Coronavirus panic room thread

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
PSN: FatherlyNick
Steam: FatherlyNick
ID: FatherlyNick
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9,111 posts
If you know, you know.
Over 70% fully vacc'd in Ireland! My young brother waiting for his second dose now, everyone else is fully vaccinated in my family here.
Over 80% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated people. The remaining 20% are mostly people with underlying conditions.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
Alright, thanks. Is pain in the hand where you got Pfizer injected common side effect?

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,296 posts
Alright, thanks. Is pain in the hand where you got Pfizer injected common side effect?

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
Alright, thanks. Is pain in the hand where you got Pfizer injected common side effect?
Oh, thanks! Now I know that my mom got vaccinated with real Pfizer.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
I was vaccinated with Pfizer too today.

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
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ID: Super Irish
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6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Got my 2nd Moderna vaccine on Friday. Fucking sucked, and despite my apathy to injections I nearly passed out 5 mins afterwards, but I'm feeling pretty good now.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Hello, what is situation with vaccination  in U.S.A? Is there a lot of side effects and if there is what are they?
Death, miscarriages, possibly spike protein accumulation in various areas of the body.
The boomer Facebook pages are that way - - >

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

638 posts
Moderna vax is getting recalled I heard due to having caused heart problems in young people. Pfizer vax is apparently getting fully approved by the FDA soon so I guess it has the least serious side effects.

Since there's a bit of a divide in my family over the vaccine shit I got roped into some research, since I don't trust what any of the corps are handing out, but wouldn't go so far as to say I'm clumped into the anti-vaxx crowds. Read through pfizers sixty page report on their control groups for testing.

A very key thing to note, and strangely enough, the placebo control group rolled more side effects than the actual vaccine itself. More complication, more deaths overall. Out of a roughly twenty eight thousand people control group, split in half, one for the vacc and one for placebo, there was six deaths. Two from the vacc in people who were over fifty, four in the placebo group.

It generally seems like the older you are, the more at risk you are of rolling adverse side effects. But the margin is almost identical to the statistical chances of being put down by covid. A range of around one percent, higher based off age over fifty five, if you're fat, diabetic, or have cardiovascular problems.

The study team noted three things at the end of the paper. They've zero evidence on safety for those who are pregnant, but cited two or three incidents where pregnant folk had "spontaneous abortions." They've inconclusive evidence as to the effectiveness on the other strains, and no thesis as to how long their vaccine provides protection from the original strain of covid. And four, like anything, they have zero conclusions as to possible long term effects.

Out of all the vaccs I read through, although pfizer was the primary interest since it's what they offer in canada, pfizer seems to have the most streamlined.

dahuterschuter | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: dahuterschuter
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388 posts
All posts made under this account are works of fiction and satire under the ongoing online fictional writing project known as "dahuterschuter - A Character Study".

It generally seems like the older you are, the more at risk you are of rolling adverse side effects.

Teen lads apparently six times more likely to develop heart problems from vaccination than to be hospitalized by COVID.


Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
>heart problems

See, this is my beef with these right wing rags that disgorge misinformation for clicks. "Heart problems" is such an amorphous and vague term that doesn't really elucidate what the actual condition involves.

A known and considerably rare side effect of Pfizer and Moderna is yeah sure, heart inflammation. Despite the alarming terminology, and what these toilet paper pieces don't tell you is that heart inflammation as a result of vaccination hasn't been proven to be morbidly serious and can be treated with rest and a couple of painkillers. Very few cases actually result in requiring serious medical treatment.

How about some actual data? The EMA analysis of cases found:

Pfizer-BioNTech - 145 cases of myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis out of 177m doses given

Moderna - 19 case of myocarditis and 19 cases of pericarditis out of 20 million doses given

Five people died. The review said they were all either elderly or had other health conditions.

The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has also been investigating the link.

It reported: "A consistent pattern of cases occurring more frequently in young males and shortly after the second dose of the vaccines.

