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Septagon / Re: Cheat's Big Suggestion Thread
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:40:55 AM »
I made my first post a few mins ago. i dont like the fact that it has to be approved my a moderator before being posted. What happened to all that jazz you were telling me on about it being alot more free over here? Even had your recruiter Birth tell me you'd have to really try hard to get banned, yet, before you can even post ANYTHING be it controversial or not, it has to be APPROVED?? What if I have an immediate question or concern? I have to sit around and wait until someone logs on and checks? Even this one says it. If that's the case, I doubt I'll be returning. Id rather let the comminity decide (and even mods) POST fact, then to have everything "pre-approved". Whats the whole point of free speech and come over here we're better, when really it doesnt seem like it. At least has a CoC and if you violate THEN hammer swings. Here, you cant even be heard unless you are "approved" first??

Sigh...seemed like a cool idea. Guess its back to toxic 4chan, sunbdued new reddit, and dark net forums for me.

The Flood / My First B.Net ban :D
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:30:18 AM »
So I got my first "warning" ban today for my make a girl with only 5 dollars post. (some of you may have seen it, of course they waited until it was trending and 1,000 people answered it) for violating the "play nice" clause of the CoC. I read through the CoC and the HIDDEN CoC, and it didnt violate anything. Just another example of mod personal opinion abuse instead of actually going by what CoC states.

Anyways, since when did "WARNING" become MUTED UNTIL BAN IS OVER??  And does anyone know how long said mute ban lasts? And does this mean that now only mods and such can see my posts now, because i got an arms length of posts Im ready to toss on there if no one else can see them but the mods. (asking because if even they cant then it would be pointless and only funny to myself)

Anyways, thank god for Sep. Thanks again Cheat!

Peace out.

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