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Messages - Tacoworld501

Pages: 1
"We're making this about putting you in this social space and you into your soldier."
See, they say this, but then for starters, the social space they're putting you in won't have the swastika, but more importantly, won't even be a realistic WWII social space.

They won't be Red Orchestra 2 with the Battle of Stalingrad. There will be little kids running around, dying and re spawning instantly, calling in killstreaks, etc.

So if they're trying to put you into the same world that those soldiers experience, I can't say they're doing a great job.

Just saying. I don't bother buying/playing CoD games.

The Flood / Re: Saving Private Ryan
« on: June 20, 2017, 05:41:36 AM »
The opening sequence is perfection. Especially respect how they did their research with the Czech conscripts.

The rest is honestly not all that amazing. Not terrible, has it's really good moments, but doesn't compare to how well the start was.

Holy fuck it's Taco

when did you get here
Date Registered:
    June 17, 2017, 02:29:41 AM

The Flood / Re: Saving Private Ryan
« on: June 20, 2017, 05:31:45 AM »
The opening sequence is perfection. Especially respect how they did their research with the Czech conscripts.

The rest is honestly not all that amazing. Not terrible, has it's really good moments, but doesn't compare to how well the start was.

Agreed on the rushed aspect, but I question as to who is responsible for how short the season was, rather it be the creators or the producers.

it was good

not everything needs a happy ending

Pages: 1