"These reports are extremely rare, and the events are typically mild with individuals usually recovering within a short time with standard treatment and rest," it added.

Take the soccer mom ideology out of my thread please.
Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 03:07:29 PM by Mordo

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,296 posts
Also worth noting that he goes on to not recommend a second dose to 12-15 year old boys.

This narrative that “there’s problems with the vaccine and nobody wants to talk about them” is flawed at best.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

638 posts
>heart problems

See, this is my beef with these right wing rags that disgorge misinformation for clicks. "Heart problems" is such an amorphous and vague term that doesn't really elucidate what the actual condition involves.

A known and considerably rare side effect of Pfizer and Moderna is yeah sure, heart inflammation. Despite the alarming terminology, and what these toilet paper pieces don't tell you is that heart inflammation as a result of vaccination hasn't been proven to be morbidly serious and can be treated with rest and a couple of painkillers. Very few cases actually result in requiring serious medical treatment.

How about some actual data? The EMA analysis of cases found:

Pfizer-BioNTech - 145 cases of myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis out of 177m doses given

Moderna - 19 case of myocarditis and 19 cases of pericarditis out of 20 million doses given

Five people died. The review said they were all either elderly or had other health conditions.

The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has also been investigating the link.

It reported: "A consistent pattern of cases occurring more frequently in young males and shortly after the second dose of the vaccines.

"These reports are extremely rare, and the events are typically mild with individuals usually recovering within a short time with standard treatment and rest," it added.

Take the soccer mom ideology out of my thread please.

Take note of pericarditus. It's a disease I picked up back in november(which is apparently a possible obscure side effect of covid)

Carditus isn't lethal, but there's no cure for it. There's an operation where they scrape enflammed tissue from your heart but it's a low success rate. It might just be because my heart's already damaged, but the carditus is constant and it throttles the fuck out of me. It straddles me into a fine line between being disabled, but mobile enough not to qualify for disability.

Carditus comes in many different flavors of severity as well. Although the chances are low from getting it from the pfizer shot at least, it's a really shitty mid-tier side effect to roll. I'd honestly tell you that if I had a choice to take a vaccine to possibly stop me from getting enhanced covid but get carditus as a result, I'd just ask them to kill me instead.

You know, we can talk mathematical chances and odds all day long, but life's showed me repeatedly that no matter the odds you never take chances on anything. One percent chance doesn't give a shit about you when you're the sorry fuck who rolled it.

I admit the toilet paper pieces are garbage, but I think dahuterschuter's reservations touch onto an issue that's not talked about. The advertising campaigns about the vaccinations aren't being straight with people.

I challenge you to go out and talk to people and ask them what they think "immunity" means when they get the covid shot. You might find a higher number of people think they can walk into a cloud of covid particles and they won't get sick. They'll also tell you that the adverts mislead you about taking the vaccine when pregnant, stating that it is "safe" when there's actually no proof yet. At least out where I am, that's the case. A massive amount of mistrust stems from the government's shit ass handling and presentation of everything.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
>heart problems

See, this is my beef with these right wing rags that disgorge misinformation for clicks. "Heart problems" is such an amorphous and vague term that doesn't really elucidate what the actual condition involves.

A known and considerably rare side effect of Pfizer and Moderna is yeah sure, heart inflammation. Despite the alarming terminology, and what these toilet paper pieces don't tell you is that heart inflammation as a result of vaccination hasn't been proven to be morbidly serious and can be treated with rest and a couple of painkillers. Very few cases actually result in requiring serious medical treatment.

How about some actual data? The EMA analysis of cases found:

Pfizer-BioNTech - 145 cases of myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis out of 177m doses given

Moderna - 19 case of myocarditis and 19 cases of pericarditis out of 20 million doses given

Five people died. The review said they were all either elderly or had other health conditions.

The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has also been investigating the link.

It reported: "A consistent pattern of cases occurring more frequently in young males and shortly after the second dose of the vaccines.

