As It Currently Stands, Donald Trump will Be the 2016 GOP Nominee

Winy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Phasenectar
ID: Winy
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3,164 posts
Realistically speaking

What political experience does he have?

Obama had what? 6 years as a senator. Not much experience.

I'll take a business man over a politician anyday.
6 years as a senator is pretty substantial compared to nothing.
It's still zero executive experience though, which is something a president should have. The white house is no place for on the job training.
Does Trump have executive experience?
Is this a legitimate question?

I'm pretty sure his entire campaign (aside from wall building) has been to remind people that he's a some big shot CEO.

So like

I'm pretty new to political discussion

But being a real estate developer and being the President don't seem very similar to me

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Realistically speaking

What political experience does he have?

Obama had what? 6 years as a senator. Not much experience.

I'll take a business man over a politician anyday.
6 years as a senator is pretty substantial compared to nothing.
It's still zero executive experience though, which is something a president should have. The white house is no place for on the job training.
Does Trump have executive experience?
Is this a legitimate question?

I'm pretty sure his entire campaign (aside from wall building) has been to remind people that he's a some big shot CEO.

So like

I'm pretty new to political discussion

But being a real estate developer and being the President don't seem very similar to me
If you consider the board to be congress and the CEO to be the president, the core idea remains similar. We just have more restrictions on presidential power.

I'm not saying that Trump would make a good president. All he really has going for him is his tax plan... There's a difference between a good president and an effective/efficient president. Trump's entire appeal is the later.