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Messages - Casper

Pages: 1 23 ... 339
The Flood / Re: It's almost Christmas
« on: December 24, 2021, 03:20:55 AM »
I dont ask for anything anymore, no point, and i feel selfish asking anyway

The Flood / Re: What Is Your Favorite Sin and Why
« on: September 21, 2021, 02:07:47 AM »
If I'm going to Hell for anything, it's Envy.  I've always said that, dunno how to unlearn it

The Flood / Re: How Often Do You See Your Parents
« on: August 22, 2021, 05:52:35 AM »
I haven't seen my dad in 11 years.  I haven't physically seen my mother the past year since moving across the country, but we've video called a few times and talk almost every day for at least a few minutes.  Sure she can be a pain in my ass, but I'd rather have that than the days when the phone calls stop

The Flood / Re: lmao
« on: June 15, 2021, 10:04:38 PM »
how tall are you

The Flood / Re: Who is Jive Turkey
« on: May 29, 2021, 06:28:01 AM »
I am Jive Turkey

The Flood / Re: How have you changed since Sep7 began?
« on: May 10, 2021, 02:07:55 PM »
So since 2014, huh?  I feel like a lot has happened, but not much at all.  I've moved around a lot, lived in 6 different places, four being in Pennsylvania, one in Germany, and then currently in Arizona.  Still haven't found any stability, nor do i remember much of the two years I lost after college working at a county courthouse.  I can't say that I'm where I thought I would be back then, but I'm not too terribly surprised, either.  I'm still some emo faggot from bumfuck nowhere always chasing after what I can't have, and I don't see that changing.  The only difference is that now I'm older and it's terrifying me because I'm still not ready for life, and missing out on it all.

The Flood / Re: Happy Post Nut Depression Day
« on: May 06, 2021, 02:11:04 AM »
If you're not feeling post nut clarity something is wrong.
I still dont understand what this clarity is or is supposed to be
It's apparently more noticeable for people who get addicted to porn and end up watching more extreme/odd content to fit the bill. The clarity part hits and makes people suddenly feel disgusted with what they just watched, or shows up in some other form such as depression coming back to fill the void from the high of masturbation.
personally, i've cut down to watching porn maybe once a month, and what i watch is extremely vanilla by internet standards, and i still get "post-nut clarity"

there's actually a much older french term for the phenomenon: la petite mort, which literally translates to "a little death"—it's like the brain is distressed that it allowed itself to be overcome by carnal desire once again

the fact that casper doesn't understand it also leads me to think the phenomenon may be linked with intelligence

Wow colour me surprised I didn't think the most intellectual interaction I'd have today would be about basement dwellers and depressed millenials blowing their loads over bell delphine's bathwater. God works in mysterious ways as they say.

I don't get no magic nut clarity since my ability to produce dopamine and serrotonin were fucked a long time ago, so no need to wank into a sock for me, I guess if we're gonna sit around and talk about that shit like drinking buddies.
Like, if the "clarity" is just the feeling of moving onto something productive, then yeah I get that.  Maybe being on hrt affects things too.  But I've noticed that compared to my friend, or whatever you'd wanna call him, he gets tired afterwards but I feel more awake.  Idk im not sure what the nut has top do with the clarity of my conscious tho, when dwelling on things is my default state

Ten thousand percent not about the main topic, but while we're on the topic of hormones I may as well shoot. Lately I've read up on studies being done on soy and why it's bad for for either men or women because it disrupts their hormone levels. Too much of that is associated with cancer.