"These reports are extremely rare, and the events are typically mild with individuals usually recovering within a short time with standard treatment and rest," it added.

Take the soccer mom ideology out of my thread please.

Take note of pericarditus. It's a disease I picked up back in november(which is apparently a possible obscure side effect of covid)

Carditus isn't lethal, but there's no cure for it. There's an operation where they scrape enflammed tissue from your heart but it's a low success rate. It might just be because my heart's already damaged, but the carditus is constant and it throttles the fuck out of me. It straddles me into a fine line between being disabled, but mobile enough not to qualify for disability.

Carditus comes in many different flavors of severity as well. Although the chances are low from getting it from the pfizer shot at least, it's a really shitty mid-tier side effect to roll. I'd honestly tell you that if I had a choice to take a vaccine to possibly stop me from getting enhanced covid but get carditus as a result, I'd just ask them to kill me instead.

You know, we can talk mathematical chances and odds all day long, but life's showed me repeatedly that no matter the odds you never take chances on anything. One percent chance doesn't give a shit about you when you're the sorry fuck who rolled it.

I admit the toilet paper pieces are garbage, but I think dahuterschuter's reservations touch onto an issue that's not talked about. The advertising campaigns about the vaccinations aren't being straight with people.

I challenge you to go out and talk to people and ask them what they think "immunity" means when they get the covid shot. You might find a higher number of people think they can walk into a cloud of covid particles and they won't get sick. They'll also tell you that the adverts mislead you about taking the vaccine when pregnant, stating that it is "safe" when there's actually no proof yet. At least out where I am, that's the case. A massive amount of mistrust stems from the government's shit ass handling and presentation of everything.
I'm really not sure what you're point is here? All medicines have a cost benefit analysis attached to them, including the most mildest of treatments. You can get potential liver damage from paracetamol, aspirin can thin your blood etc.

The question that medical professionals then have to ask themselves is; do the benefits of said treatment outweigh the potential risks? It's pretty much irrefutable at this point that the yielded benefits of vaccines dwarf any exceptionally rare health risks they may pose to an incredibly small demographic of the population. I don't understand why people have to treat vaccines as this special enigma when they probably take a plethora of other medications unfazed.
Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 05:04:55 AM by Mordo

dahuterschuter | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: dahuterschuter
IP: Logged

388 posts
All posts made under this account are works of fiction and satire under the ongoing online fictional writing project known as "dahuterschuter - A Character Study".
The question that medical professionals then have to ask themselves is; do the benefits of said treatment outweigh the potential risks?
The medical community in the UK is now asking themselves that and their answer is hesitance and debate over to making boys 12-17 become vaccinated when the vaccination poses them greater risk than the illness it offers suppressed symptoms to.

For me personally, I have a 0.0003% chance of dying from COVID according to Oxford Uni, and a 0.0019% chance of suffering a deadly adverse effect from the vaccines.  I decided to get the injection anyhow since my job would be requiring it, and 0.0019% is a tiny risk.  However if someone looks at their risk/reward ratio and decides not to go with the higher risk option, or they look at that for their children, I don't think they're crazy.  The bottom line is that there is valid medical studies and information around rare side effects and reactions to the vaccines juxtaposed against the amount of risk COVID poses to healthy young people, and it is giving some parents legitimate pause.  Especially when there is an approved treatment for COVID and other treatments which show possible efficacy as well.

