An analysis on the lack of emotional connection in the Prequel Trilogy

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Nick McIntyre92
PSN: NicholasMcIntyre
Steam: Nick McIntyre
ID: Nick McIntyre
IP: Logged

3,143 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
IP: Logged

2,580 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Nick McIntyre92
PSN: NicholasMcIntyre
Steam: Nick McIntyre
ID: Nick McIntyre
IP: Logged

3,143 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
IP: Logged

2,580 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
IP: Logged

2,580 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.

The Lord Slide Rule | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: MrMeatyMeatball
Steam: SexyPiranha
ID: SexyPiranha
IP: Logged

4,306 posts
My stupidity is self evident.
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
>using the wrong green

Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 08:56:46 PM by SexyBarracuda

DiamondSentinel | Member
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Steam: diamondsentinel
ID: DiamondSentinel
IP: Logged

78 posts
Why hello there! I'm DiamondSentinel, and I'm a rare breed here on the internet! Yes, I'm a Christian, and a devout one at that! If you want to talk about that sort of stuff, I'm always up for it! Just keep it civil. ^_^
Actually, there was a lot of emotion. It was just hard to see. Anakin was just really conflicted, and therefore it's hard to discern his  emotions.

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
IP: Logged

6,179 posts
Actually, there was a lot of emotion. It was just hard to see. Anakin was just really retarded, and therefore it's hard to discern his emotions.
Hey I fixed a typo.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
You don't seem to understand how 10 year olds think. Contrary to what you might imagine, they don't give a damn about drama baybehs or politics. Yes, they do care about the story, but everything between the fights counts as filler to get to the fights.

I don't care about your anecdotal references to how you might've been different as a 10 year old, or that your parents, surprisingly enough, didn't have standard 10 year old mentality.

I also don't care about your extreme butt-flustering over a simple fact. Denying it does not make it any less of an existence, green texting most certainly doesn't. It's only a further sign of immaturity which happens to correlate with becoming more emotional in conversations or debates.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
IP: Logged

2,580 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
You don't seem to understand how 10 year olds think. Contrary to what you might imagine, they don't give a damn about drama baybehs or politics. Yes, they do care about the story, but everything between the fights counts as filler to get to the fights.

I don't care about your anecdotal references to how you might've been different as a 10 year old, or that your parents, surprisingly enough, didn't have standard 10 year old mentality.

I also don't care about your extreme butt-flustering over a simple fact. Denying it does not make it any less of an existence, green texting most certainly doesn't. It's only a further sign of immaturity which happens to correlate with becoming more emotional in conversations or debates.

I'm pretty sure you just hung around some really autistic 10-year-olds then back when you were that age, which would explain a lot actually.

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
more |
XBL: Nick McIntyre92
PSN: NicholasMcIntyre
Steam: Nick McIntyre
ID: Nick McIntyre
IP: Logged

3,143 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
You don't seem to understand how 10 year olds think. Contrary to what you might imagine, they don't give a damn about drama baybehs or politics. Yes, they do care about the story, but everything between the fights counts as filler to get to the fights.

I don't care about your anecdotal references to how you might've been different as a 10 year old, or that your parents, surprisingly enough, didn't have standard 10 year old mentality.

I also don't care about your extreme butt-flustering over a simple fact. Denying it does not make it any less of an existence, green texting most certainly doesn't. It's only a further sign of immaturity which happens to correlate with becoming more emotional in conversations or debates.

I'm pretty sure you just hung around some really autistic 10-year-olds then back when you were that age, which would explain a lot actually.

You're a terrible troll.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
IP: Logged

2,580 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
You don't seem to understand how 10 year olds think. Contrary to what you might imagine, they don't give a damn about drama baybehs or politics. Yes, they do care about the story, but everything between the fights counts as filler to get to the fights.

I don't care about your anecdotal references to how you might've been different as a 10 year old, or that your parents, surprisingly enough, didn't have standard 10 year old mentality.

I also don't care about your extreme butt-flustering over a simple fact. Denying it does not make it any less of an existence, green texting most certainly doesn't. It's only a further sign of immaturity which happens to correlate with becoming more emotional in conversations or debates.

I'm pretty sure you just hung around some really autistic 10-year-olds then back when you were that age, which would explain a lot actually.

You're a terrible troll.

Who's trolling?

