Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
Honestly, you actually sound a bit butthurt here, which I find very surprising.
Butthurt about what? What am I butthurt about? I'm butthurt because I simply don't care whether you get your kid circumcised or not, and I don't care about this ruling? Why is that butthurt?

In my experience on the Internet, it's usually the first person to use the word "butthurt" who is actually the butthurt one, because it shows that you're unwilling to accept different viewpoints--so you project your own frustrations onto other people, because you don't have anything better to say.

So I wouldn't use that word--and you've used it many, many times already--because I could just as easily claim that you're butthurt because you weren't circumcised. Would that be useful or productive?

These people are already born and are being born every few seconds, that's a reality. So if we for one second ignore your "but no consent to birth, anti-natalism go" argument (that really isn't too relevant here in the first place)
Indeed, it's not. Which is why I never brought up anti-natalism.

That was all you. I mentioned "things that we do not consent to at birth," and while that does include childbirth itself, I never explicitly brought up my philosophy to the table, so don't blame me for that.

I really don't see how you can be opposed to this. The ultimate point of your philosophy which I've seen time and time again is that "suffering is bad, avoiding suffering is good". Well, an infant comes into existence. It's there. Nothing to do about that, you can't shove it back and hope it just goes away at this point. That is the reality of things and no matter how loud someone screams ANTINATALISM, that isn't going to change.
Exactly--so, there's a number of things you can do to help make that kid's life a little bit more comfortable. A lot of these things are mandated, like vaccines--a lot of them are optional, like circumcision.

If you don't want your kid to go through life having a slippery cheesy slug hanging off his dick for the rest of his life, you have the option of relieving him of that burden. Or you can leave it on. It doesn't matter. But the point is that he's never going to make the decision himself when he's older, so it's one of those decisions that you basically have to make as soon as they're born.

Only an infinitesimally small number of men will personally opt to get circumcised as an adult and become part of the glorious cut master race. Most men are going to be extremely attached to their junk, and very protective of their junk. I stopped riding bikes when I was about thirteen, because I really didn't like how those bike seats felt on my junk.

The only men who are going to get circumcised are the ones who realize that something is actually wrong with their junk, because their foreskin fucks them up, and you're overall better off without it. But no one's gonna realize that unless you absolutely need it.

As for any pain or suffering involved in the procedure, the little baby is not going to remember any of it, anymore than he's going to remember having his skull crushed just so it can squeeze out of its mother's vagina.

So in what possible way could you justify taking this baby, strapping it to a table, crushing and stretching one of its most sensitive body parts to beyond its breaking point and then cutting it off for absolutely no real reason whatsoever?
There are reasons, and you've put the baby through enough imposition already as it is, so one more decision on your part (that he's not going to remember) isn't going to amount to much more than a better looking, cleaner, and healthier penis. It's not like you ever have to go through it again.

Right here, you're trying to play with my emotions by using this grisly imagery, and it's kind of a bullshit way to argue, isn't it? Yeah, that really is.

This post got 6 likes for no reason. "Flee agrees with me! I'm gonna like it!" All right, guys.
So tell me, how is this justifiable?
Find me a case where a patient remembers his circumcision, and you'll have a point. But you don't.

Yet, despite all of this, you're so willing to not condemn a painful and useless procedure
You can keep calling it useless, but I'm sorry--that doesn't make it useless.

Sure, it's relatively minor and sure, it pales in comparison to the lack of consent to being born. But regardless of that, it does cause a shit ton of pain, problems, complications and suffering for literally tens of thousands of infants and people through life.
And there are many problems, complications, and sufferings for the ones who don't get circumcised, as well. Usually later in life, but they're still there and very possible. It's a trade-off.

Really, the only conclusion I can make here based on what I've said above and the pretty salty nature of your post is that you are, to some extent, actually butthurt over this.
See, there's that word again. "You're butthurt for not agreeing with me." All right? If that makes you feel more secure in your position, that's okey-dokey with me.