The cost benefit on lockdowns and mandates hasn't been allowed to be publicly discussed and debated, and this is a large part of what has contributes to people's skepticism.  When people see the WHO, CDC, and Fauci himself lie about things, when they see major media corporations literally ban discussion of possible treatments, ban people for talking about the coming of booster shots one week before it was confirmed booster shots would likely be necessary, ban people for citing CDC information when it disagrees with the WHO, ban literal doctors from sharing legitimate information, see Fauci lie to congress about the NIH funding gain of function research, see that the virus came from an area of China in which there's a virology lab meant to study and develop viruses meant to jump easier from animals to humans but media corporations and governments seem to skirt around this, see the funding the WHO receives from China, see the government mandating a medical procedure for an overwhelmingly non-deadly virus, see Australia become a horrifying police state, see the sunk costs of governments having purchased billions of dollars of doses and so now if there's a valid treatment all that money goes down the drain, see that the big pharma companies in charge of creating these vaccines are given legal immunity from liability to any adverse effects, see that when China signed on to the WTO they literally had to agree to warn the world about any possible epidemics coming out of their country yet are not being held accountable, it doesn't create trust in these organizations.  The amount of skepticism towards how this pandemic as a whole has been handled would be far lower if there wasn't such an overwhelming amount of subterfuge and control being asserted by institutions that we're meant to trust in order for society to function.

Instead, there's just pure vitriol being spat by media corporations and politicians towards anyone expressing skepticism that we should be forcibly implementing lockdowns and medical procedures, especially on kids.  They will be called "anti-vaxxers" even if they've taken the vaccine themselves and/or taken every other vaccine under the sun no problem.  Joe Rogan just this week was essentially defamed by media saying he took "horse paste" which is simply literally incorrect (and then many people wishing he would have died to prove the virus was dangerous rather than recovered to prove there are treatments and/or being healthy helps).  If you really want to see how easy it is to spread medical disinformation, look at how easy it was to get thousands of people to start calling Ivermectin, a medicine that has been prescribed for humans billions of times over three decades and won the Nobel Prize six years ago for this reason, "horse paste".   Justin Trudeau gets up in front of microphones and starts ranting and raving about "those people are putting us all at risk!" as if he's about to announce a final solution.  Joe Biden is now implementing an illegal mandate which is going to essentially divide America further between red and blue states.  Australia is essentially lost.  France has women being beaten by police officers in malls for not having a mask and crowds had to come to her rescue.  The entire world has lost its mind over a virus with an average 99.96 survival rate, driven by politicians who want control and media who make a profit off of fearmongering.

When two weeks to flatten the curve evolves into two years, two shots, a booster shot every five months, masks everywhere at all times, infinite lockdowns, never going near grandma ever again because the vaccines don't protect you from catching and spreading the virus nor her from contracting it, and your twice a day Pfizer pills to flatten the curve, people aren't crazy for pointing out that the deal was altered and for being skeptical towards those who offered it as they say "pray I do not alter it any further".

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
It's really interesting hearing the perspective of someone who thinks we live in a Jason Bourne movie. Think you forgot to take your Brain Force supplements this morning.

Parking that bizarre conspiratorial diatribe aside, I reiterate my point once again. 5 people have died in the UK from the vaccine, all of whom were probably about to kick the bucket due to age or had pre existing conditions, out of the hundreds of millions of doses administered.

Unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to die from covid than those that are vaccinated. We're at the point now where we can confidently proclaim that the pandemic is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Nobody is banning you from questioning the efficacy of vaccines. You're literally doing it now on a backwater gaming forum. The reason that media outlets are averse to airing these opinions is because it's misinformation. Misinformation is dangerous. How many times have we seen some middle aged wine mom in the news regret their decision to not get vaccinated because they read a Facebook post claiming the vaccines give you seizures. All the while their lungs are collapsing in on themselves in the ICU.

See, I'd have more respect for you and the anti vax "truthers" if there was even just a micro granule of consistency to your opinions. If you're that skeptical about vaccines then you might as well just question the entire body of medical science while you're at it. Every medical treatment has risk involved, from dollar store painkillers right up to chemotherapy.
Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 09:41:38 AM by Mordo

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.

dahuterschuter | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: dahuterschuter
IP: Logged

388 posts
All posts made under this account are works of fiction and satire under the ongoing online fictional writing project known as "dahuterschuter - A Character Study".
It's really interesting hearing the perspective of someone who thinks we live in a Jason Bourne movie. Think you forgot to take your Brain Force supplements this morning.
Not an argument.  Empty.