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
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6,179 posts
lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

I just said I would make one. Never game a time frame, so I don't know where you're making that assumption.  And you sound like a kid with serious attention issues then.

Nah, more like the movie was boring.  Your defense of the prequels is fucking hilarious.

By that logic, anything that can't keep an autistic 7 year old's attention is boring.
Dude, every fucking kid in the world at the time those movies came out couldn't give a single, solitary, shit about anything other than the fight scenes. Going back to watch them again should only confirm to you there was a reason for that, and it is that they are boring and very plainly done.

No need to get bitchy because someone disagrees with you.

>Thinks I'm getting bitchy over text on the internet on some backwater forum.

lol k buddy

Also, that's a retarded argument. So every kids that went to go see Star Wars when they were 10 years old or below went to go see it for lightsaber fights? Come on now, you're really scraping the barrel there for a reason. I know I wasn't that way when I saw the prequels. I know my older family members weren't that way when they saw the originals in theater. You go see a movie for the story, no matter what age you are (unless you suffer from down syndrome) as long as you can think critically about something. Only an utter moron would pay for the theater to see fight choreography.

Think of a better bait at least.
You don't seem to understand how 10 year olds think. Contrary to what you might imagine, they don't give a damn about drama baybehs or politics. Yes, they do care about the story, but everything between the fights counts as filler to get to the fights.

I don't care about your anecdotal references to how you might've been different as a 10 year old, or that your parents, surprisingly enough, didn't have standard 10 year old mentality.

I also don't care about your extreme butt-flustering over a simple fact. Denying it does not make it any less of an existence, green texting most certainly doesn't. It's only a further sign of immaturity which happens to correlate with becoming more emotional in conversations or debates.

I'm pretty sure you just hung around some really autistic 10-year-olds then back when you were that age, which would explain a lot actually.

You're a terrible troll.

Who's trolling?

Seeing as you're claiming ten year olds cared about anything other than the fight scenes in the prequel trilogy; you.
Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 05:15:00 PM by Mmmmm Napalm

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
i didn't think it was sudden at all

he was showing shades of vaderism as far back as the middle of episode ii

a lot of people like to interpret it as just teen angst, and use it as a reason to dislike his character
buuut i don't
the worst crime they committed in the prequels is making him a fucking idiot. vader isnt that dumb. he's incredibly shrewd and an excellent tactician, and he knows how to read people. just look at episode 3. palpatine is basically like "HEYYY-HISS ANAKIN THERE WAS ONCE A SITH SO STRONG HE COULD *WINKWINKHISS* SAVE HIS LOVED ONES FROM DYING"

totally admitting his sithiness. anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin. he just sits there and nods his head and he's like "CAN I LRN DAT POWA?" and later on palpatine admits that he doesnt even know how to do it and anakin is still totally "HURPADERP IF U SAY SO MAN LET ME GO KILL THESE LITTLE KIDS AND SEE IF THAT GIVES ME THE POWER LOL"

basically, i was expecting anakin to turn to the dark side for some extremely intimate, nuanced, morally-grey reasons. but no. its flat out selfishness, naivete, and stupidity that turns him. thats not the kind of man who turns into Darth Vader. thats the kind of man who turns into a faceless drone exploding in or around the death star.

Idi Amin | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: Revofev
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374 posts
the prequels are better though

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
the prequels are better though
on what grounds?

Idi Amin | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: Revofev
IP: Logged

374 posts

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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3,143 posts
i didn't think it was sudden at all

he was showing shades of vaderism as far back as the middle of episode ii

a lot of people like to interpret it as just teen angst, and use it as a reason to dislike his character
buuut i don't
the worst crime they committed in the prequels is making him a fucking idiot. vader isnt that dumb. he's incredibly shrewd and an excellent tactician, and he knows how to read people. just look at episode 3. palpatine is basically like "HEYYY-HISS ANAKIN THERE WAS ONCE A SITH SO STRONG HE COULD *WINKWINKHISS* SAVE HIS LOVED ONES FROM DYING"

totally admitting his sithiness. anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin. he just sits there and nods his head and he's like "CAN I LRN DAT POWA?" and later on palpatine admits that he doesnt even know how to do it and anakin is still totally "HURPADERP IF U SAY SO MAN LET ME GO KILL THESE LITTLE KIDS AND SEE IF THAT GIVES ME THE POWER LOL"

basically, i was expecting anakin to turn to the dark side for some extremely intimate, nuanced, morally-grey reasons. but no. its flat out selfishness, naivete, and stupidity that turns him. thats not the kind of man who turns into Darth Vader. thats the kind of man who turns into a faceless drone exploding in or around the death star.

