Sweden plz

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,245 posts
Signature goes here.
Sweden rules that flying the ISIS flag is NOT a hate crime because the terror group shows contempt for everyone rather than specific groups.

Now you might either be against this or think it's somewhat sensible (I however feel it's just downright fucking stupid). However, Sweden feels they aren't cucked enough yet:

The Swedish flag has now been banned at a primary school in Sweden. The reason is that the flag may be offensive to certain groups and breaking the law "offensive against ethnic groups."

Sweden, please hurry up and either wake up to the red pill or implode on yourselves so that the rest of Europe can have the Great Nationalist Awakening it needs in order to save itself.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
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19,118 posts

- korrie
Oh my fucking god...

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
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Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels
check em

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race. Sweden's current diabolical situation started in the 70's and can be attributed to a man named David Schwarz.

Want to know something funny? In 1963, before the immigrants came, Sweden, with a population of 7 million -- had a grand total 8 murders that year. Now? Hundreds. And over 80% of murders are caused by immigrants.

It's heartbreaking, to see a society once called "the most successful the world has ever known", be both metaphorically and literally raped to a shell of its former self.

Sweden is beyond the point of no return, and it's sickening that there are people who will defend the travesties that are currently occurring against the native Swedes.

| The Tide Caller
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XBL: Naru No Baka
Steam: The Tide Caller
ID: GasaiYuno
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18,501 posts
The Rage....
Lmao, I wanna know my roommate's opinion on this since hee from there

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts

Hmmm... you don't say...

The racist, backwards swedes must be culturally enrinched, and sweden must have its military and borders removed!

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,232 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race.
Both sides gone too far left or right is dangerous to the prosperity of the human race. That's why they're called fringes for a reason.

Either way, yeah, Sweden is fucked lol. I'd not be surprised at this point if they allow the Nazi flag because "they hurt everyone".
Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 02:41:45 PM by Luciana

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race.
Both sides gone too far left or right is dangerous to the prosperity of the human race. That's why they're called fringes for a reason.

Either way, yeah, Sweden is fucked lol. I'd not be surprised at this point if they allow the Nazi flag because "they hurt everyone".
Jews won't allow that. You're only supposed to associate anti-Semitic persecution with the holocaust. 

Genghis Khan | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Karjala takaisin
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2,054 posts
That's what happens when you give power to leftists.

| Komm, sĂĽĂźer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far
False. This is what happens when you don't let leftist ideology go far enough.

Extreme leftists wouldn't give a shit what flag you use. Because it's a piece of fabric who gives a fuck.
Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 04:12:04 PM by Verbatim

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,148 posts
I love you, son.
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far
False. This is what happens when you don't let leftist ideology go far enough.

Extreme leftists wouldn't give a fuck what flag you use. Because it's a piece of fabric who gives a fuck.
dudeno that flaglike represents like ur family and ur history ur country its relly important

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,232 posts
That's what happens when you give power to leftists.
Yeah as if nothing has gone too far right before. People seem to think it's only one side that's the problem.
Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 04:18:40 PM by Luciana

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✡ 🔥🔥🔥 đźŚđź‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
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15,062 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Because it's a piece of fabric who gives a fuck.
But the thing is, ISIS supporters don't really care if you don't give a shit about their flag. They give a shit.

It matters why it's been flown because it reveals some intentions on the part of the flyer. So, on some level, yes we should care when ISIS flags are being flown.

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,628 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Because it's a piece of fabric who gives a fuck.
But the thing is, ISIS supporters don't really care if you don't give a shit about their flag. They give a shit.

It matters why it's been flown because it reveals some intentions on the part of the flyer. So, on some level, yes we should care when ISIS flags are being flown.
Let them fly it. They're just marking themselves for Rahowa.

Alpha | Respected Posting Frenzy
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XBL: alpha2224
PSN: alpha2224
Steam: Alpha_2224
ID: Alpha
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443 posts
Just nuke them already

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
That's what happens when you give power to leftists.
Yeah as if nothing has gone too far right before. People seem to think it's only one side that's the problem.

That doesn't make leftists non-issue and immune to criticism.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,232 posts
That's what happens when you give power to leftists.
Yeah as if nothing has gone too far right before. People seem to think it's only one side that's the problem.