Parking that bizarre conspiratorial diatribe aside, I reiterate my point once again. 5 people have died in the UK from the vaccine, all of whom were probably about to kick the bucket due to age or had pre existing conditions, out of the hundreds of millions of doses administered.
  This is an interesting way of ignoring what I actually said, which was that medical experts in the UK are questioning mandating vaccines for 12-17 year old boys as the vaccines apparently are showing them more risk than COVID, and natural immunity is more lasting and effective than the current vaccines.  Did you not read this?  You seem to be responding to me in ways completely unrelated to my post.  Actually, that said you didn't quote me, so tell me if I'm responding to you in error.

Unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to die from covid than those that are vaccinated. We're at the point now where we can confidently proclaim that the pandemic is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
I'm not sure what in my post you think this is contradicting or addressing.

Nobody is banning you from questioning the efficacy of vaccines. You're literally doing it now on a backwater gaming forum.
Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc, essentially the current online public forum will certainly do so and have done so.  I'm not sure where in my post I suggested this backwater forum was doing so?  This place does not matter, the important places certainly do.

The reason that media outlets are averse to airing these opinions is because it's misinformation.
Sorry, I must actually be responding to you when you didn't respond to me, because I didn't mention any misinformation in my post other than the misinformation spread by Fauci when he lied to congress on gain of function research.  Or the misinformation spread by Fauci when he lied to everyone and said masks were not effective at stopping the spread so that people wouldn't rush out and buy masks, creating a shortage for medical workers.

See, I'd have more respect for you and the anti vax "truthers" if there was even just a micro granule of consistency to your opinions. If you're that skeptical about vaccines then you might as well just question the entire body of medical science while you're at it. Every medical treatment has risk involved, from dollar store painkillers right up to chemotherapy.
Yeah, you literally didn't read my post and you're not responding to it, because I said right in the post that I and almost everyone else who has been paying attention have already been vaccinated.  I'm not anti-vax.  I've had my Pfizer shots, and I've had every other vaccine for every other thing.  I am completely consistent.  You seem to be delving into some sort of insane tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that anyone who hasn't drank the Kool Aid being poured down their throats by Jimmy Kimmel is a scary anti-vaccine operative looking to sabotage public health.

Sorry for giving you this big response when you obviously didn't actually read or respond to my post.  Nothing you offered was contradictory or contributed new information that would detract from the points made, so I can only assume I've made a substantial and embarrassing gaff here typing out a response to your post here, when you weren't even referring to mine.  Apologies but it will give you a cool exclamation mark up in your top corner, we all love those.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

638 posts
>heart problems

See, this is my beef with these right wing rags that disgorge misinformation for clicks. "Heart problems" is such an amorphous and vague term that doesn't really elucidate what the actual condition involves.

A known and considerably rare side effect of Pfizer and Moderna is yeah sure, heart inflammation. Despite the alarming terminology, and what these toilet paper pieces don't tell you is that heart inflammation as a result of vaccination hasn't been proven to be morbidly serious and can be treated with rest and a couple of painkillers. Very few cases actually result in requiring serious medical treatment.

How about some actual data? The EMA analysis of cases found:

Pfizer-BioNTech - 145 cases of myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis out of 177m doses given

Moderna - 19 case of myocarditis and 19 cases of pericarditis out of 20 million doses given

Five people died. The review said they were all either elderly or had other health conditions.

The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has also been investigating the link.

It reported: "A consistent pattern of cases occurring more frequently in young males and shortly after the second dose of the vaccines.

"These reports are extremely rare, and the events are typically mild with individuals usually recovering within a short time with standard treatment and rest," it added.

Take the soccer mom ideology out of my thread please.