I'm not butthurt, though. I simply don't care. I love that I was circumcised, and I will never not love that. All I'm doing right now is explaining that there are benefits to circumcision, and there can be consequences later in life to not getting circumcised. To deny either would be very trite and populist of you.

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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I thought you were inexorably concerned about the idea of something suffering. Is ability to remember it necessary? If pain is inherently bad why is memory necessary? Does this now exclude simple animals that don't have the ability to reflect on pain cognizantly? If hypothetically I were to harm someone but be able to erase their memory of it without issue is that now not a big deal?
Only if what you did also creates a lifetime benefit, which I think circumcision does. Cleaner, healthier, looks better.

As shown by Flee and multiple other users two out of the three are demonstrably not true. The third is subjective and all dicks look nearly identical when erect so it's not like the third matters.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
He's not coming back. He has nothing to say. Flee picked him apart and he knows it.
You were saying?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

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Give me 50 likes because I can type paragraphs, too.

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ID: Zenmaster
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
It's almost like infants can't remember anything that happens shortly after birth
Date rape is okay. As long as you drug the girl before passing her around to your friends so that she won't remember kicking and screaming while being held down and raped when she wakes up, everything is fine. No memory of specific events, no foul.
Well, if she gets a spot on NBC for her story, and she ends up getting thousands and thousands of dollars from various sympathizers across the country, then sure--Getting date raped might have been the best thing to ever happen to her.

Facetiousness aside, that's an insultingly shit garbage comparison.

Animal abuse of certain species is just fine. Dogs have a short term memory of only a few minutes while chimpanzees can't even remember things happening half a minute ago. Beat or hurt it as much as you'd like, they'll have forgotten all about it soon. They can't remember it anyways, so causing them excruciating pain is just fine. No memory of specific events, no foul.
And this one is even worse.

Beat a dog senseless every day for a week straight, and then come home again. See how he behaves around you.

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I'm curious to hear what people on both sides say about cosmetic operations on puppies or kittens, like docking tails and declawing.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
The reason we give newborns circumcisions is that they're even worse to perform on an adult.
Which is completely irrelevant. You would have a point if we HAD to be circumcised at one point in our life, or even if a large portion of men would later be forced to be circumcised or face a lot worse. This absolutely isn't the case
Well, if you want a better penis, then yes, you HAVE to get circumcised. I don't consider picking between a good and bad option to be a real choice.

The dirtier part is a non-issue
To you.
and the "far easier to get infected" part is rejected by most of the medical community, with numerous studies actually finding that circumcisions increase the odds of those complications occuring during infancy.
And I'm sure they're not biased at all. Link?

Well, why don't we cut off some other parts too?
Yeah, why the fuck not?

Plenty of body parts we don't need and that pose significant risks. I mean, why not cut off earlobes or a few unimportant toes? They can get dirty, they can get cut, they can infect.
Bad comparison. They don't produce their OWN filth and they aren't prone to infection.

Why not just cut it off?
If there was any good reason to modify any of our bodies at birth, you should do it. Yes.

Every single argument in favor of circumcision I've ever heard falls short by a mile.
And every one of your arguments has fallen short by ten billion miles.

Fuck this rhetoric. Just say you disagree. Why does everything have to get so fucking hyperbolic?

And even if there were some small benefits to it, they'd be so tiny that they wouldn't justify the procedure
Then how was it justified for me? I'm an anecdotal piece of evidence, but I'm a real piece of evidence.

I appreciated being circumcised. You can't say that I'm wrong for that.
Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 01:08:59 PM by Verbatim

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Nor does being anti-circumcision mean you are diverting your resources away from bigger problems that need your attention
It kinda does, though. It kinda really really does.

I'm not saying you shouldn't care about small problems, but yeah--if you've spent your entire life debating about foreskin, that's 80 years you could've spent arguing about something that actually matters. It's just the truth.
Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 01:03:35 PM by Verbatim

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Well, if she gets a spot on NBC for her story, and she ends up getting thousands and thousands of dollars from various sympathizers across the country, then sure--Getting date raped might have been the best thing to ever happen to her.

