Modern Journalism has been in the gutter for a while now, I kind of just enjoy going along for the ride.
The idea that ISIS is currently being ravaged by Ebola, Bubonic Plague, Necrotising Fasciitis and Dyssentry is an enjoyable one. Will I ever know if it's actually true or not? Nope. Will I care if it is or isn't? Not really.
On the other hand, what can be demonstrated as real with ISIS?
Nothing but atrocity after atrocity after atrocity. You can find a video of an ISIS chap brutally murdering a bunch of civvies within about 10 seconds of googling. Pictures, Videos and EWT abundant of the horrors they are enacting. Does any of this serve any purpose other than to piss you off, spread hatred and fear of them, perpetuate their disgusting ideals? Nope. Maybe fapfolder material for some sick bastard but beyond that it's nothing.
So then you hear that after ISIS have finished the rapetrain of saws, knives and axes on all of the doctors who went to the region to help everyone, they start getting fucked up by nasty diseases? That's a nice little bit of cosmic karma, it restores people's faith in the balance of things in a sick way <.<
So even if it is indeed fake, that doesn't mean that it's valueless >.>
Very little about what goes on in Syria will ever have an impact on the lives of those outside it, so balancing out the shite pumped onto the internet by ISIS's propaganda machines with propaganda from opposing sources is fine by me.