Take note of pericarditus. It's a disease I picked up back in november(which is apparently a possible obscure side effect of covid)

Carditus isn't lethal, but there's no cure for it. There's an operation where they scrape enflammed tissue from your heart but it's a low success rate. It might just be because my heart's already damaged, but the carditus is constant and it throttles the fuck out of me. It straddles me into a fine line between being disabled, but mobile enough not to qualify for disability.

Carditus comes in many different flavors of severity as well. Although the chances are low from getting it from the pfizer shot at least, it's a really shitty mid-tier side effect to roll. I'd honestly tell you that if I had a choice to take a vaccine to possibly stop me from getting enhanced covid but get carditus as a result, I'd just ask them to kill me instead.

You know, we can talk mathematical chances and odds all day long, but life's showed me repeatedly that no matter the odds you never take chances on anything. One percent chance doesn't give a shit about you when you're the sorry fuck who rolled it.

I admit the toilet paper pieces are garbage, but I think dahuterschuter's reservations touch onto an issue that's not talked about. The advertising campaigns about the vaccinations aren't being straight with people.

I challenge you to go out and talk to people and ask them what they think "immunity" means when they get the covid shot. You might find a higher number of people think they can walk into a cloud of covid particles and they won't get sick. They'll also tell you that the adverts mislead you about taking the vaccine when pregnant, stating that it is "safe" when there's actually no proof yet. At least out where I am, that's the case. A massive amount of mistrust stems from the government's shit ass handling and presentation of everything.
I'm really not sure what you're point is here? All medicines have a cost benefit analysis attached to them, including the most mildest of treatments. You can get potential liver damage from paracetamol, aspirin can thin your blood etc.

The question that medical professionals then have to ask themselves is; do the benefits of said treatment outweigh the potential risks? It's pretty much irrefutable at this point that the yielded benefits of vaccines dwarf any exceptionally rare health risks they may pose to an incredibly small demographic of the population. I don't understand why people have to treat vaccines as this special enigma when they probably take a plethora of other medications unfazed.

My main point is the lack of transparency about things. And that's an overarching flaw of the medical systems in the west. Be it the vaccine quarrels, or medicines we've had for a few decades. It's always pushed or advertised as a net positive, and if you want to adress concerns and look for potential negatives, it falls onto you to have to do the research because negative aspects are usually shuffled into the limelight.

If I had to guess as to why there's skeptics about the vaccines, you need to look at the time periods. Take ibuprofin. It's been around for a long time. Most people today have gone from childhood to adulthood knowing that it's around. It also likely came from a time period when the development of medications had less political intrigue and agendas attatched to them. The covid meds've been around for a year. Seven if you count the RNA framework. It's foreign territory to most.

Ultimately I think that's why there's such an adverse reaction in the anti-vaxx crowd, or why there's skeptics. There isn't a single thing happening in the world today that doesn't have an agenda in the background or foreground. For anybody heavy on the political spectrum, the moment the brain registers an opposite agenda, the mental barriers go up. It's all just ideologies doing what they do best, being fucking stupid.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Not an argument.  Empty.

This is an interesting way of ignoring what I actually said, which was that medical experts in the UK are questioning mandating vaccines for 12-17 year old boys as the vaccines apparently are showing them more risk than COVID, and natural immunity is more lasting and effective than the current vaccines.  Did you not read this?  You seem to be responding to me in ways completely unrelated to my post.  Actually, that said you didn't quote me, so tell me if I'm responding to you in error.
Medical bodies have suspended the Astrazeneca vaccine for under 30s out of safety reasons whilst implementing other vaccines to compensate. What exactly is your point here? The proper medical procedures are being implemented to mitigate risk whilst ensuring that vaccine intake is on top of the virus breaking through the chain of immunity. You do understand how immunity and vaccines work, right? Or are you that much of a brainlet?

I'm not sure what in my post you think this is contradicting or addressing
You plucked some random ass figure out of the air and I'm simply responding accordingly. Vaccines benefit everyone across the generational lines.

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc, essentially the current online public forum will certainly do so and have done so.  I'm not sure where in my post I suggested this backwater forum was doing so?  This place does not matter, the important places certainly do.