That doesn't make leftists non-issue and immune to criticism.
Of course it doesn't. Never said it did.

ID: TrussingDoor
IP: Logged

7,667 posts
"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, 'You are mad, you are not like us'."
-Saint Anthony the Great
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| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,232 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race.
Both sides gone too far left or right is dangerous to the prosperity of the human race. That's why they're called fringes for a reason.
muh horseshoe muh moderation muh
It's true? Good reply.
Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 11:07:41 PM by Luciana

| Komm, sĂĽĂźer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race.
Both sides gone too far left or right is dangerous to the prosperity of the human race. That's why they're called fringes for a reason.
muh horseshoe muh moderation muh
It's true? Good reply.
I think his point is that it's very easy to sit in the middle and say "both sides are bad when gone too far!" because it's a very common and safe belief to have. People who are afraid of having their convictions challenged tend to sit in the middle, which can be irritating for those of us who actually have the balls to say something that people will disagree with.

Not saying that's who you are, but that's sort of the mentality he's attacking.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,232 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race.
Both sides gone too far left or right is dangerous to the prosperity of the human race. That's why they're called fringes for a reason.
muh horseshoe muh moderation muh
It's true? Good reply.
I think his point is that it's very easy to sit in the middle and say "both sides are bad when gone too far!" because it's a very common and safe belief to have. People who are afraid of having their convictions challenged tend to sit in the middle, which can be irritating for those of us who actually have the balls to say something that people will disagree with.

Not saying that's who you are, but that's sort of the mentality he's attacking.
Well I clearly said I think it's stupid. I just think going with the mentality that it's always one sides fault and the other can never do wrong, is a silly one have.

Edit: And just in case I WASN'T clear, I think the fact they let the ISIS flag fly, but ban their own fucking nations flag in some schools, is just a nice way of completely undermining your own country and culture.
Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 11:12:13 PM by Luciana

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
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10,577 posts
En flagga oavsett nation kan inte utgöra underlag för hets mot folkgrupp, det handlar istället om hur man använder den. Risken med att använda flaggan tillsammans med vapen och musik som påminner om stormaktstiden i bakgrunden kan uppfattas som stötande. Man ska ha varit på plats hos oss den dagen för att förstå varför vi från början tog fram reglerna, säger Hans Åkerlund.

En elev på Söndrums skolan ville under skolans maskeradtävling klä på sig en uniform som bar på den svenska flaggan, han ville också bära en kopia på vapen och samtidigt göra det då musik som påminner om stormaktstid och frihetskamp skulle höras i bakgrunden.

Skolan uppmanade eleven att inte göra det för att man ansåg att det var ett respektlöst sätt att hantera den svenska flaggan på. Eleven vägrade ge med sig men fick trots att man införde reglerna till slut genomföra maskeraden precis så som han ville.

Reglerna har uppmärksammats av högerextrem media som tolkat det som att skolan förbjöd den svenska flaggan. Reglerna som skolan tog fram förklarade att flaggan bara får användas i samband med flaggdagar eller internationellt utbyte, all annan användning är inte tillåten.

PĂĄ grund av att reglerna kan tolkas fel, har man nu tagit bort dem.

– När man läser reglerna i efterhand förstår jag att det kan bli missförstånd.

Det kan lätt tolkas som att ni förbjuder den svenska flaggan, gör ni det?

– Vi förbjuder ingen användning av flaggan, det är inte vad vi vill åt. Vi ska precis om andra skolor använda flaggan enligt almanackan. Vi gör inga nya regler, de som vi tagit fram tar vi bort. Vi upplever att våra elever vet hur användandet av flaggor ska ske och det ska inte behövas några skrivna regler för det, säger Hans Åkerlund.
A flag regardless of the nation can not be the basis for hate speech, it is instead about how to use it. The risk of using the flag along with weapons and music reminiscent of the Golden Age in the background may be offensive. You should have been here with us that day to understand why we initially came up with the rules, says Hans Ă…kerlund.

A student at Söndrums school wanted the school's costume contest dressed a uniform that carried the Swedish flag, he would also wear a replica of the weapon while making it as music that is reminiscent of a great power and the struggle for freedom could be heard in the background.