In the immortal words of Harry S Plinkett:

"He wasn't seduced by the Dark Side,  HE WAS FUCKING TRICKED."

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.

basically, i was expecting anakin to turn to the dark side for some extremely intimate, nuanced, morally-grey reasons. but no. its flat out selfishness, naivete, and stupidity that turns him.
Who cares? This doesn't make me enjoy the film any less.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
In the immortal words of Harry S Plinkett:

"He wasn't seduced by the Dark Side,  HE WAS FUCKING TRICKED."
Those pretty much mean the same thing, though.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.

basically, i was expecting anakin to turn to the dark side for some extremely intimate, nuanced, morally-grey reasons. but no. its flat out selfishness, naivete, and stupidity that turns him.
Who cares? This doesn't make me enjoy the film any less.
i care. i care about character development and narrative consistency. the prequels do not give me those things.

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Nick McIntyre92
PSN: NicholasMcIntyre
Steam: Nick McIntyre
ID: Nick McIntyre
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3,143 posts
In the immortal words of Harry S Plinkett:

"He wasn't seduced by the Dark Side,  HE WAS FUCKING TRICKED."
Those pretty much mean the same thing, though.

No, not really.

Difference between becoming slowly influenced by the Dark Side...

...aand being told "Oh hey this Sith power can save your wife if you kill some children *wink*"

Anakin wasn't even slowly pulled to the Dark Side, he just out of the blue took Palpatine ' s word as gospel and went around causing havoc.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
i care. i care about character development and narrative consistency. the prequels do not give me those things.
They gave me those things. Sorry they didn't for you.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Anakin wasn't even slowly pulled to the Dark Side
>Episode II

Yes, he was.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.
So, you're saying that if you were in the position you wouldn't find it at all incredibly odd or suspicious that the Supreme Chancellor starts telling you some ancient Sith mythology that's relevant to a problem you're dealing with when you just came by to watch the opera with him?

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.
So, you're saying that if you were in the position you wouldn't find it at all incredibly odd or suspicious that the Supreme Chancellor starts telling you some ancient Sith mythology that's relevant to a problem you're dealing with when you just came by to watch the opera with him?
not just ancient: darth plagueis was palpatine's mentor! when he's smiling while talking about plagueis' death? yeah its because he's totally reminiscing on the time he murdered his mentor in his sleep.

i mean, anakin had no way of knowing that, but he should have been tipped off either way. the Sith were an ancient order that had established galactic empires. he should have been entirely familiar with the nature of Sith philosophy as part of his Jedi training. palpatine's plan only worked because anakin is literally the dumbest character in star wars. even jar jar would have said "WAIT YOUSA SITH!"

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
So, you're saying that if you were in the position you wouldn't find it at all incredibly odd or suspicious that the Supreme Chancellor starts telling you some ancient Sith mythology that's relevant to a problem you're dealing with when you just came by to watch the opera with him?
I'm saying I don't know what the fuck I'd do, or how the fuck I'd react. I'm also in a universe filled with weird fucking aliens and laser swords and shit. A universe where the "good" and "evil" are bluntly defined, and there is little to no ambivalence whatsoever. So I wouldn't exactly be living in a rational universe to begin with.
Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 08:16:07 PM by Verbatim

DAS B00T x2
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
anyone with half a brain could pick that out and say "uhhhh you what now?" but nope. not anakin.
Do you realize how easy that is to say as an audience member?

Seems like you've been watching too much Mr. Plinkett.
So, you're saying that if you were in the position you wouldn't find it at all incredibly odd or suspicious that the Supreme Chancellor starts telling you some ancient Sith mythology that's relevant to a problem you're dealing with when you just came by to watch the opera with him?
Yes. It's clearly spelled out for you that the Chancelor and Anakin have had a long standing friendship bordering on homoerotic.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
anakin is literally the dumbest character in star wars.
And who cares if he is? I still don't think that takes away from his character at all. Lots of people are stupid. If he was smart, there wouldn't be a fucking movie, would there?