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Messages - Ridiculous Tales

Pages: 1 23 ... 5
Serious / Re: This is why meme-politics need to stop
« on: June 15, 2017, 12:58:29 PM »
I think this probably had more to do with the ultra partisanship that's been running rampant on the Left ever since a certain someone was elected, rather than the oversimplification of political issues on social media.

Serious / Re: HABBEDING, explosion in St Petersburg metro
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:20:14 PM »
Putin will do something about it I imagine.
"hurr durr hurr....americans/joooz/nato/rothschilds/illuminati/george soros is responsible....durr hurr durr"

Serious / Re: WikiLeaks releases thousands of CIA documents
« on: March 09, 2017, 03:06:56 PM »
What I don't get is how people are always so quick to treat anything released by that FSB proxy as pure fact.

No one ever seems to question the validity of leaked documents or even why LemmyWinks only seems to target prominent western governments. Just that whatever supposed government secret gets leaked is obviously an indication of bad intentions.

Serious / Re: Eat shit Kim Jong-un
« on: February 22, 2017, 11:48:37 AM »
it's not like the people of the DPRK were going to see a cent from it anyway
The people living in NK are already smaller than the people living in SK, despite living in the same area. The NK government having less money is going to result in poorer conditions for the regular people.
Honestly I don't see how it could really get much worse for the people of North Korea at this point, regardless of how much money is in the state coffers.

Serious / Re: Science Is racist
« on: February 04, 2017, 02:40:48 PM »
Why does she feel the need to say "decolonize" or any variation of that word every 5 seconds?

"B-b-b-b-but western white male oppression"

Serious / Re: Fuck yeah, we (UK) are getting laser guns
« on: January 05, 2017, 11:16:10 AM »
"Oi m8, we're fucking irrelevant on the world stage"

"Wot do bruv?"

"Let's build a bloody laser"
More relevant than shitty third-world Russia.

Serious / Re: White Trump supporter tortured on stream by a couple blacks
« on: January 05, 2017, 11:10:42 AM »
Lol just imagine the shitstorm if it was whitey doing that to a groid.

Honestly 700 is so negligible anyway that this is nothing celebrate over, especially when thousands upon thousands of jobs continue to be lost overseas.

Serious / Re: I have a question about the end of the world.
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:47:55 AM »
Nuking the whole planet? That's a terrible way to go for those who don't get immediately vaporized.

No, like what the poster above said, governments would try in vain to keep order as society inevitably breaks down. There would just be a lot of crime and mass suicides during that depressing 30 (years I presume?) period.

Serious / Re: Arabs BTFO
« on: December 31, 2016, 06:31:45 PM »
The middle east really is tragic, though. They're up to their ears in oil and money but are the least progressive (social, government, technological) in the world. They ought to be bastions innovation, space exploration, medicine, education, and culture.
Wasn't the middle east a bastion of all those things at one point in history though? Why is the region now in such a sorry state? Does it have something to do with colonialism/culture/religion?

Serious / Re: UNSC condemns Israeli settlements - US abstained from vote
« on: December 27, 2016, 02:14:16 PM »
So how long did it take the poor me poor me poor me State to cry hatred, antisemitism, the holocaust, six million etc.

Serious / Re: Several electors plan to vote for John Kasich over Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 12:07:11 PM »
>Hillary had the most faithless electors since James Madison 200 over years ago.

Every time I think she can't possibly get any more BTFO, she still keeps on getting more and more BTFO, and it's fucking amazing.
Still won the popular vote fair and square. If we weren't a shit country, that would've made her president.
Trump led everywhere but California. America is a federal nation, comprised of constitutionally sovereign states. Allowing California to strongarm the rest of the country would be ridiculous.
No it wouldn't. Why SHOULDN'T the most populous state strongarm the rest of the country?

I'll adjust this to be a bit more....realistic.

Why shouldn't the states who contribute most to the national economy not have a much larger say over the states who require the most aid and government assistance?
This is actually a really good point. It says here that of all the counties that Clinton carried, they contribute to roughly two-thirds of the nation's economic output whereas Trump's mostly rural holdings contribute to only a third of output.

Serious / Re: Russian Ambassador to Turkey Killed by Gunman
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:31:41 PM »
"Americans/Jews/Obama/Israel/NATO/Zionists/Ukrainians/Nazis/CIA/Carpe Diem/Mossad/Benjamin Netanyahu did this."

-Typical RT nutjob reaction


SNP remains the last bastion of cuckoldry for the Tories at this point tbqfh.
Isn't Labour on the Kremlin's payroll? It would make sense given some of their talking points and Corbyn's anti-NATO rhetoric at least.

Serious / Re: So much for draining the swamp
« on: December 08, 2016, 11:39:44 AM »
Kinda offtopic but why were those sweeping surveillance bills passed in both the US and UK in the first place? And why were they passed at roughly the exact same time? Haven't they already been getting away with spying and hacking into our personal devices since 2001? What more could they possibly need.