The school urged students not to do it because you felt that it was a disrespectful way to deal with the Swedish flag on. The student refused to give in but was despite the introduction of rules to implement the final masquerade exactly as he wanted.

The rules have attracted the attention of the right-wing media interprets that the school banned the Swedish flag. The rules that the school took out explained that the flag may only be used in conjunction with flag days or international exchange, any other use is not permitted.

Because the rules can be interpreted wrong, they have now removed them.

- When reading the rules in hindsight, I understand that there may be misunderstandings.

It can easily be interpreted to mean that you forbid the Swedish flag, do you?

- We prohibit no use of the flag, it's not what we want. We're just like other schools using the flag according to the calender. We do not make new rules, the ones that we have developed, we'll remove. We feel that our students know how the use of flags will take place and it should not require any written rules for it, says Hans Ă…kerlund.
Source: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=128&artikel=6057736
This is why I hate people committed to both sides. Instead of reading up on what happened they choose to go to one source that just wants people to read their article. The result is an article that will make people angry and share the article to other people. You're all fucking brainwashed, yet you claim to be "redpilled". Get real, both sides will feed you propaganda, you fucking sheeple.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race. Sweden's current diabolical situation started in the 70's and can be attributed to a man named David Schwarz.

Want to know something funny? In 1963, before the immigrants came, Sweden, with a population of 7 million -- had a grand total 8 murders that year. Now? Hundreds. And over 80% of murders are caused by immigrants.

It's heartbreaking, to see a society once called "the most successful the world has ever known", be both metaphorically and literally raped to a shell of its former self.

Sweden is beyond the point of no return, and it's sickening that there are people who will defend the travesties that are currently occurring against the native Swedes.
Oh shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

At least use a valid point that can't be refuted easily like the number of rape incidents.

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ID: challengerX
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Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
En flagga oavsett nation kan inte utgöra underlag för hets mot folkgrupp, det handlar istället om hur man använder den. Risken med att använda flaggan tillsammans med vapen och musik som påminner om stormaktstiden i bakgrunden kan uppfattas som stötande. Man ska ha varit på plats hos oss den dagen för att förstå varför vi från början tog fram reglerna, säger Hans Åkerlund.

En elev på Söndrums skolan ville under skolans maskeradtävling klä på sig en uniform som bar på den svenska flaggan, han ville också bära en kopia på vapen och samtidigt göra det då musik som påminner om stormaktstid och frihetskamp skulle höras i bakgrunden.

Skolan uppmanade eleven att inte göra det för att man ansåg att det var ett respektlöst sätt att hantera den svenska flaggan på. Eleven vägrade ge med sig men fick trots att man införde reglerna till slut genomföra maskeraden precis så som han ville.

Reglerna har uppmärksammats av högerextrem media som tolkat det som att skolan förbjöd den svenska flaggan. Reglerna som skolan tog fram förklarade att flaggan bara får användas i samband med flaggdagar eller internationellt utbyte, all annan användning är inte tillåten.

PĂĄ grund av att reglerna kan tolkas fel, har man nu tagit bort dem.

– När man läser reglerna i efterhand förstår jag att det kan bli missförstånd.

Det kan lätt tolkas som att ni förbjuder den svenska flaggan, gör ni det?

– Vi förbjuder ingen användning av flaggan, det är inte vad vi vill åt. Vi ska precis om andra skolor använda flaggan enligt almanackan. Vi gör inga nya regler, de som vi tagit fram tar vi bort. Vi upplever att våra elever vet hur användandet av flaggor ska ske och det ska inte behövas några skrivna regler för det, säger Hans Åkerlund.
A flag regardless of the nation can not be the basis for hate speech, it is instead about how to use it. The risk of using the flag along with weapons and music reminiscent of the Golden Age in the background may be offensive. You should have been here with us that day to understand why we initially came up with the rules, says Hans Ă…kerlund.

A student at Söndrums school wanted the school's costume contest dressed a uniform that carried the Swedish flag, he would also wear a replica of the weapon while making it as music that is reminiscent of a great power and the struggle for freedom could be heard in the background.

The school urged students not to do it because you felt that it was a disrespectful way to deal with the Swedish flag on. The student refused to give in but was despite the introduction of rules to implement the final masquerade exactly as he wanted.