Ah bloo bloo, I can't shitpost my pseudo science drivel that can potentially endanger lives on mainstream channels, I must be the one who is oppressed!

Sorry, I must actually be responding to you when you didn't respond to me, because I didn't mention any misinformation in my post other than the misinformation spread by Fauci when he lied to congress on gain of function research.  Or the misinformation spread by Fauci when he lied to everyone and said masks were not effective at stopping the spread so that people wouldn't rush out and buy masks, creating a shortage for medical workers.

Something something fauci, something something George soros, something something da joos. Yawn.

Yeah, you literally didn't read my post and you're not responding to it, because I said right in the post that I and almost everyone else who has been paying attention have already been vaccinated.  I'm not anti-vax.  I've had my Pfizer shots, and I've had every other vaccine for every other thing.  I am completely consistent.  You seem to be delving into some sort of insane tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that anyone who hasn't drank the Kool Aid being poured down their throats by Jimmy Kimmel is a scary anti-vaccine operative looking to sabotage public health.

Sorry for giving you this big response when you obviously didn't actually read or respond to my post.  Nothing you offered was contradictory or contributed new information that would detract from the points made, so I can only assume I've made a substantial and embarrassing gaff here typing out a response to your post here, when you weren't even referring to mine.  Apologies but it will give you a cool exclamation mark up in your top corner, we all love those.
Nothing of substance is being argued here. You've had the shot and you're crying about people taking the shot. Bore me later.

E | Ascended Posting Riot
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IP: Logged

638 posts
If you're that skeptical about vaccines then you might as well just question the entire body of medical science while you're at it.

That wouldn't actually be a bad thing. The intended use of the scientific method and in general practicing science encourages skepticism for the sake of refinement.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
If you're that skeptical about vaccines then you might as well just question the entire body of medical science while you're at it.

That wouldn't actually be a bad thing. The intended use of the scientific method and in general practicing science encourages skepticism for the sake of refinement.
Skepticism is fine when it's applied to things that we're not yet 100% fully aware of yet. It isn't fine when we have a verifiable, ironclad solution to the hell we've been through the past year and a half that could potentially send us all back to square one if we let the floodgates open on mistruths.

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
PSN: FatherlyNick
Steam: FatherlyNick
ID: FatherlyNick
IP: Logged

9,111 posts
If you know, you know.
So uh, how about that new variant? I hear its all the rage.
inb4 lockdowns in December till February.

dahuterschuter | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: dahuterschuter
IP: Logged

388 posts
All posts made under this account are works of fiction and satire under the ongoing online fictional writing project known as "dahuterschuter - A Character Study".
So uh, how about that new variant? I hear its all the rage.
inb4 lockdowns in December till February.
Thank god we've got vaccines that are safe and effective, therefor will not need any lockdowns or mask mandates eh.

Aether | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: Sofles_Yo
ID: DemonicChronic
IP: Logged

6,954 posts

Long live NoNolesNeckin.

Ya fuckin' ganderneck.
There hasn't been a lockdown where I live since the first one ended in 2020.

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
IP: Logged

9,147 posts
I love you, son.
would honestly love another lockdown so i can have a nice peaceful christmas at home

maverick | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Maverick
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4,296 posts
There hasn't been a lockdown where I live since the first one ended in 2020.

we had a semi-quarantine for a month or so around March/April 2020, and virtually nothing since the vaccine

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
PSN: Superirish19
Steam: Superirish19
ID: Super Irish
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6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
There hasn't been a lockdown where I live since the first one ended in 2020.


I've moved in the peak of 2 lockdowns, and have been through 5/6 across 3 countries since it began.

The last one was literally announced last week.
Last Edit: November 28, 2021, 05:00:30 PM by Super Irish

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
"You boy, what variant is this?"

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Y'all ready for lockdown 4 fellow Anglos?

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
SCOTUS hearing vaccine mandate arguments today.