end of the day, Disney/Marvel isn’t killing filmmaking.

Yes. They. Fucking. Are.

I don't want to hear about demand-driven nonsense. Films that make you think have always been less popular but they also will stand up to any movie made afterwards. People will always remember 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, Gone With The Wind, etc. but literally no one is going to give a flying shit about Infinity War after the fact. Disney/Marvel is built on cheap comedy, generic one-dimensional characters, a heavy coating of CGI, and an incredibly basic storytelling; all to appeal to as much people as possible to make as much money as possible.

That is not an indicator of quality.

Disney is not interested in making quality content, at least not anymore. Yes, taking risks means taking a hit. Look at The Last Jedi. That movie was an absolute dumpster fire. But now I'm in the incredibly painful position of having to defend TLJ because at least they took risks with that movie, even if it didn't pan out. You can't win every time and that goes with film making. Part of taking risks means accepting a possible loss, but when you take a risk and it turns out positive, the reward is far worth playing it safe. Hell, making a huge growing cinematic universe with Marvel was a risk in and of itself, it's never been done before in film history (and if it was done before, definitely not on this scale).

But now they can just churn out shit five times a year expecting bigger and bigger box office numbers, and other companies/studios follow suit. Why bother doing anything different when you can just copy Disney and rake in the dough? And yes, half of us have seen those other films you listed, and they're good. But of course no one is going to discuss them. Because the majority of movie-goers are brainless dipshits who just want to see explosions and titties and monsters and robots in a giant two hour orgy on nonsense.

Where did I say quality? I called the Disney/Marvel movies junk food earlier on. This is the problem with some of you. You don’t read what people are posting and go on a rant.

And Hollywood is very much a demand driven business. If Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants became a runaway box office smash, we’d have coming of age chick flicks instead of cape movies.

You want a higher quality movie experience? Either don’t go to superhero movies or start adding riskier movies to your weekends. Just don’t expect Eisner to start putting out better movies because you want him to.