The rules have attracted the attention of the right-wing media interprets that the school banned the Swedish flag. The rules that the school took out explained that the flag may only be used in conjunction with flag days or international exchange, any other use is not permitted.

Because the rules can be interpreted wrong, they have now removed them.

- When reading the rules in hindsight, I understand that there may be misunderstandings.

It can easily be interpreted to mean that you forbid the Swedish flag, do you?

- We prohibit no use of the flag, it's not what we want. We're just like other schools using the flag according to the calender. We do not make new rules, the ones that we have developed, we'll remove. We feel that our students know how the use of flags will take place and it should not require any written rules for it, says Hans Ă…kerlund.
Source: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=128&artikel=6057736
This is why I hate people committed to both sides. Instead of reading up on what happened they choose to go to one source that just wants people to read their article. The result is an article that will make people angry and share the article to other people. You're all fucking brainwashed, yet you claim to be "redpilled". Get real, both sides will feed you propaganda, you fucking sheeple.
kheili khoobi destyjoon
Pedar y madar e Ian sagh as

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race. Sweden's current diabolical situation started in the 70's and can be attributed to a man named David Schwarz.

Want to know something funny? In 1963, before the immigrants came, Sweden, with a population of 7 million -- had a grand total 8 murders that year. Now? Hundreds. And over 80% of murders are caused by immigrants.

It's heartbreaking, to see a society once called "the most successful the world has ever known", be both metaphorically and literally raped to a shell of its former self.

Sweden is beyond the point of no return, and it's sickening that there are people who will defend the travesties that are currently occurring against the native Swedes.
Oh shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

At least use a valid point that can't be refuted easily like the number of rape incidents.

Dude, Sweden is in ruins, just look around, you got Swedes being evicted from their homes to make room for immigrants, places like Malmo are total warzones with a 60% immigrant population, the media is a propaganda outlet, I could go on.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts
Sweden is a prime example of when leftist ideology goes too far, and should serve as a highlight of just how dangerous leftists are to the prosperity of the human race. Sweden's current diabolical situation started in the 70's and can be attributed to a man named David Schwarz.

Want to know something funny? In 1963, before the immigrants came, Sweden, with a population of 7 million -- had a grand total 8 murders that year. Now? Hundreds. And over 80% of murders are caused by immigrants.

It's heartbreaking, to see a society once called "the most successful the world has ever known", be both metaphorically and literally raped to a shell of its former self.

Sweden is beyond the point of no return, and it's sickening that there are people who will defend the travesties that are currently occurring against the native Swedes.
Oh shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

At least use a valid point that can't be refuted easily like the number of rape incidents.

Dude, Sweden is in ruins, just look around, you got Swedes being evicted from their homes to make room for immigrants, places like Malmo are total warzones with a 60% immigrant population, the media is a propaganda outlet, I could go on.
Why don't you come to Sweden and look around for yourself? I travel like 1 hour by subway to school everyday, so I see a lot of areas. If I say it's not in ruins, why the fuck would you, someone who hasn't even been here, be right? Malmö isn't a total warzone, are you out of your mind? You think people are shooting others up on a daily basis like they do in America? I'm not even kidding, there has been more public shootings than there have been days over there, but let's get back to Malmö.

Here's a thread for people actually living there, and guess what? Everyone's saying what you'd expect, the media is blowing things out of proportion. They all say that it's a place with criminal activity, but that they all feel safe regardless. Do you think they'd say that if it was a "total warzone"?
That's right, this isn't what the media says (whether it's on one side or the other), it's what people who live and workout there say. If you look up something in the media you'll get two sides, but this is the side of the people on a board site.

Haha, so the media isn't a propaganda outlet where you live? You sure you're not a sheeple who trusts in the system? At least use rudimentary logic if you're gonna talk to me. If you're gonna keep on talking to me, then first empty your mind off everything you know. If you wanna use an argument based on facts, then look that issue up as if you're doing it for the first time, because the version you've got now is corrupted. But before doing that, you might wanna read a wikihow on how to look up information about certain things and events.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,232 posts
People in Brussels said everything was fine before the incident and look what happened. SAD!