Facetiousness aside, that's an insultingly shit garbage comparison.
Because she's obviously going to be psychologically distressed by the mere knowledge she was raped? Do you not see that that being circumcised could cause someone distress in similar fashion, and the probable reason it is not is because it has been normalized? Do you not think that if date rape was as normalized as circumcision is that this dichotomy you think is obvious starts to fall apart?

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Nor does being anti-circumcision mean you are diverting your resources away from bigger problems that need your attention
It kinda does, though. It kinda really really does.

I'm not saying you shouldn't care about small problems, but yeah--if you've spent your entire life debating about foreskin, that's 80 years you could've spent arguing about something that actually matters. It's just the truth.
If no one focuses and specializes on something, some things never improve.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
As shown by Flee and multiple other users two out of the three are demonstrably not true.
Actually, nobody has shown this.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Because she's obviously going to be psychologically distressed by the mere knowledge she was raped? Do you not see that that being circumcised could cause someone distress in similar fashion, and the probable reason it is not is because it has been normalized? Do you not think that if date rape was as normalized as circumcision is that this dichotomy you think is obvious starts to fall apart?
Why would date rape be normalized? Circumcision is "normalized" because it has benefits. Date rape doesn't.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
You didn't even counter what he's saying beyond saying that you're relieving the child of dick cheese and it looks better, which as someone who likes dick disagree with you on that point. Aside from phimosis which isn't that common, what reason is there to put a child through such a massive amount of pain that can fuck up attachment at a young age and has left to babies bleeding out and dying?
You pretty much just gave all of them in this post.

You can't just ask, "Except for all the things that make the procedure good, what makes the procedure good?"

That's a dishonest way to argue.

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: eggsalad
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At this point debating with Verb is worse than debating the religious. He claims his own axioms and refuses to acknowledge anything contrary to them, whether they be well-reasoned, supported or not. He's just plugs his ears and goes nananana.

My biggest mistake is being as childish as he is to let myself get sucked back in whenever he starts taunting about his victories.

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ID: Zenmaster
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Because cutting off skin makes more sense then using soap, on that same note, let's remove fingernails and toenails since dirt can get under them.
If fingernails generated their own dirt and pus, voluminously, I wouldn't have any problem with that.

Trouble is, they grow back, so that's a bad comparison anyway.

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,900 posts
As shown by Flee and multiple other users two out of the three are demonstrably not true.
Actually, nobody has shown this.

Right, nearly every reputable major health organization is wrong.

N/A | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Zenmaster
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Right, nearly every reputable major health organization is wrong.
I don't just blindly accept shit from establishments of authority. I don't read headlines and just lap it up automatically.

"Studies say..." I don't give a fuck. Show me the study.
Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 01:25:35 PM by Verbatim

N/A | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Zenmaster
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big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,900 posts
Right, nearly every reputable major health organization is wrong.
I don't just blindly accept shit from establishments of authority.
You're blindly accepting a practice that became widespread because people living in the sand thought their God wills it.

Also because Kellog said it would stop boys from masturbating.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
You're blindly accepting
No, I'm not. I wouldn't have been able to defend the practice at all if that were the case.

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ID: Flee
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Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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People will defend their dicks until the day they die.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
Nice little list of a few of the reported cases of children bleeding out.
Person who ended up losing their dick as a child due to circumcision and suffered GID due to being raised as a female.
These are all the results of botched circumcisions, so... don't botch circumcisions.

If your point is that there's no accounting for that sort of thing, then I agree that that's a problem.

It's not the procedure itself--it's that it's a very delicate procedure, and fuck-ups can occur. Obviously, that's a problem.
Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 01:48:26 PM by Verbatim

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ID: Zenmaster
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Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 01:55:58 PM by Flee