Serious / Re: Trump "punishes" Carrier by giving them $7 million tax deal
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:43:25 PM »
Bernie Sanders introduced a protectionist anti-outsourcing bill.
Don't the republicans still control both houses of congress? I don't see why they would give this proposal much thought, especially since "starve the beast" appears to still be in full swing.

Nigga you expect me to read all that shit

People who lost jobs due to cheap Chinese imports tend to vote for more extreme candidates, like Trump. The US government missed a chance to help pay for retraining these workers and has a very few options left.
Missed a chance?

It just gets better and better.

Serious / Re: Mike Pence facing his own emails scandal
« on: November 16, 2016, 11:16:06 AM »
destroying evidence in an FBI investigation
Lol was this the one that was leaked by the FSB proxy LemmyWinks?

Hmmm, I would've thought Titan would be the most promising extraterrestrial body to potentially support life beyond Earth given its the only other body in the solar system besides Earth with a dense atmosphere and the presence of liquid methane on its surface. Plus its hydrocarbon seas aren't covered by 7 miles of ice like Europa.

Either way both are fascinating to me. I just have an acute interest in Titan over any other moon in our solar system.

Why Europa though in particular? Even though I know both are a ways down the line, I wouldn't mind seeing NASA direct resources to exploring Titan personally.

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:28:26 AM »
Anyways, I don't think Trump planned on winning. I think he was running to prove a point on how fractured the Republican party was. He's been quoted saying how he's having trouble accepting that he won.
Doubt it. The dude's a businessman, he doesn't give a shit about public service. I bet he ran simply because his friends in Moscow told him to. They're just using him to incite divisions within our country and to paint a negative image of American democracy and leadership to the world as a whole. I don't think he ever expected to win either, I imagine he only ran so as to possibly expand his real estate name into Russia.

Russia helped. No question there. Still, There's nothing showing he really intended to win.
Oh, I know and I completely agree he never intended for this to come as far as it did. He'll probably follow Dumbya's lead by stepping aside to let Pence take the reigns while appearing on certain occasions for pr purposes so that he can continue to run his private ventures. I still find it utterly disgusting that American voters are willing to stick it to "the establishment" by putting a Kremlin stooge in the white house.

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:14:54 AM »
Anyways, I don't think Trump planned on winning. I think he was running to prove a point on how fractured the Republican party was. He's been quoted saying how he's having trouble accepting that he won.
Doubt it. The dude's a businessman, he doesn't give a shit about public service. I bet he ran simply because his friends in Moscow told him to. They're just using him to incite divisions within our country and to paint a negative image of American democracy and leadership to the world as a whole. I don't think he ever expected to win either, I imagine he only ran so as to possibly expand his real estate name into Russia.

Rubio has suggested enacting term limits on federal legislators and Supreme Court justices
That part sounds good, at least. I'm kind of on the fence on the whole "give power to the states" thing, though. On the one hand, it's necessary in a federal state and can be very beneficial on an economic level. It makes perfect sense that each already pretty independent area is in the best position to govern the people living there and to set forth the best policies that are adapted to that specific part of the country, having the best and most accurate knowledge on its state of affairs. But on the other, I can never fully shake the feeling that all these (usually Republican) calls for increased state autonomy and independence are really just reasons to avoid progress and cling to its backwards and usually pretty religious policies and traditions.

I don't know, I guess I just rarely see this being used for actually solid purposes. Most of it seems to be motivated by goals of keeping God's creationism in schools and evolution out of them, not allowing gays to marry, fostering discrimination and alienation of minorities, breaking down the (in America already very thin) separation of church and state and so on.
What else is new? The Republicunts have always been trying to find loopholes and ways to shove their bastardized religion down everyone's throats.

How about the abolition of the Republicunt Party and the public flaying of the Koch Brothers.

Serious / Re: Yes, the U.S. should play world policeman
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:29:50 PM »

1:The Russian Constitution provides freedom of religion
2:Putin being the leader means nothing
3:There is as much proof of Russian Elections being rigged as there is for most other first world countries
4:The freedom of speech thing is a large issue, I'll give you that

RT = Ridiculous Tales

Serious / Re: Yes, the U.S. should play world policeman
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:27:42 PM »
I still don't like having bases in the Middle East, especially when those bases protect the Wahhabist cancers of the gulf. Since the US is becoming self-sufficient in oil, I don't really see the need to remain in that rotten cesspit. Saudi oil means nothing anymore.

Also, if immigration won't solve Europe's demographic problem than what will?

Serious / Re: Why do people treat the constitution like a holy scripture?
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:00:56 PM »
Because American conservatards and Republicunt propaganda.

Serious / Re: Obama to take unilateral action on US gun violence
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:31:25 PM »
Lol the NRA and their Republicunt patsies will cry and rage. :D

Serious / Re: Religion of Peace thread
« on: January 01, 2016, 12:25:05 AM »
Muslims = The Middle Eastern equivalent of Russians

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