Been a question I've had on the mind for a long while now. If disrupting hormones increases the likelyhood of cancer by quite a bit, then is there a possibility in the following decades that we'll see a massive spike of cancer in people who've undergone hrt? I don't wager you've got an answer, but the mention brought the question up.
Possibly, mtf hrt can increase the risk of breast cancer since it gives you boobs, but also lowers the chance of prostate cancer.  Of course there are other health risks besides cancer, but it also depends on what your medication is like.  Also, you're changing your hormonal makeup with hrt, not "disrupting" your endocrine system like those other things do

The Flood / Re: Happy Post Nut Depression Day
« on: May 05, 2021, 05:48:30 PM »
If you're not feeling post nut clarity something is wrong.
I still dont understand what this clarity is or is supposed to be
It's apparently more noticeable for people who get addicted to porn and end up watching more extreme/odd content to fit the bill. The clarity part hits and makes people suddenly feel disgusted with what they just watched, or shows up in some other form such as depression coming back to fill the void from the high of masturbation.
personally, i've cut down to watching porn maybe once a month, and what i watch is extremely vanilla by internet standards, and i still get "post-nut clarity"

there's actually a much older french term for the phenomenon: la petite mort, which literally translates to "a little death"—it's like the brain is distressed that it allowed itself to be overcome by carnal desire once again

the fact that casper doesn't understand it also leads me to think the phenomenon may be linked with intelligence

Wow colour me surprised I didn't think the most intellectual interaction I'd have today would be about basement dwellers and depressed millenials blowing their loads over bell delphine's bathwater. God works in mysterious ways as they say.

I don't get no magic nut clarity since my ability to produce dopamine and serrotonin were fucked a long time ago, so no need to wank into a sock for me, I guess if we're gonna sit around and talk about that shit like drinking buddies.
Like, if the "clarity" is just the feeling of moving onto something productive, then yeah I get that.  Maybe being on hrt affects things too.  But I've noticed that compared to my friend, or whatever you'd wanna call him, he gets tired afterwards but I feel more awake.  Idk im not sure what the nut has top do with the clarity of my conscious tho, when dwelling on things is my default state

Do you even get horny?
Not particularly anymore, unless provoked

The Flood / Re: Happy Post Nut Depression Day
« on: May 05, 2021, 03:51:51 AM »
If you're not feeling post nut clarity something is wrong.
I still dont understand what this clarity is or is supposed to be
It's apparently more noticeable for people who get addicted to porn and end up watching more extreme/odd content to fit the bill. The clarity part hits and makes people suddenly feel disgusted with what they just watched, or shows up in some other form such as depression coming back to fill the void from the high of masturbation.
personally, i've cut down to watching porn maybe once a month, and what i watch is extremely vanilla by internet standards, and i still get "post-nut clarity"

there's actually a much older french term for the phenomenon: la petite mort, which literally translates to "a little death"—it's like the brain is distressed that it allowed itself to be overcome by carnal desire once again

the fact that casper doesn't understand it also leads me to think the phenomenon may be linked with intelligence

Wow colour me surprised I didn't think the most intellectual interaction I'd have today would be about basement dwellers and depressed millenials blowing their loads over bell delphine's bathwater. God works in mysterious ways as they say.

I don't get no magic nut clarity since my ability to produce dopamine and serrotonin were fucked a long time ago, so no need to wank into a sock for me, I guess if we're gonna sit around and talk about that shit like drinking buddies.
Like, if the "clarity" is just the feeling of moving onto something productive, then yeah I get that.  Maybe being on hrt affects things too.  But I've noticed that compared to my friend, or whatever you'd wanna call him, he gets tired afterwards but I feel more awake.  Idk im not sure what the nut has top do with the clarity of my conscious tho, when dwelling on things is my default state

The Flood / Re: Happy Post Nut Depression Day
« on: May 04, 2021, 04:50:18 AM »
If you're not feeling post nut clarity something is wrong.
I still dont understand what this clarity is or is supposed to be

The Flood / Re: Building a PC am I cool now
« on: March 05, 2021, 03:05:37 AM »
new meme


somehow my temps are lower...

Some days I regret not going with an itx build

The Flood / Re: If there's no more reason to keep going, why?
« on: February 10, 2021, 08:42:34 PM »
I feel this, the guy I was just with left me for his cheating ex, and I'm at a total loss for what to do.  My back up is school in Iceland, but if that falls through then I have less than I do now, and I already feel like I have nothing.

