Answered every question.Parties you side with...98%Green Party Green Party on social, domestic policy, environmental, foreign policy, economic, immigration, healthcare, 2014 ballot, and education issues98%Democrats Democrats on domestic policy, social, environmental, economic, foreign policy, immigration, healthcare, 2014 ballot, and education issues72%Socialist Socialist on social, environmental, and immigration issues70%Libertarians Libertarians on social, domestic policy, foreign policy, immigration, and 2014 ballot issues52%Constitution Party Constitution Party on domestic policy issues31%Conservative Party Conservative Party no major issues21%Republicans Republicans on 2014 ballot issuesRather surprised on the Libertarian results...
I'm more surprised that you managed to get a Socialist and Libertarian result within 2% of each other.
Parties you side with...77%Libertarians Libertarians on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, and education issues75%Republicans Republicans on economic, immigration, environmental, and education issues75%Constitution Party Constitution Party on domestic policy, social, immigration, and education issues73%Conservative Party Conservative Party on domestic policy, immigration, and education issues63%Green Party Green Party on domestic policy issues54%Democrats Democrats no major issues
Can you post the link to your results page? I want to see how you answered each question.
Well. I don't know what to say.
Can you post the link? I want to see how you answered each question.
Go ahead.
We're going to get along just fine.
I don't know
I'm much happier with these results. I went through it slow this time. Read those questions over and over.Spoiler
Should the U.S. reduce corporate income tax rates? Libertarians: Yes, and abolish corporate income taxes You: No, corporations should pay a 35% tax rate just like the average American taxpayer and heavily penalized if they don't
Git on my libertarian level
Surprise level: 0
If I remember correctly, education was about CommonCore. If you support that, well just..........ew