The Flood / Re: Gunpla
« on: February 09, 2021, 03:47:20 AM »
I finally broke and pre-ordered this.  Bullshit that it's P-Bandai, but I'm sure they'll use some of the molds again for a Silver Bullet or Doven Wolf

The Flood / Re: Dogecoin just hit $0.01
« on: January 05, 2021, 01:35:12 AM »
you just convinced me to buy $20 worth

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been anxious from a missed phone call?
« on: December 20, 2020, 12:06:36 AM »
When I was little, I would cry when I missed phone calls from my dad while he was at work, before cell phones at all.  Something about voicemails has made me sad ever since, like it might the the last time I hear someone's voice, and I wasnt there to talk to them directly

The Flood / Re: i have covid™ ask me ama
« on: November 21, 2020, 03:14:26 AM »
Covid is a spook, my roommate brought it back from Florida and I never got it even after we fucked.  His wife neither

The Flood / Re: Social intelligence test
« on: October 29, 2020, 05:40:58 PM »
Got 30/36, but mostly because it was multiple choice.  It's so much easier to see what they're going for as a test when they give you options

The Flood / Re: Citizens of China finally allowed to have Freedom...
« on: October 25, 2020, 12:51:40 AM »
I remember thinking how ironic that was when it was announced, but it also makes sense because china like dumb flashy designs.  Kinda surprised they didnt go with the Strike Freedom with its gold frame

The Flood / Re: Take this
« on: October 10, 2020, 06:31:41 AM »
wasnt totally sure on some of the questions, since how I think I am and how others see I am are different

Also I think one way but usually end up doing the opposite
Yeah, that was something people have found weird about me, how I think one way that's drastically different than how I act in person. I find the serotonin thin weird, too, because it's not like I'm good at planning things, I just dwell on the future a lot and all the different ways things can play out, which leads to a lot of indecision up until the last minute, which drives my nuts

The Flood / Re: Take this
« on: October 10, 2020, 02:47:27 AM »
wasnt totally sure on some of the questions, since how I think I am and how others see I am are different

The Flood / Re: damn bruh trannies actually do be crazy tho
« on: October 08, 2020, 12:47:45 AM »
I didn't read but what's up with internet trannies and their love for cute child like avatars and bright colors
peter pan syndrome + autism

The Flood / Re: damn bruh trannies actually do be crazy tho
« on: October 08, 2020, 12:47:19 AM »
This is why i stick with femboys

The Flood / Re: Where do you see yourself in five years?
« on: September 29, 2020, 02:22:30 AM »
According to the memes, dead

The Flood / Re: do you like the area you live in?
« on: September 29, 2020, 02:21:46 AM »
Not really no, not sure what i was expecting from Tucson

The Flood / Re: Grow Up
« on: September 23, 2020, 09:51:24 PM »
true to a degree, but there's more too it
Hi Casper. Did you do that thing and move out of US? I think you were planning to study abroad?
Not yet cuz of corona, application period isnt until December/January.  But I'm in Arizona for the mean time, but will probably end up going back to PA to recover from FFS

The Flood / Re: Grow Up
« on: September 22, 2020, 05:08:52 AM »
true to a degree, but there's more too it

The Flood / Re: What are you eating?
« on: September 09, 2020, 05:09:54 PM »
I made soup..?  I made something

The Flood / Re: Parking Next to a Car in an Empty Lot
« on: August 28, 2020, 11:52:45 PM »
This just happened to me in Virginia, my car was packed full, so i wasnt able to use my rearview mirror.  I stopped at a rest area later in the day and parked way down away from everyone just to make backing out easier.  I come back out from the bathroom, and there's some dumbass parked right next to me on my right.  I really dont understand peoples' obsession with that

The Flood / Re: Do you have any regrets?
« on: August 23, 2020, 01:07:38 AM »
Off the top of my head, college, coming home from Germany, and not calling off of work the day I wrecked. I don't really have too many legit regrets, but the ones I do bother me to no end

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